The Farm


It started with me house sitting for my girlfriend. Stacy had this huge Rottweiler dog. The animal is actually bigger than me. His back is as high as my waist and I’m sure he weighed more than me. But he’s a very friendly and affectionate animal. Stacy called him Beast.

How affectionate I didn’t know till the third evening after dinner.

I might mention that Stacy and I are lesbian lovers. I’m actually bisexual as is Stacy – at least she says so, though, I’ve never known her to let a man fuck her. We had an old boyfriend of mine join us one night in bed, but he only got to fuck me. Stacy only sucked his cock a little and let him go down on her while I rode her face.

As for me, I like both cock and pussy. Most men, though, can’t keep up with me. That’s why I started going to bed with other women. Stacy gives me multiple orgasms and we’ve often been up till the wee hours of the morning, cuddling and trading oral orgasms.

But this isn’t about my lesbian pleasures or even my heterosexual ones.

I’m watching some of Stacy’s lesbian DVD’s, sitting on the couch as I masturbated. Beast curled up beside the couch and I’m amused to see him licking his balls and cock. I’m somewhat impressed at the size of his cock. I’ve seldom seen men as big. He looked all of eight inches long and his penis is shaped rather like an old fashion coke bottle with a thick swelling in the middle.

“You like watching girls make love too, Beast?” I giggled.

I’d orgasmed once and is growing close to another when the DVD ended. Panting a little, fingers shaky, I crawled across the living room carpet on hands and knees to eject the disk and put in another. I’d just slid the new DVD in when I felt warm breath and then a warm tongue stroke my wet swollen pussy lips.

I froze in shock. Beast had stood up and moved behind me. As I knelt on hands and knees the animal began to lick me with soft whines of obvious delight. His wet, slightly rough tongue stroked from my clit to my asshole, over and over. My thoughts at that moment are hard to describe. Shock, of course, but more than that, PLEASURE!

I had been so close to another orgasm that I started to cum after only a couple licks, even before my mind truly registered the perverted aspect of a dog licking me. My pussy gushed, soaking Beast’s face, but he didn’t stop. Slowly my head sank to the floor as my arms grew weak, this raised my ass even more and suddenly Beast is mounting me!

The next handful of minutes is even harder to describe. I should have stopped him, I meant to stop him. I couldn’t have sex with an animal!

I could feel that big hard cock bumping and slipping between my thighs. As he began to hump me like ch it glided between the firm round cheeks of my ass. It felt very hot and slippery. The sensation is rather pleasant and my body is still quivering from the orgasm his tongue had sent through me. The inevitable happened and his cock found an opening.

Into my asshole!

I imagined I gave a rather loud cry. I don’t mind a little anal sex now and then if a guy is gentle but I’d never had a cock Beast’s size in me. It felt like a baseball bat, later I found he was large, but not any larger than a couple of men I’ve been to bed with.

I declined to let them use my ass because of their size.

By the time my brain began to work again Beast is well saddled up. His furry hips were humping away, thrusting his fat cock deep into me. The initial pain is fading and my body is reacting as it would with any man. His thrusts rocked me back and forth on the rug, my nipples tingling as they dragged on it. Soft whimpers escaped my lips as the huge, heavy dog straddled me, using what to him is just a handy bitch.

I doubt he knew the difference between a female pussy and an asshole. He just took what he found and used it, and use me he did. My anus is hot and tiny needles were stabbing into the straining ring of muscle. The pain isn’t intense, surprisingly and only added to the completely perverted act. I’m having anal sex with a dog, I thought!

I’m not a big woman. I barely top five feet and weigh just over 100 pounds. Beast’s warm furry body rested on me, his front legs gripping me around the ribs as his hips humped enthusiastically. I became aware of a fresh jolt of pain and hot liquid flowing into my bowels. The warmth trickled down my quivering thighs, too. I realized Beast is trying to inseminate me. He’s cumming in my ass and so much that it is leaking out and running down my legs.

Then I felt the swelling. I didn’t know at the time about a dog knot, but the sensation sent me over into another powerful orgasm as my rectum felt as if a balloon is inflated inside me. Beasts’ thrusts began to become spasmodic, his haunches hammering against my butt. Then he grew still, his panting breath and wet tongue on the back of my neck. I tried to pull away and gasped as his tennis ball-sized knot banged at my abused anus. It wouldn’t stretch enough to let me escape. Beasts’ big cock is trapped in my cum-flooded rectum!

I now know about ‘knotting’ and many other things about having sex with animals, but at the time I think I panicked . My brain invented scenes of having to call 911 and having EMT’s find me with a dog cock stuck in my ass. But after many minutes, I’m not sure how many the knot shrank and soon Beast jerked himself out of me with another squeal of pain from me as it is still somewhat swollen and my anus had to stretch very wide before it popped out of me.

