Friends with Benefits

By SC. Part 1… I decided to wake up and get out of bed. I made my way from the bed to the bathroom to pee. I was alone at my new girlfriend’s house. We had been dating for a couple of months. She had gone to work, and I was by myself. I walked into the den completely naked. I am sure my clothes were around here somewhere. I sat down in a comfy chair. I was still sleepy

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Tricking my Husband into fucking a Bitch

By bestoverall11. Hi, my name is Jennifer. Everyone calls me Jen. My husband, Todd, and I have been married for ten years. We have a good sex life and have some good sex toys. I love watching Todd fuck the sex doll I got him a few years ago. Well, it all started when I was horny one evening. Todd was still at work, and I got on my laptop. For some reason, I typed in BITCH IN HEAT. What

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The Comet

Dragontail Allen was sitting at his terminal, fixing another web page. As the IT consultant, he was responsible for web changes among a million other things. “Again? Damn it,” he cursed softly. “How many times can you change one word?” The worst part of his day was changing pages, 20 or 30 emails a day with change requests. At least they were small corrections. Looking around his work station he was quite happy with his situation in life, earning nearly

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