Friends with Benefits

By SC.

Part 1…

I decided to wake up and get out of bed. I made my way from the bed to the bathroom to pee. I was alone at my new girlfriend’s house. We had been dating for a couple of months. She had gone to work, and I was by myself. I walked into the den completely naked. I am sure my clothes were around here somewhere. I sat down in a comfy chair. I was still sleepy and a little hungover from last night.

I felt relaxed and comfortable in the chair because I could shower and get dressed. My cock and balls were hanging down from the chair. They were a good size and served me well; my new girlfriend loved them. I was uncut, which was unique to where I lived. My cock was above average in thickness and almost 9 inches long when fully hard. My balls were big and hung low. I always shot a big thick load of sperm.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I must have dozed off sitting naked in the chair. I felt something warm and wet touch my cock and balls. It felt really good, and at first, I thought my girlfriend had come home from work. I opened my eyes and looked between my legs, and froze. My girlfriend’s dog was licking my cock.

I decided not to move because I didn’t know the dog well. It was a large female Doberman, and she seemed to be interested in my cock. I let her alone, thinking she would lose interest and move on. I didn’t know what to expect. This was a first for me. I could look into her mouth, saw all the teeth, and prayed she didn’t bite me.

Her tongue was warm and wet, and on its own, my cock started to stir. It was getting harder. ‘Oh no,’ I thought, unsure how the dog would react. She had just been licking it but then did something I never suspected. It was almost like she was trying to swallow my cock. She had a long snout and took my cock about halfway inside her mouth, laying on her tongue between her teeth. My cock was swelling quickly. It was almost like she was sucking on it like a giant nipple. She was working it farther down her throat.

I know this was a pretty stupid thing to be doing, but at this point, it was getting to me. My cock was fully hard now and sticking straight out. I thought there was no way she would get the entire thing down her throat, but that’s what it looked like she wanted. Occasionally, one of her sharp teeth would rub or poke into my cock, and I would wince, but I didn’t stop her.

I was lost in that feeling when I felt it. That telltale tingle in my balls. My cock was almost completely inside the dog’s mouth and throat, and I knew I would cum soon. I wasn’t going to be able to stop it. How would she react to my sperm in her mouth? She was locked firmly onto my cock. She wasn’t going to let go of it. I could feel the tip of my cock swell in her throat.

I grabbed the arms of the chair and felt my orgasm roll over me. My cock erupted with long ropes of cum being shot down the dog’s throat. She clamped harder on my cock, not wanting it to pull out. It seemed like I shot forever. Had to be one of the biggest loads I had ever had. Finally, I was spent, and my cock started to deflate. I felt it slip out of her warm mouth. She gave the tip a couple of licks then she walked off.

‘What the hell just happened? Did I have oral sex with a dog?’ I wondered.

I slowly stood up, a little shaky. I walked back into the bedroom to take a shower. My cock was a little sore. I stayed in the warm water for some time. I washed my cock and balls well and didn’t find any damage. I toweled off and decided to find my clothes. I decided I enjoyed having the dog suck my cock and make me cum. If I got the chance to do it again, I would.

I started to find my clothes spread out everywhere. Once I had them all in hand, I sat down naked in the same chair to put them on. When the female Doberman approached me, I was about to put my boxers on. She looked at me and cocked her head, then turned around and backed up to me. I didn’t know what she wanted at first. My cock and balls were hanging in front of me, and when she backed up, we made definite contact.

I patted her rear end, thinking she would walk off, but she didn’t. It seemed like she was more insistent and was trying to line things up. I decided to have a closer look at her. She had a cropped tail, so it made it easy to examine things. She was a black Doberman, so the skin around her anus and pussy was dark black. I immediately noticed how swollen the lips of her pussy were. This couldn’t be normal. They stuck out far and were very wet. I was pretty sure what she wanted. She wanted me to fuck her.

To have a dog lick my cock and make me cum was one thing, but to have actual sex with a bitch dog was wild. I wasn’t sure if I should do that. I decided to explore her canine pussy. I rubbed my finger up and down the swollen lips. She responded by pushing back on it. It slowly went inside her. I moved it around, and it felt like a normal vagina, except it was very tight and hot. I could get two fingers inside her, but that was it.

