The Wolf Lady

By Michelle M. People in town, especially the men, called her the wolf lady or the wolf’s bitch. Stories were told of seeing her late at night, running naked with the wolf pack. For me, she was perfect in every way. Tall, olive skin, huge breasts that had no sag in them, standing proud on her chest, she was friends with my mother, that is how I meant her the first time, she had stopped by for something, as I

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Something About Mary

Sheela B. Mary didn’t know why she agreed, to come on this day trip with her stupid husband. Their marriage had been rocky for a few months now. Since she found his cache of dirty porn on his laptop. Disgusting stuff. This moral woman has had him on a short leash. So today is meant to be a day they spend together without the kids, rebuilding their marriage, in other words, he’s trying to suck up to her. Bob always

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