The Wolf Lady

By Michelle M.

People in town, especially the men, called her the wolf lady or the wolf’s bitch. Stories were told of seeing her late at night, running naked with the wolf pack.

For me, she was perfect in every way. Tall, olive skin, huge breasts that had no sag in them, standing proud on her chest, she was friends with my mother, that is how I meant her the first time, she had stopped by for something, as I stood in the corner of the room, I knew then and there, this is who I wanted to grow up to be like.

When I was in my final year in high school, my dad, who worked for the railroad, had a massive heart attack, passing away. Financially he left mom and me in a good position, but everything with a loss like this had fallen on the two of us. That is when Jean showed up. Hugging my mom, telling her how sorry she was.

They talked for a brief time when she said, “Why don’t I take Nikki to the ranch? It will give you time to handle all the legal things, and we can get to know each other?”

I was excited, and mom agreed, so in a couple of hours, I had some things packed and was on the way to her ranch in her truck. We talked along the way. She was one I thought I could ask anything, “Jean, I hear some people say they have seen you running nude with the wolves.”

She looked at me, smiling, “Well, if you had a chance to run with a wolf pack, wouldn’t you want to be nude?”

I laughed. She hadn’t answered my question, but she went on to say, her preference was always leaning toward relationships with other women, and that made some of the guys in town a little bit jealous.

That made me realize how much we had in common. I had gone out with a couple of guys and become intimate with them. It was enjoyable but way too fast. That led me to explore a girl-on-girl relationship, and I liked that so much more, but I realized Jean was an adult, and I was only in high school, so no chance of anything happening between us.

I learned a lot about her ranch, we spent time becoming more and more acquainted, and I had the opportunity of helping with the chores.

Receiving an all-paid scholarship to a university not far from home had me leave for the first time in the fall after graduation. Arriving back home for the Thanksgiving holidays, Mom asked me if I’d found anyone I was serious about, typical mother type of question. I figured there was no use in hiding who I was, smiling.

“I’ve dated several girls and had fun, but none of them are any more than a one night stand.”

Then I watched to see her reaction.

She was staring at her glass of wine we were sharing, running a finger around the top of it, not looking up, “What is it like to kiss a girl?”

My mom has always taken care of herself. She has a killer body. Her boobs are large with no apparent sag. I have had dreams about making love to this woman, so I leaned in close without thinking about it, kissing her on the lips. I let the kiss linger, a much different kiss than a normal mother/daughter one. Then I pulled back, the two of us stared at each other. She reached up, touching her lips, then leaned in to kiss me. This time there was no break as her tongue traced my lips lightly. Her eyes were closed, suddenly flying open, “We shouldn’t be doing this, I’m your mother.”

I could see in her eyes, she was saying one thing but wanting something else. Not answering her, setting down my drink, doing the same of hers, moving closer this time, running one hand up and down her arm, along her shoulder, then down between her breasts, at the same time, kissing her again, this time both of our mouths opening, exploring each other.

Continuing to rub and explore her breasts, it is not long before her top comes off, leaving her beautiful body open for me to enjoy. Leaning down, licking her nipples, sucking on them, quickly aware of how fast she is becoming aroused, breaking the kiss, “I think maybe if we move to your bedroom, we can get comfortable.”

By this time, she is so turned on. The mother-daughter problem is the last thing on her mind. Smiling, taking my hand, standing, we head down the hall. By the time we walked into the room, I was nude, dropping down in front of her, kissing her tummy, pulling her shorts down slowly, running a single finger along her lips, they are so moist already, looking up at her, “You are so wet and ready, just relax and let me entertain you.”

As soon as my mouth touches her clit, licking it, at the same time a single finger penetrating her body, the legs give out. She collapses back on the bed, giving me a perfect position to move between her legs, licking her entire pussy, my tongue separating her lips, sliding along the channel – then circling her clit again. Her moans, both hands grabbing my hair, hips writhing under the onslaught, tell me I’m doing exactly what needs to be done.

Sending my index finger inside, while I lick and suck on her, locating her magical spot easily, I start to massage it, that is when she starts to try and pull away, her legs go out straight, he pushes at me, grabs the sheets pulling away, then tries to set up. Still, I keep on doing what I am doing. It only takes a few more minutes, she explodes, actually sprays cum all over my hand and face .. looking up, she has both hands on her tits, her whole body shaking.

I keep licking and sucking until her last convulsion stops, then moving up by her side, kissing her, sharing her own juices with that kiss. Our kiss is long and so sensual, she rolls to me, our bodies almost becoming one, our legs wrapped around each other. Finally, she breaks, taking a deep breath, “I had no idea it would be like that. I’ve been missing so much, thank you.”