I moved my fingers in and out of her wet pussy amazed at how swollen the labia were. I found out later this was because she was in heat. She wanted a male to breed her. As I played with her pussy I involuntarily started to stroke my cock. Before I knew it, I was half hard and just inches from her entrance. I took my fingers out of her pussy, and they were covered in her juice. I rubbed them on my cock, making it slick and wet. Was this going to happen? She wanted it, and I wanted it too. I decided to test it out. I looked too big for her.

The tip of my uncut cockhead touched the wet skin of her labia. It was electric. I guided my cock with one hand and tried to spread her lips with the other. She didn’t move out of the way at all. It felt like she was trying to help get it in. I adjusted my angle a little and then pushed with purpose. I started progressing and felt my foreskin peel back, exposing my bare glans. She was that tight. The heat from inside her nearly overwhelmed me.

The head of my cock was now fully seated inside her. I took my hands and placed them on her hips. She seemed to be doing fine, and I was good, so I went further. It took short in-and-out strokes, but I could get about six inches inside her. How would I be able to compare this pussy to others now? This was the best feeling I had ever had. So hot and tight and willing.

I had just experienced a huge orgasm a couple of hours ago, so I had no idea how long I would last. My cock was now fully erect, and the bitch seemed to be able to take it for now. I stroked in and out now. Each time my foreskin would roll and cover my cockhead, then be peeled back by her tight canine vagina.

She seemed OK with my stroking, and I could feel my balls swinging. I was almost inside her. I had maybe an inch to go. Now I had a goal. I wanted to get balls deep in her. Her pussy was gripping me like a vice. I pushed hard once and felt something touch the tip of my cock. I felt her jump a little bit too. I was at her bottom, and I had touched her canine cervix. I looked down and saw that I was inside her.

I pushed again and felt it flatten against my cockhead. The bitch dog seemed to like to be fucked hard, so that’s what I was doing. She was very tight, but her slick discharge kept things moving. I felt her cervix pressed against my tip with each deep thrust. It was driving me wild. I wanted to push deeper. I started feeling that tingle for the first time and knew it wouldn’t be long.

I pushed hard and felt a pop, and then her vagina spasmed and gripped me like a vise. I tried to pull out a little, but my cock wouldn’t budge. She was having an orgasm, just like me. I unloaded a lot of sperm into her canine cunt, and most went deep inside her. My cock was swollen from abuse today, and she still gripped it.

We were going to have to stay tied like this for a while. This was new to me, so I held still and waited for her to pull off me. I could step over her and turn, so we were butt to butt with me on my hands and knees. I felt my cock shoot a couple of small spurts of sperm. Maybe that’s what she was waiting on for me to be empty. I wondered what my girlfriend would think if she walked in and saw us like this.

After about 15 minutes, I felt the grip on my cock starts to ease up. When I felt the female Doberman start to pull off, I tried to pull out. It went slow, but finally, my cock slipped out of her tight pussy. It was a relief, but I was already missing it.


Part 2…

I admitted to myself that I was officially obsessed. With what? With having sex with my girlfriend’s female dog. I couldn’t help it. I had developed a special relationship with the bitch, and she seemed to want it just as badly as I did. My girlfriend knew nothing about my obsession. I did find myself taking more chances and was almost caught a few times.

I had convinced myself that I preferred sex with the dog over sex with my girlfriend. It just felt so good to be inside her. She was so tight and so hot. She wanted me to breed her. She would back up to me and present her pussy. My cock was pretty big, and at first, it was a challenge to get inside her. It seemed easier now after a couple of months. That’s what started me thinking about our sex.

I wanted to be the best mate I could be for her. She seemed to enjoy us having sex and my cock being inside her, but something was missing. I didn’t have a knot. All male dogs have one that swells and grows, and once inside, the female gets stuck, sealing her vagina while the male dog shoots its load of sperm into the bitch. It is a very effective part of successful mating.

I would constantly look at pictures of dog cocks with their knots. Some were huge. They would get stuck inside the female and be ‘tied’ for a long time. I even dreamed about mating with the dog and having a knot on my cock that worked, and we tied. I woke up, had to check myself, and saw I didn’t have one. I was depressed the whole day.

