Picking Up A Werewolf

By Michelle M.

The week ended at work with me going to Human Resources (HR), filing a complaint about my boss for sexual harassment. The process took longer than I had thought. The HR director made sure I was aware of all the possible ramifications that this type of filing might bring to me.

“I understand what you are saying,” I said. “But I had my phone on when he asked me to come home with him. He wanted to get his cock inside my pussy. I think that is enough evidence to say it was sexual harassment.”

When I played it for her, she suddenly changed her attitude. “Oh, I’m so sorry, that is sexual harassment. I’ll have him fired on Monday.”

Somewhat satisfied, on my way home, I decided to stop in a club. It was pretty busy, typical Friday evening. The first drink I needed, the second one had me becoming nicely warmed, ordering a couple of things to eat, there was a live band performing, which is just what I needed. I was beginning to relax when a handsome guy took the seat by my side. He didn’t try to pick me up, but he was so hot, I took the first step.

“I come in here regularly, but I don’t believe I have ever seen you. I’m Nikki. What brings you here tonight?”

He smiled. “I’m Nick, and I have seen you before, but this evening, you seem to be needing to relax. Maybe I can help?”

I had not seen him before, but so glad he had joined me tonight. I was beginning to feel relaxed.

We talked, moved to a private table, drank, laughed, touched each other, danced enjoying how good it felt to rub our bodies against one another, eventually back at the table, sharing a deep passionate kiss, his hand moving between my legs, rubbing gently over my pussy, stimulating me to a point where I knew I needed more from him.

We took his car to a place, somewhere away from anyone. I was so aroused and turned on, his hand between my legs, kept me on edge, not knowing where we were going, he pulled up in an open field, spreading a blanket, opening a bottle of wine, a few drinks, my clothes are all off, never feeling like I did at this moment. Laying on my back, legs wide open, it seems I remembered a dog of some kind or a large animal with soft hair, the pleasure between my legs was so erotic, so sexually intense, a sudden pain seemed to spread all over my body, a peaceful enjoyment enhanced sleep overtook me.

Waking slowly, opening my eyes, the sun feels so good, warming me, knowing I am nude, but not concerned about it, my attention is on a small rabbit just on the edge of the tree line.

I can not only hear him, but surprisingly I can smell him, even hear his heart beating. Setting up, my body seems alive for the first time in my life. That is when I see a distinct bite mark on the inside of my thigh. Thinking back to him, had we become so sexually aggressive that he bit me? Then I remembered the dog had come in from someplace, looking at my leg, it was a dog bite of some sort, but rubbing it felt good, this didn’t seem to bother me, I sat there stroking it, thinking of my boss and how I was going to deal with him. I had told Nick about what had happened, he seemed concerned, but I hadn’t gotten his last name or a phone number. He was just gone. Turning, surprised to see my car parked only a few feet from me, but I remember we drove here in his car. My clothes are folded neatly in the front seat, along with my handbag and keys.

Heading home, totally confused by what happened, a long shower feels so good. The bite mark was noticeable. It seems to be arousing when I run a finger back and forth over it.

The weekend became more and more confused. I began to smell blood being pumped inside people passing by me. Saturday evening, I took a late-night walk, easily picking up sexual activity from a couple in the park I was passing. The sexual scents were so strong. It forced me to drop to my knees, plunging my fingers inside my own body, pumping in and out of me, throwing me into a climactic orgasm that I’ve never felt before in my life.

Monday, I had only been at work for a few minutes when the HR director came in. “Did you hear about your supervisor?” he asked. I shook my head. She then said, “Sometime Friday evening or Saturday morning, a dog got into his home, ripping him to shreds, paying particular attention to his genitals.”

Thinking a dog had killed him, all the time rubbing the bite mark on my thigh, wondering if there was a connection, but secretly I was thrilled, smiling. “Well, I’m glad the dog paid so much attention between his legs. Maybe he suffered a lot of pain.”

She just smiled, telling me that at least they didn’t have to fire him.

I had no idea why, but my body continued to change. Each day I felt more alive than I ever had before, becoming more and more aggressive and sexually feeling more aroused than I ever had in my life. I was finding myself picking up any guy who looked at me with some interest. No flirting, if I were in a club, I’d pull him to the restrooms, push him in an empty booth, pull out his cock, licking, sucking it, until it was hard, then riding it, keeping him hard until I was satisfied, then letting him cum deep inside me, enjoying how good the warm cum felt when it filled my pussy.

I wasn’t aware of the fact. The closer I got to the one-month mark with Nick, the more sexually active I was becoming. Before that date, I had seduced my neighbor, fucked the delivery guy who brought me takeout, rode the cock of a driver who dropped me off at the park where this all started. I have no idea why I hadn’t driven, but somehow I knew I wouldn’t be coming back.

When he left, moving to the area where I had awakened that morning, my body was aroused to the point, easily stripping out of my clothes, I could smell the sexual scent I was giving off. I smelled his scent long before I saw him, a strange wild scent, scanning the forest, his black/grey hair covering his body, tall easily over seven feet in height, moving back and forth between the trees, easily recognized as a K9 type of creature, but one that walks upright, like a human.

Something inside washes a submissive wave over me, dropping to my knees, moving down on all fours, my legs spreading wide apart, the moisture between my legs secreting a scent making me moan from its effect on me.

Trying to see what he looked like, it was familiar, the man who had hooked up with me in the club almost a month ago, but now in complete wolf form. He was sniffing the air. My scent made his huge cock come to life. I knew in my mind, my body was in estrus, ready to be mated. The bite he had given me had changed my body, making it available for him for a werewolf to mate with me, to make me ready to join their pack, to become a female prepared to be any of the male’s bitch.

Walking around me slowly, checking to make sure no one was watching, my bottom wiggling back and forth, trying to signal him I was ready, way beyond just entering in heat, my cunt was dripping with desire. When he licked between my legs, I let out a wolf-like howl, making more liquid begin to leak –

Lifting my hips, plunging his huge pole in me, his balls slapping my clit, stimulating me even more. His strength was holding me like a doll, ramming his cock in and out of me, moving my body to slide up and down on that rigid pole. Using my body to masturbate, suddenly he stopped, pressing me to him, feeling him emptying his seed deep inside me – holding me there, dangling from his cock, until he is sure I have been impregnated, then dropping me to the ground.

A sense of duty hits me, turning to clean him of our combined juices, then following him deep into the forest. Entering a large cave, more creatures like him, all with pregnant females by their sides, some being fucked, some worshiping the massive cocks, the males had. Nick picked me up, entering me quickly, just as he had earlier. Achieving total satisfaction, more so this time than earlier. This routine kept up for three days, filling me continually. When it was confirmed I was pregnant, the Alpha female joined me, rubbing her hand up and down between my legs. She was a beautiful brunette with large boobs and a flawless body.

“I’m Jenny,” she said. “You were chosen to be Nick’s mate, I was so proud of him when I marked you in the woods, but I am biased since he is one of my sons.”

I was surprised to hear that, she went on to tell me, they had been watching me for a long time, and now I was part of the wolf pack. Her rubbing had aroused me, but I was more than surprised when she pushed her finger up into my ass, making me whimper and writhe.

“We all come into heat once a year, only your mate can impregnate you, but during the time from now until you deliver, no one will enter you vaginally, but every male can have sex with you anally, so we need to loosen you up.”

A few months later, I had never been used so many times, being picked up sound asleep, then used like they seem to enjoy, my body as a masturbator.

I gave birth to a young male, which made me available to all males in the group. They all prefer the werewolf look, so I never see them in human form, only their female mates.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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