I lay there, ass still sticking up in the air as my body slowly recovered. My asshole felt very loose and I shivered as more doggie cum drooled and ran out of it. I had a wild fantasy of giving birth to a puppy and almost laughed hysterically at the thought. No, I rationalized, even a man couldn’t knock up a woman in the ass, and my brain assured me. It is just the way my emotions were handling the first time a dog fucked me.

The incident wouldn’t stop bubbling through my brain all the next day. Beast seemed the same, but I most certainly wasn’t. I’d had sex with an animal!

My mind kept returning to the sensations. I couldn’t deny I’d enjoyed it in some perverted way. I have been aware of bestiality, of course, but the thought had never given me as much as a shiver of curiosity. Now my mind wouldn’t stop replaying it. The next night I again sat on the couch and watched some of Stacy’s collection of porn DVD’s. This time though I sat with my legs wide open, ass close to the edge and sure enough Beast got whiff of my lust and soon his muzzle is between my legs, tongue stroking my pussy. I came twice before I shoved his face away and again crouched on the floor.

This time I reached back and guided his probing to the proper hole. I gasped at the hot slick feel of him as his big cock stretched my pussy wide. He throbbed and quickly began to hump wildly. I orgasmed again as I felt his knot swell inside my vagina, filling it like no man ever had. The sensation made my mind spin as my inner muscles spasmed and rippled around that hot cock. I’m not sure how many times I orgasmed. It felt almost continuous and as Beast finished and his knot shrank enough, he jerked out and crawled off me. I lay there for a long time before I felt strong enough to get up.

The rest of the week is an exploration of this new and perverted sex. My mind, at more rational moments is flooded with guilt, but the intense pleasure overwhelmed my senses and I couldn’t stop. Beasts’ cock felt so different to a man’s. Notwithstanding the size it felt very hot compared to a man. I’m extremely aware of him inside me and when he ejaculated it felt almost like he pissed in me. The knot tended to rub just the right spot, massaging my G-spot till it shrank enough to let the animal pull out.

I felt lost. I had sex with Beast every day that week, sometimes twice. Twice more I let him screw my asshole. I’d never been big on anal sex, but the feel of the animals’ huge knot swelling up inside my rectum gave me such powerful orgasms.

I’m contemplating the end of the week when Stacy would be coming home and thinking about buying a dog of my own. Beast had just fucked my pussy and I had rolled over on my back as he lay down beside me to lick himself as he usually did. My eyes watched, admiring the deep red shaft, glistening with my pussy juices and my brain shut down. I leaned over, pushing his face away and wrapped my lips around the tip. Beast whined, presumably with delight since he didn’t pull away and soon I’m giving him a blow-job just as I would any man.

I love oral sex, with a woman or a man. Beasts cock is almost overwhelming. It feels hot between my lips and the salty taste of it made my mouth water. The animal gave another whine and struggled to stand up but didn’t move away. Panting with pure lust I grabbed a throw pillow and stuffed it behind my head. I urged him to stand over me and again took him into my mouth, sucking hungrily. Beast’s haunches began to buck over me, thrusting, fucking my mouth!

Dogs don’t ejaculate the same as a man, I found. Beast began to cum in long spurts, again my mind envisioned it almost like peeing. My mouth filled over and over and I had trouble swallowing fast enough. His cum drooled from around my lips as I gurgled and gulped. My belly grew very warm with the huge load of doggie cum.

I wondered, idly, what it felt like for him. Mistakenly, I presumed the animal had never had a blow-job before.


I expected Stacy home the following Monday. I almost didn’t notice when the front door is unlocked and she arrived late Sunday night. When I did notice there is nothing I could do. Beast swollen in my ass and there’s no way I could untangle myself from his furry embrace. I felt totally embarrassed and humiliated by being caught.

Stacy wiped that away with her first words. “I see you found how good a lover Beast is.”

Her words were followed by a bright, amused giggle and I realized why she didn’t bother with men. “Oh my god, Stacy, he’s incredible!”

It’s all I could manage as Beast flooded my ass with his cum. My pussy is almost spraying. Stacy walked over and sat in front of me. She raised my head and kissed my moaning lips deeply. When Beast finished, Stacy pulled me up and walked me to her bedroom. She stripped quickly and we made love for over an hour.

“God, I needed that,” Stacy laughed breathlessly as I raised my face from between her warm thighs.

My lower face is coated with her creamy lust. “Can’t handle a week without sex, eh?” I giggled, licking my lips.

“Masturbation helps, but… NO.”

She laughed. Stacy raised her head and called to Beast. He quickly jumped up on the bed and Stacy turned over to crouch on her knees. The animal quick to start licking.

“Fuck her, Beast!” I laughed. “I’ve already made her nice and wet for you. She needs that big beautiful hot cock in her now.”

