Being Owned 2

By Alex MacDonald.

Read Part 1 Here.


Being Owned 2…

I don’t know how long I knelt on that stone slab with the dog’s knot firmly inside me. What hurt more than the actual pain was the humiliation. He just stood there watching.

Finally, I felt the dog pull away, his member and sperm leaving my cunt. Our owner just pointed, and the dog jumped down. Without a word, he left the room, the dog at his side, wagging his long tail. I was alone, the dog’s cum dripping from my stretched cunt.

Would there be more? Another dog? Would he fuck me? Do other things? It was hard to think clearly as the thoughts raced through my head. So many things I did not understand. The dog was trained. That seemed a fact. The man not showing any emotion at the sight another. So what had been the point?

I raised my head and looked around. No sign of surveillance. Just as I was trying to shift my legs to ease the pain in my knees, the man came back. He was alone.

“No point in trying to free yourself.”

I opened my mouth to protest that I wasn’t doing such a thing, but I thought better of it and murmured, “Yes, Sir.”

He smiled down on me. “You’ll only hurt yourself if you try.”

I nodded. He was so close now, mustering me. Without warning, his hand was between my legs, his fingers probing. I flinched, just couldn’t help it. With a soft laugh, he withdrew and opened the cuffs.

“Get up.”

Slowly I got up, stiff and sore. Feeling the dog’s cum running down my leg, I shuddered. All I wanted is a shower, a long hot shower. Maybe I would feel better afterward. My legs trembled a bit as I got down from the pedestal. I looked at him, and he nodded.

“Come on.”

I followed him back in the tunnel. Left again, not back to where we had come from. We passed two more doors on either side. I was wondering what would come next.

He stopped and opened a door. The room was small, white tiles on the walls and floor. A Shower, I realized with sudden delight. Slowly I stepped inside, my bare feet making next to no sound. The sound of his shoes as he followed me echoed in the small room. On the opposite wall was a shower, a drain in the floor under it.

“Clean yourself.”

I nodded and looked around. No soap, no shampoo or anything, just a towel on a bar near the door.

“Eh,” even though there were no hidden corners, I looked around again. “Could I use the toilet first?” I asked.

He chuckled. Even that sound echoed around the shower chamber. “You can piss in the shower, or squat down on the drain if you like,” he said.

I took a deep breath, felt myself blush. No privacy. For fuck’s sake, he had just watched me getting humped by his dog, how embarrassing could peeing in front of him be after that? ‘Very,’ I realized as I turned the water on. He leaned against the door, watching again. I reached out, felt the water on my hand. As the temperature was to my liking, I took the showerhead down, turned my back towards him, and started to clean myself. I really needed to pee and the warm water, but the sound of running water wasn’t helping at all.

Closing my eyes that I would not have to see the yellow stream of piss in the water, I let go. The water warm water was running down my leg. It felt like forever, even though it couldn’t have been long. I knew that he was watching me. I did not know what was going to come. At least it seemed okay that I had turned away. Thank heavens for small favors. With my eyes closed, I finished cleaning my crotch from the dog’s cum and my piss.

“That’s enough,” he said.

I thought I heard some kind of satisfaction in his voice, but I wasn’t sure. Quickly I turned the water off and replaced the showerhead. When I crossed the room and reached for the towel, I half expected him to stop me, to touch me. But he did nothing. After I had dried myself, he led me back. Back through the tunnel, back up the stairs through the trapdoor, back to the small bungalow.

“Eat, get some rest. I will be back this evening.”

He closed the trapdoor and left through the front door. I was left on my own, confused, bewildered.


Slowly I made my way to the kitchen. Someone must have been here, there was a plate of food on the table. Some chicken, veg, and potatoes, still warm and smelling like heaven. I felt my mouth water and sat down. The food was comforting. The whole morning had seemed surreal. Suddenly I started to laugh.

Somewhere deep down, I knew that this was just a way of coping. Like cracking jokes when you had just survived and where still picking bits of your mates up from the ground. But I laughed nonetheless until the tears were starting to run down my face. Tears, I would not cry otherwise.

After having eaten, I went into the living room, idly browsing the bookshelves. A broad selection, romance, fantasy, sci-fi, some classics. I made sure to stay clear of the romance section, closed my eyes, and picked at random. There would be plenty of time to read all of them. Curled up on the comfy sofa, I started to read. The sun was setting when I heard the front door open and close. He was back. I got up, marked my place in the book, and placed it on the table. He was smiling, went straight over to the trapdoor.

