Breeding Time

By Bride_of_Freakystein.

I stood behind the intimidating metal door to the enclosure, wearing my new Zookeeper uniform. Despite being an official uniform, it looked nothing like the other Zookeepers. Mine was much more provocative and revealing. A crop top version of the tan button-up that fit snugly against my shapely breasts, and very short green shorts that barely covered my round ass. Both articles of clothing were velcroed together at the back, designed to be torn away.

While the outfit doesn’t seem practical for your more traditional zookeeper, it’s designed to fit my role as a ‘Zoo Breeder perfectly.’ Zoo breeders were a fairly new trend in zoos across the country. After a particularly nasty patron snuck into a zebra pen for a little bit of fun, a spectacle that drew quite the crowd, zoos across the country have taken the opportunity to improve zoo attendance by adding Breeding Time shows to their daily schedules. These Breeding Times have already proven far more popular than Feeding Time or Animal Training shows ever were.

Last week, after getting laid off from my third job this year, I stumbled upon a job opening for a Zoo Breeder at my local city zoo. The rent was due in a week, and I didn’t have enough to afford it. But the Zoo Breeder position promised five hundred dollars per show and a two thousand dollar sign-on bonus. It was an offer I absolutely couldn’t refuse.

I’m a good-looking girl, or at least I’d been told I was. While I always thought I was pretty average looking, I always seemed to draw stares from both men and women when I was out of town. I assume this is what got me hired. I had no experience caring for animals, let alone fucking them. I don’t have much experience fucking in general. But my interview for the job lasted only five minutes, and I was hired on the spot.

“Feeling nervous, Alyssa?” My boss Mr. Henderson asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Huh? Oh, yeah. Just a little.”

“That’s okay. It’s perfectly normal to be nervous! I’d be more worried if you weren’t.”

I laugh politely, trying not to make it obvious that I’d noticed Mr. Henderson’s very clear bulge in his khakis. He almost completely pioneered the Breeding Time show. He designed the uniform, wrote the monologue Zoo Breeders recited (or at least attempted to recite) during the show, and chose which animals would be scheduled for the show. He also made the Zoo Breeders’ schedule every week, so he had the power to play matchmaker for the animals and their potential mates.

“Welp. The show starts in five. I’m gonna find my seat. If you have any questions before the door opens, ask Karla.”

Mr. Henderson gives me a not-so-light pat on the ass before turning and leaving for the stands. Karla, the senior Zoo Breeder, rolls her eyes. Karla was the first breeder hired by Mr. Henderson and had the most Breeding Time shows under her belt. Karla isn’t intimately familiar with very few animals in this zoo.

“So, Karla,” I start, hoping a conversation with the seasoned veteran will help my jitters. “Have any tips for this one?”

“Ajax? Don’t worry about him! They’re starting you off pretty easy. No claws, not as many teeth. Don’t piss him off; he probably won’t tear you limb from limb.”

I can feel the color drain from my face. Karla laughs at my worry.

The intercom around the enclosure crackles to life. “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the City Zoo’s daily Breeding Time!”

“Good luck, kid,” Karla shouts before leaving me alone, shivering with anticipation and anxiety.

I hear a loud click as the metal door unlocks and a scratch as it slowly swings open. The harsh sunlight briefly blinds me as I take my first tentative steps into the jungle-esque enclosure. I first notice the sizable crowd, mostly men, gathered in the stands around the enclosure. They whistle and cat-call as they notice me enter. The audience feels particularly rowdy today, which does nothing to calm my nerves. I do what I can to put on my best smile and wave enthusiastically to the crowd.

The second thing I notice is the five-hundred-pound silverback gorilla staring at me across the enclosure. Another loud screech and click signals that the metal door has swung shut and locked, leaving me inside to start the show! I’m frozen momentarily, intimidated by the muscular ape staring me down. I shake myself back, remembering I have a show to start.

“H-hello….” I clear my throat. “Hello, everybody! I’m Keeper Alyssa, and I have the pleasure of being your Zoo Breeder today!”

This is met with rowdy cheers from the crowd.

“It’s our pleasure, too, sweet cheeks!”

“Take your top off!”

“Monkey bitch!”

My cheeks flush red. I can’t imagine what horrible things some people in the audience must be thinking of me. It makes me a little damp just thinking about it. Ajax rears onto his hind legs and pounds his chest, letting out a deep roar. The crowd falls, nearly silent at this display of feral dominance.

I said, “My partner, Ajax, is ready to begin.”

I try my best to sound as confident as I did when rehearsing my lines, but I can do nothing to hide my anxiety. I take a calming breath and continue with my monologue.

“Ajax is our resident silverback mountain gorilla, and what a gorgeous creature he is!”

