Joining a Wolf Pack 1

By DarthCureis. My name was Samantha, but my close friends called me Ama. Not sure how it started because I didn’t start it, but one of my friends did it back in junior high, and it stuck. Anyways, I’m Ama, and I have a story to tell. See, right now I’m basking in the moonlight, in the middle of the forest…where exactly, I’m not sure. I still need to improve at tracking and direction. But this little meadow, I can

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A Walk on the Moors

By Shady Lady Julie & Hailey. “Fucking men,” I swore out loud as I tried to work out what was the best way to walk back to the holiday homes where I was staying with my parents. Cursing myself for agreeing to take a free family holiday as I should have known better at 19 years of age, even remotely to think that it might have been fun. The only thing that was a bit of a laugh was the

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Picking Up A Werewolf

By Michelle M. The week ended at work with me going to Human Resources (HR), filing a complaint about my boss for sexual harassment. The process took longer than I had thought. The HR director made sure I was aware of all the possible ramifications that this type of filing might bring to me. “I understand what you are saying,” I said. “But I had my phone on when he asked me to come home with him. He wanted to

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Dreaming of being owned by a Lady Vampire

By Michelle M. I have been an avid follower of the many tales concerning vampires and werewolves, especially when referring to vampiress or she-werewolves. They really excited me, to the point of dreaming how much fun it would be to meet one, have them seduce you, eventually turning me into a slave serving their sexual needs. I had followed potential sightings all over the US, the most coming from Dickson County, Tennessee. There were wooded areas all over that claimed

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Becoming a Werewolf

By Michelle M. Considering myself one of the luckiest people alive, I started a small software company, was somewhat successful when a large national company approached me with an offer to purchase. It was such a good offer. I had to accept. This gave me the means to purchase a home away from people, a place where I could practice my writing, hopefully becoming a novelist of some sort. Moving in, it was more than I had even hoped for.

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Being Owned 2

By Alex MacDonald. Read Part 1 Here. ***** Being Owned 2… I don’t know how long I knelt on that stone slab with the dog’s knot firmly inside me. What hurt more than the actual pain was the humiliation. He just stood there watching. Finally, I felt the dog pull away, his member and sperm leaving my cunt. Our owner just pointed, and the dog jumped down. Without a word, he left the room, the dog at his side, wagging

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A Walk in the Woods

By dragongirl1000. Kara just wanted a walk in the woods near a cabin she was staying in alone. That’s all. She hadn’t even taken any supplies or hiking equipment or food for a picnic. Nothing but the clothes on her back. She went after sunset- it had been too hot during the day. It’s still cool tonight, so she’d put on a skirt and short-sleeved shirt. Kara pauses in a clearing, looking up at the stars. “Wow,” she says to

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The Pack’s Bitch

By pinknectar. Margaret hurried along the narrow dirt path toward home, trying to ignore the dark trees looming overhead and focus on the delicious feeling of rebellion instead. She had just returned from a late night meeting with her beau, Jacob, the son of a farmer who lived just down the road. They’d met in church just a few months ago and had been going steady ever since, unbeknownst to their parents. The girl known as Maggie was from a

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Celuna’s Hunt

By hrefnadrakis The night called to him, as he lay stretched out on his hotel bed. He could hear the sounds in the distance and he longed to get up and run. He longed to get up and shed his human form as he had done so many times before. He turned his head to look at the human woman lying beside him. She smelled of perfume, woman and him. His scent was all over her now. It would be

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A Punishment and a New Life (Gay Zoo)

By Longsword. Chapter 1 The woods were thick and dark as Mike walked home from school, unable to find the path he had lost. The sun struggled to pierce through the thick canopy of the forest, despite it only being 4:30 in the afternoon. Perhaps that was why he had lost his path home, that, and his clumsy feet. “Damn it, Mike, why are you so bloody clumsy?” he said to himself, as he picked his way over the roots

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