Beast seemed to understand and quickly mounted her. I watched in fascination. This is what I looked like with the animal humping me, I thought. I quickly crawled under her and positioned my head right below the action, eyes wide as I watched the animal’s big cock ramming into her pussy. I raised my head to suck and lick at her clit, feeling the hot wet shaft and the furry sheath dragging across my face as Beast humped his owner. His knot bumped my nose, then disappeared inside Stacy’s pussy and she gave a loud gasp of pure bliss.

Stacy taught me a few things about having sex with dogs. She had other friends who enjoyed this branch of taboo sexual practice. I’m rather surprised now many in just our city. She’s soon inviting me out to many of her friend’s homes to try different dogs, but I have to admit Beast is my favourite. None were his size.

Then she invited me out to her Uncle Ray’s farm.


We drove out on Friday around noon with tentative plans to spend a weekend at her Uncle’s farm. Somehow it didn’t surprise me to find out bestiality ran in her family. Her uncle’s farm isn’t that big. He stabled two horses and one donkey he owned along with two large dogs. Stacy’s cousin also lived at the small farm with his father. Joey is nineteen, and of a hunk I found.

We arrived around noon and Stacy’s cousin met us. He looked well-muscled and fit. I found out later his best feature is an unusually long penis. Ten inches to be precise. He directed us out to the old barn where he said Uncle Ray is.

I shouldn’t have been shocked to find him fucking a horse, a mare called Daisy.

“Have you succeeded in impregnating her yet, Uncle?” Stacy laughed as we strolled into the barn.

Uncle Ray didn’t miss a stroke.

“Give me a minute, Princess,” he said and kept on thrusting into the mares pussy.

I gave Stacy a questioning glance and she giggled.

“I’ve been using that joke for years, Love. Daisy is his first love after me.”

My eyebrows arched. “So you’re an incestuous family, too.”

“Oh, yeah,” she said and smiled. “Uncle Ray is actually the man that took my virginity when I was fourteen. I’ve had sex with Joey, too. I love that foot long cock of his.”

I confess I scoffed. Stacy just grinned and winked.

“Ask to measure it if you don’t believe me,” then added. “I call it a foot long, but it’s actually only about ten inches, but very skinny. He loves to shove it down my throat.”

“You can do deepthroat?” I’m learning new facets of my lover’s personality.

“Yes,” she nodded. “Joey is the one that actually taught me how. He and Uncle Ray are the only men I let have sex with me.”

A deep groan of satisfaction echoed in the tall barn. Uncle Ray had succeeded in planting his seed apparently. He stepped back from behind the mare, stepping down from the stool he’d had to stand on to reach her vagina. He walked over, totally nude and hugged Stacy with a warm greeting and a very un-Uncle like kiss.

“Uncle, this is Kim. My lover. I think I mentioned her to you a couple of weeks ago.”

He gave me the same treatment. His breath is sweet, but he smelled of horse, not surprising since he’d just been fucking one.

“Any lover of my gorgeous niece is a lover of mine,” he said with a wink, then added. “Or I hope so.”

I couldn’t suppress a giggle, “It could happen,” I liked his looks and his cock is nice and big.

I winked back and his grin grew.

“Uncle. Kim has been very naughty with Beast.”

Ray’s eyes widened, “Really?” He looked me over again in a roguish way. “You like, Beast, Sweetie? Got a thing for animal sex, eh? You dirty girl!”

I couldn’t stop the blush, but nodded my head.

“She’s been making the rounds of my friends. A month ago, she’d never had sex with a dog. Now she’s had half a dozen.”

Ray nodded, and added a comment that confused me. “Do you like donkeys?” He asked.


That evening after dinner, I got introduced to the two chocolate Labrador dogs that lived there – Spike and Dutch. Their cocks weren’t as big as Beast, and I took Spike in the ass easily. Dutch’s cock is fatter than Beasts, but not as long. I took him in my pussy. Then it became incest time. I watched as both Uncle Ray and Joey fucked Stacy at the same time. I could believe Joey is ten inches without needing to measure him. I’d never seen a longer dick, though her comment about being skinny is also true. The term ‘pencil-dick’ came to mind.

Later that evening, I watched her deepthroat every inch, but demurred trying it. I don’t have an exceptionally strong gag reflex, but I prefer to feel a man cum between my lips filling my mouth and not my throat. Before we went to bed Uncle Ray and Joey treated me to a double penetration, the first time I’d ever tried it. Joey took my ass and I have to say I felt hesitant. I didn’t believe ten inches of cock could be shoved up my ass. I was wrong and the two men had me orgasming powerfully.

Again Uncle Ray said something strange. “We’ll initiate her properly in the morning.”

