Dreaming of being owned by a Lady Vampire

By Michelle M. I have been an avid follower of the many tales concerning vampires and werewolves, especially when referring to vampiress or she-werewolves. They really excited me, to the point of dreaming how much fun it would be to meet one, have them seduce you, eventually turning me into a slave serving their sexual needs. I had followed potential sightings all over the US, the most coming from Dickson County, Tennessee. There were wooded areas all over that claimed

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The Gang Slut

m5jeff Johnny backhanded me across the face, again. The force threw me onto the floor, my short skirt riding up over my hips. I pulled it down instinctively while the guys laughed at my exposed pussy. I opened my mouth, but got viciously interrupted. “Bitch, I told you to shut up!” I crawled over to a post and tried to shrink into the shadows. His hand came up again, and I held my tongue. Ok, so he’s going to let

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I am Roscoe’s Bitch

Michelle M. I was setting at my desk going over some of my patients’ records, I’m a veterinarian running a small clinic in the southern part of Oregon, when JD comes charging through the door, throwing a paper down on my desk, “Have you seen this?” I smiled. “Yes, JD, it’s a newspaper we get one every morning.” I love it when I can be so sarcastic it really feels good. JD has no real medical skills, but he loves

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