Bethany 2

By LittleMissK.

Read Part 1 Here.


Part 2…

The two younger men, both burly and strong, and their skin darkened from working in the sun, didn’t even bother with introductions when they pulled her into some form of break room. Glancing wildly about, Bethany began to whimper in fear. Crude pictures of other girls covered the walls, all in some form of perverse sexual situation. From the looks of it, most of the pictures were taken with a Polaroid.

The older man followed them in, laughing. “Fight, girlie, it makes me harder,” he said.

As Bethany was tossed on the couch, she saw that he was already pulling his pants down, his massive cock already hard and aimed in her direction. his shirt discarded on the floor behind him, “let’s see how much fight is left when we’re done.” He was on her in seconds, pinching her nipples hard and twisting them. Bethany screamed. The pain was still resonating as she was picked up and turned around. She could see the two other men shedding their clothes as she felt the hard cock lining up along her back. She continued to scream as he shifted her to put the head of his cock to her puckered asshole.

“Whores like you are too loose for me,” he grunted as he pushed into her. “I like ‘em dry and tight.”

Instinctively, she clenched as he pushed her further down on his cock. He groaned as she sank lower and lower.

“Fuck. Tightest ass I’ve had in ages…” His hands reached around and yanked on her nipples again. “Gets even tighter the more it hurts.”

His voice held a tone of glee as he twisted and rotated her now screaming nipples, getting all nine inches of his thick cock completely into her bowels. Bethany was so focused on the pain that she missed what was happening before her.

A crate was shoved towards the couch for the man to prop his feet up. The pain in her ass shifted as he planted his heels and bounced her on his cock. One of the other men pushed her back into his chest, exposing her pussy to the other two men. They grinned wolfishly at her, and each grabbed an ankle, spreading her legs wide. She had stopped screaming and was panting through the open ring in her mouth as the thick cock ground and rammed into her virgin asshole.

She shrieked when one thick, callused hand reached out and slapped her bare cunt. Hard. Tossing her head between the two, she took in their muscled bodies. And their cocks. One was almost a foot long, maybe a little slenderer than the one in her ass. The other was shorter, six inches or so. And about as thick as a pop can.

“Count, whore,” the man in her ass growled, twisting her nipples again.

Making every attempt to count with the gag in, she shrieked with each strike. Once the man reached ten, she was crying from pain. The man in her ass was now thrusting violently.

“Gonna… Cum… Take it, you dumb cunt!”

With a final growl and push, she felt his cum flooding her guts. Relief slid through her momentarily when she realized he had finished and would pull out of her ass. But that was momentary as he stayed buried in her.

“Gonna be hard for hours yet, girlie…” His laughter shook her, his hands pawing her breast roughly. “And my boys want a turn too.”

Bethany looked wide-eyed at the two young men holding her legs and felt her pussy and ass clench. The man in her ass groaned in pleasure and ground against her some more. The man who had been spanking her pussy stepped out and started rubbing his cock on the arch of her foot. As she watched him, she didn’t see the other man reach down and slap her exposed flesh. His struck much harder than the ones she had received previously. She howled in pain.

“You’re a lousy counter,” he said, fingering through her folds.

She was horrified to realize she was wet.

“We’re going to do it again until I can understand you. Now count…”

He wound up and struck her again. Bethany saw stars from the pain. She couldn’t even attempt language as eight more strikes hit her snatch. She was glad when the pain caused her to pass out.


When Bethany came to, she was tied with a coarse rope, her hands fixed to a point behind her back. She was laying over the crate, knees on the hard dirt floor.

“Good, you’re awake,” was all the warning she got before a cock was shoved into her pussy in a single thrust.

She started screaming again.

“Shut up,” the man fucking her grunted.

“Here,” the older man kneels in front of her, grabbing either side of her head, clean me up.

Bethany almost puked as he shoved his cock past the metal ring and into her mouth.

“Clean it all up, whore.”

She could feel the crate digging into her body as one man fucked her face and another rammed into her from behind. His cock was so long it hit her womb, sending pain shooting through her with every violent thrust. A long, deep groan from behind her preceded the copious amounts of cum flooding her abused hole. She could feel it flow down her thighs as he withdrew. Trying to pull her legs together, Bethany was slapped hard across the face.

