The Chimpanzee Community

By Michelle M.

Being a fortunate lady, blessed with a body small, well proportioned, and larger than normal tits with nipples so sensitive they were always hard.

Preferring women over any man, studying the primates was a natural lifestyle for me. Some of the women I admired the most were the early ones who worked with the primates. That led me to the Congo, working as a guide for various groups of women following the early pioneers’ paths.

I had always admired the Chimpanzees more than the other primates, so when it was discovered they were designing and using their own tools, I took a special interest in them over the others. This interest was what piqued my curiosity when the tales of a community of Chimps had kidnapped a young lady. These types of stories sell papers, but most are just stories that someone made up. Most of the time, these blow over and never thought of again. That was what this one looked like until Chimps kidnaped a second girl.

By the time the local authorities contacted me, there were four girls now missing. All were supposed to have been taken by the same animal, a chimp or groups of chimps.

Talking with the authorities, I said the same thing to anyone who knew them. This wasn’t possible then they showed me the missing women’s pictures. Looking at them, they all had some obvious things in common. First, they were all very cute. Second, they all had big, huge boobs. All of us were looking at the pics they had on the wall. Someone said, “Nikki, they could all be sisters of yours.”

We talked for some time. From what we could tell, the women had been working in and around the same area, but they all disappeared during the night, with no struggle. It seemed they left on their own.

It was an easy decision. We’d go to the same area, me as the bate, make camp to see what we could see or learn.

I did some research before we left. The women had been interested in this particular community, even though they had no idea where this community was located. Each one was looking to see if this group had advanced beyond the normal chimp’s abilities.

We arrived, made camp, I was in a tent by myself on the fringe of the group – during the day, I made sure I was out walking around, down by the river swimming/washing, and this was my idea, always in the water, completely nude.

After a week, there had been no attempt to kidnap me. The group of us meant that evening, figuring, maybe we’d been all wrong about what we had thought. It was decided the next morning. We’d pack up and be gone.

I sleep in the raw all the time, so as soon as I shut my tent, the clothes came off, and I was about to call it an evening when my tent zipper slowly was pulled down, just before I was about to scream when to my surprise a female chimp stepped into my tent. She had her finger up to her mouth, indicating for me to be quiet. I didn’t scream but was curious to see what she wanted.

Obviously, she was more than excited by the size of my breasts, so I stepped up close to her. When she reached up to touch my nipples, the roughness of her finger made my eyes go partially closed, then trying to open, her other hand was playing with my other one.

When she moved in behind me, reaching around me, cupping each breast in her hands, her soft fur on my back made me let out a low whimper, just as she kissed me on the neck, her lips so different than anything I had ever experienced, I could feel a rush of excitement that was all new to me.

One of her hands moved slowly down my front, softly circling my tummy, then easing between my legs. My legs gave out when she rubbed back and forth over my swelling lips, causing me to begin to hump her large hand.

Slowly pushing one finger up inside me caused my head to roll back, losing all ability to think rationally. A flood of desire rushed over me, just as a massive orgasm washed over my whole body, leaving me exhausted. Moving between my legs, licking and sucking the juices seeping out of my pussy. This was again something I had never felt before, causing me another explosion, this time leaving me so spent, I didn’t even have the ability to raise my head.

Turning my head towards the tent opening, a second Chimp walked in. This one was a big male. I wanted to scream, but the female had made it impossible for me even to make a sound. He walked up, put some sort of a leaf coated in some liquid, causing me to take in a deep breath, the whole world becoming dark.

What I didn’t know was how easy he picked me up, carrying me out of the camp, over his shoulders. The female made sure everything was cleaned up, then zipped my tent back up, following in behind him. The next morning, I was added to the list of missing women.

He carried me most of the night. It was just becoming light. The drug I had been given was beginning to wear off. I knew what was happening but unaware of how to fight it.

We arrived in the community’s main part, seeing me being brought in, had every single animal jumping up and down with excitement.

I was finally fully awake when the male carrying me dropped me down in front of an even larger male. I assumed the alpha one. Laying on the ground, he was joined by the missing women, all nude and all looking healthy, except two of the girls were obviously pregnant. Looking at the one kneeling by me, her name was Carol, “What is happening here?”

She put her hand on my bare tummy, slowly rubbing it in circles, “You’re going to have some gel put in you by the alpha; apparently it makes us fertile, so it looks like, besides the best sex we’ve ever had, we’re going to contribute to the community population.

Before what she was saying was able to sink in, two females knelt by my side, each taking a nipple in their mouth, circling them, sucking on them, occasionally biting down on them, causing some temporary pain, making me moan more.

