Dreaming of being owned by a Lady Vampire

By Michelle M.

I have been an avid follower of the many tales concerning vampires and werewolves, especially when referring to vampiress or she-werewolves. They really excited me, to the point of dreaming how much fun it would be to meet one, have them seduce you, eventually turning me into a slave serving their sexual needs.

I had followed potential sightings all over the US, the most coming from Dickson County, Tennessee. There were wooded areas all over that claimed to have seen them over the years, so much so that Wolf Creek and Vampire crossing were actual names of cities in and around the most populated areas.

So, when I had worked on an intelligence chip for cars, selling it for upfront cash, plus stock shares in the company, putting me in a financial place where money would not be a problem for the rest of my life.

My first thought, buy a piece of property in the middle of these sightings. With luck, I’d run into a real live one who I could serve for the rest of my life. Little did I know, this may not have been something I really wanted.

The first thing was to find a real estate agent, one who would not think I was a nut job and one hopes a lesbian, so we could play and look for this special place.

Alexi came highly recommended, as not only a top-notch agent but one who would understand what I was looking for. Contacting her by email, explaining what I was looking for, she said we should set up a Zoom call and see what was needed.

I have been told, at 5’4” tall, olive skin, large double D tits and nipples long and hard, dark hair, makes me easy on the eyes, so when Alexi came on the screen, a duplicate of me, but lighter skin and blonde hair, we were both pleased.

I explained what I was looking for, in a roundabout way, looking for a sexual encounter. She was smiling. “I think you need to fly down here. I have plenty of room at my place and spare bedrooms” Then she giggled. “But who knows, maybe we’ll just need one bed.”

She said they have a very active BDSM Vampire lesbian club located outside the city limits. Some of the practices are extremely close to actual ladies of the night controlling and seducing submissive women. While she was talking, she had a single finger running over the top of one breast, making the nipple stand out even more pronounced than when we started. I was so wet between my legs, my eyes were losing focus, breathing was becoming heavy, and a strange submissive side I never knew I had, was beginning to show. She immediately picked up on it, testing the water to see, “So when can I expect you down here?”

It was a command, not a simple question. I was somewhat shocked but answered quickly. “I can check the flights when we get off this call and come down as quickly as I can. Will that be OK?”

She agreed. As soon as we hung up, I was making the earliest arrangements I could make and, in two days, was on my way to meet her. She was everything I had imagined. We hugged, kissed, and talked as we got in her car.

“I thought it would be more intimate if we had a late lunch early dinner at my place. I ordered in a catering company for us, you OK with that?”

Just as she said it, her hand fell on my bare legs, moving to the inside. I opened wide immediately, making sure she had easy access to all of me. Her hand rubbed my pussy, then pulled back.

“While I drive us to my place, why don’t you slip off your shorts, begin to play with yourself, but under no circumstances can you cum until I say so.”

I looked at her, shocked at the request. She stared at me.

“Did I stutter? Do you not understand me? Take off your clothes and play with yourself.”

But this time, it was a command. I quickly took off the shorts, I never wear panties, so I began to play with my pussy, pushing two fingers up inside me while my free hand played with my breast. By the time we pulled out of the airport, I was in a sexual haze, not sure what was happening to me or why only that I was becoming extremely aroused. She handed me water as we left the airport. It had been drugged with a sex-addictive drug, only making me more aroused to the point, when we arrived at her house, I was lost in a new erotic sexual haze.

She helped me inside, the meal was ready for us, slipping off my top, now totally nude, still in an erotic drug-induced haze, I sat by her, enjoying the meal, while her one hand was between my legs, keeping me on the edge of a thunderous climax.

Just as we were finishing our meal, she handed me a small white tablet. “Here, my pet, swallow this. It will help you in my playroom.”

Normally I’d never have considered taking it, but since I meant her, something inside me had awakened, making it easy to swallow because I was told to do so.

It took us a few minutes to go to her playroom. The drug was beginning to take effect. There were various pieces of furniture, all designed to be a bondage nightmare, and walls were covered with various sex toys of fun and torture. Taking me to a converted Symbian type of machine, only this one was built off the ground, allowing my legs to hang straight down, then secured in place. My arms secured high above my head, leaving me to be stimulated by the mechanical cock, while the rest of my body is exposed for more play.