We lay there for the longest time, exploring each other’s bodies. She decided we’d go out for Thanksgiving. She wanted to be in bed with me as much as possible. When I headed back to my dorm on Sunday evening, we had spent almost every waking hour in each other’s arms.

A few weeks later, we were out for Christmas break. When I walked into the house, I was surprised and not so much to see one of mom’s closest friends in the kitchen. Neither of them had anything on, except for a man’s type of dress shirt, probably my dad’s, neither of them were buttoned up, showing both had a nice set of boobs. Mom came running to hug me, then turning, “You know Elle, of course, we were or could have been lovers in high school, but it wasn’t proper then. After you left, I called her, and we’ve been like this for a couple of weeks. Are you OK with this?”

Hugging both of them, “Of course I’m ok with this, i’m so glad to see you two finally got together.”

They had been getting dinner ready for me to arrive, we talked, they were thinking of selling Elle’s home and moving in together, as I watched them, they were so happy, I couldn’t have been happier for my mom.

I decided to go to a club that was not necessarily a lesbian gathering, but guys stayed away. There were some shemales or gurls that attended. The owner was a lesbian, so she catered to this specific population. When I arrived, it was busy, but not jumping like it would be on a weekend day. Slipping up on a bar stool, ordering a beer from a cute bartender, I had just taken a drink, when someone came up behind me, slipping her hands around me, under my loose-fitting top, cupping both of my boobs, then pinching my nipples, at the same time kissing my neck, “I’ve waited a long time for us to hook up. When I heard you were coming back for the holidays, and since your mom now has a girlfriend, I figured you’d show up here eventually. Happy holidays Nikki. ”

I’ve never had my sexual arousal spike faster than it had in the last couple of minutes, it didn’t help, when I turned to see the Goddess I had dreamed of, worshiped for so long, “Jean, I can’t believe it is you, OMG that feels so good, how have you been?”

The suddenness of her contact with me had put me in an erotic haze, having a hard time focusing on anything. She didn’t say anything, kissed me on the lips, taking me by the hand, leading me to a small private table in the back she had been sitting at, sliding in by my side. I never wear panties, so when she slid her hand between my legs, they opened wide immediately, allowing her to surprise me again, as she slid two fingers deep in my pussy. My eyes went wide.

It was so sudden when she started to pump the fingers in and out of me, the pressure lifting me slightly, her thumb on my clit, applying pressure different than I’ve ever experienced. Her two fingers pumping faster and faster, grabbing the edges of the table, my hips humping her hand, eyes rolled up in my head, my whole world was spiraling out of control. Her pumping only took a few minutes. The orgasm came upon me like a thunderbolt, exploding cum all over her hand. Slumping down in the seat, totally exhausted, barely able to look at her, breathing heavily.

Watching her lick the two fingers, coated with my juices, “You even taste better than I could have dreamed of.”

Looking at her, my breathing returning to normal slowly, a small giggle, “What the fuck, Jean? That was incredible.”

We talked, I never knew she had been watching me for a long time and waiting until I was of legal age. We spent a couple of hours enjoying a few drinks, talking, spent some time dancing with each other, and doing a lot of making out. Around eleven or so, she sat back, “We need to go someplace where we can have some privacy. You OK with coming out to my place?”

I had dreamed of being with this lady for years, and now my chance had arrived, smiling, “I’d love to do that, let’s go.”

The drive took some time, but it gave us a chance to talk. Her hand was on my bare leg, squeezing it. They were wide open, so she had any and all access she needed. I told her I”d always been a lesbian. Although I had enjoyed the few times I had been with a guy, it always left me unsatisfied.

She giggled, “Maybe sometime soon, you’ll find that perfect male to make you happy.”

We barely got the door shut to her home before both were nude. I had dreamed what her breasts would be like, masturbated at what it would feel like to feel them. Now I was sucking on them.

Running my hand down between her legs, slipping two fingers inside her all the time, licking her nipples, sucking on them, biting lightly to hear her moan. As soon as she was humping my hand, I moved on down her body, giving her small butterfly-like kisses on her tummy, then moving between her legs. Easing one finger up inside her, all the time licking her pussy and sucking on it, my nose moving back and forth on her clit … it only took a few minutes for her to go over the edge, exploding liquid all over my face and hand.

Drinking as much as I could, she was so different than any woman or girl I’d ever been with. Her juices were wild tasting, almost addicting, but so wonderful to taste while my whole body enjoyed the feelings that washed over me.