I was on Facebook one day and got a random ad about erectile dysfunction. I didn’t have that, but I clicked on it anyway. It was all about penile implants. Little balloons placed inside a penis could then be inflated to make it bigger and harder. It was like a light bulb turned on. Could that work for what I wanted?

I searched but couldn’t find any information on what I wanted. Nobody was probably making them, but maybe they could. I needed to find out more and sought a Urologist specializing in penile implants. I found one that wasn’t too far away. I called and made an appointment.

I made the appointment because I was interested in standard penile implants. I filled out some paperwork and was placed in an exam room waiting for the Doctor. He came in, and he seemed like an OK guy. We chatted, and then he asked me to take off my pants so he could check me out. I did that, and he came over to have a look. After poking and prodding me a little, he said he was confused. He said I was well endowed, and everything seemed to work fine. Why was I interested in a penile implant?

I told him I was looking for something out of the ordinary. It was probably going to be a custom implant. I showed him my cock where I wanted the implant placed, and I described how big I wanted it. He lifted my cock up and felt around the base of it.

He let it drop, then looked at me and said, “You want a dog knot?”

I looked at him and said, “Yes. That’s what I want exactly.”

“I could do that. How big do you want it?”

I said, “As big as possible.”

He suggested I give him about a week to research and figure out what was possible. I agreed, and we set a follow-up appointment. I was overjoyed that this might be possible. I hope to have a functioning knot and tie properly with a female.

Fast forward a couple of months. I had gone through with the surgery and now was completely healed. I was now ready to start practicing inflating my knot and stretching the skin so it would get as large as possible. I sat naked on the bed and took my balls in my hand. I felt around and found the pump. It was like a large marble. I couldn’t feel it, but a tube inside me ran into my abdomen. It is connected to a large reservoir under a fat layer. That contained a sterile gel-like substance. When the pump was squeezed, the gel would flow through some tubes that led to the implants. They then would gradually inflate. If I kept pumping, the knot could get huge and be hard.

The Doctor had warned me about two things. First, this was a permanent change, and I couldn’t have this removed without some serious damage. Second, the way the pump worked as a one-way valve. That meant that once my knot was expanded, it would stay that way for some time. The gel would eventually drain back into the reservoir, which could take time. I asked him how many full pump squeezes would take to max out the knot size.

He said about twelve.

I sat on the bed with my ball sack in my hand. I was getting excited because my uncut cock was at half-mast. I gave the pump a slow squeeze. I felt some pressure and did it again. It didn’t hurt, so I continued. I got to six pumps and stopped. I looked down, almost in disbelief. There were now two large lumps on either side of my shaft at the base. They were about the size of large eggs. I wanted my knot to grow, but I thought getting to six pumps halfway through the first time was encouraging. I walked around the house naked for the rest of the morning. My knot finally started to go down after about three hours. It was fully deflated after six.

For the next few weeks, I worked daily at growing my knot. I probably could have had sex with the dog, but I wanted to wait until I was fully functional. For the last week, I have gotten a full twelve pumps in. My knot was huge. Way bigger than I expected. I might not be able to get it fully inflated once inside the female Doberman but maybe. I wondered how she would react to a functioning knot being inside her and being seriously tied to me. Only one way to find out.

I sat in the chair completely naked. If you saw my cock it looked perfectly normal. I had not fucked the dog for some time, and I think we were both in a sexual fog. The bitch gave my cock a few licks and then turned around and backed up to it. This was going to happen. My cock was leaking pre-cum, and she was wet on her own. I placed the tip against her labia and pressed in. She slowly opened it, and soon the head was in her canine cunt.

It felt so damn good. I had to concentrate on remaining in control. Slow strokes got me deeper inside her dog cunt. I reached down and grabbed my balls, found the pump, and gave it six slow squeezes. My knot grew and was soon pressing against her entrance. I wanted us both to feel it going inside.

