Animal Sanctuary

By Kaine105.

The quiet clicking of computer keys can sometimes be nearly hypnotic. A steady tempo and soft sound, working in perfect symphony with the words in the mind and the reactions of the fingers. It was like living in a personal bubble, untouchable by the outside world.

Honestly, it was Amanda’s second favorite part of her job.

“Evening, Amanda,” Eric greeted as he entered her office, breaking the blonde’s concentration. Anyone else would have gotten an irritated scowl for coming in without knocking. Still, she’d given up trying to break him of the habit. If he hadn’t learned after two years, nothing short of a miracle would get through to him. “Here are the reports you asked for. Do you need anything else before I head home?”

“No, I should be all set,” she sighed in relief, stretching and working the kinks out of her neck. “Just two more emails to answer, and I’ll be done for the night. Got any plans for the long weekend?”

“Wife wants to go hiking, so probably going to spend most of it trying not to pass out,” her friend joked as he handed over the files. “You?”

“Not really. Just going to lay back and relax. Well…as much as I can with a hundred hungry animals hanging out in my backyard.” That pulled a laugh from the older man, as she’d intended. “Have a good night, Eric.”

“You too, boss.”

He finally left with a smile and a wave, leaving Amanda with the files and a humming computer. She waited until the heard the main door open and close before slowly releasing a very careful breath. The desire to look into the files was intense, but she put them aside to concentrate on the emails she had.

Her family was unsure what to think when she told them she would open an animal sanctuary. They shouldn’t have been surprised; she’d loved exotic animals her entire life. Why spend time on small dogs or ponies when she could focus on leopards, elephants, and dolphins? She’d even started working for the local zoo in her teens. There, she learned about conservation and the threat many animals face.

So she’d dedicated her life to helping however she could and created an animal sanctuary. They took in animals that had been sold into captivity as pets. Most of the creatures they took in couldn’t be released into the wild, so she tried to give them as close to freedom as possible. Every section of the sanctuary had been customized to keep the animals comfortable, and inspectors consistently noted that her animals were happy and well-cared for.

What set her sanctuary apart, though, was their breeding program. Most sanctuaries fixed their animals to prevent breeding, but Amanda had taken a different route. With numbers in the wild quickly dropping and most of her animals being captured instead of bred, the animals in her care were a goldmine in genetics. So every month, she would receive requests from zoos and animal preservation centers for breeding. Not all her animals were breedable, but those who enjoyed a steady sex life.

And that was why should couldn’t wait to read the files. The requests had come in that morning, and she had three days to fulfill the collections.

And that? That was her favorite part of the job.

With the last email sent, the blonde finally turned off the computer and opened the file. Most of the requests were to be expected; her best studs were always in high demand. However, the final request made her sit up in excitement. A zoo in Chicago had a female Przewalski, and she was one of the few sanctuaries that had a male with wild genetics. It was the first time anyone had requested him, so that’s where she would start.

Leaving the office, Amanda casually walked deeper into the sanctuary. Living onsite had certain perks, and working on a semen collection was probably her favorite. She could strip without fear, especially when no one else was on site. Being a closet nudist wasn’t easy, but she made it work, and it wasn’t like the animals cared if she was clothed or not. Why would they when they were naked all the time?

Reaching the Przewalski yard, the blonde whistled once, getting their attention before entering. One too many startled animals had charged her to invade their space without alerting them first. And her wild horses were always happy to see her. After all, her presence meant treats.

The requested stud was easy to pick out; he was the biggest stallion in the herd and always came over to greet her when she visited. She’d raised him since he was a foal, so he was usually happy to see her. She couldn’t get to the other side of the pasture fast enough unless she had a syringe with his yearly vaccinations.

“Hello, big boy,” she greeted, giving him a good scratch behind the ears. “Want to have some fun with me?”

His ears perked forward, knowing what that word meant. Most of her studs did. And when she made her way to the makeshift stables, he followed right on her heels. Semen collection wasn’t hard, but Amanda had figured out early on that many of her boys benefited from some…warm-ups. So in every exhibit, she’d worked in places she privately referred to as breeding stations.

Horizontal platforms she could lay on comfortably as the requested stud mounted her, fucking her good and harder than any human ever could. After a couple of rounds, she would finally collect the semen sample to be sent out while enjoying the feeling of animal cum leaking down her leg.

Even though he wasn’t requested often, her stallion knew exactly what she wanted when she got onto her breeding station. Most studs she would lay on her back so she could watch them, but this one she trusted enough to relax on her stomach. It only took a few seconds before he jumped up, his legs around her hips and his belly rubbing against her back. His cock was already long and erect, and she could feel it rub against her as he gave a couple of short thrusts.