“Come on,” he ordered.

Again, I followed him. Again, we entered that room. Again, he ordered me to get on the pedestal. The room was dim, no lights were lit, and the light outside was fading. I felt the warmth of his body as he fastened the cuffs around my wrists and ankles. His warm fingers reached for my crotch. Why did he do that? Lube would be so much easier. Didn’t his dogs like it? Not a proper time to ask. But the thoughts lingered on while his fingers were stroking me, probing.

“Relax, it will happen anyway.”

His mouth was near my ear. I felt his breath on my neck, brushing a strand of my long ginger hair aside. But it was hard. Even though he was experienced, and his hands touched me in all the right places. He continued, his fingers circling my clit, after some time fucking me. He pushed his finger in, deep and slow. This felt good. I moaned and tried to push against his finger. As soon as I had reached this point, he withdrew, left me. I groaned, frustrated. He would get the dog again.

“Fuck,” I muttered after the door had closed behind him.

It was getting darker and darker. Daylight was fading fast. So I waited, tried to prepare myself for what was about to come. The door opened again, and I heard his footsteps and the unmistakable sound of dogs claws clicking on the floor. As I turned my head, I drew in a sharp breath. This was another dog. Bigger. The coat of the Great Dane was a light grey and nearly shone in the last light. That might hurt. I shuddered.


The dog followed the command without even pausing to sniff my crotch. I closed my eyes as I felt his warmth. He started humping, found the entrance to my wet cunt on his first thrust, buried himself deeper on the second. The man walked around; his footsteps stopped right in front of me.

“Try to enjoy it.”

I nearly laughed out loud. His big dog was fucking me, would be knotting and hurting me and he just told me to enjoy it. And it hurt already. It was fast, not in the least what I was used to. The dog was panting down my neck. Not long after, I felt the dog pounding even more frantic. He was growing inside me. The inevitable happened. He knotted as he came deep inside me. I felt his fast heartbeat, heard him whimper.

“Good boy,” the man said.

I felt movement next to me. The man was patting his dog.

Would this be my life from now on? Being fucked by dogs for whatever reason? I tried to silence my thoughts, waited. I felt relieved as the dog finally pulled away. The sound of the man’s steps faded, died down. Maybe I could at least learn to tolerate it more. But why was he doing it?


The sound of the door interrupted my thoughts, and I opened my eyes again. I could just make out the silhouette of a man coming towards me. Something was odd. I did not hear the sound of his shoes. I realized he had taken his shoes and clothes off, as the moonlight suddenly filled the room.

Slowly he came towards me. I had time to take in nearly every detail. Tall, athletic, and he moved with natural ease. His body was as hairy as mine was hairless, dark hairs covering his arms and legs, his breast. His cock, one of the biggest I had seen so far, stood erect from a nest of curly black hair. I swallowed.

“Is this the time to tell you that I have very little experience with anal, and I am not sure if I can swallow that one?” I tried to joke, and he laughed.

It was a warm laugh, and I felt somehow comforted. “Don’t worry about that,” he said.

He smiled, and I saw his white teeth glistening in the light. One more step brought him right into the pillar of moonlight in front of me, and he groaned. I watched in horror as his body seemed to change. He grew, expanded. The hair on his body grew to cover him completely. Hands became claws, ears crept up at the side of his skull, his face a grimace of pain as his muzzle grew. I couldn’t believe it. This couldn’t be true. What did I drink last night to have such a fucked-up nightmare?

I tried to wake up, get away from this nightmare, this monster. But the pain in my wrists and ankles as I strained against the cuffs showed me that this was really happening. Panic rose inside me, flooded my body with adrenaline. His change was complete. Panting the two-meter werewolf towered over my trembling body. Black fur covered him; his fangs shone brightly. I could not stand the sight of him and lowered my gaze. Which I regretted. Now I understood. His cock was shaped like a dog, but bigger, even bigger as it had been before.

He dropped down his paws on the slab, his feet still on the ground. Sniffing, he circled me. Clearly, he must be able to smell my fear, my panic. Just as the first dog had done, he paused to sniff my crotch. Then I felt his tongue-lash out and flinched. It was long and wet, and he licked right across my crotch. His fur brushed my ass and back as he came over me. Slowly his member slid between my still parted pussy lips. I gasped in horror, closed my eyes. Deeper and deeper, he pushed, filling me, stretching my cunt.

