Belly Riding At The Vet


Part 1

Julie couldn’t believe she was going to go through with it. Her friend Rebecca had found an article in the paper that had intrigued her and she had sent in a note under Julie’s name saying she was interested. The article in the paper said: Interested in trying something sexually different? Think bigger is better? Email me. The response Rebecca got back were instructions on how women were selling themselves at an auction to learn how to do very kinky things. The very kinky things were not spelled out in the email, but it intrigued Rebecca enough to say that Julie would go – all without Julie knowing anything about it.

Rebecca finally spilled the beans that Julie was supposed to go to a warehouse on the edge of town at midnight and wear something slutty. Julie laughed. “Yeah, right.”

“No, seriously, you should try it. It sounds wild. You never do anything wild. Besides, that shit-head husband of yours is probably screwing every girl in every port,” Rebecca said.

“Rebecca! Seriously! He’s just really busy. That’s why he’s not calling.” Julie didn’t take it seriously at all, but Rebecca was insistent. Finally, Julie puts a clincher in the subject, “Oh, yeah, and I just remembered, I am supposed to talk to Rich on the phone that night. I can’t even go anyway.”

So that pretty much ended it. Rebecca left and said, “Well, if you change your mind or he cancels, I’ll email you the directions.”

Julie laughed and shrugged it off. Her friend Rebecca was a wild child. Julie was anything but. Rich was in the Navy and she only saw him a few weeks out of the year. They were supposed to have date nights when he would call and they’d talk for a few minutes, but after a few months he seemed to call fewer and fewer times at the specified times. His emails had gotten shorter and ultimately she felt very alone. Julie fancied herself as a loving and devoted wife. The day rolled around and Julie waited for the call.

She waited and waited well past the hour that he was supposed to call. He had forgotten again. She actually went into her room when she got back and cried for a few minutes. The guys were so awful! She took a bath and ate some yogurt, trying to get her mind off of Rich and whatever he was probably doing instead of calling her. She went over to her computer, thinking maybe the jerk might have at least sent her an apology email.

Instead she was surprised to find Rebecca’s email, just as she had promised. Julie laughed as she opened it. At least her mood had been raised a little, even if it was by her crazy friend. She read over the email several times. Julie closed it, and sat back and opened it again. For some reason her curiosity had been piqued. Suddenly, she said out loud, “Fuck it!”

She made the decision to at least go and check it out. If it got too strange, which it surely would, she could bail, and Rich would be none the wiser. But who knows? A lot of times really amazing people have weird kinks, so she might end up having fun, or at least some laughs at some guys in diapers or something. Besides, the last thing she needed was to be hanging around waiting for that jerk of a husband to call or email her and say he was sorry. She didn’t want to hear it.

She realised she didn’t have a lot of time, even though her phone date had never ended up happening. She quickly got dressed in a tiny mini skirt and a shirt that showed her belly. She intentionally didn’t put on any underwear – hey the email had said to wear something slutty. She put on high heels, and quickly fixed her hair and make-up. It wasn’t her best, but it would do. She drove across town and rather easily found the place. There were a bunch of cars parked there. Some were really nice, others, like hers, were humble. She was comforted by that. At least there would be some normal people here.

She walked into a room with nothing of note in it besides a door with a burly bodyguard protecting it and a woman behind a desk. The older woman beckoned her closer, “Come in, sweetheart.”

Julie tentatively took a few steps closer and said, “Oh, hi. I guess I’m supposed to be here? My name is Julie?”

The woman looked at her clipboard, “Oh yes, Ms. Julie! We talked over email.”

Julie didn’t want to have to lie about that so instead she paused, “Uh, what is this place?”

The woman laughed. “Oh, well, it’s a place where woman can learn to try new things. Just decide what you want to try to someone will buy the rights to teach you.”

“So they’ll teach me how to get raped or something, I’m married you know.”

Julie said in a sarcastic voice, ready to bolt at any moment suddenly wondering what she was doing there, since she really had no interest in cheating on her husband.

“Oh dear lord no. It’s okay that you’re married and no, nothing like that will happen here. And if anyone even suggests that to you, let one of us know and we’ll take care of them for you. This isn’t a whore-house. This is all about women learning new things with pre-selected bidders. No one will blame you for wanting to know things here, or talk badly about your questions. All the bidders have a special interest in teaching. Their identities are known to us, though, so if anything does happen to the women, we’ll call the police ourselves. So you need to regularly check in with us to make sure that the men don’t misbehave. But in the two years we’ve held this auction, no one has stepped out of line. We have all their billing information and contact information, so I think that helps deter the worst.”