We all went to bed and I fell asleep in Stacy’s arms, forgetting to even ask her about it.


Saturday morning Stacy coaxed me into my bikini. She said she always wore just that or nothing while visiting the farm. I laughed, but felt strange as we walked out to the barn after breakfast wearing nothing but a string bikini and sandals. Her uncle and Joey were both unselfconsciously naked.

“OK Kimmy. Here’s the thing,” her uncle said, grinning. “You’re not a real animal fucker till you’ve had a really big cock.”

I frowned. “Beast is rather large, isn’t that enough?”

I glanced at Joey. He’s moving a sawhorse into the centre of the floor. It looked rather short and there were attachments that made my heart speed up. Uncle Ray grinned at my obvious sudden nervousness. “We don’t have to bind you to it, Sweetie, but it’s traditional round here.”

Stacy stepped up close and slipped an arm around my back, her hand fondling my breast. “You might surprise yourself, Kim. I actually enjoy being tied up,” she added. “Trust me.”

“You game?” Ray asked.

Joey is walking the donkey around and my eyes widened more as I saw the limp long cock hanging down. “That’s gonna fuck me?” I asked, voice unsteady.

“Ass or pussy?” Ray grinned at me. “Take your pick.”

I still felt hesitant, but Stacy stood behind me and undid the ties to my bikini and I soon stood there nude except for sandals. Ray coaxed me to lay down on my belly on the sawhorse. The top is well padded and it isn’t that uncomfortable. Stacy crouched beside me and began to affix the leather cuffs around my wrists, binding them to the bottom of the sawhorse front legs. I felt hands doing the same to my ankles. A shudder of mixed emotions raced through me, I suddenly realized I’m helpless and about to be fucked by a donkey.

I gave a gasp as fingers began to spread something very slippery over my pussy. I felt my pussy stretch as what felt like three fingers worked into my vagina, twisting and thrusting for a minute or so as Ray spoke beside me. Apparently getting my pussy ready is Joey’s job.

“Donkeys are like dogs in that they self-lubricate, but because Panchos’ cock is so big, of help is in order,” Ray explained.

Bound to the sawhorse I felt a rush of helpless anxiety. This sensation is new to me and I’m not sure I like it, but Stacy knelt in front of me and kissed me. One of her really hot kisses and much of my nervousness faded.

Some of it came back as Joey guided the donkey to me. The animal straddled the sawhorse and I found it is the perfect height. His warm belly pressed down on my back. Something hot poked between my cheeks as Panchos’ limp cock almost sprang up fully erect. My anus puckered as something began to poke it.

I gasped in shock. “Not in my ass!” I shouted.

“Sorry. OK,” Joey said, and chuckled. “I’ll have to guide him.”

The pressure on my tiny asshole stopped and I felt the heat of his cockhead between the already swelling lips of my pussy.

“Panchos’ cock is thicker than Beasts, Lover, but you’ll get used to it quickly,” Stacy warned.

Stretch me he did!

As Joey guided the animal to the proper hole, Panchos’ haunches were already beginning to buck. I gave a loud cry as the head opened me, it felt as if an arm was being shoved up my vagina.

“Oh my god!” It came out rather strangled as I fought to catch my breath.

There is no foreplay. Pancho is ready and as soon as he felt my warm straining pussy spasm wildly around him he began to fuck me. It is like being fucked with a baseball bat, but a bat doesn’t throb.

Panchos’ cock head slammed my cervix with every thrust. He brayed with pleasure as he thrust energetically. Each time he dragged that huge cock out of me it felt like he’s dragging my insides out with it. I’m grateful for the lubricant. My body would rock forward on the sawhorse as he hump back in. The sawhorse is sliding each time with the power of his thrusts, the legs sliding on the wood floor of the barn. His brays of pleasure grew louder and faster. Suddenly he seemed to swell even thicker and a hot flood of donkey cum exploded in my womb. It sprayed out of me, soaking my thighs. I felt as if someone had thrust a garden hose up me and turned it on although what is gushing into me is hot. The sensation reminded me of Beast, as if the animal is pissing inside me.

The totally perverted though of being tied down and used by this big animal bubbled through my brain and I felt a huge orgasm growing inside as what felt like bucketful’s of donkey cum soaked my cervix, the excess spraying out around the animal’s fat cock. My vagina is so tightly stretched I’m surprised any could manage to squirt out.

Panchos’ cock withered rather quickly and as it slipped out my pussy sent a hot flood of the animal’s cum gushing, thoroughly soaking my thighs and the barn floor.

“Wow! He’s really loaded,” Stacy said behind me. “Your pussy just drenched the floor, Lover.”