Ajax stands on his hind legs and approaches me as if on cue. My eyes fall instantly to the massive twelve-inch-long member between his legs. The long black member is easily as thick as a soda can, and just below it hang two swollen testicles the size of grapefruits. I’d seen archive footage of Karla’s first encounter with Ajax, but nothing could have prepared me for seeing it in person. My jaw hung open slightly as I tried to regain my composure.

“I… Ah… As you can see, Ajax’s penis is quite large when aroused.”

Ajax grunts as if in agreement, returning to all fours just a few feet away from me. He’s close enough I can smell his pungent primate musk. He takes a few sniffs, clearly catching my scent as well. The gorilla reaches out with one large leathery hand and pokes at my crotch, feeling my wetness through the shorts. He grunts approvingly before grabbing the waistband of my shorts and ripping them free in one swift movement. The crowd goes wild, getting their first taste of nudity. I shiver as the cold air hits my now-exposed pussy.

“S-silverbacks are the dominant members of the troop and, as such, have free reign over the female members. In this case, that means me!”

The crowd laughs at the joke.

As if demonstrating my point, Ajax grabs me around my ass and pulls me in closer to him. His face inches from my belly as he sniffs at my cunt. He sticks his large wet tongue out and gives my pussy a gentle lick as if sampling me. It feels incredible. He licks me again and again. I hope he never stops. Soft moans escape my lips with each pass with his tongue. My knees buckle, and my legs shake. Ajax, taking advantage of my weak knees, pushes me to the dirty floor.

“It seems like Ajax has finished with his foreplay.”

I laugh nervously, staring at the black, rolling pin-like member above me. Ajax grabs me by my waist and aims the tip of his cock at the entrance of my cunt.

“Silverbacks are b-brutal breeders… S-so you folks are in for quite a sh-sh-show!”

I stutter through my lines as my anxiety and fear hit its peak. I’m given no time to calm myself before Ajax pulls my small body down onto his massive cock. I yelp as I’m stuffed near to my breaking point, the first thrust already reaching close to my cervix. Ajax grips my waist tighter and quickly pumps me up and down on his cock, like a living fleshlight. He grunts with every thrust, and I cannot help but join in with my moans. It feels incredible. The brutality. The ferocity. I’m in love with the feeling of this ape pounding my cunt.

The crowd is cheering and shouting as if this were the Super Bowl. It’s very likely some viewers have made bets on how long my ravishing would last and who would cum first. Phones are out, recording the encounter to be enjoyed and shared later. My face twisted with pleasure under the gorilla’s weight would no doubt be all over the internet in no time. The idea excites me.

Ajax momentarily lets go of my waist with one hand and grabs my top, ripping it free and exposing my well-endowed chest. Another cheer comes up from the crowd. The gorilla gropes roughly at my breasts with his hand, the other holding tightly to my frail body and pumping me up and down on his cock. I can feel his hot breath on my face as he pounds harder and faster. Ajax leans his face closer to mine and gives me what might be considered a kiss. He pushes his lips to mine and forces his tongue into my mouth. I can feel his fang-like canine teeth against my soft lips.

The gorilla pulls his face back and takes his hand off my breast. It’s not a reprieve as he wraps it around my slender neck. He grips my waist and neck, using both hold to pump me up and down his cock. His tight grasp on my throat scares me and turns me on simultaneously. God, I’m such a whore for this monkey. I’m a filthy gorilla slut. My place is here in the dirt under this savage beast.

I can feel myself rapidly approaching climax. I throw my head back and wrap my arms around my hairy mate, grasping at his back and pulling myself close. My moans now scream of ecstasy as I achieve the most intense orgasm of my life.

Ajax is not far behind. His thrusts into my womb become quicker until he rams the length of his cock as far as he can and lets out a savage howl. His balls contract, and his member pulses, and load after a load of hot gorilla cum are shot deep into my fertile womb. The sensation is incredible, and I never want it to end. My womb is flooded with cum, and as the gorilla pulls its member out of my ravaged body, rivers of seed leak from me. I’m left panting in the dirt, sweaty and leaking ape cum. I almost forget to finish my monologue.

“Silverbacks… can cum… up to… a pint… per day… oh god….”

Satisfied with his mating session, Ajax slowly retreats into the shade of the trees on the edge of the enclosure. I’m left waiting for one of my colleagues to help me. But I have to finish the show first.

“Thank you… for joining… us… at today’s… Breeding… Time…We hope… to see you again… next time… I’ve been Alyssa… My mate has been Ajax…Have a great day, and enjoy visiting the city zoo!”

The crowd applause and cheers louder than I’d ever heard before. Pictures are taken of my broken, tired, cum covered body. Countless men will no doubt jerk off to this image tonight in the comfort of their own homes.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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