Rearview Mirror

By annerogerduncan. ( I used to walk home from my first real job at a small factory on the edge of town – a mile or more – and I was enjoying my sexuality in those days. My breasts were ample, and the guys made me pay attention to myself with their looks and stares before I knew all about ‘things.’ Around then, I began to go to work without wearing panties, making me feel brave and horny. Little did

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The Amateur Dog Catcher (Gay Zoo)

By Summer is great in Vermont for a dog lover like myself. This might not seem like something you would think about, but it has worked out quite well for me in picking up strays. When I say, ‘picking up strays,’ I don’t mean the: ‘Do you come here often and what is your sign’ kind of strays. It’s more like the: ‘Come here, boy, who’s your owner?’ It’s a scam that I came up with about ten years

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The Comet

Dragontail Allen was sitting at his terminal, fixing another web page. As the IT consultant, he was responsible for web changes among a million other things. “Again? Damn it,” he cursed softly. “How many times can you change one word?” The worst part of his day was changing pages, 20 or 30 emails a day with change requests. At least they were small corrections. Looking around his work station he was quite happy with his situation in life, earning nearly

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Stranger Than Fiction (Gay Zoo)

Mist99 ( Mark Twain once said, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” My story falls into the truth is stranger than fiction category and one that I never thought I would write. I’m an author and this story is a bit of therapy and to try and figure out who I am. To my friends, I’m a happily married guy with a grown-up son and daughter and a

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