He’d barely nudged against her cunt before he dropped back down. That was normal behavior, so the blonde didn’t worry or look back. There would be a handful of aborted attempts before he got serious and fucked her for real. It was one of the reasons she loved all of her equine studs. They teased better than they fucked, and they all fucked very, very well.

Nearly thirty minutes later, the stallion finally thrust in, uncaring that she wasn’t big enough to take him fully without some stretching. None of the studs cared if she could take them, only that she would. And take him, she did. Even as he hammered into her, thrusting deeper and deeper until she would have sworn that she could taste him in the back of her throat, she kept moaning and begging him to take her harder.

Most horses didn’t last long, but this stud had worked on his stamina and could take her for nearly five minutes. When he finally filled her, she was nearly incoherent with pleasure, basking in the feeling of her womb swelling with his seed. Distantly, she wished it was possible to bear animal offspring; the idea of being knocked up by her animals was an erotic fantasy she often indulged in. Especially when he pulled out, his semen came gushing out of her.

“Good boy,” she praised, sitting up and ignoring the slight shake in her limbs.

Giving the stud a good scratch under the chin, she smiled lazily. It would be a couple of hours before he was ready to take her again, but she wasn’t in any hurry. They had a long weekend, after all. More than enough time to fulfill all of the collection requests and have some fun.

She could fill the order for the wolves next.


Horse cum was still leaking out of her when Amanda woke in the morning. She could hear the Przewalskis shifting outside the shelter, starting their morning routines and not paying the naked human in their stall any mind. Even the stud that had fucked her into oblivion didn’t seem interested in continuing their activities. That was another reason she loved taking animals for lovers. They weren’t clingy. None of them cared if she walked in smelling like another animal. If she bent over for them, they fucked her. If she didn’t, oh well. Maybe next time.

Making sure that the semen sample she’d collected was in the appropriate storage container just outside the pasture, the blonde hooked up a nearby hose to take a makeshift shower. Not nearly enough to be truly clean, but good enough to remove the mud and leaking cum. It also bought her time to plan which animal she wanted to collect next.

As always, there had been various requests from across the country. Zebras, monkeys, apes, bighorn sheep, wolves, big cats, and even some of her bears. Not everything she had was safe to have sex with first, and some animals couldn’t fuck her effectively. She would save those animals until after the weekend so her other volunteers could help, but that left a lengthy list of studs for her to pick up.

But which one was next? She’d originally planned on doing the wolves. Still, her pack wasn’t usually in the mood for fucking early in the morning. They preferred evening marathons, so she’d have to fill the day with other partners. So many cocks to choose from, so little time.

“What do you think?” she asked the camel, watching her dry off. It just blinked at her as it chewed, looking utterly unimpressed. “Excellent idea,” she said anyway, tying her hair back and out of her way. “I’ll just walk around and see who wants me.” Which could be just about anyone. Even some of the female animals liked to dominate her. The only creature to never show any interest in her sexually was the judgemental asshole currently watching her. “Wish me luck.” His grunt was probably not positive, but she pretended it was and walked away.

The animals wouldn’t need specific care for at least a few hours. She’d made sure to overfeed when her volunteers were around, so they shouldn’t be too antsy. Some basic cleanings and dinner should be all that was needed for the day. That left plenty of hours to fuck. Especially when she passed the monkey enclosure and heard one of her favorite calls.

She didn’t have many bonobos compared to the number of other animals. Only six, and only two were male. She was debating sending them to a zoo where they could have a larger clan, but she couldn’t bear the idea. It was a joy having partners that loved casual sex as much as she did. And when she entered their enclosure, she was greeted by happy calls and warm bodies.

It wasn’t long before she lay on the ground, the largest male happily fucking her with strong and steady thrusts. She’d certainly had bigger cocks, but the size of the testicles slapping against her more than made up for it. By the time they were done, she’d be covered in cum, and her womb would be nice and full. Exactly how she liked it. In the meantime, she enjoyed the male between her legs and the female kissing her. Her only complaint was how quickly each session ended, rarely lasting beyond fifteen seconds. Still, it wasn’t so bad when another partner was always waiting their turn.

“Come on,” she grunted as the first male climaxed inside and started filling her. “Give it to me. Our DNA is 98% identical; you’re as close to an animal cousin as I have. So come on. Give me all you’ve got.”

When he pulled out, and the other male could take his place, she was so close to her climax that it almost hurt. So it was a relief when the second stud hit her in all the right places to make her orgasm. The rush wasn’t enough to make her black out like it was with some of the studs, but it did bring about the endorphin rush as her mind turned to mush.

