Becoming a Werewolf

By Michelle M.

Considering myself one of the luckiest people alive, I started a small software company, was somewhat successful when a large national company approached me with an offer to purchase. It was such a good offer. I had to accept. This gave me the means to purchase a home away from people, a place where I could practice my writing, hopefully becoming a novelist of some sort.

Moving in, it was more than I had even hoped for. It seemed like miles and miles of trails around the cabin. Some circled coming back home. Others seemed to go on forever. These I’d walk along until I was tired, then turning around and heading back.

On one of these trips, I had left early in the morning, filling a backpack with some food, drinks, and such to make it a day-long trip. I had only gone a few miles from home when I heard something like someone calling for help. Stopping on the trial, listening again – there was nothing, just silence, then taking a few steps, again it was above me, but it sounded like ‘help’ again.

Working my way up the side of the hill, coming over the top of a small knoll, there was a wolf. His leg was caught in a hunter’s trap. The thing would be easy to release but getting that close to a wounded animal would be difficult. There was no way of letting him know I was not there to hurt him. Setting down just outside his reach, “I know how much it must be hurting, but you’ll have to trust me to let you free of the trap.”

I sat there trying to figure out how to help him, “I can go back to my home to see if I can get some help, but I’m afraid of what they will do to a wolf once they have you, and I’m so sorry, I don’t know anyone who could help me here.”

That is when I got the shock of my life, he was looking directly at me, “Go ahead and free me. I promise I won’t hurt you. I need the tension released on my leg.”

My eyes were wide as saucers. “You can talk. You’re a wolf who can talk. What are you?”

I could tell how much pain he was in, shaking his head, “It doesn’t matter who or what I am, please just release me and let me go so that I can get some help.”

I have no idea why I trusted what he was saying, but for some reason, his pleading had convinced me he wouldn’t hurt me, so cautiously I moved forward, applied pressure on the trap it sprung open, releasing his foot. Pulling it out, then trying to stand on it, the foot had been damaged and needed some help, “You can’t get help on your own, let me help you home with me, and I’ll take care of you until you’re ready to be on your own.”

I think he knew what I was saying made sense, so he let me help him back down close to the trail. I ran back home to get a side I own, returning to him, helping him in the passenger’s seat. I had him back home in a few hours after discovering him and began to take care of his injured foot, finally doing what I could. We were on my front porch, “OK, I think that is all I can do, now how is it you know how to talk?”

He was injured. He knew he could trust me, so keeping his eyes on me at all times. “The reason I can talk is I’m a Werewolf. I saw you walking up the trail, figured if I had any chance of living, I’d see if you could save me.”

Tilting my head, “A werewolf. There is no such thing as a werewolf. Why didn’t you change into your human form and release yourself if that is what you are?”

“I knew if I changed into a human, the leg was so badly damaged, I’d have bled to death, so all I could do was stay as I was and hope you would help me. By the way, thank you for doing all you did.”

What he said made sense, but I still wasn’t convinced, “So your leg is safe now. Let’s see you become human. Can you do that easily?”

Before I had even finished what I was asking, before my eyes were tall, well over 6-foot, olive-skinned man, it has to be one of the most handsome men I have ever looked at. But he was not only tall and handsome, but he also supported one of the largest cocks I have ever seen. It was soft, laying on the side of his one leg, at least 9 inches long or longer, a funny feeling immediately stirred between my legs.

I am a brunette, good looking, with nice-sized tits, and for some reason, my nipples became hard as rocks. I was breathing heavy, not able to take my eyes off of his shaft. The attention was also affecting him. The shaft began to stir, straightening out, becoming hard and raising off his leg.

A small giggle brings my view up to his dark eyes, “I can see you’re not disappointed that you saved me, and I am also glad you were the one who came along.”

He moved close to me, running his hand up my bare arm, leaning in close to me, kissing my neck.

I was aware that his scent had changed to a sexual smell, one that had my eyes floating in my head. It was becoming difficult to think or even respond to him. My body was spiking with arousal that I had never experienced before.

