Celuna’s Hunt

By hrefnadrakis

The night called to him, as he lay stretched out on his hotel bed. He could hear the sounds in the distance and he longed to get up and run. He longed to get up and shed his human form as he had done so many times before. He turned his head to look at the human woman lying beside him. She smelled of perfume, woman and him. His scent was all over her now. It would be a surprise if it weren’t. He had spent the last five hours satisfying their mutual lust. Her bleached blonde hair lay tangled on the pillow as she snored softly.

Gracefully he rolled out of the bed and landed on his feet without a sound. He padded over to the balcony and opened the sliding glass doors. The night wind caressed his face as he scented the air. In the city, it was impossible to shed his skin and run as the wolf. Too many people nearby might see him and know his secret. He guarded his privacy well and fiercely. It wouldn’t do for the world to know what he was especially in light of his career. He made good money as a wrestler and he enjoyed the travel. He enjoyed performing before live audiences without them knowing exactly what he was. It was a thrill to him. There were so few things that thrilled him anymore.

She could scent him even through all the other people milling about. He was the epitome of animal magnetism and the one she was looking for. He stood six feet four inches tall and weighed roughly two hundred forty pounds. His eyes were an intense blue green. His hair was long and a light sandy brown color, brushing around his shoulders. It curled at the ends especially when it was wet. His shoulders were broad and muscular narrowing down to a slender waist and massive thighs. He was in excellent physical condition. She felt the aching of lust begin low in her stomach. Yes, he would suit her needs quite well.

She stared up at him from her position on the street. He stood on the balcony; naked as the day he was born. She admired the massive muscles of his chest and arms, the solidness of his thighs, the ridges of his abdomen. He was glorious. She could imagine being held securely in his arms as pleasure flooded them both. He was a good choice, the only choice for her. She could feel it. She smiled softly until the wind carried his scent to her. Then a low growl issued from her throat. He smelled of sex and woman. A surge of possessiveness went through her. She felt rage build inside her and she felt the urge to rend and tear this other female to pieces. She lifted her head and let out a howl. Then she loped across the street to enter the hotel unobserved.

His ears perked up when he heard the howl. It was just below him in the street. Eagerly his eyes scanned the street. However, the other had disappeared into the night. He felt the sound dance over his body like a sensual caress. It was more than a stray dog that he knew. He turned back to the bed as he heard the woman stir

“Hunter?” came her sleepy voice, “What are you doing?”

“Nothing Debra” he answered as he turned back to the night.

“Come back to bed,” she said her voice turning husky with renewed desire. He felt the answering lust in his body and turned towards the bed.

She stood at the door, listening to the sounds coming from within. Her teeth ground together in fury. He was hers. A low growl issued from deep within her chest. Her hand flashed in a movement too fast for the human eye to see. Four long furrows appeared in the door. She longed to burst through the door and slash the interloper apart. Suddenly she grabbed a hold of her rage. Now was not the time. He would more than likely defend the female. She would wait until the woman left. Then she would follow her. Many years ago, she had learned the value of patience. However, given the state she was in at this time, she found her patience wearing thin. She must mate and she must do it soon. But it would be a mate of her choosing and not her father’s or her mother’s. She would not mate with anyone for the sake of bloodlines. She would mate with one that she loved or none at all no matter the consequences it would bring to her.

She slipped around the corner just as his door opened. She watched as he carefully examined her marks on the door. Slowly he leaned forward as if to get a better look. His head lifted and he glanced down the hallway, searching. She slipped back behind the comer. Then, with her highly sensitive ears, she heard him pad down the hall. Glancing quickly she saw him, clad only in a pair of silk pajama bottoms, walking down the hall with a bucket in his hand. Now was her chance to get rid of any opposition. Quick as a flash she was inside the room, the tails of her black leather duster flapping behind her as she moved. Quietly she closed the door behind her.

She padded silently into the bedroom, her eyes glowing yellow in the darkness. She could see clearly as if it were a bright sunny day. She looked at the woman sprawled on the bed in wanton abandon. Her blond hair revealing its dark roots and her nails impossibly long. Her mascara had already blackened her eyes and her lips were swollen from his kisses, her lipstick all but gone. She felt the rage building within her once again. This is what he chose to sleep with? This is what he wasted his seed on? She stalked towards the bed, crouching low.