He started to fuck me. Just like his dogs had humped me. And unlike his dogs at the same time. His paws closed over my tits, kneaded them, twisted the nipples. I moaned in pain. It hurt. I assumed it would have been worse if his dog had not widened me first. Maybe it would not take long. If only. My hands curled into fists, fingernails digging into my palms. This was surreal. Getting fucked by a werewolf. After his dogs had fucked me.

Panting, he fucked me. Again and again, he buried his dick inside me. I felt his hot breath on my back, heard his low satisfied growl. And the knot began to swell. ‘You can scream if you want,’ I remembered his words, but no sound escaped my dry throat. Bigger and bigger, he grew inside me, his balls hitting me every time. A vision of my crotch, covered in blood and cum, flashed before my eyes, and I whimpered. With a last deep push and another deep growl, he came inside me and was still.

I dared not to move. His body covered me like a warm fluffy blanket. The smell of sex and animal-filled my nostrils. Despite the warmth, I shuddered. I was being owned by a werewolf.


I awoke early in the morning. Birdsong drifted in through the open window. Yawning, I got up, stretched myself, and made my way to the small kitchen. Coffee before shower, before getting fucked.

I had adapted to his schedule, developed a routine. In the mornings, about nine, he would come and get me. One of his dogs would fuck me, and after a quick clean up, I was free to do as I pleased. Around dawn, he would get me for the second time. Sometimes a dog would be first. Other times it was just him fucking me.

I still did not enjoy it. I could bear it. A deal was a deal, after all.

Taking my coffee outside, I sat down on the lawn in front of the bungalow. The grass was cool and wet with dew, but I did not care. It was still cool, but the sky promised a warm day. During the last two weeks, after having spent the first two only in the bungalow, I had taken to exploring the surrounding area. It was huge, it was beautiful. Some parts were tamed, flower beds and mowed lawn, other parts wild, wide-open meadows, or dense forests. I never ventured far, too afraid of what might happen when I wasn’t back in time, but a different path each day. Walking helped me. So many questions I did not dare to ask.

He was a werewolf. He seemed to be rich. He had a pack of dogs. These things I knew for sure. Why had he chosen me? Why did he never talk to me except for short orders? So many things I wasn’t sure of. My meager knowledge of werewolves didn’t help at all. I had preferred other books and films. The books in the living room here did not deal with that topic, and all the films I had watched on the streaming services I had access to had frightened me. The monsters in the films usually killed their prey.

What was I to him? Just a toy? Prey? Or something else?

The coffee was hot and comforting. Did he drink coffee? Smiling, I took another sip. One day I would work up the courage to ask him. Maybe. I shivered and got up. A hot shower, another coffee. There was still plenty of time left until he would come. The warm water felt hot on my chilled body. I waited until it felt comfortable and stepped under the shower. Shaving came first. Carefully I removed the stubble, felt with my hand if I had missed any. Sliding my hand over my wet, crotch, I found a spot I had missed, one quick swipe with the razor. That felt better.

Using the luxury soap to lather my body, I closed my eyes and raised my face towards the water. For a long time, I just stood there, let the water wash away the soap. Then I reached for the shampoo, washed my long ginger hair. The towels were soft and fluffy. Careful, I dried myself, stood in front of the mirror. I had gained some weight. My body was nearly back to the shape it had been before I had been living on the streets.

Long and slender legs, flat stomach, and nice b cup tits. My ribs and hip bones weren’t that prominent anymore. Bruises in assorted colors covered my tits. He was not too careful with his paws. But somehow, I did not think he hurt me on purpose. Every time before I got fucked, he made sure I was ready, wet. Tentatively I ran a hand from my tits over my stomach to my crotch. I had been fucked at least twice every day, but I had never had an orgasm. I glanced at the clock. One hour left.

Shaking my head, I went to fix myself another coffee. Should I? Would it make things easier for me? Sipping the hot coffee, I made my way to the living room, sat down on the couch. I couldn’t let go of the thought. Would it be easier for me if I prepared myself? Not having to face the fact that my body reacted by his touch, got aroused by him, even though I knew what was coming. I wasn’t sure. And how would he react?

But I was free to do what I wanted in between. He had told me so. I finished my coffee quickly, set the mug aside. Slowly I started to rub my nipples. A soft touch, not as hard as he would do it. I closed my eyes, concentrated on the touch alone. I felt them react, harden. Grabbing the left tit with my hand, I bowed my head, stuck out my tongue. The touch sent shivers down my spine. As I closed my lips around the nipple and started to suck, I moaned. How I had missed this.