The rocking of a female bonobo against her groin finally brought Amanda back to awareness. The hands around her hips were similar to humans but different enough to remind her that it wasn’t a member of her species that was fucking her. Not someone that would form an emotional attachment to her or get jealous that she slept around. And, no matter how hot the fantasy was, not someone that would be able to knock her up.

God, she loved her life.


“I should probably take a break for lunch,” Amanda groaned as she finally locked the door to the bonobo exhibit and stored the semen samples she had taken. “But first, an actual shower.”

It was probably a good idea, as she smelled like she’d spent the night in a barn, which Amanda had, and then rolled around in a monkey pen, which she had. The cum leaking from her cunt certainly didn’t help the picture.

But before she could go more than a couple of feet, she heard a very familiar roar that made her groin ache in want like she’d been celibate for years. It was the one call that she could never ignore. Before she knew what she was doing, Amanda rushed to the work showers she’d installed for workers who wanted a quick rinse before going home. Special soap inside helped strip scents away, allowing people to safely work with predators after caring for prey items. It was necessary for her, considering it was Star calling for her.

Star was a white Bengel tiger, the first animal she had brought to the sanctuary when it began. He’d only been a cub, rescued from the exotic pet trade, and she had raised him herself. He had also taken her virginity, taking advantage of her nudist tendencies. That was why she would always come running whenever he called for her. After all, she was his mate before she was anyone else’s bitch.

Another roar had her rushing out of the shower and across the sanctuary. It was pure luck that the tiger section wasn’t too far from the monkeys and apes, and most of the large felines didn’t even look up when she hurried by. They all knew what it meant when she was called, and though she sometimes let other males fuck her after Star, there would be no one before him.

Star was pacing by the time she reached him, as big and regal as he had always been. The moment he saw her, he started giving his chuffing call, telling her to hurry in the only way he knew. Amanda was too happy to oblige, slipping into his enclosure as she had a million times. Because of all the inbreeding with white tigers, Star was rarely asked for in a breeding capacity, which was fine. It meant he was all hers.

“Hey, big boy,” she cooed, carefully reaching out and scratching him behind the ears. His purr always made her grin. “You want what’s yours? Hmm?”

Knowing the signals she needed to send to him. In some ways, her relationship with Star wasn’t different from that with other animals. She was a convenient fuck partner. Good for sex and not much else. In other ways, he was one of her few ‘traditional’ partners. He was always happiest when she engaged in the normal tiger mating practices. That meant much face rubbing, quiet rumbles, and rolling on her back when everything was done.

When Star moved behind her, Amanda had no issues with prostrating herself. She couldn’t do the tail flick that tigresses did to signal readiness, but he’d never needed it. Feeling his warm body over her always made her shiver, and when his hips dropped to rub against her, she couldn’t stop a small sound of anticipation. The hardest part of the partnership had been training him out of biting her neck (she was not into being killed by her sexual partners, thank you very much). Still, all he did was lick her neck before dropping his hips and thrusting in.

A tiger penis wasn’t impressive in terms of length at all. A couple of inches at most, but the spines are what made it interesting. They scraped at Amanda’s insides in a way that was almost more pain than pleasure. Going in wasn’t the hard part, even as he rocked a couple of times to wiggle as deep as possible before he came inside. The pain came after he climaxed, and she had to swipe at him, making him jerk out, and all the spines pulled out. But she’d learned to take the pain with pleasure and nearly purred as she rolled on her back. It signaled that she accepted his attempt to breed her and was open to further attempts.

Not that he would mount her again too quickly. Instead, he settled for flopping beside her and starting to ‘groom’ her; it was their usual post-breeding ritual. He’d lick her all over, rubbing his scent into her pores, before taking her a few more times. Today, he seemed unusually focused on her breasts, licking them several times and seeming fascinated when her nipples hardened. It made her wonder what he would do if she lactated and got milk. Would he approve? Would he think that she was making the milk for his cubs?

“Seems like this is the day for fantasizing about one of you knocking me up,” Amanda chuckled, stretching the kinks out of her spine as he groomed her. “You’d probably get all upset if someone else got me pregnant, though, and I don’t need a jealous tiger.”

He chuffed at her, telling her to be quiet before getting up and grooming her abdomen and groin. It would likely be another few minutes before he was ready for round two, but he never let her leave before they’d had at least ten rounds, so the blonde wasn’t too concerned.

Although it meant she would have to hurry to feed all her animals before bed.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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