The light sweater I had slipped on to go on the walk somehow was laying on the floor, then looking down. My pants were piled up at my ankles. His hand had slipped inside my panties between my legs, one finger running back and forth along my vaginal lips, causing me to hump his hand.

Even with his injured leg, he easily picked me up, carrying me to my bedroom, standing me at the foot of the bed, bringing me to him, so his massive cock slipped between my legs, rubbing it back and forth, increasing my need to get some relief soon. My breasts were rubbing back and forth on his rock-hard chest, my nipples becoming even more sensitive than they have ever been. Looking at him, realizing I had already slipped under his power, whoever or whatever he was, had me sexually stimulated, still increasing his hold over me while we were still standing our bodies against each other. He began to move down my front, kissing, sucking my nipples. The more he kissed me, the higher my stimulation was coming over me.

The sexual haze he had put me in had put me into a hypnotic type of state, causing me to lose periods of time. I went from standing as he kissed and teased my breasts, then I was on my back, his head between my legs, licking, sucking my pussy, one finger pumping in and out of me. I think I was having multiple orgasms. The feeling kept running all over my body, but I was in such a haze, I had lost the ability to know what was happening to me clearly.

His sexual scent had enveloped me like a warm blanket, causing me to float in and out of reality, giving myself completely to him and what he wanted to do to me.

Just when I thought I couldn’t go any higher, I felt his huge cock slide inside me, filling me more than any guy had ever done. As soon as he began to pump in and out of me, it was like I was enjoying an out-of-body experience. He was pumping so much faster than any guy I’d ever been with could do. My body was writing under his onslaught. His cock head rubbed and exciting all of my pussy, the top, bottom, and sides. It was more than I could ever have imagined. Squeezing my tits, grabbing the bedsheets, my hips writhing and whimpering, small little sounds coming out every time he bottomed out in me.

If it was possible, I think my body was enjoying a continual climax, one that never ends, never slows, only keeps going on and on. I have no idea how long he pumped me, but eventually, I felt the warm cum flood all inside me. At the same time, the almost hot liquid began to change me. I could feel myself becoming more and more submissive.

When he pulled out of me, looking at him, fear had now taken me over, “What have you done to me? You knew what it would do to me if you fucked me, but what have you done?”

He was smiling, “Well, at least I didn’t make you a werewolf, you’ve just become my fuck bitch while I’m with your healing, then I’ll decide what to do to you”?

My body was still shaking, the muscles in my legs and hips, experiencing the ongoing explosions, all the time trying to come to grips with what he was saying. “I’ve become your fuck bitch. What does that mean?”

A small giggle, “It means I can take you anytime I feel like fucking. The more I fuck, the quicker I will heal, so you’ll be enjoying me in you most of the time.”

I was beginning to calm down when I saw him becoming hard again. The funny thing was as soon as I saw him getting hard again, my own pussy started to twitch and tingle. Closing my eyes, I knew what he had done to me. I was his bitch to be used as often and long as he needed or wanted me. Crawling to him, mounting that cock, my body betraying me while I started to jump up and down on him.

At breakfast the next morning, while I was sipping my coffee, “Are you going to bite me, making me a werewolf also, or just going to kill me?”

Looking at me. “First of all, that is all Hollywood. If I bit you, you’d probably get an infection, and no, I’m not going to kill you. You saved my life.”

Then he looked at me, “But I’ll be honest with you, a werewolf’s cum has an addicting quality, as well as making you submissive. Once it has been introduced to you, your body needs it daily. Without it, you’ll eventually not survive. We have 7 males in our pack and 5 females. We can always use another female. You will be the pack’s bitch. Only the alpha takes a mate, the rest of us just enjoying fucking the packs bitches.”

That made me set back, for the first time, realizing my life as I had planned it was over, but still not sure how he would make me a werewolf like him.