I started stroking harder, trying to get it in. For a moment, I thought it was too big. Then I felt her press back on my cock. She wanted it inside too. Somehow she could stretch more, and suddenly my knot popped inside her. I just held still so we could get used to it. The tip of my cock was pressed into her cervix, stretching it open. My hard shaft filled her vagina. I could feel the rings of muscle at her entrance, grabbing onto my knot. It was like I was being pulled deeper. I gave the pump a couple of more squeezes. I decided to test things. I had my hands on her hips and tried to pull my cock out of her. I could see about a half-inch of the shaft, but that’s it. I pulled a couple of more times with no movement. We were officially stuck.

Because of the way my cock was inside her and the thrill of actually being tied together, I felt my cum shoot out directly into her doggy uterus. I had no control over it and shuddered as it shot again. I was breeding her, and my knot was sealing all fluids inside. My orgasm seemed to go on forever. My legs were wobbly, so I turned around and got on all fours. My knot wouldn’t come out, so we would stay tied. Soon we were butt to butt. The tip of my cock was still in her uterus. Every couple of minutes, it would shoot another blast of sperm. It finally settled down to some occasional twitches.

I could still reach my balls and decided to squeeze the pump. After about three pumps, I could feel the dog bitch’s tightness. I had lost track of how many times I had pumped. I gave it one more squeeze, then stopped. The twitches in my cock were finally slowing down. I wondered if it was because it was inside a female dog instead of a human. It felt great but different.

After some time, I decided it was time to separate and get cleaned up. I was still on my hands and knees but had leverage to pull on my cock. I tugged at it and then a slightly harder one, and nothing happened. We were still firmly stuck. I then realized that my knot was probably the only one inside her and was huge. I had gotten carried away with the pumping and over-inflated it for her size. Now what?

Over the next 20 minutes, I kept trying to pull out of her. I am still waiting to make progress. I knew I would eventually shrink, but that might take hours. I looked at the clock and realized my girlfriend would be home in about thirty minutes. Panic started to set in. What if she caught us like this? How would she react? I decided to crawl into the bedroom and shut the door. That might gain me some time. I continued to work on the knot. I was getting sore, and I knew the dog was too. I just kept trying.

I could see where we were tied and noticed her labia stretch open when I pulled, exposing a little of my knot. Only a little progress but some. I was sweaty, tired, and desperate. I pulled again, and more knot showed. Just then, I heard the front door open. I heard my girlfriend call my name. I called out and said just a minute. I heard her then call the dog’s name. That made the dog try to get away and go to her mistress.

I pulled as hard as I could one more time, and like in slow motion, my knot emerged and came out of the dog’s vagina. I quickly wrapped a towel around myself. My cock was swollen, and my knot was still at full size.

My girlfriend opened the door to the bedroom. She said hello to the dog first and then looked at me curiously. I just smiled and said I was going to take a shower. I hoped she wouldn’t notice anything strange about my cock or swollen knot. I didn’t get a chance to clean the dog up, but luckily she wasn’t leaking my sperm. That had all been deposited in her uterus and tubes. I was worried that the bedroom smelled like sex and my girlfriend would notice.


Part 3…

After my close call with my girlfriend, I should have been more cautious, but I wasn’t. I was addicted to having sex with the female dog. My new knot worked great and added to my experience and pleasure that it seemed so natural now. I had my cock about halfway inside her vagina and was working it deeper. She seemed extra hot and tight today. I felt my swollen knot touch the lips of her vulva. It was time to push it inside her. She never resisted me and always cooperated with our mating. I felt her open up more, and soon my knot popped inside and was well seated in her vagina.

I turned around on her and gave our connection a test tug. We were firmly tied. I relaxed and settled into cumming inside her. I started to think about what had happened over the last few months. I was fucking my girlfriend less and less and her female dog more and more. It seemed like my cock just stayed inside her. I didn’t want to admit it, but my cock had changed. It was always soaked in the fluids her body produced. The flesh of her vagina was in contact with the flesh of my cock constantly. I had absorbed some of her cells. There was no doubt. I tried not to think about that because I knew I couldn’t stop.

Probably the biggest change was how I orgasmed now. I couldn’t start cumming until my knot was fully seated inside her bitch cunt. Once my body knew we were tied and officially mating, it would release my sperm involuntarily. A normal guy is done cumming in less than a minute, but my orgasms would last fifteen minutes. I always shot a huge load of sperm. I knew she wanted me to breed her, so that became my purpose.

