That Damn Dog! (Gay Zoo)

By markagnew. I was round at me mates last night, and about 10 pm, he said he had to nip out for some ciggies as he only had a few left. He said he wouldn’t take long to nip down to the garage and back, and he left me in charge of his big ugly black mutt! Don’t ask me what breed it was. All I knew was it was bloody huge and slobbered all over the damn place, and

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Stranger Than Fiction (Gay Zoo)

Mist99 ( Mark Twain once said, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” My story falls into the truth is stranger than fiction category and one that I never thought I would write. I’m an author and this story is a bit of therapy and to try and figure out who I am. To my friends, I’m a happily married guy with a grown-up son and daughter and a

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