Training Mai Lin

By lovnbowser. I was a nineteen-year-old junior with a modicum of talent. During the summer program, the assistant administrator of women’s athletics approached me about sharing a room and mentoring an incoming freshman hotshot swimmer. We had finished second in the NCAA women’s swimming championships, and this new freshman was supposed to be the answer for us to climb to the pinnacle. I wasn’t a swimmer. I played basketball. But, I was acknowledged as one who could adapt and get

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And Sonny Makes Three

By Frank Jackson. Brenda and Liz became best friends shortly after high school. They graduated in the same class but did not know each other very well. Once they both ended up in the working world, employed at the same firm, and with no other friends to socialize with, they began going to clubs together. The plan was to share cab fare, show up together and sit at the same table until they met eligible men. From there, they would

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One Mistress. One Beauty. Two Beasts.

By SilkMoon. “We’re going to miss you,” I said. The short busty blonde gathered the last two bags and glanced at the waiting car. I’ll miss you too.” the blue-eyed young girl replied. “And the Boys. I learned so much. I just have to take this job. You understand.” “Of course. Your obligation has ended.” “Thanks for everything,” she said, turning and walking down the path to the car. The Boys stood on either side of me, watching her go.

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The Wolf Lady

By Michelle M. People in town, especially the men, called her the wolf lady or the wolf’s bitch. Stories were told of seeing her late at night, running naked with the wolf pack. For me, she was perfect in every way. Tall, olive skin, huge breasts that had no sag in them, standing proud on her chest, she was friends with my mother, that is how I meant her the first time, she had stopped by for something, as I

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The Wolf Pack

By Michelle M. I submitted a series of pictures showing a beaver family surviving in the winter, taken not far from my home in Colorado. Since I was only 16 and still living with my parents, the two ladies from a major publishing company had to have mom and dad present when they made me an offer to come and join them. The offer was more than generous. They would provide tutors to help me finish high school. I’d be

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The Massage

By Michelle M. Erika’s dad had owned a large successful dog breeding ranch, located on 85 acres of mountain type of landscape. Erika’s mom had passed away years ago. She was now helping her dad run the business, just graduating from high school, when her dad suffered a heart attack, leaving her all alone with a business to run or decide what to do with it. JJ worked for an underground organization, operating some clubs in Mexico and South America,

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New Home. New Dog. New Companion.

By Michelle M. My mom passed away from a battle with cancer when I was eleven. That left dad and I to grow and enjoy one another. When I was 25 a couple of years ago, my dad also passed away from disease. That left me alone, but it was not a shock with my dad. We knew it was coming. The one thing he made sure of before his passing, financially, I was secured for the remainder of my

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Big City Blue

Moe Lester —Excerpt— “I sleep naked if you don’t mind,” Angel said warmly. “Hazel, are you sure you want me to stay?” “Don’t be ridiculous. Of course, I don’t. And—and—I prefer to sleep naked too.” she said hotly. “Now, hustle into the bathroom. I’ll follow when you’re through.” Blue watches them, on his feet now and following closely as they go to the bedroom. He sees them separate, the dark skinned one leaving the room while his mistress sheds her

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Dog taught me a lesson

234maxwell432 This is a true story that happened to me six months ago. I logged out of my Facebook account ‘Eva Sanders’, then, I was reading a story in an adult magazine about this girl that was eaten out and fuck with a German Shepherd dog. Now to some of you, this probably sounds gross. However, this chick was turned on and wanted to read more stories like it. Well, I never found any. I am sure that there is

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The Farm

desaangelique It started with me house sitting for my girlfriend. Stacy had this huge Rottweiler dog. The animal is actually bigger than me. His back is as high as my waist and I’m sure he weighed more than me. But he’s a very friendly and affectionate animal. Stacy called him Beast. How affectionate I didn’t know till the third evening after dinner. I might mention that Stacy and I are lesbian lovers. I’m actually bisexual as is Stacy – at

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