I couldn’t speak. My body spasming, an orgasm so near I’m ready to have Pancho back ramming that incredible cock into me again. I gasped as my asshole is suddenly stretched and my orgasm explodes, adding my creamy spray to Panchos’ mess on my thighs and the floor. Uncle Ray knew I was on the edge, and he quickly buried his cock in my ass triggering my orgasm.

Another cock nudged my lips as Joey grasped my head by the hair and pulled my face up. He began to fuck my mouth, thrusting deep enough to make me gag. Suddenly he thrust harder and I felt the head of his long skinny cock break past my throat muscles. Ten throbbing inches of cock glided down my throat. My back arched on the sawhorse as I choked, chest heaving. My eyes watered as he began to use my mouth for a pussy, slowly thrusting in and back out, pausing for a moment to let me gasp air.

“Deep breath, Kim. I’m gonna cum,” he said.

I barely registered his warning, but managed to gasp a big lungful of air before he shoved himself down my throat to the root and began to pulse. It is a new sensation. I love feeling a man’s cock explode in my mouth. The taste and texture of cum filling my mouth are one of the reasons I love sucking cock. But this is different. A big warm load of cum gushed straight down my throat. When he finally pulled back, I had to swallow hard to clear my throat so I could breath. Joey left the fat head between my lips and stroked himself, letting the last few pulses soak my tongue, filling my mouth with his gooey seed. Panting through my nose I sucked and swallowed the gooey dregs of his climax.

Only then did I become aware again of the cock throbbing and gushing its load of warm cum into my bowels. Uncle Ray had satisfied himself with my ass.

Joey stepped back and Stacy appeared beside me, kneeling down and taking her cousin’s still drooling cock into her mouth, sucking with obvious pleasure. Then she kissed me, our cum-sticky lips slippery on each other, sharing her cousin’s seed.

After that Joey walked Pancho to his stall and Stacy with her uncle undid the bonds holding me down. I lay there still, freed, but with no strength to rise immediately. My whole body buzzed with echoes of my orgasm. It is one of the most powerful I’d ever felt.

Stacy grasped my head and our cum-soaked lips again met in a long delicious kiss. My moans bubbled between them as the last of my lust ebbed from my body. My lover helped me up and guided me around behind the barn to a large pool/patio area. I collapsed into a sun lounge with relief.

“So how did it feel?” Stacy lay down on the large lounge beside me, on her side, cuddling close.

“I’m not sure I can express it,” I said, voice rough. I could still feel Joey’s long cock in my throat.

“I’m surprised Uncle had to finish the job,” Stacy giggled. “I figured Pancho would have you orgasming when his cock let loose. That donkey cums like a fire hose.”

“I almost did,” I admitted with a smile. “If he’d lasted a minute longer, I would have.”

“Yeah,” Stacy nodded. “Dogs are nicer when it comes to that. No pun intended,” she giggled. “I like how a dog knots with you. Keeps their cocks where they’re needed most for a long time before it’s over.”

“God, my pussy feels so loose,” I murmured, reaching down to finger myself. I felt incredibly loose and wet.

“I think Panchos’ cum is still leaking out,” I added with a giggle and brought the wet fingers to my lips.

A shiver raced through me at the smell and taste of my fingers. It didn’t taste like a man’s cum or a dogs. The flavour is unique.

“You could drown yourself sucking him off,” Stacy observed with a giggle.

“Have you?” I turned my face to gaze at her.

“I tried once. Talk about a messy facial.” She laughed. “I couldn’t even swallow half of it.”

The biggest of the dogs, Dutch, wandered out beside the pool. He quickly nuzzled his face in my crotch so I spread my legs wide to let him lick me all he wanted. A long sigh of pure satisfaction escaped me as he licked me clean. Little aftershocks raced through me.

“Uncle Ray and Joey really like you, Lover.”

I smiled, “I like them, too.”

After lunch Stacy and I relaxed by the pool behind the barn. We cuddled and made love on a lounge while her Uncle and cousin watched. This of course got things started for them again and as soon as Stacy got up to get us something to drink Uncle Ray eagerly took her place. My pussy is soaked and his big cock slid in effortlessly.

“Damn Kimmy. I love this tight little pussy,” he moaned as he began to thrust into me.

I had to giggle. “Tight? I thought Pancho would have loosened me up a lot, Uncle Ray.”

He laughed. “A woman’s pussy can take lots of stretching and still recover to squeeze a norma-sized man’s cock.”

I consciously worked my vaginal muscles around him and he gave an appreciative moan of delight. It worked and he soon ejaculated then rose off me. I smiled up at him and saw Joey standing there with a big grin and a bigger hard-on.

“My turn?”

“You like sloppy seconds, Joey?” I giggled.

“Nah. I want that hot little ass again. Roll over.” Obligingly I rolled over on my stomach and I felt cool spray on my cheeks. “Just a little lube. Don’t wanna hurt you, Babe.”