We fell asleep in each other’s arms the following morning, and the days up to Christmas, we were enjoying the sexual explorations of our bodies. She taught me ways of enjoying new toys she had that helped us have even deeper orgasms -then waking up the day before the big day, she was tracing a finger over my nipple, “I have had so much fun with you this past week, what would you think about making it more of a permanent situation?”

She went on to tell me she was extremely wealthy and no one to leave it all to except me. She also owned over a thousand acres going up into the forest, telling me she needed to make sure everything in the forest was taken care of as well.

I didn’t have any idea why the forest needed to be cared for, but it only took me a minute to make up my mind, “You mean you want me to move in with you permanently, like a girlfriend thing?”

She laughed, “Oh, a lot more than a girlfriend. I was thinking more like a soul mate, physically, emotionally, and legally. I’d have papers drawn up to make you legally be an owner of all that I have, and there is so much more I want to show you, to be the Mistress of the entire ranch and all it has to offer.”

We hugged, I called mom and told her, withdrew from the spring semester at the university, then after the holiday, she took me to a law office to sign my side of the documents, to be a co-signer on her huge accounts, then I moved all of my things out of mom’s home to Jeans, my new home.

Around the first week in January, we played around, ending in me exploding liquid everywhere. She sat up, keeping me on my back, “I know you trust me, so I want to give you a new experience. I guarantee you’ll love”

I relaxed, cum running out of my pussy, telling her I was open for what she had in mind. Jean has a dog, called Jake, he was big, but probably a mixed breed, friendly and I loved him. She spoke, “Jake come and clean.”

Before I could raise my head, he was on the bed, his tongue making contact between my legs, touching my anal area, then in one slow swipe, moved that rough tongue between my legs, ending up brushing my clit, then circling it, moving back down between my lips, sinking his tongue deep inside me.

All of this happened so fast. I gasped, the sensations surging through my body, my nipples becoming so hard, they began to throb. My eyes wide open, grabbing the bedsheets, having just had a massive climax, I was not ready for what he was doing to me. The new one was coming over me so quickly. There was no way to stop it. Before I could stop him, my body came crashing over the top. He kept licking the new cum, bringing on the third one, now barely able to breathe, looking at Jean for some help, she was smiling just as the third one crashed over me.

That was when she told him to stop and go lay down. For an unknown time, I continued to feel small explosions rush between my legs, finally able to come back to a normal feeling, looking at my mate, “What the fuck was that? I’ve never felt anything like that before. His tongue is so erotic feeling. Did you train him to do that?”

Running her fingernail over my aroused nipple, “He is fantastic, isn’t he? I love it when he starts me down that path of non-stop climaxes.”

The next couple of weeks, I enjoyed him doing this to me time and time again, then one evening we had been working with the horses Jean has, coming back inside, to shower, she hugged me, “You ready for me to show you what else Jake can do?”

I had no idea what she was talking about, but his licking was still something that drove me over the top, so nodding, “Oh yea, I’d love to see what he can do.”

She had me kneel by the bed, spreading my legs wide, commanding him to lick me. He licked me between my legs. Always before, I had just experienced a peak explosion, but now I was only excited, so I was anxious to see how fast he would bring me over the edge. He licked and licked me, the feeling so good, small whimpers were escaping me.

I enjoyed how good it felt when he jumped up on my back, it took me a few seconds to realize what was about to happen, but before I could react, his cock slid in me easily. By the time my head came up to protest, he was fucking me like a jackhammer. The speed he was pounding me, the exciting feeling of that wonderful cock sliding in and out of me sent my body into an instant sexual frenzy, small mini-explosions were taking place, my eyes had not only rolled up in my head, but the ability to focus was gone.

His speed kept up for a long time, or what I thought was a long time, then I felt his knot, the huge bulb at the base of dogs cocks, it took a moment, but I remembered seeing how big they were on dogs and the fact if he tried to push this in me, the pain would be unbearable. Trying to get him to stop, feeling more and more pressure being applied, he was just too heavy for me to move. He pushed it in. The pain hit me suddenly like a flash of lightning, then at the same time, the knot landed on my magical spot, bringing on a sudden climax like nothing I’d ever experienced before. He was still pounding me with the same rhythm he had been. The pain had all but disappeared. The suddenness of my explosion was still washing over me when he emptied his first load of warm, maybe even hot cum all inside of me.

This, combined with everything else taking place inside me, a low whimper escaped me, my whole body giving way to the erotic sexual feelings that now wrapped around me similar to a warm, comforting blanket, just taken out of the dryer. My whole body collapsed on the bed, eyes slowly fluttering open and closed, but never seeing anything.

