Wolf Trap 3

By VeronicaP. Read Part 1 HereRead Part 2 Here ***** Part 3… Life was good right now for Sophie. She was working from home and her confidence had really built up over the past few months, thanks in no small part to her wolf companion. When visiting her grandmother, she was always sure to leave just a little later, just to be sure to give her and her wolf some privacy. She loved those little forays into the forest, and

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Wolf Trap 2

By VeronicaP. Read Part 1 Here. ***** Part 2… She was waiting there, in the exact spot she took the wolf the day before. This time, Sophie was a little more prepared for what was to come. She was the dominant one now, the Alpha in this relationship. It was her scent, her fertile pussy, that had won her wolf over, and now he was thrall to her demands. She set up the same rug on the forest floor, the

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Wolf Trap 1

By VeronicaP. She had seen him out there. He would always stare at her, remark her with his eyes. Yesterday, as Sophie was bringing the shopping back to her grandmother, the wolf was closer than it ever had been. It would stay quiet, watching her, and this time, it was no different, but it was right there, stalking her through the forest and brush on the side of the path. It must have only been 10 feet away from Sophie

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The Monkey King

By pink baby. It was always a very pleasant feeling to walk in the hilly woods. The cool breeze and the beautiful environment were so addictive that it was my daily ritual to go out for a walk with my husband. I had got so much fond of this walk in the woods that even in the absence of my husband I liked to go out there alone. It was the third day that my husband had left for a

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Sexual Hike

By Blade. This is a story of a beautiful and sexy lady named, Lizza. She is 1.7 meters tall with perfect firm breasts and a well rounded tight sexy ass and a sweet clean shaved pussy with shoulder length black hair and deep blue eyes and a perfect tanned skin, she is also well built and an extremely fit women that loves the outdoors especially hiking and camping and lived in a valley on a lovely estate left to her

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The Zoo Keeper

By Lydia Yokomoto. “Do you think you’ll have the system ready by the weekend?” Don Chambers studied Bernie, the small balding manager of the aquarium, carefully hiding his contempt for the man. “I could have it ready tonight if I wanted to, but I’m gonna milk this as long as I can. “Sure, but only if I put in some extra hours.” “Well, maybe you can work the next few nights.” “Fine,” Don said. “But it’ll cost…” “I know. I

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Wolf Cabin (Gay Zoo)

By roversbitch30. Part One: Forced to Submit… I rented a cabin during the fall. The cabin was not expensive and located in the middle of the woods, not a soul in miles. After unpacking, I showered and laid my head down for a much-needed rest. I fell asleep instantly. A few hours later, I woke up to the sound of a howling from outside. I looked at the alarm. It was 3 am. I got up out of bed wearing

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When A Wolf Calls

By Cybrgigolo. Five-thirty AM Saturday. The best time of the day, I thought to myself as I pulled into the trailhead’s parking lot. I pulled into my normal parking spot, and no one else was there this early. I thought about asking my best friend, who lives next door, to join me today. She had asked if I wanted to go out last night, however. So even if she did come home last night, I know she wasn’t alone. She

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Animal Sanctuary

By Kaine105. The quiet clicking of computer keys can sometimes be nearly hypnotic. A steady tempo and soft sound, working in perfect symphony with the words in the mind and the reactions of the fingers. It was like living in a personal bubble, untouchable by the outside world. Honestly, it was Amanda’s second favorite part of her job. “Evening, Amanda,” Eric greeted as he entered her office, breaking the blonde’s concentration. Anyone else would have gotten an irritated scowl for

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Breeding Time

By Bride_of_Freakystein. I stood behind the intimidating metal door to the enclosure, wearing my new Zookeeper uniform. Despite being an official uniform, it looked nothing like the other Zookeepers. Mine was much more provocative and revealing. A crop top version of the tan button-up that fit snugly against my shapely breasts, and very short green shorts that barely covered my round ass. Both articles of clothing were velcroed together at the back, designed to be torn away. While the outfit

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