I enjoyed our mating that day. I could tell my cock had finished spurting, so it was time to try and get it out. My knot was very big, and always a challenge to go in and back out. S low steady pull until it was ready on its own. It took about thirty minutes, but finally, I felt a movement, and slowly her canine vagina released me.

She licked me a little and then walked off. As I sat there recovering, I suddenly realized something. I couldn’t remember using the pump to move fluid into my knot to enlarge it. Yet when it was time to get it inside, it was already swollen. And it got bigger once inside. Did that happen on its own?

I went back step by step and was convinced I didn’t use the pump. All the swelling had happened on its own. Was this another change my body has made? I liked the idea that it would function on its own. That was more natural than having to inflate it manually. I will have to test it tomorrow. I realized it might be a problem if I tried to have sex with my girlfriend. She would know if I tried to fuck her, and my knot started to swell. I showered and then went to bed to avoid seeing my girlfriend.

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. My girlfriend had already left for work, so I decided to do something routine. I put on a t-shirt and some boxers and sat at my computer. After a while, the dog came over and started sniffing around. I wasn’t paying attention when I felt her lick my cock. It had been hanging from the loose legs of my boxers, so I shifted in my char and exposed more of my now hardening cock.

The dog was now licking my cock from the tip down the fat shaft. The foreskin remained in place, fully covering the glans. Lately, it had become very tight and rarely retracted. Usually, that only happened when I had it inside the dog’s vagina and pressing into her cervix. Otherwise, it stayed covered.

My cock was swelling, so I just thought fuck it, I know what she wants, and so do I. I peeled the shirt off and stepped out of the boxers, so I was naked. I got down on the carpet in the middle of the den. We had done this maybe a hundred times, so she knew the routine. I knelt, and she backed up, exposing her labia. She was wet, and so was I. A strong odor of sex filled the room. I took my cock and pressed the cover head against her lips. I made a decision not to touch the pump to inflate my knot. I pressed in, and my fat head slowly split her open. She seemed a lot tighter than normal. I tried to get deeper, but it took some effort and time. It was the best feeling in the world.

I pushed in farther, expecting my shaft to keep sliding in. That’s not what happened. I saw that my knot had swollen to a big size and was trying to get in her canine cunt. I had not touched the pump, so this happened naturally. I now had a fully natural knot. I pushed hard, and she opened up enough for me to get it in. Once in, her muscles grabbed it and pulled me deeper. My knot continued to swell because I could feel the tightness. I wanted to cum, so I swung my leg over so we could stay tied and let me start shooting sperm.

A warmth spread over me, and I felt my cock shoot its first large rope of sperm deep inside the female dog. We were going to be there like this for a while.

Suddenly the front door flew open, and my girlfriend stood there, taking in the scene. I was completely naked, and my cock was buried inside her female dog. We were firmly stuck, so there was no escape. I just looked back at her.

She said, “What the fuck are you doing to my dog?”

I had been caught red-handed. I just hung my head and said, “I can explain.”

She said, “ Fine, explain but get away from my dog first.”

I said,” I can’t because we are stuck together.”

She said,” What the hell do you mean stuck?”

I said,” My cock is really deep inside her, and it’s very swollen. It won’t come out for some time. We will have to wait.”

As soon as I said it, my cock erupted again and shot my sperm deep inside. I closed my eyes and shuddered.

My girlfriend noticed and said,” What did you do? Are you cumming? Did you shoot your cum in my dog?”

I said, “ Yes, I did. It will happen a few more times before we are done. I have no control over it. Once I finish cumming, my cock should shrink enough for me to be able to pull it out.”

I guess she didn’t like that answer. She started yelling and cussing and pacing around the house. I tried to drown her out to finish shooting my sperm inside the dog. It would take a while longer to be drained.

About fifteen minutes later, my girlfriend approached us and said,” So, are you finally finished shooting your mess in her?”

I felt a couple of small twinges and said,” Almost.”

She just said, “Well, hurry up.”