“Keep ’em open, you dumb cunt.” The older man slapped her again. “Whores like you don’t close your legs.”

The second man stepped between her legs and tugged her hip bones slightly, the head of his cock teasing around the entrance to her pussy. Using the existing cum to lubricate his entry, Bethany’s scream was muffled by the filthy cock shoved to the back of her throat. The cock in her pussy was tearing her apart. She felt his hips hit her ass in one swift move as he buried himself in her.

“Fuck she’s tight,” he moaned, pulling back before ramming it in again.

He repeated his thrust a few more times before pulling out completely. Bethany struggled even more as the hands gripping her head pulled her face onto his cock, burying himself deep into her throat. She couldn’t breathe. Which also meant she couldn’t scream as the monster cock pressed against her asshole and was shoved balls deep with no warning. He raped her ass for a few violent strokes. Bethany thought she would pass out when the older man withdrew and pulled her face to look up at him.

“This is just the warmup, girlie,” her grinned at her with stained teeth.

She gaped at him stupidly when the cock in her ass pulled out. The crate was pulled away, and Bethany’s face was shoved into the dirt floor, her ass high up in the air. The man behind her shoved his cock back into her pussy. He began a violent alternation of thrusting in her pussy and her ass. Bethany’s shrieks reached such a pitch that she could hear dogs howling from somewhere in the building.

“Fuck… So… Good…” the man growled out as he buried himself in her abused pussy a final time and unloaded himself in her.

When he stood, Bethany fell to her side on the floor, panting and crying.

“Well, Pa, she’s going to need a lot of training,” she could hear them talking as her legs began to be lifted. “I’d like to clean up her face, but those rings bite.”

Bethany was flipped onto her back, staring up at the three men.

“The gag stays in until she’s broken,” the older man stood over her. “Here’s how this goes, girlie. You obey and take cock. You’re only good for being a cunt. You disobey, you’re punished.”

He looked at her expectantly. Bethany nodded weakly. Her jaw was killing her. She would do anything to get this gag out of her mouth.

His grin turned evil again. “Boys, show her what punishment is, just to be sure.”

The man with the long cock took her by one of her ankles and started dragging her. The other man gripped the rope around her body and lifted from a point between her breasts, carrying her further into the building.

Bethany could see that they were in a barn. The room she had just been violated led into a long corridor of stalls. Turning her head, she could see a variety of dogs peaking out of stalls. At one point, she thought she saw a woman in a cage in one of the stalls. But when she twisted to look back, they brought her into a stall and dropped her onto the floor. Hanging on the walls were various implements, dildos, plugs, whips, and objects she had never seen before. Neither man spoke as they moved with intention.

Bethany’s legs were lifted again, and a large plug shoved into her ass. After the abuse she had suffered earlier, it went with relative ease but hurt like hell.

“How did you like Duke, girl?” the other asked, brandishing a riding crop. “Did you like his long dick and thick knot?”

With his other hand, he fisted his still-hard cock. Bethany’s pussy spasmed at the memory of him striking her cervix repeatedly.

“Pa says to show her how badly girls are punished. The night’s young. How about double training?”

The men grinned at each other.

“How about the redhead? She’s still got some fight in her.”

They laughed, picked Bethany back up, and moved her down the hall. Setting her on her knees, they leaned her against a stall closed with a wire gate.

“You stay right here and say hi to your new friends.”

They laughed, smacking each cheek of her ass with a riding crop. They pressed her nose beside the wire.

“Don’t move from this position. Or we will fist you until you pass out. Then we will punish you.”

The tone in his voice said that he would enjoy delivering such a punishment to her. So, Bethany took several deep breaths to keep from panicking. It was the inside portion of a group pen with five very large dogs. She could see two big animal doors leading outside, but inside was filled with dirt and sand, with the dogs chewing on various toys. One of the slender ones, a thin, wiry breed she had never seen before, was sleeping despite the commotion.

