The Massage

By Michelle M.

Erika’s dad had owned a large successful dog breeding ranch, located on 85 acres of mountain type of landscape. Erika’s mom had passed away years ago. She was now helping her dad run the business, just graduating from high school, when her dad suffered a heart attack, leaving her all alone with a business to run or decide what to do with it.

JJ worked for an underground organization, operating some clubs in Mexico and South America, called Dogs & Donkeys. They specialized in shows featuring women enjoy the pleasures of sexual coupling with one of these special animals. Still, they were also researching a new dog, so discretely to women who privately wanted to enjoy this same pleasure in the privacy of their own home.

This research division had discovered a new drug, and now they needed someplace in the US where they could raise this special breed. That is when JJ flew to Erika’s dad’s funeral, attending the funeral, introducing herself to the large-chested redhead, telling how sorry she was for her loss, but she had a unique proposal. Maybe they could get together after this and talk.

The following week, the big breasted brunette was invited to Erika’s home for drinks, with the idea of discussing the idea of combining what the research department had discovered, possibly combining their resources in what could be a very profitable endeavor. The two of them, nude in the redhead’s bed, enjoying the afterglow of a vigorous sexual experience, JJ was on her side, running a finger over one of E’s proud nipple.

“We’d have to do some remodeling of the kennels. We’d want the private one under the main one, only accessible through one of the main kennels, and we’d need our first volunteer to make sure the drug works. What do you think?” JJ asked.

Rolling on her side, moving closer to JJ, pressing her bare pussy against JJ’s bare leg, slowly moving it back and forth, enjoying the feeling.

“I can have the construction started this week,” E said. “I already contacted a builder, who was a friend of my dad. There is a young girl who does my nails. She has huge natural tits, a killer body. We have enjoyed each other multiple times. Her name is Jenny. I can have her here this afternoon.”

Then they kissed, coming up for air, JJ said, “I also was shown a security system that can monitor the entire property, showing us any live figure on it, when we enter or come out of the basement kennel, it would be nice to know who was here.”

They shared a second orgasm of the morning. Erika called Jenny, made arrangements to move the present kennel to a temporary place, the security system was lined up. JJ carried a small dog kennel down to the basement. When Jenny arrived, she was drugged, taken down to the kennel. The experimental drug was given, to be repeated daily for 30 days. One of E’s favorite dogs was a big male Bernese Mountain Dog named Raymond.

The construction was completed in a couple of weeks, Jenny’s car had been smuggled back over the border, stripped and sold, her belongings had been destroyed, and it was evident the drug was doing something to her.

By the end of one week of injections, she had stopped trying to escape. Her breasts were getting even better and heavier. When Either E or JJ would sit with her, she’d lay her head in their lap, enjoying them rubbing her body. Her pussy was now constantly wet, as well as becoming much more sensitive. Rubbing her pussy, would bring on low moans while her breathing increased.

Two days after the last shot was given, the two could see, she was definitely in heat. Bringing down Raymond, watching him walk around her, sniffing, then finally licking her pussy, JJ and E were lounging on a small sofa, both nude. They had put in a breeding bench, all padded, where Jenny crawled to as soon as the dog licked her.

She kept her legs wide open, bottom high in the air, her eyes closing each time the big dog licked her, finally jumping up on her back, a few short jumps, and he was in her. There was no resistance, no pushing him away, only total acceptance with his cock buried deep inside her.

JJ and E were becoming so horny watching Jenny not only being fucked by a dog, but it looked like she was enjoying him in her.

When he knotted with her, the two of them were pumping each other’s pussies with their fingers while Jenny experienced her first mind shattering orgasms.

The two of them tied three more times that day. While JJ and E were up in the kennels, E was the one to have her pussy coated with a gel that would show a male dog she was in heat.

JJ watched and guided a yellow lab inside her lover. He fucked her like any dog does, quick and hard. The knot was painful, but when it slipped in, the orgasm that followed. When his warm cum flooded E’s pussy, she lost all ability to think and only enjoy what was happening to her, unsure why she hadn’t discovered this earlier.

As soon as he pulled out of her and she could talk, they switched places, letting JJ enjoy the ultimate in erotic sexual activities.

Jenny and her new loved mated multiple times over three days, barely breaking to eat or drink, then back together again. A vet, who took care of the women in the clubs, stopped by to check on Jenny. After a complete exam, she looked up, smiling, and said, “We have a pregnant young lady, now in a few weeks, we’ll see how the pups look and act.”

Two months later, she gave birth to 6 all black cute puppies. The doctor was again here, the three of them had enjoyed multiple times in bed, but she helped Jenny deliver her first set of doggie puppies when they noticed how sexual the pups seemed.

When they first kidnapped her, the shots Jenny had received in her breasts gave her plenty of milk to nurse the little ones. That’s when the doctor noticed something different from most pups. Turning to JJ, she said, “Look at Jenny’s expression when the pups are nursing. It looks like she is experiencing a climax, but the other pups are zeroing in on her erogenous zones.”

They watched, and just as the physician had said, they were on her clit, her toes, her neck, her ears, and so on. They had somehow developed a sexually enhanced new breed of dog. Something else they noticed, all the pups were all males. As they grew, they were much easier to train as women’s ultimate source of never-ending pleasure.

Jenny was able to give birth to four sets of pups, each one 6 pups or more. The largest litter was 9. She was pregnant with her 5th litter when JJ and E were in bed, enjoying the sex they had experienced that morning. JJ rolled over and said, “You know this will be the last litter of pups Jenny can give us. We need a new volunteer, any ideas?”