Once I was secured in place, the machine set on a low steady rhythm of moving inside my pussy, small vibrating nipple clamps put on each nipple, the sexually enhanced drug I had been given, now kicking in completely, she left me alone, shutting off the lights.

Losing track of time, multiple orgasms rushing over me at my body’s will, eventually slipping into a submissive sexual slut, willing to do anyone’s bidding. I have no idea how long I was in the dark, broken when the lights came back on. I had lost all ability to focus on anything, so when a lady carrying a piercing briefcase joined us, it didn’t make any sense to me. Alexi removed my nipple clamps. They had left each nipple swollen, puffy, and sore. The new lady pierced each one, sending in a ring then closing it, so there was no way of determining where it began or ended.

Once that was done, a leather collar was placed around my neck, again being snapped shut by a ring-like my new nipple rings. Then, she walked me up the stairs to a soothing bath, a light meal, and bed with a leash attached.

Waking after a peaceful sleep, feeling my collar and the new rings in each nipple, I knew I was now owned by Alexi, but for some reason, it wasn’t upsetting me, joining her in the kitchen, the two of us unaffected by my new status. We talked about a couple of places I might like, dressing me in a one-piece wrap-around, no panties or bra, a leash carried but not attached, we headed for the first place. It was out in the country and nice, but not what I was looking for.

The second one was not only out in the country, beautiful cabin, nice area around the living quarters, but there were stories told about past residents who had encountered a combination of werewolves and vampires, sometimes together, sometimes separate. It was perfect. I had Alexi make an offer on it while we were there. The last resident had left, but the offer was accepted, I knew in a month, or so I would be living here, maybe with my new Mistress.

There was a ‘Creature of the Night’ meeting to take place in a week. Attending had to be members or prospective members with slaves if owned. Alexi was a long-time member, and she planned on taking me as her slave, but additional training had to take place.

Even though I had accepted the collar, she needed to make sure I would follow her commands without any reservation or questions.

The Symbian training I had been through earlier was perfect, putting me back down. When we arrived back at her place, the darkness enveloped me. This time no vibrators on my nipples, instead of weights on the rings that grew heavier the longer they were on. The same small tablet was given to me. The same feelings of total submissiveness came over me when the room went dark. The dildo in my pussy, was relentless. It kept at the same pace, fucking me up to and through each orgasm, finally. As before, my mind went blank, body slumped, but the machine kept going, triggering more and more explosions in me, whether I was awake or in a haze-filled erotic space.

Again, as before, having no idea how long I was being programmed in darkness, but also, as before, my whole body and personality were more submissive than before when I was brought up to the main floor.

By the evening of the gathering, I was so submissive and owned by her that putting a leash on my collar, taking me nude to the gathering did not bother me in the least. I was Mistress’s pet, owned and played with by her.

Everyone was interested in the new pet Mistress Alexi had on a leash, how sexy my body was. Many came up to play and pull on my rings, some offering to lease me for a short time, and so on. They were all interested in finding out I had purchased the ranch that they all seemed to know about. One Mistress came up to Alexi. I was surprised to see her give a courtesy.

“Mistress Jessica, it is so nice of you to stop and visit with me. How may I help you?” Alexi asks.

Mistress Jessica said nothing, just walked around me, touching me, sniffing me between my legs, licking my breasts and between them. “So this is the one who purchased the old Rigby ranch, and you broke and collared her? I can assume she was already very submissive and was broken easily, am I correct?”

My owner agreed but had no idea why she was so interested in me. Taking the leash, pulling on it, “Please follow me to a more private area. I need to check something.”

Alexi dropped in behind her while she pulled me to a room she knew about. Once we were alone, this beautiful lady stripped-down, forcing me down on all fours, crawled up behind me, licked my pussy a few times. For some reason, what she was doing was having the most exciting effect on me that I’ve ever felt. My eyes lost focus. Her tongue was inside me, exploring me in a way I never knew was possible. She had me panting, writhing my hips, whimpering, feeling an arousal building so high. I was afraid I’d explode or pass out. My whole mind entered an erotic haze, where I was not aware of anything taking place around me. It must have been something she had on her tongue. When it was up inside me, it seduced me, leaving me totally helpless.