Julie thought that sounded good. “Okay, so what do I do?”

“You need to sign this document, because we need to make sure you behave. But once you do, you’ll just go inside and decide what you want to learn. Then people will bid on the rights to teach you. That’s it. The rest will take care of itself.”

“And if I don’t want to learn anything?”

“No harm done, you go home and promise not to talk about this again. And we all promise to do the same for you!”

The older woman smiled in a genuine, friendly way, which almost completely disarmed Julie. “Okay,” Julie said and signed the document and stood up straight, took a deep breath and smiled. “Wish me luck!”

“Oh, you won’t need it, sweetheart. But good luck anyway!”

Julie walked past the guard at the door who didn’t smile back when she shot him a timid smile. She walked in and she found a long empty hallway with pictures intermittently placed down the hallway. Some of them were purely sexual with captions beneath them stating the obvious – ‘anal sex’, ‘threesomes’, and ‘mutual masturbation’. Others were clearly far kinkier: ‘S&M’, ‘Foot Fetish’, and ‘smothering’. None of the pictures looked particularly appealing. Funny, perhaps, but not her cup of tea.

She was getting the feeling that her first impression was right on – this absolutely wasn’t something she’d be into at all. Then she saw something that absolutely amazed her. It was a picture of a woman in a sling, underneath a stallion, being penetrated by it. The woman looked orgasmic. Under the picture was the word: ‘Bestiality’. Julie was completely entranced by the woman. Could a woman really have sex with a horse? Julie had never really thought about it, but there it was. Julie sat and stared at the picture for probably too long. A very pretty blond girl appeared around the corner of the hallway.

She looked a little like a bimbo, with big fake breasts and huge blue eyes. “Oh! Hi! Find something you like there?” She asked.

Julie wanted to say no, but all she managed to say was, “Uh… Um.”

“Hah! Looks like you found yourself something fun! Come on, let me get you sorted out.”

Julie wasn’t sure what she meant, but she said, “No, wait, no, I didn’t…”

The blond girl laughed, “Oh come on. No one cares here. You don’t have to make excuses to me!”

Julie said, “No way, I couldn’t.”

“Ha-ha! What do you think that girl in the picture said,” said the blond girl pointing at the lewd picture of the woman beneath the horse. Julie didn’t know what to say, so the blond girl said, “Come on, no one is going to force you to do anything. It’s just a place to start. If you don’t want to do it, you can always make that choice later. But for now, let’s get you sorted out.”

Julie thought that sounded good. She would certainly change her mind, but she just wanted to get the ball rolling to see what this whole crazy thing was all about. “Okay,” she said.

The blond girl squealed a little and said, “Good! This will be so much fun, come on. My name is Trish.”

“Of course it is, mines Julie,” said Julie with a hint of sarcasm at her ditsy new friend.

They walked around the corner and down another carpeted hallway until they got to a door, and suddenly there were a lot of women milling around. Trish walked Julie over to a small desk and handed Julie a piece of paper to write some facts.

Julie wrote her height, 5’5″ her age, 24, her weight, 110 pounds and then stopped. She saw a checklist of things she was interested in with a note above it that said clearly, “Please check only one option.” Julie looked around at the other women and looked at the paper. She honestly didn’t know what to do. She was extremely interested in that girl in the picture. The more she thought about it the more butterflies floated around in her stomach and she felt like she was swimming. Could she really fuck a horse? It was a totally inconceivable thought. But as she looked at the other options, they almost all required her to have sex with some random guy or many people. The horse was the only option that didn’t involve her cheating. She breathed heavily and almost unconsciously the pen moved to the “Bestiality” check box and she saw her hand check it. Really? Could she really do this?

Trish looked up and smiled, “All done?” Julie wordlessly handed her the paper. Trish looked it over a few times for any obvious errors and said, “Perfect! Well, just feel free to mill around and get yourself a drink. I’ll call you in a bit.”

Julie decided she definitely did need a drink, if she was going to screw a stallion. A part of her was very curious, but a larger part of her was screaming to leave immediately.

She went and grabbed a glass of white wine from a small bar and managed to interject herself into a rather boring conversation about the economy with some of the other women, which thankfully distracted her a little. It was boring, but she was glad to have a normal conversation with a small group of women, who looked just as nervous as she did. No one seemed to walk, to talk about what this place was including Julie. She introduced herself as Julie, and the other women introduced themselves as well. It seemed like a really boring cocktail party, until over some speakers people’s names started to get called. One by one, women began to disappear into a door. An hour passed and over three-quarters of the room had disappeared. Suddenly, Julie realized that because the picture she chose was last and the check box was the last one on the list, she’d probably be in the last group of women to be called.