The other hand left my tit, reached for my crotch. Soft, freshly shaven skin under my fingertips. Without thinking, I lay back and spread my legs. I let go of my other tit as well, placed both hands between my legs. Spreading my pussy lips with one hand, I felt for my clit with the other, stroked it, circled it with one finger. That felt good, more than good. The more I touched myself, the more I relaxed. Whatever would happen today, at least now I would feel good. It was no conscious thought; I felt a longing I had not felt in a long time.

I slid one finger in my cunt, pulled it out again, and slid two fingers inside. The dogs and the werewolf had fucked me fast and hard. I did just the opposite. Slow but deep, soft but satisfying. Moaning, I felt my juices on my fingers, the longing as I rubbed my clit gently. A third finger joined the two, faster now, harder. I gasped. My body tensed up. More, faster, harder, no coherent thought anymore, just the longing for relief. I gasped again as the orgasm washed over me. Panting I lay on the sofa, legs wide apart, my fingers still buried in my cunt. I felt the muscles contract, my heart beating fast.

“Damn, I needed that,” I murmured, opened my eyes again.

But the good feeling passed too soon, left a stale, empty feeling. I was lonely. Just as I was wondering if the two years would drive me insane, I heard the door. He was coming to get me. When he entered the living room, he carried a box. Irritated, I got up, looked at him. He put the box down on the table and smiled.

“You might be needing this soon,” he said.

I glanced inside. Tampons and some packs that seemed to contain panties. Nodding, I reached out for the panties to check the size. While on the streets, my period had become more than irregular, sometimes I had gone months without bleeding. Now, with a healthier diet, it should be back to normal soon. I glanced at the pack and froze. There was a picture of a dog on the package. Panties for a bitch in heat. Blushing with embarrassment, I let it drop back in the box.

“Thank you, Sir,” I murmured and looked down on my feet.

He laughed. “And don’t try to fool me. I can smell if you are bleeding or not.”

I nodded, tried to suppress a shudder. As usual, he opened the trapdoor. As usual, he led me down through the tunnel.


Suddenly he slowed down, turned around, and looked at me. I could barely make out his silhouette, but I was pretty sure he could see me, alright. Sniffing, he stepped towards me. Apparently, I would find out now if I had unknowingly broken the rules.

“Come on,” he orders. Briskly he turned around and walked on. He opened the door to our right, held it open for me. “Wait there.”

The room was small, brightly lit, and there was carpet on the floor. The only furniture was plenty of big bean bags and dog beds. I strolled around in the room, unsure what was to come. The routine was broken. Anything could happen. My heart beats fast, a touch of panic sent gooseflesh all over my body. As far as I could see, there were no shackles or other means of restraint in this room.

The door opened again. My owner was accompanied by the first dog who had fucked me. The man closed the door and sat down on one of the dog beds. The dog moved on, came towards me, tail wagging and ears pricked. I held out my hand, let him sniff. After sniffing my fingers for a long time, he licked them, moved forwards, and started to sniff my crotch.

Unsure what was expected of me, I stood still, looked to the man on the dog bed. His face was impassive, gave nothing away. For a long time, I just stood there, frozen to the spot. The dog’s breath was warm in my crotch. Did he want me to pet the dog? Did he want me to get down on my knees like a good bitch?

In the other room, the dog would have fucked me by now, it might even have been over. Taking a step back, the dog followed me. His member was out of its sheath, he whimpered softly. The man/werewolf did not move. He just watched me. So I had to make a decision. Slowly I got down on my knees, using one of the bean bags for support and spread my legs.


Instantaneous was that command, and the dog obeyed. He humped me furiously. Eventually, he found the entrance to my wet cunt, buried himself inside me. His thrusts grew even more frantic. My hands turned into fists, I buried the fingers deep in the cushion. This was the first time I wasn’t restrained when a dog fucked me. It had been my free will to go down on my knees. I shuddered, a desperate moan escaped my throat. Humiliated, I closed my eyes.

The dog’s knot began to swell. I could feel it. There was still time to pull free. Save me from being knotted by this dog. I moved my hips tentatively, the dog followed. Or was this part of the test? Was this a test? Did he want to test my obedience? I let it happen. With one last deep push, the dog shot his load, and the knot filled me.

The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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