His hands massaged my buttocks for a minute, fingers spreading the slippery lube between my cheeks. One finger probed for a moment and I moaned. Then he’s on me and I gave a gasp as his cock stretched my asshole and sank deep.

I lay there, mind drifting in bliss as Stacy’s cousin sodomized me again. My asshole is getting a workout this weekend. Each thrust sent 10 throbbing inches of cock deep into my bowels. Joey isn’t as thick as his dad, but the sensation of having so much cock buried in my rectum is delicious. Joey fucked my ass for minutes before he stiffened and rammed himself to the root a last time. His cock swelled and gushed, flooding my bowels with a huge load of thick warm cum. His hips spasmed on me in quick little thrusts as his balls emptied.

Joey is rising off me just as Stacy returned with the drinks.

“I see my relatives are making frequent use of you,” she laughed as she handed me my drink.

“They don’t use you as much?” I giggled.

“Oh yeah. I’m out here almost every weekend,” she nodded. “I give a lot of blow-jobs and Uncle loves to fuck me. You might have noticed cousin Joey prefers a woman’s ass.”

“So I’ve noticed,” I laughed. “Or a throat.”

“Yeah. He does love to shove that long thing down a willing throat.”

We swam and relaxed around the pool all that afternoon and talked about my experiences. Laughing, Stacy related how I’d “taken advantage” of her dog while taking care of him the month before.

“I think she fell in love with Beast,” Stacy snickered.

“I think it’s the other way around, Stacy. Beast wouldn’t leave me alone after the first time.”

“Dogs enjoy breeding,” Uncle Ray said, smiling. “They don’t discriminate. Any bitch that will hold still long enough for them to mount is fair game. It’s instinct.”

Dutch and Spike came up to the pool.

“You girls up to satisfy them?” Ray asked. “They haven’t had a good fuck all day.”

Stacy smiled at me and winked. She quickly got down on her hands and knees. Spike shoved his muzzle between her legs instantly and began to lick. I watched for a few moments before joining her on my hands and knees and Dutch is more than willing to taste my cum-soaked pussy.

Side by side, Stacy and I kissed and moaned as the dogs mounted us. Dutch is a good fuck, but I still thought of Beast. Soon we were both knotted and Uncle Ray moved to help Dutch turn. Joey did the same for Spike. After a while Dutch managed to jerk out of me and Uncle Ray eagerly took his place, horny again from watching us being doggy fucked. He used my ass this time and I orgasmed twice before his fat cock swelled and pumped another big load into my bowels.

Joey had taken Spike’s place, though I couldn’t tell if he’s in her ass or pussy. Knowing Joey I presumed it is her ass.

Stacy and I shared a delicious shower after that and after dinner we went to bed. I’m very tired and just lay there as Stacy gave my well-used pussy Goodnight kisses till I orgasmed. I think I fell asleep while she’s still between my legs.


I awoke the next morning to a cock in my face.

Joey is straddling my chest, his long cock hard and cuddled between my boobs. The head kissed my lips each time he rocked between them.

“You might say good morning before jumping on me, Joey.”

I giggled and he grinned down at me, still rocking his hips.

“I haven’t fucked a nice pair of tits in ages,” he laughed. “Stacy isn’t quite up to the task.”

While I’m rather petite my breasts are large for my body, measuring 34C and very firm. I squeezed them around Joey’s long cock and he moaned with delight.

I licked the dripping head of his cock, then frowned.

“Stacy has lovely breasts.”

“Not as big as yours though,” he grinned. “Size matters when titty-fucking.”

My pussy is already growing wet and I’m ready for a good morning fuck but Joey had other plans. His thrusts between my generous breasts grew more urgent and suddenly thick ropes of warm cum spurted from him, soaking my face. I quickly opened my mouth wide and he happily moved higher, thrusting the spurting head of his cock between my lips to finish.

All this had awakened Stacy beside me on the bed. She rose and looked at me with a giggle.

“I see Joey has discovered a nice pair of boobs to masturbate with.”

She scooted closer and bend down to kiss me. I still had a mouthful of Joey’s cum and happily shared it with her. She licked my face clean as Joey rose and left the bedroom.

Stacy fondled my breasts, smiling.

“Is this a normal morning here?” I asked.

“Sometimes,” Stacy chuckled. “I’ve woken up to a cock lots of times. Usually Uncle Ray. He loves a morning fuck,” she said, then looked up and grinned.

“Speak of the devil.”

Uncle Ray walked into the bedroom, naked and sporting a semi-erection. It grew more when he saw us.

“I just saw Joey leaving with a satisfied smile,” he chuckled.

“Joey found a pair of nice tits to fuck,” Stacy winked at him. “I had to lick her face clean.”

Ray mounted the bed and then his niece. I lay back for a while, watching and rubbing my wet pussy.