Finally the second last group was called, leaving Julie and two other women completely alone in the large room together. The three women gravitated towards one another. One girl was a small eastern European girl. She looked like a Romanian gymnast – petite in every way, but very pretty. Her name Ina. The other woman was closer to Julie’s build, with flame red hair, named Hanna. The women looked at each other and each averted their eyes until

Julie finally said, “So you both saw the picture back there, huh?”

They both nodded. Ina said, “I couldn’t believe that it was possible.”

Hanna laughed. “I know, it’s stupid, but I really just wanted to try it once. You know? Oh god, am I stupid? No, this is a terrible idea. I’m sorry, I have to go. Sorry…”

Hanna looked like she was about to have a nervous breakdown as she held her purse close and nearly sprinted out of the room. Julie was wide-eyed. Surely she would leave too, or Ina would and then Julie would. Julie wasn’t going to stay, was she? She couldn’t see herself going through with whatever was behind that door. Still, she looked at Ina and said, “Are you going to go through with this?”

Ina bit her lip and said, “I have to.”

“HAVE to?” Julie was worried this was some crazy blackmail thing.

Ina nodded. “If I don’t, I’ll just wonder forever.”

“Oh… Gotcha. Well a horse does sound pretty exciting,” Julie said as she began to calm down slightly.

Ina laughed. “Oh, no, I don’t want to do a horse. I actually want to sleep with a dog.”

Ina blushed furiously as she admitted her fetish to Julie. Julie’s eyes went wide. “Oh! Okay!”

Ina shrugged, “I had a dog try to mount me when I was little. I just always wondered…”

Julie said, “No, it’s okay, I mean… Who am I to judge right?”

Ina smiled at that. “But you do want to have sex with a horse then?”

Julie said, “Uh, I don’t know, actually. I just came here to find out what this place was. I don’t know if I can really go through with it.”

Ina nodded. “I know what you mean. It sounds like a lot of fun, but who knows what it’ll be like when I’m bent over.”

Julie laughed, and said, “Let’s change the subject, I’m too nervous already.”

Ina agreed and they began to talk about where they were from. Ina was from the Ukraine, but had lived in the city most of her life. They began to joke and realize they lived only a few blocks away from each other. They even had similar music taste and all kinds of things, they decided to exchange email addresses.

Suddenly, their new-found friendship was interrupted when Trish walked into the room and looked around. “Where did the redhead go?”

“Hanna? She took off, I don’t think she’s coming back either,” Ina said.

Trish shrugged. “That’s too bad. Oh well. Her loss. They’re ready for you now.”

Julie looked at Ina. “After you!”

Ina smiled, breathed heavily and they both began to follow Trish into the next room. There they found a large platform that slowly rotated. All around the room were small booths with men in them and small computer terminals set up. Trish smiled. “Ina, you’re up!”

Ina stood up on the platform, looking particularly tiny, even though she was elevated. Julie noted that she could see up her skirt from this angle. Her pink panties were clearly visible. Unfortunately, Julie had not put on underwear, she suddenly remembered.

Suddenly, Trish said, “Gentlemen, this is Ina. She is 5′ even, 98 pounds, 22 and has expressed interest in learning about bestiality. Would you like to say anything, Ina?”

Ina smiled. “Um… just that I don’t really know anything about dogs, but I’d like to have sex with one – you know… Just to try it out. So please be patient.”

“Bidding will start at $1,000,” Trish announced.

Numbers began to flash on an overhead monitor. $2,000, $5,000, $10,000, $15,000… Julie was amazed how fast the bidding increased. It finally started evening out at just $20,000.Trish waited a few seconds, “Going once…” Then it hit $22,000 even. Trish smiled at Julie, waited a few second. “Going once… Gentlemen, twice… SOLD.”

A young man with a nice looking suit walked out of one of the booths. A few claps were made by the losing bidders as the man held out his hand. Julie thought he was rather charming, as she gently put her fingers in her hand to shake it. They walked off out of another door in the back.

Julie suddenly felt her stomach knot up. Could she really go through with this? Was she really about to sell herself? Trish said, “Okay, Julie, your turn. You’re the last one of the night, so try to put on a good show, if you wouldn’t mind.”