The more they talked, that’s when my name came up. Erika and I had gone to school together, we had enjoyed each other’s bodies multiple times, and her new live-in girlfriend JJ and I had done the same.

I am 5’4”, small body, double FF tits, all-natural, long blonde hair, working as a masseuse at the local country club. The club pays well. I only work on women and in many cases, since I am a well documented lesbian, offers come for a private session in their homes, so when JJ made an appointment with me at the club.

She has a perfect body in so many ways. We talked about E and what the two of them were doing. Moving my hands over her bare body was spiking my own arousal more than normal. When she moved to lay on her back, I was spending some time between her legs. When she raised her head and said, “Do you have some time to give me a private session at home?”

She handed me $500, taking the money, playfully spanking her bottom, I said, “I’d love to spend some time with you. I can come over this evening and if you need, spend the weekend.”

I was told to pull my little Camero in the back garage, then just come inside. Friday evening JJ greeted me at the back door, nude and looking horny as hell. Taking me by the hand, we went to her bedroom. I was concerned that E was nowhere to be seen. When JJ pulled me to her, kissing me, it didn’t take long for me to be nude also, falling onto her bed, our hands exploring each other’s bodies, loving the way she gave pleasure between my legs, with her mouth.

It only took me a few minutes to explore. After a short rest, I moved to her breasts, sucking on her nipples, biting lightly on them, moving down her tummy to her clit, sucking on it, then inserting a single finger up inside her, pumping it in and out quickly while sucking and licking her pussy, she explodes also.

The rest of the evening, we took advantage of small mini-orgasms washing over both of us, ending up totally exhausted and falling asleep in each other’s arms.

The following morning we showered together. Taking me by the hand, JJ said, “Let me show you our newest puppies. I know you’ll love them?”

When we entered the kitchen, Ericka was there, also nude, preparing a pot of coffee. Seeing us, she asks, “Did you guys have fun?” She hugs me, making sure our nude bodies rub against one another, then pulling back. “You guys going to see the puppies? I’ll bring the coffee and join you.”

JJ leads the way to the kennels, then down a private stairway to a room below the main kennel. Small beautiful puppies were running everywhere as soon as we got in, but I saw a young lady over to the side, holding two puppies sucking on her nipples. Her legs were wide open. She looked like she was in the throes of multiple orgasms, my face in shock. Looking at JJ, I asked, “What is happening? I don’t understand. Is she nursing the puppies?”

JJ gently lowered me to a mattress, where immediately the puppies gathered around me, one of them moving between my legs, starting to suck on and lick on my pussy. It was so sudden, I was shocked, but his licking aroused me quickly, so quickly I laid back on the soft covering. Two more little ones jumped on my nipples, sucking, licking, and lightly biting them. This had an immediate effect on me. My eyes rolled up in my head. I was being kissed on my neck. One was sucking on my toes. All of this had me in a sexual high I’d never experienced before.

I never felt the two shots given to me in my bottom, and only a small pinch when the injections were in my breasts. The dogs kept at me, bringing on a massive orgasm, followed by many smaller ones. Finally, I was so exhausted. My body slowly slipped into a deep sleep.

JJ and E left quietly, making sure the stairway was locked. For the next couple of days, I’d wake to be assaulted and slip back into a relaxing sleep after having multiple climaxes.

All the sucking and licking of my nipples filled up with milk quickly, so when two of the little ones began to nurse, it was such a sexually erotic feeling that I never knew this could be anything like it, causing me to lay back, my hips rising and dropping back down, my pussy becoming so wet, for the first time in my life, it seemed like my life was only a sexual haze from day-to-day.

Each morning JJ gave me a shot. By the third day, I was becoming submissive to the point, nothing seemed to matter, just enjoying my body being nursed, it seemed I was in a mini orgasm or a major one spiraling over me.

Jenny and I slept in each other’s arms at night, she had no idea what had happened to her, but she told me she had been pregnant multiple times.

Much faster than I wanted, the puppies were ready to be trained further. At the same time, Jenny was taken away.

By the time JJ gave me the final shot, something was happening in my body within a few days. There was an internal itch. I needed to get impregnated. That is when JJ and E brought a beautiful big lab down with them. As soon as I saw him, I moved quickly to the ottoman, making my pussy available, my legs spread wide apart. He sniffed the air, walked around me, sniffing here and there. He finally licked me, then stepped back, studying me closely.

As soon as he licked me, I dropped my head and said, “Please, oh please fuck me. I need you in me as quickly as possible.”

He was convinced I was in heat a few more licks, jumping up on top of me, a few small jumps, I finally feel him sliding inside me. Normally I’d have been in a fit of fury, not wanting any dog even to lick me, but now, his cock felt so good inside me. Pushing back to him, it only took a few minutes of him pounding deep inside me when I felt his knot push against my opening. Inwardly smiling, knowing what was about to happen, suddenly he was in me. I exploded when the hard part landed on my G-spot, a few more pumps and a satisfying warm feeling filling me up. In my heart, I knew I would soon be pregnant.

When he pulled out of me, I cleaned his cock. Then he was in me again—more cleaning and back in me. We tied four times that day. Three times the next one and three more times the third day. When the girls came down, I was so happy, knowing I was very much pregnant.

Hugging me, E said, “How are you feeling, Nikki.”

My tummy was bloated from so much seed inside me, laying back and closing my eyes. “I’m sleepy, but I’ve never felt any better.” Then remembering, I asked, “Where did Jenny go?”

E was behind me, kissing my neck, “She is in Mexico at a club called Dogs and Donkeys. She is enjoying fucking a donkey every evening. You may be joining her in a year or so.”

Slipping off to sleep, thinking of something to look forward to.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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