I felt the female dog pull on my knot to test it, and I figured it was time to try and get untied. I had no idea how big my knot was because it had swelled up. It could be the max size. Whatever size it was, my girlfriend would see it and be shocked. I rocked back and forth, trying to get some movement, and it wouldn’t budge. My girlfriend was looking down at where we were tied. There was just a small piece of my shaft sticking out of the dog’s pussy. The rest, including my swollen knot, was firmly stuck inside.

I continued trying to pull but wasn’t making much progress. My girlfriend went into the kitchen and then stood over us. Suddenly she dumped a large cup of ice water directly onto my balls and precisely where we were tied.

I said,” Oh Fuck.”

It took my breath away, and right before I knew it, she dumped a second big cup of ice water in the same place. Neither I nor the female dog like that very much. We both started to pull, and the knot started to emerge.

It came out slowly, and I heard my girlfriend say,” Oh My God.”

As my knot emerged, I could tell it was huge. Probably softball size. To see that come out of her dog was probably pretty scary. Soon we had cleared the thickest part, and the rest quickly followed. My cock was slowly squeezed out and was still fat and heavy. She led her dog to the backdoor and let her out. I slowly stood up but had to sit down in a chair. My cock and balls and knot hung down low between my legs. My girlfriend got a chair and sat down across from me.

She asked,” How many times have you had sex with my dog?”

I just sighed and said, “A Lot.”

She asked,” For how long?”

I just said,” About a year.”

She asked, “A hundred times? Two hundred times? Three hundred times?”

I said, “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

She asked, “Did you shoot your sperm in her every time?”

I sighed and said,” Yes, every time.”

I saw her staring between my legs. My junk was displayed, and she couldn’t take her eyes off it.

She said,” What happened to your cock? It used to be so nice, and now it doesn’t look human.”

I looked down at myself and was shocked to admit she was right. Things had changed. I had been ignoring things but now realized how different I looked. The first thing I noticed was the color of the skin. My cock balls and knot were all a deep red—it was striking. My penis was bigger and shaped differently. My foreskin completely covered my glans and was so tight I could not pull it back, making the tip of my cock more pointy.

The overall shape didn’t look human anymore. There were large and small veins crisscrossing all over it. It has spent much time inside the dog’s pussy, which must have affected it. Of course, the most prominent thing was my knot. It allowed me to tie with the female and had originally been a manual process but now seemed to function independently. I liked the way I looked now.

She said, “If I had seen a picture of you, I would swear that’s a large dog’s cock.”

I was fine with that.

She said, “About ten days ago. Do you remember having sex with my dog?”

I thought momentarily and said, “Yes, we mated.”

She asked,” Do you remember anything different about her? Anything out of the ordinary?”

I counted back the days and then understood what she was getting at. I said, “Yes, she was in heat. She gets very horny and frisky when that happens.”

She asked, “Did you shoot your sperm inside her as you did here today?”

I just stared at her. Something had happened.

She said, “So when my dog was in heat and at her most fertile, you deposited a load of sperm inside her.

I just nodded.

She said, “Well then, congratulations. You are going to be a Daddy.”

I just stared at her, but somehow I knew she was right. I was the Father. I didn’t know what to say, so I just kept quiet. The dog was my Mate and was now pregnant with a litter of puppies. My puppies. I had secretly really wanted this to happen. This was what my body had changed for and what drove my desire. My girlfriend had just been waiting for me to deny it, but I didn’t.

She then said, “Are you getting an erection? Is this exciting you?”

I looked down, and my cock and knot were swelling and growing. Completely involuntary on my part. It was happening quickly, and I was huge. My girlfriend got up and walked over to me. She reached down and tried to take my cock in her hand. It was too big for one hand. She felt the knot and how hard and big it was. She then told me I would be expected to help with everything to do with my mate’s pregnancy, including the birth.

Once the puppies were born, I would help raise them until they were old enough to be on their own. My girlfriend would select the biggest male to keep and raise. I would train it to mate with her and become her lover. Since my mate was pregnant and shouldn’t be bred for a few months, I would have to use my cock on my girlfriend so she could get used to being bred by a dog. Not the outcome I expected but one I accepted. She took me by my now fully erect cock and led me to the bedroom to start training.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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