Julie nodded, not having any idea what that meant. She walked up onto the platform and suddenly she realised how hard it was to see the faces of the men as she slowly rotated around, because of the bright lights on her. She tried to smile, but she was very nervous. Trish said, “Gentlemen, this is the last lady of the night. Her name is Julie, she is 5’5″, 110 pounds, 24. Julie? Anything to add?”

“Um… Yeah, like she said, my name is Julie. I’m actually married, so I’m not at all interested in sleeping with any guys. That’s actually the reason I chose the horse. I figured it was safe. Not cheating. You know?” Julie waited for the men to laugh, but they were perfectly silent. Her attempt at humour wasn’t working so she decided on a new tactic – sexy. “But anyway, yeah, I figured I never had sex with a horse. I didn’t even know it was possible. But who knows? I’m always up for trying something twice.”

She winked and laughed a little, trying to ease her own nerves. That got a few chuckles from the men. Good, she thought, anything to be somewhat charming.

Trish started again. “It’s not all that often that I actually get to catch a girl in the act, but I spotted her ogling the picture in the hallway. Gentlemen, I’m sure you can picture it too, but Julie here will probably make a great student. So we’ll start the last auction of the night at $10,000.”

Julie was terrified. She almost trembled. She looked over and to her horror, the price had almost instantly gone up to $20,000. Was she really worth that? What if she chickened out? Would they be angry?

She looked over at Trish who mimed that Julie should be sexier, and show some leg. Julie was terrified of what was happening, but she tried to do what Trish was miming. She pushed her breasts out and let one leg hang out a bit and even lifted her skirt ever so slightly. She knew her vagina was probably easily visible from where the men were sitting as she slowly rotated around. She glanced over at the screen and her worst fears had come true. The bidding was over $40,000 and climbing. Julie tried to hold her breath. She was extremely nervous.

Finally the bidding began to slow, as Trish said,”$52,000, going once… Going twice, and sold!” Julie’s eyes went wide and Trish said, “Thank you everyone for coming and bidding on our selection of women. See you next month!”

Julie saw a nice-looking man stand up from one of the booths and walk toward her, “Julie?”

Julie nodded. “Yes?”

“I’m Ed. Please come with me. I just need to settle up and then we can leave.”

Julie nodded as he put his arm out as if to help her. She took his arm and he walked down and out, along with a large group of men who congratulated each other as the noise in the room began to increase with the added intensity of it being the end of a long evening.

He walked over to a small booth where the same woman who had invited people before was standing, with another woman who was changing people out. “Ah, Julie! How did it go?”

“Good, I guess!”

“I’m sure you’re in good hands.”

Julie nodded, not at all as sure as the woman was about her new-found friend, as Ed pulled out his pocket-book and wrote a check saying, “Five-thousand-two-hundred-dollars to the house…” Then he ripped off another check, and said slowly, “Forty-six-thousand-and-eight-hundred-dollars to you, Julie.”

He handed her a check. Julie was shocked and confused, “Wait, for me?”

The woman said, “Oh, Julie, I’m so sorry, I thought I had sent that to you in the email, you get 90% of the take. The house gets 10%. I hope that’s okay. I mean, that’s a very generous price!”

Those damned emails. She wished Rebecca had forwarded them to her! But still, could she really take $46,800 from a strange man? She looked at the check and it said: ‘Ed Rosen, MD.’ The money was enough to buy a car or really pick herself up. Her husband didn’t make much and she made almost nothing as a waitress. She could quit her job and still come out ahead. But at what cost? Julie decided she could do anything a few times for $46,800.

“Oh yeah, no, this is fine. Sorry, I was just confused by the math,” Julie’s said to cover her surprise.

Ed smiled, “Okay, let’s get out of here.”

Julie felt a little nervous. “What about my car?”

Ed frowned. “You can leave it here. Do you need to be anywhere important tomorrow or the next day?”

“Uh, no, I can call in sick at work.”

The woman smiled, and said, “Oh, then, don’t worry about it. Lots of women leave their cars here. Don’t worry, we have a guard on staff – he’ll make sure it doesn’t get stolen or broken into as long as you move it by next week.”

Julie thought that sounded okay, so she left and got into Ed’s fancy car. Ed turned on some music, which was suitable, and raced off. Ed said, “I hope you don’t mind, but it’s very late, and the horses are probably asleep. You can sleep in my guest room and we’ll get started tomorrow morning. How does 8AM sound?”

Julie was nervous and scared so she just nodded. “That’s fine.”


Continued on the next page (link below).


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