She could see the huge balls on the pit bull as he ran over to sniff her face against the wire. She wasn’t sure if it was semen or urine flowing down her leg, but the terror she felt was real. As tempted as she was to turn when she heard them returning, she forced herself to focus on the dog before her. He was friendly enough, but after the Duke experience, Bethany feared dogs. She did not want to be punished. And certainly not by anything they had planned to involve the animals in the stall before her.

Bethany gasped as her hair yanked her back. “Good whore…”

She looked over to see a red-haired woman on her hands and knees next to her. She had a dog collar on and a leash in the hand of the other man. She watched as he unclipped it and pushed her with his foot. The man holding Bethany reached forward with his other hand and slid the stall door open, dragging Bethany into the soft stall.

“Punishment, little whore, is being fucked by the pack,” he whispered in her ear. “Unless, of course, we order you to fuck them.” He held up a bright red ball gag before her eyes. “You scream, and I swap out your gag. And this one is bigger than my cock.”

Bethany was more than certain that the red gag would dislocate her jaw, so she nodded in understanding.

“Get to work, Red,” the other man said, folding a bench from the wall.

The men sat on the bench, cocks hard as they watched the other woman meekly crawl over to the enthusiastic pit bull. He was more than happy she was here. The man holding Bethany yanked her hair, so she looked up at him.

“I’m going to untie your arms, and you’re going to ride our cocks with your dirty little snatch while you watch,” he pulled her face closer. His fowl breath made Bethany want to retch. “You fight or disobey, and you’ll wish you were dead.”

Bethany nodded and held perfectly still while he pulled the knots out from around her wrists. Spinning her around, he pulled her onto his cock, the fit of the plug making her already tight hole even tighter. He was too thick before, but now it was impossibly tight.

“You do all the work, whore,” the riding crop flicked over her nipple, and she glanced at the other man. He had his long cock in his hand and stroked it while he held the crop with his free hand. “You get him off. Then you get me off.”

Feeling her feet sinking into the soft ground, Bethany lowered herself onto his cock. She dropped her head as her body protested at the action.

“Watch, you dumb cunt!” The riding crop flicked out and connected just above her clit. “You’re next.”

Terror slides through her. Bethany was going to watch what was going to happen to her first. She would know everything before it happened.

“Shit,” the voice behind her said. “She just got tight and wet all at once.”

A hand slapped her ass, and she rose to impale herself again, watching the woman before her. The woman was about Bethany’s age but with a slightly smaller body and a mane of thick red hair. She had coaxed the Pitbull into the center of the room and stroked a hand under its belly from behind.

Bethany could see her stroking the bright red penis from their bench, licking the hairy balls. Bethany didn’t even realize what a dog’s cock even looked like. She knew how it felt, far different from the thick cock she was forcing herself to ride. The dog enjoyed this, grunting, his paws dancing on the soft earth. After a few minutes, the girl shifted from behind the dog to lying half under it, her head going to pleasure him even more. They were going to make her suck off a dog.

The riding crop came out and snapped Bethany’s clit. “Keep fucking.”

She cried out in pain and resumed the motions. Her legs were screaming as she pressed back down onto the thick cock. A pair of meaty hands grabbed her breasts and motioned for her to move faster.

Mind going numb, Bethany fucked the cock while looking at the woman before her. A groan behind her, and she felt the hands on her breasts grip painfully as he came deep inside her. Bethany saw the riding crop changing hands as she was lifted off the cock and shuffled sideways. Waiting for the other man to maneuver his cock into place, she forgot what she was doing when she watched the woman shift from lying on her side to being on all fours. She started to pat her ass and yip nonsensically at the dog. The dog climbed on her back with practice ease, his hips moving forward to find one of her holes.

Three things happened at once.

The man grabbed Bethany and forced her onto his long cock forcefully.

The Pitbull found what he sought and thrust its cock into the girl.

Both women screamed in pain.

“Move your ass…”

A hand reached around and pinched Bethany’s clit painfully. Her legs screamed and protested as she tried to keep going. But no matter how many spin classes she had taken, Bethany did not have the stamina to continue to ride his cock, and she found herself falling over.

“Well,” the man said, standing from the bench, “You’re going to suck me off. And then you’ll join Red over there with the pack.” He spat on Bethany as he yanked her face onto his cock.

This was going to be a night from hell.


To Be Continued…?



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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