Finally, she pulled away, her face covered with my juices, standing and facing Alexi. “This one is the one the ‘Old ones’ I have been waiting for. I have put her in an erotic cloud. She cannot hear us. Right now, she is only feeling pure pleasure. You have done well to collar and break her. The Elders will be pleased. I need to mark her with your permission, which will start her body changing to accept who she will become. May I do the marking?”

Even if she did not want me marked, she knew asking was merely a formality. It was going to be done, so Alexi nodded. “Of course, Mistress, anything you think will help, I am more than willing to cooperate.”

I was still in this erotic haze she had put me in, so when they helped me lay down on the edge of a bed, my legs wide apart, resting on the ground.

Mistress Jessica kneeled between my legs, lifting her head high in the air, her fangs flared, then sinking them into my pussy, on each side of my clit.

Even in my aroused state, the pain was beyond belief. Her venom was injected into me, pumping from her fangs, until she was satisfied. I had been marked appropriately. Then she pulled back, the two injection sites, visible on either side of my clit as a small trickle of blood drops out.

She stood, dressed again, looked at Alexi, “I know what you just saw will not be shared with anyone, and thank you for allowing me to mark her.”

My Mistress stayed with me until the arousal finally wore off, then she helped me stand we headed home.

Looking down between my legs, the bite marks were evident. I looked at them, they looked so much like fang marks a vampire might make, but something else was happening to my body.

Finally, looking at Mistress, I said, “I know I’m submissive, that I am owned and collared by you, but something else is happening to my body, and these marks on my pussy, look very much like fang bite marks. What happened when I was in that room with Mistress Jessica?”

She had tears in her eyes, pulling over to the side of the road. “Nikki, I saw how susceptible you were to the submissive lifestyle, so I took advantage of that, making you my pet. Something I thought both of us would enjoy. I had even thought about asking if we could move into your new place and be closer, but what happened when you were out? I can’t tell you. I’m so sorry.”

Looking at her, rubbing the marks, I said, “You can’t tell me, but somehow I know I was bitten by a lady Vampire for some reason. I can feel something happening in my body, and now what I had dreamed of happening has finally happened. I’m so scared.”


We played together in her home as her slave for a month, and she was my Mistress. We went shopping with me on a leash, to eat and so on. One afternoon she had just enjoyed a massive orgasm I had helped bring on between her legs. Looking up at her, the bite marks were still very much evident. She was running a finger over them.

When I joined ‘The Creatures of the Night’ club, Mistress Jessica was the one who gave us our oath. She held my interview and swearing in at her home, a very private and secluded part of the area, much like your new home will be. She was nude, but her fangs were showing. When the oath was over, she also bit me on my clit, just like she did to you, but mine was a different venom she gave me. It made me deathly afraid of being killed if I ever gave any secrets to anyone about the club. Everyone who joins is either female or is one of the many ancient ones who enjoy playing with the numerous female sisters who have joined. Once in, there is no way ever of not belonging.

Then she kissed me, holding my head. “I am so afraid of losing you. I have watched you change, your breasts have become larger and much heavier, your eyes are taking on a distant look, and your nectar has been changing almost every day. Tomorrow when I move you out there permanently, I’m afraid of what is waiting for you.”

There were tears in my eyes. “Then that is simple. Tomorrow we will move you in also. You said you had thought about doing this, that will help us be together all the time. Please do this for me.”

It did not take much convincing to have her join me. She listed her place immediately – within two days, we were all moved in but not sure of what was coming.

When she was working in her office, I was constantly under her desk, keeping her pussy wet and puffy lips. She now easily could enjoy multiple orgasms in a single day, and occasionally she’d permit me to enjoy one as well. When she was away to show a home or a meeting, we had a playroom, like the one she hands in her home, set up in mine. On the Symbian again, I would be put in a darkened room to reinforce my submissive side continually. Still, all the time, I knew in my heart my body was changing, and I was getting closer and closer to the vampire lifestyle, and maybe a new Mistress to control me.


Mistress and I were out on the front porch one evening when Mistress Jessica pulled up. Since I knew who she was, I also did a deep curtsey to recognize her, never thinking it would harm my Mistress.