For the next week, almost every waking moment, he was fucking me. I had gotten to the point where all I had to do was look at him, and I knew when he wanted me. I’d drop down on all fours, open up my legs and accept him in me. His seed was slowly changing me, making me forget anything in my past, who I was, even old friends and family. My whole world was centered around his next load filling me up.

When he was not in me, both of us preferred his wolf form, his hair was so soft and warm, laying up against his underside, his legs wrapped around me, make me feel safe and warm.

I watched with amazement at how fast his wounds healed. In a couple of weeks, it looked like he was back too normal, and our time together would be coming to an end, an end I wasn’t sure about my future.

One evening, I could sense he wanted me, moving to the front of the sofa, I laid out on it, my knees on the ground, a position he liked, spreading my legs wide, his tongue felt so good licking my pussy, something I’d never experienced before, but something I knew I liked. When he jumped up on me, his soft hair felt so good on my back, my body relaxing as his huge cock entered me. It was then, I realized something was wrong, something different. My eyes shot wide open. He was mounting me in his wolf form, he’d never taken me in that form before, and somehow I knew this was not what I wanted.

I tried to pull away, he was just too strong and heavy, tried to push him off of me, no such luck, turned to tell him no, that is when I saw his fangs for the first time, he gently but firmly bit my neck. I could feel the fangs draw blood. It made me freeze instantly, relaxing my body, knowing there was nothing I could do.

I prepared for his knot to enter me, but unlike dogs I had seen, this one was inside me when his knot grew large inside my pussy, blocking any chance of any of his seed being wasted.

The temperature of his seed surprised me, much warmer than he had been as a man. He lay on top of me, pumping load after a load of this warm nectar deep inside me, then just relaxed on my back, licking my neck and ear.

We were in this position for a long time. Then he slowly pulled out of me. “I’m so sorry for the pain you’re about to feel, but there is really no other way for you.”

Looking at him, trying to figure out what he was sorry about, a sudden pain hit my arms. They seemed to be reforming. My fingers ached, then my legs and hips felt like they were changing. My arms and hands were now in intense pain. Tears began to run down my cheeks. When my whole head started to hurt, it felt like my skull was breaking apart and forming something new. My toes, back, chest, and shoulders were all in excruciating pain, so much so, my whole body shook, tears running down my face, moaning for him to help me, but he sat there and just watched.

I have no idea how long this lasted. I could see my hands and arms were now shorter and animal-like, my legs and hips the same. There was a mirror on the wall opposite me, looking at myself, I was now almost a complete wolf, the hair coming in was pure white, the new tail I had felt funny to move around, then slowly the pain faded away, finally leaving me as a white female wolf.

I really liked my new look. It had been painful but now, oh so worth it. “So how do I change back to my human form?”

Dropping his head, “I’m so sorry, only the males can change. You are now a female wolf and will always be what you are now. I didn’t have any choice; it was this or let you tear yourself apart because I could not fuck you or me ending your life. This was my only choice. Rest now. In the morning, we’ll join the pack again.”

Drifting off to sleep in my new body was easy. Totally exhausted my sore body healed quickly. Waking early the next morning, he took me once as a wolf fucks a wolf, his warm seed healing me even more, then we were out the front door, running freely into the woods.

The way I moved so easily amazed me, easily able to keep up with him. It took a couple of hours to reach the pack. The females looked at me. They had all been captured and changed as I had been, the males were licking their lips, but the first one to fuck me was the big black Alpha male. His cock was so big and powerful, I moaned and whimpered until he filled me up. Each male then took me, the interesting thing, after each one pulled out of me, I had a strong climax, causing my whole body to shake. Finally, the one who had put me in this position finished me off, and as with the others, a massive orgasm.

As soon as this was over, the females all gathered around me. It was obvious who the alpha female was. She was large, a beautiful grey color. Knelling down between my legs, she licked the combined juices running out of me, looking at the others, “Jump in here. We can only taste all of them when we have a new bitch join us.”

The females all jumped in, licking me until I was clean but driving me, once again over the edge … I think I’m going to enjoy this new life.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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