Diana meets Ben the Labrador

Trish Dog Lover (trishdoglover@aol.com) Our sex life continued, Diana spent more time at my place, she usually went home on Saturday afternoons, but she was always back in time for us to hit the night spots. I had forgotten my wallet, one Saturday morning, and had to go back to the apartment, (she slept late on Saturdays) so I let myself in quietly, thinking she was still sleeping. I found Diana lying on the settee with her legs wide open,

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Unexpected Dog Sitting

Dragontail “Beth??” my husband called from downstairs. He sounded stressed. Coming down the stairs there was my 12 year old son looking heart broken and my husband holding the phone to his chest. “It seems we have a problem,” he said. “Mike and his son cannot come fishing this weekend.” “Oh no,” I said, generally saddened by the news. “What happened?” “His wife is out of town as well, and their dog sitter cancelled at the last minute. They have

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Harry & Denise

lovnbowser Dear Friend’s, I and a couple of friends were at a weekend doggy party just prior to the holidays. While there, a group of about 6 of us were talking about how we started into K9 life. A new couple (new to me, but they had been affiliated with the hosts for about a year) relayed the following story. I apologise for the poor start, when I and Nattie joined this group, the wife, who was relaying the story,

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Taken By Surprise

By SusanWatergate I thought I knew how lucky I was to live on a farm while my husband was stationed in Alaska, but I had no idea just how lucky I was until last Tuesday. I had lived most of my life in St. Louis and was considered the good girl in my family. Although my husband and I married very young, our sex lives had been pretty much routine. A little 69, lots of bisexual stuff, and even a

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Muffin Gets Schooled

Author Unknown My family had moved to Nebraska when I was 18, and I was very, very unhappy there wasn’t making any friends, and was lonely all the time. My parents are both drug addicts/alcoholics and were either out partying or passed out at the apartment. One night, when they had gone out drinking with friends, I knew they wouldn’t be returning as it was a Friday night. This meant they’d be gone until at least Sunday late. Good riddance,

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The Lone Ranger Strikes Again

Tony Day It was late Saturday evening. Katy had just finished cleaning up the kitchen. Earlier she had entertained her friend Nancy, her roommate from college, and her husband Albert. The cook out had been a whopping success. About 6 PM Nancy and Albert left to visit a few of Albert’s friends from school. Since Katy didn’t know Albert’s friends she decided to stay home and watch a movie. Before watching the movie Katy decided to take a shower and

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Saving Amy

lovnbowser Ring-ring, ring-ring, ring-ring, ring-ring. Damn incessant phone, thought Amy as she pushed her body up from the chair to answer the device. Waddling en route to the phone, she again wondered why she forgot to have Edward move the phone and its charger to the end table adjacent the chair in which she spent most of the day. Six-months pregnant, she had a nice big tummy now. “Hello,” she answered. “Hey Girl! How the hell are you? I just

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There is nothing like a Dane!

By Anon With her back porch door opened, Laity sat down on her country sofa and laid a tall glass of ice tea onto the floor. Sunlight lazily streamed passed the door and a soft warm breeze enveloped her nude body. The sweet scent of garden flowers teased her nose and caused her to breath deeply and expel a large sigh of disgust. She was definitely frustrated. Here she was, a top junior executive employed by a Fortune 500 company,

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The Shortcut Home

ghandi “To find the derivative of something like x^3, take the exponent, put it at the front, and subtract one from that exponent. That’d be 3x^2,” a voice said in the back of Ellen’s mind. Eighteen-year old Ellen Cavendish sat in Intro to Calculus, half-listening to the teacher. Finding herself utterly unable to concentrate on the teacher, she turned her attention to more interesting things; like drawing people, flowers, and whatever else came to mind in her notebook. The boredom

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