“Wait, Uncle. Let’s try something.” Stacy suddenly suggested.

Ray frowned as she urged him to stop. He rose off her, his hard cock making a sucking sound as it dragged out of her pussy. Stacy urged me around so my head is at the foot of the bed, then straddled me in a sixty-nine. Her Uncle’s face grew a fresh smile and quickly knelt above me, his wet cock bumping my nose. I opened my mouth, but he had a different target.

Crawling closer, his cock found his niece’s pussy again and I watched as it disappeared into her. His heavy ball sack dragged across my face as he began to fuck her and I tilted my head back to lick and suck at them.

“Oh yes, Kimmy,” he groaned. “Suck those balls while I fuck my sexy little niece.”

I did for a time, but his thrusts became more urgent and I abandoned his swaying sack for Stacy’s swollen clit. She gave a loud cry of pleasure and her pussy gushed as she orgasmed. Ray added his gasps to hers as his cock swelled and began to spurt. A warm mix of juices rained down on my face. As Ray pulled out of her, cock softening, his thick cum drooled from her pussy and splattered down on my face and into my mouth.

I lay there licking and sucking on her swollen pussy, then stiffened as her own mouth found me and my pussy spasmed to her tongue. I orgasmed in her face.

“Damn. You two make a good pair.”

Stacy rolled off me and kissed her Uncle. He bent down and kissed me.

“Welcome to a very perverted family, Kimmy.” He grinned.

We got up finally for breakfast, but I wasn’t feeling hungry. I had a belly full of Joey and Uncle Ray’s cum, but I had a bowl of cereal anyway, as we sat around the kitchen table and chatted.

“Think you’re ready for the last initiation, Kimmy?” Uncle Ray asked later.

I gazed at him, puzzled. “I’ve fucked your dogs, your donkey and you. I can’t have sex with a mare.”

He laughed. “You didn’t meet Diablo yesterday. He’s out in the corral.”

“Diablo?” I felt a little touch of anxiety.

“Diablo is my Uncle’s stud.”

I frowned, “Fuck a horse?”

I had sudden visions of a cock the size of a fence post and a shiver raced through me.

“He’s fucked me, Kim.”

I glanced at Stacy and tried to visualize her crouched under a big horse with his cock rammed up her pussy. She saw my look and smiled.

“Don’t worry. I’ve done it more than once and it’s incredible,” she said and bent to kiss me. “He’s big, but not so big a woman can’t take him.”


“You’ll see.” She shushed me with a finger to my lips, then kissed me again.

I couldn’t imagine it, but had to take Stacy’s word for it. Not without misgivings, though.


Later we headed out to the barn again. Uncle Ray motioned me to a blanket-covered hay bale and quickly began to fuck me. “I’ll warm you up,” he said.

I heard a snort and looked to the side. Joey is leading another horse into the barn. Stacy is fastening some strange blanket under the large animal. It hung beneath his belly. Something else hung beneath him, a BIG cock. It dangled down, looking like an arm with a flared fist at the end. It is the first horse cock I’d ever really seen and I had instant doubts.

Uncle Ray stiffened and I felt him let go inside me. It distracted me from the horse. He stood back and Joey came up with a bottle, spraying my pussy.

“A little extra lube again,” he grinned as he rubbed my swollen pussy.

At Ray’s urging, I stood up and he led me to the horse.

“You have to crawl into the sling beneath him,” he said with a smile. “A horse is too big for you to hug and you can’t just crouch on your hands and knees like with a dog.”

Stacy helped me crawl into the hammock-like contraption. I’m shocked when Uncle Ray and Joey grasped my ankles and wrists and attached leather cuffs. The cuffs attached to a rope or something that went over the horses back. They tugged the ropes tight so I’m hugging the horse’s belly, suspended in the belly hammock with my arms and legs held up around the animal.

Horse smell surrounded me, but I’ve never objected to natural animal smells. I could actually feel Diablo’s heartbeat with my chest and soft boobs crushed to his chest. I’m getting excited but still apprehensive of what is coming next.

Something rubbed over my pussy. A shudder of anticipation raced through me as I felt my swollen lips opened. Diablo knickers and took a step or two. I swayed beneath him as I felt his muscles flex against my thighs. A sharp pain shot through me as his cockhead stretched my vagina and just like that I had a horse’s cock inside me.

My eyes teared at the initial pain and I sobbed, gasping as I felt the heat of Diablo’s cock. Stacy is kneeling beside us and her hand stroked my face. “It’s in, Kimmy. Try to relax and move with it.”

Diablo gave a snort and a loud whinny. His haunches flexed, forcing more of his huge cock into my pussy and I gave a loud cry as he began to fuck me. Stacy and her Uncle controlled the animal, keeping him from going wild. Still, his haunches began to hump, driving more and more of his huge cock into my little pussy. The first pain faded quickly, but I still felt incredibly full. How much of that enormous cock is in me?