Mistress Jessica walked up to me, lifting my chin. “So you know who I am? Maybe my loyal and trusted pet Alexi cannot keep secrets like I thought she could” Then, moving to Alexi, she picks her up off the ground easily, holding her with one hand. “So we can’t obey orders, then let’s make you a pet also, but for us.”

I was in total shock when her fangs came out, biting Alexi in the neck, holding her there, injecting a different type of venom than she put in me. That was when I realized all the myths I had read were wrong. They have no problem with the sun. She was holding my companion in the direct sunlight, they could inject different drugs at will, and they had super strength. My Mistress’s eyes glazed over when Mistress Jessica put her down on the ground.

“Now, take a seat. I’ll have someone pick you up and take you to our home. The group will love a new plaything.”

Then turning to me, she said, “You are ready for the first coupling. Tonight will be a full moon. Our Master will come and visit you. After him, you will have various members of the high council visit you at various times. A few ladies we have converted will be here always to help, treat them with kindness. They really will try and please you. A couple of ladies will come and pick up Alexi. You won’t be seeing her ever again.”

She then kissed me on the lips, her body pressing against mine. I could feel her power and strength. Her tongue entered my mouth, a faint taste of blood was present, but her salvia was intoxicating. Pulling back, she said, “When you have been with three Masters, I will come and move in with you. Enjoy the Masters”

She was gone – turning to see if I could help my Mistress, her mind was gone, only a blank stare, and her body are hotter than ever. It wasn’t long before a car drove up, putting a collar on her and a leash, then taking her away.


I sat on the porch, feeling lost, until just before midnight when a car pulled up, must be the most handsome man I have ever seen, got out. Normally I’m not into men, but this one was different.

Walking directly to me, he said, “So you’re our newest addition, very easy on the eyes, this is your first time, but when Jessica bit you, it gave you an internal idea of what will be happening.”

Then before my eyes, he turned from the most handsome man I’d ever seen into one of the biggest grays and black wolves I’ve ever seen. His cock was huge, already out of its sheath. Somehow I knew to head to a small barn-like building to the side of the house. A nice bench was set up, lots of padding. Dropping to all fours, leaning over the padded area, spreading my legs as wide as possible, he was sniffing and licking me, sending my arousal out of sight. He jumped up on my back, his cock slipping inside me easily.

I have never had any experience with a guys cock, but this one was so big and hard, it took my breath away, filling me up, never realizing I could take anything like this, that is what some of the changes that took place in my body from her bite.

He began to fuck me, just like any dog does. I felt his knot slip in, again not much pain, then I felt him begin to load me full of his seed. He kept pumping in more and more, his soft fur feeling so wonderful on my back, that is when it hit me, Mistress Jessica had bitten me, he was fucking me in a wolf form – he was going to impregnate me. I’d be giving birth to a litter of wolf puppies, and for some reason, they needed a human female to give birth to them. I had no idea why, but with the amount of seed he was putting in me, I assumed I now had eggs inside me, he was going to fertilize them, and in a few weeks, I’d be the mommy to wolf pups.

He stopped pumping, now just stood behind me, making sure none of the cum was leaving my body before it had a chance to knock me up. Finally, he pulled out, lots of cum ran out of me. I sensed that I should clean his cock, by licking it, then laying down to rest. Less than an hour he was in me again, that timeline was all night – I think he took me four or five times, finally satisfied I was pregnant, he changed back into his human form, kissed me on the forehead, “When you’ve served your time, maybe we can enjoy a dinner sometime.”

I told him I’d like that, then went into my bedroom, it seemed so empty, taking a shower, sleep came easy. It only took a few days for me to know I was pregnant. I had been bit by a lady vampire, fucked and impregnated by a wolf, and now waiting to give birth to many wolf pups. What had happened to me, but somehow I was embarrassed or upset.

A few weeks, I was giving birth to 11 wolf pups, werewolf pups. My tits were huge with milk but with only two nipples. I was happy when six young ladies came, huge tits lactating, joining in to feed the hungry pups.

As soon as the pups were weaned, another wolf showed up, repeating what had happened earlier. Knocked up again, ten pups this time, a few weeks I was on all fours again – I would find out three liters were all that I was expected to give, all that my body could take, but I had now given birth to over 34 wolf pups, that were destined to become the new leaders of this clan.