I could see the male with a green-looking gel on his finger. In seconds it was pushed up inside me. The size and roughness of his digit spiked me into an instant climax. He kept pumping it in and out of me, causing me to writhe under his assault.

Carol had told me the drug would make me beg to be fucked. Then I’d have to enjoy the primate seed all over my pussy, eventually impregnating me.

At some time, he pulled his finger out of me, setting back, stroking his cock, his huge cock, much like a man would do.

The sensations the two females were doing to me made me temporarily forget I had the gel inside me, but it wasn’t long before a strange tingling in my pussy. It kept increasing until I felt like his huge cock needed to be in me. I knew he couldn’t understand me, but I was begging him to fuck me. I was in such a fuzzy state. Nothing was making any sense, except I needed to be fucked.

At some time, he picked me up, turning me over, placing me on my knees, plunging that monster shaft all the way in me, his balls slapping me between my legs. I was so turned on, my uterus had moved high up inside me, making me ready to accept something like him, but when the tip of his cock, brushed past it to the opening to the side, I had no idea what I was feeling was even possible. He was pounding me so hard and so fast that I think for the first time, I had a continual climax, one that never ended, just kept on raking over my body. Finally, when he unloaded, what felt like a ton of cum, some seeping down my legs and all over my pussy, my body was still spasming, legs shaking continually, and my pussy was pulsing open and closed long after he pulled out of me.

Several females started to clean up the excess seed, ensuring they cleaned up inside my pussy, deep with their tongues. This only spiked me further into this erotic bliss I had been put in. One of the pregnant women came up, kneeling by me, “He will be the only one fucking you until he knows you’re pregnant. Somehow he can tell as soon as he is sure, then you’ll be open to all the males.” She went on to say he does the same thing with any female he thinks needs to be pregnant. Apparently, the gel has a way of assuring 100% success in his coupling. We both laughed at how much money we could make if we had that formula, but so far, the sex I had experienced since last night, I figured this was a much better deal for me.

Every couple of hours, I’d be put on my knees, dropping my head, enjoying the best sex I’d ever experienced before being kidnapped. Finally, after three days of non-stop pounding, he smelled, then tasted my urine, gave out a howl, I figured letting everyone know I had been knocked up.

This community of primates was way ahead of some of the humans. I found out when one of his daughters came of age to be impregnated. A new Alpha was picked. So they not only guaranteed 100% pregnancy but knew enough not to diminish inner breeding.

The first human/primate female was born, they had some human qualities, but the female was definitely going to have huge tits.

For the next eight months, almost every waking moment, I was making love to one or more of the females or being fucked by one of the males, then I gave birth to a beautiful young male, one I knew in time would be fucking me, making me so proud of what had happened to me.

Shortly after that, JJ came up to me, handing me my cell phone. “I am becoming good at understanding what our lovers want. Do you think any of the ladies you know would want to join us?” She went on to say they’d have to have big tits and be anxious to enjoy the life we have.

Apparently, when I was picked up, one of the ladies had told my female companion to pick up my phone and solar charger, so it was fully charged, dialing up the president’s number of a ladies tennis club I belonged to, Elaine was more than surprised when she heard my voice. Telling her what had happened, what day-to-day was like for me, how exciting making love to two or three females or being fucked by a male, making you feel like a rag doll, tits bouncing everywhere, I could tell by her breathing she was all in. I called her back in a few days. She had 25 women, all members of the club that we’re all in. Giving her landing instructions on a deserted airstrip, I was standing on the edge of the jungle when the plane landed, all the women got off, and the plane was back in the air in no time.

Running nude to the group, hugging Elaine, then a few of the others, they explained the pilot had been paid well, but just in case additional trips would be needed, she had kept her phone to transfer funds to his account. The group figured they could arrange at least another hundred women if it were as good as I had said.

As soon as they were stripped down naked, the females came out from the forest, moving to each one, just like mine had done to me that first evening. I giggled when Elaine had her first orgasm, screaming out in ecstasy. It did not take long for all of them to be unconscious and on the shoulders of a big male. The one that had been fucking me had me on his shoulders as well, carrying me back to my family.

There are approximately 250 chimps at this writing, males, and females, in the community and 45 human women. Our mating’s female offspring has produced an erotic female with huge tits that seem to have no end to their sexual desires. The males have a larger-than-normal cock and can fuck for hours without becoming soft.

At night I never forget to thank the sex gods for this opportunity I now enjoy.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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