Eventually, he pulled out of me, slowly coming to my senses he was laying on a large rug in the corner, Jean was rubbing my back, “Go ahead and clean his cock, you are now his bitch, and that would be the correct thing to do.”

Crawling to him, my limbs still shaky, leaning down, taking his beautiful cock in my mouth, cleaning it, enjoying the new taste of his seed combined with my cum. Then curling up with him, his soft underbelly on my back, I slipped into a deep sleep, my body now feeling like I had just experienced the best it would ever feel.

I have no idea how long I slept, but Jean was by my side when I woke, “How are you feeling? Not sore anywhere, I hope?”

Hugging her, “No, not sore, I feel so wonderful, never even dreamed of anything like that, but thank you for sharing him with me.”

She giggled, “In a month or so, you’ll have an experience that makes this just a lot of fun. Believe me. There is more, much more to come.”

I had no idea what she was talking about, but thinking anything could be more sexually erotic than when what I had just experienced, looking at her, “I’m not sure my body could take anything more than what just happened.”

I enjoyed Jake using me at least once every day and a few times more. Jean and I made love every morning and ended the day doing the same. When we weren’t taking care of the ranch or animals, we would be nude, enjoying each other’s charms.

Around mid-April or late that month, she packed some food and water for us, making sure I had on some comfortable running shoes, then I joined her on the 4 wheeler, and we were off to the forest up in her property. We drove for several hours, stopping occasionally, she would study some tracks, then back on, we’d be off. Suddenly we stopped, “Be very still and don’t get off the machine, we are being watched, and they’re not sure why I have brought you.”

I was trying to look and see who was watching us, but no one was visible. She got off the unit, took all her clothes off, then got down on all fours, crawling in a submissive position into the heavy brush. I could see her figure in the heavy foliage. Then I could see a dog of some sort, a large dog, much bigger than Jake was, and jet black. There seemed to be a lot of movement when Jean spoke, “Nikki take off all your clothes, follow the same path I took and remember to be down on all fours, head down in a submissive pose.”

I had no idea what would happen, but I trusted Jean, so I did as she told me, crawling slowly into the underbrush. There seemed to be a path, following it was easy, when suddenly the underbrush opened up, what I saw had my mouth drop open. She was on all fours. There were maybe 10 or more big wolf males. One was licking Jean’s pussy. The others all turned to look at me.

My arousal spiked, but I moved slowly to be by my lover. I had just arrived when one of the big animals licked my pussy. His tongue was similar to Jakes but bigger, a little rougher, and it felt like the ability to curve, as it separated my lips, causing me to whimper just a little.

A few more licks, I forgot where we were or who was with us. The only thing that mattered was the repeat of the past. I was already flying high when he jumped up on my back, finding my opening in one small jump.

He was much larger than Jake had been. When he bottomed out, I was stretched so tight, my body was on the edge of pain, but he started to really fucking me, fucking me like I never thought was possible. It was much faster and harder than I had previously enjoyed and experienced two explosions, longer than I had enjoyed with Jake. His knot hit me so quick, it was inside me, without much discomfort, then he started to empty load after a load of warm and satisfying seed inside me. The huge climax did not come at that time, not until he pulled out of me. The sudden emptiness had it wash over me, leaving me totally used and exhausted.

Looking around, finding Jean, she was sitting by my side, stroking my hair, “They have accepted you now, the females will take care of your every need, the males will use you as their pet bitch. Someday you will be the Wolf lady, so I’m going to leave you with them for a time. I’ll come and get you later.”

She got up, kissed me, and was gone.

Before I could fully realize what she had said, another wolf entered me, and the hazy feeling was again upon me.

I have no idea how long I stayed with the pack and the new young ones. The females would take care of my body for me, providing me something to eat. When the moon was bright, I’d run nude with them. I was fucked multiple times each day. When the males took down a large animal for food, they were all so worked up. I would be fucked in my pussy, a cock in my mouth, and many times a cock in each hand, pumping them to an explosion.

Their cum had bronzed my skin, my tits were proud and firm, my nipples were always excited, and my pussy remained wet and ready at all times.

One day Jean walked into camp, hugging the wolves who were there and me. She took me home. I told her I don’t believe I have ever been happier than when I was with them. She promised me I’d be back in the fall – then each spring and fall, I’d be with them.

A warm shower felt so good, slow passionate love with my companion was something I had missed, but laying in the soft bed, wide awake while Jean slept peacefully, I was so happy to now be, like my love, the Wolf Lady.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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