Mistress Jessica showed up when the last group was weened, hugging me. “You have done everything we could have ever expected you to do. As a family, we will be ever grateful. I know you miss Alexi, but maybe I can take over if you’d like.”

Looking at her, she was beautiful, and I had missed being owned and collared, dropping to my knees, looking up at her, “Mistress, I’d be happy to serve you and be owned by you.”

“Before you totally agree, remember I am a lady vampire. The punishment and training may be different than you had with Alexi.”

I knew I was becoming a pain slut with Alexi. Now I really had a chance to see how much I enjoyed pain. Nodding, I said, “I’m sure Mistress, it will be enjoyable to serve you”?

Just then, a van pulled up. She instructed the guys where to put the new toy in our home—looking at me, stepping up close, pulling me to her. “I may have lied a little. You were going to be my pet if you agreed or not. It was already decided. I have a new toy to help train you.”

We moved to the porch, her hand between my legs, playing with my pussy, pushing two fingers in and out, “Did you enjoy being fucked by a wolf Nikki?”

She was bringing me quickly into an erotic haze again, but nodding, “It was not something I would have ever thought might happen, but once they were in me, I did enjoy it.”

She pulled her hand out, just as another van pulled up and three of the strangest creatures I have ever seen came out to join My new Mistress. Taking my leash, pulling me along, the three whatever’s following to the playroom. The workers had just finished setting up a cross-looking device. She thanked them then easily lifted me onto the device, placing me on my back, the cross laying down, not up like most I had seen. Securing my wrists above my head, then my ankles – the cross opened between my legs, giving my pussy complete access to what she had in mind. That is when I saw the tall one shed its covering, revealing a huge horse-like cock. It was hard as a rock, but it was not much bigger than the wolves had been, so I wasn’t worried.

“Go ahead. She is all yours.”

He smiled, moved in between my legs, gathering some pre-cum. His cock was dripping, pushing two fingers up into my ass. My eyes shot wide open, looking at her.

“Oh no, Mistress. Please, I’ve never done anything anal, not please no. Don’t let that thing be in me. It will kill me.”

The pain you will be experiencing from these three will condition you to be so submissive, I will enjoy having you as a pet.”

That was when he pushed his cock all the way in my ass, the pain more than I could ever explain – my eyes wide, gasping for breath, he begins to fuck me with a good slow, steady rhythm. Writhing on the cross, trying to pull away from him, but he never misses a plunge. In and out, but before I can even come to grips with the pain he is inflicting on me, the two matching little creatures hop upon my chest.

“These two joys are called the munchers. They will help keep your milk coming and keep draining it regularly. They don’t have teeth but live on the milk you produce, just like The Fucker lives off the juices your ass will eventually begin to produce.”

She nodded. Both munchers latched onto my whole breast and began to try and bite them off. They didn’t have teeth, but the amount of bite they were gumming with, felt like they were biting my tits off. My milk was emptying in their mouth just from the way they were munching on them. Not sure which pain was the worse, crying now continually, she leaned in, kissing my forehead.

“Have fun, my pet. When I come back, you will be completely broken. Your only purpose then will be to make me happy.”

She shut off the lights, closed the door. I was in total darkness, one creature fucking my ass and two others biting down on each tit to empty the milk. When my tits were empty, the two munchers would curl up on my tummy and sleep. The one in my ass would only rest occasionally. It sounded like he was stroking his cock. The juices between my legs were flowing freely now. He would take time to drink, lick and suck my pussy. When he was full, I was being fucked in my ass again.

At some point, my mind just shut off. No memories of any past, who I was, nothing, only the pain I was experiencing. Finally, the lights came back on, the creatures left, Mistress undid my restraints, carrying me to a nice warm bath.

Her own personal collar was put on me. The nipple rings were left in place, the two munchers stayed, milking me when I was full, I was nude all the time, I accompanied her everywhere she went, slept with her at night or daytime, would be loaned out to be used as anyone saw fit but had no recollection of who I was or any past.

At the monthly meeting of the Creatures, there were more than 30 new young male members, all being trained by the older ones of them who took full advantage of fucking me in my pussy or my ass, and sometimes I’d even give them a blowjob.

I had dreamed of meeting a lady vampire. Now it has happened.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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