Diablo gave a loud whinny and I felt powerful throbs inside. He’s ejaculating! Inside me!

I swayed in the hammock, Diablo’s massive cock rocking in and out of me. It felt like a fist and arm is jammed up inside me and the flood of horse cum felt hot. My mind spun as orgasmic spasms shook me. My womb is flooded with hot horse cum and every pulse of his big cock inside me sent more delicious spasms through my body.

“Time for a walk, I think,” Ray said.

I’m not sure what he means, but I found out quickly. With me dangling beneath the animal, his cock still lodged in my straining vagina, Stacy mounted him and the animal began to walk slowly, out of the barn and into the corral. Each step rocked me in the hammock and caused Diablo’s cock to fuck me more. Stacy kept him at a walk, but the animal wanted to prance. Every time he pranced the fat head of his cock rammed my cervix and a little jolt of pain shot through me. Uncle Ray told me later that he’d measured Diablo and my pussy had taken a full foot of the horse’s cock.

He’s a spirited animal and very horny. Stacy had a little trouble keeping him reigned in or he would have galloped away with me impaled on his huge cock.

After a time I barely remember I felt Diablo shrinking. Slowly his huge member withdrew into its sheath and as the head popped out of me an enormous gush of hot horse cum sprayed from my bloated womb.

“Looks like he’s satisfied, Stacy. Come back into the barn and we’ll let the poor girl loose,” Uncle Ray called. “I think she fainted.”

Stacy giggled. “I did the first time.”

She directed the horse back into the barn and all three unfastened me and dragged my limp body out of the hammock. Uncle Ray carried me back to the blanket-covered hay bale and laid me down on it. He spread my legs wide and crouched down to look. I just lay there. I hadn’t fainted, quite, but my mind disconnected from the world.

“Wow. She’s wide open,” he chuckled.

Joey laughed, “Couldn’t fuck that pussy. No grip.”

“She’ll recover,” Ray chuckled. “Till then we’ll just have to enjoy the hole that’s still tight.”

I’m unresisting as the two of them flipped me over onto my belly. Truthfully, I barely noticed as they satisfied their fresh hard-ons with my asshole.

“You guys,” Stacy’s voice is miffed. “The girl just got fucked by a horse and all you can think to do is fuck her ass, too?”

“She has a fine ass,” Joey grinned.

As I slowly recovered Stacy helped me back to the house and we showered together. Her hands and fingers were gentle on my abused pussy. After the shower, feeling much refreshed and mostly in control again, I followed her back out to lay by the pool. We had lunch and then enjoyed the cool water for a while until Uncle Ray and Joey got horny again. Stacy took them both in a double penetration, Joey in her ass while Ray fucked her. I’m grateful they didn’t ask me to take part. My experience with Diablo burned into my mind for hours after, and I felt wiped out.


By mid-afternoon I’m pretty well recovered and Uncle Ray suggested I try Pancho again. With the memory of Diablo still fresh in my mind, I didn’t know if the donkey’s cock could come close to the pleasure I’d experienced but I agreed.

Stacy suddenly asked me to stay longer.

“I’ll drive in and fetch Beast,” she winked at me. “I’m sure he misses you. A little vacation for the week would be great.”

I agreed to stay and Stacy left. It would take her a few hours to drive into town and come back. Uncle Ray led me back out to the barn and once again he and Joey lashed me down on the sawhorse.

As Pancho is led to straddle me my mind is calm. I’d just taken a huge horse cock. I had doubts Pancho is going to get much satisfaction from my well-stretched pussy. But Uncle Ray had other plans this time.

Again, I felt the touch of a hard hot cock between my cheeks, but this time it isn’t moved to my pussy. I gave a loud squeal as Pancho humped and his big cock stretched my asshole wide. It spasmed wildly as the donkey brayed his pleasure and began to fuck my ass enthusiastically.

There’s the initial pain, but thanks to Uncle Ray and Joey’s unflagging delight in my tiny hole I’m rather used to cocks being shoved up my butt by now. Pancho is fatter and longer, but my position kept him from thrusting too deep. As Pancho enjoyed my ass I felt fresh pleasure bubbling up in me. By the time the donkey is exploding inside me my orgasm is beginning. The flood of hot animal cum did the trick and as my bowels filled my pussy began to gush as orgasmic shudders raced through me.

After we returned to the pool and since both my pussy and asshole were loose and well used by now the men satisfied themselves with fucking my mouth once more. Afterward I lay back, my body almost numb, but tingling, my belly comfortably warm with two big loads. Patting my belly I smiled to myself as I thought about the coming days.

I do love being a cum dump, even if most of it comes from animals.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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