As if somehow sensing the danger, Debra awoke. Her eyes widened in fright as she saw the amber yellow eyes glowing in the darkness of the room. Where was Hunter? She scrambled backwards until her back collided with the headboard. She heard a low menacing chuckle and knew that if the creature had wanted to, it would have snagged her before she could have moved an inch.

“Who are you?” Debra asked in a trembling voice, “What do you want?”

She jumped from the floor and effortlessly crouched on the three-inch wide footboard. She tilted her head to study this pathetic creature in front of her. Normally she did not think so harshly of humans but her hormonal state put a sharper edge on her thought processes.

“Do you really wish to know my name?” she asked Debra as she studied her. Her voice came out in a low husky rumble.

“Y-ye-es… n-no, I…”

“You do but you don’t” she laughed, “You do not wish to put a name to this creature you fear yet a part of you wishes to know what you are so afraid of.”

“H-he’s g-going to c-come back,” she said with a tremulous voice almost resembling defiance.

“There is a backbone in there after all,” she remarked, “Are you so sure he will come back? How do you know he is not laying in a pool of his own blood in the other room?”

“No” Debra whispered.

“Do not fear,” she laughed, “I do not intend to draw his blood. That is not why I am here. But you… now you are in my way. I do not take kindly to obstacles in my path’

“I’ve done nothing to you,” Debra whispered.


She moved so quickly Debra had no chance to react. Debra found herself pinned to the bed. Clothe covered breast brushed naked breast. Leather clad thighs straddled hers and held her still. Debra stared into the face of a woman. Golden eyes were inches from hers. Debra trembled as she leaned down and brought her face close to Debra’s belly. Then slowly she moved upward, inhaling softly, taking in their mingled scents.

“You smell of him, of sex. His scent marks you as clearly as if he had left a visible symbol. He has fucked you many times this night. It will take days before his scent stops clinging to your skin, a beacon to my senses,” she stared down in Debra’s terrified eyes. She studied her swollen lips and her rapid breathing. She scented the wine on her breath. She brought her mouth closer to Debra’s. Her tongue snaked out and lapped quickly along her bottom lip, tasting him on her. Then slowly, long black eyelashes swept up to allow golden eyes to hold terrified blue, terrified but becoming aroused by the stroke of her tongue.

“His taste lingers on your lips, the muskiness of him. He is addictive is he not?” she asked as she brushed her lips along Debra’s cheek, still tasting him.

“What do you want?” Debra breathed, trying to ignore the arousing affect this strange woman was having on her.

“Have you not figured it out?” she asked. Debra shook her head.


“He is the one. You need know no more than that,” she whispered as she placed her mouth just beneath Debra’s chin, “You will dress and leave this room immediately. Otherwise, nasty things will happen to you. Nasty bloody things that do not bare description.”

With that, she opened her mouth and caught Debra’s throat between her jaws. She allowed her upper and lower canines to elongate just enough to pierce the first layer of skin and draw blood.

“Let her go,” came his deep growl from the doorway. She had lingered too long, been too distracted and not sensed his approach. Slowly she lifted her head to look at him. She saw his muscles tense for attack. He was going to spring at any moment. As he did, she rolled and met him head on. They slid across the floor on her black leather duster. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as his clasped around her, trying to wrap around her throat. Debra ran out of the room, grabbing her clothing as she went.

They landed with Hunter on top. His thighs trapped hers and his lower body pinned her to the floor. Her skin burned through her clothing. He was strong, as she knew he would be. She let go of his shoulder and brought her arm sharply across his elbow, causing his arm to bend and his hold to break. The sudden loss of stability made him lurch to one side and she used the momentum to propel them over. She now lay on top of him. Looking down into his face, she studied him for a moment. Quicker than he thought possible, she darted her head forward and had her jaws wrapped around his throat. She held tightly enough that if he pulled he would leave skin and possibly his throat behind. She felt the ripple of his swallow pass through her lips. Slowly he loosed his hold on her one shoulder. His hands fell to his sides. She could tear his throat out at any moment.

Then a musky scent filled his nostrils. It was hot and spoke of warm sweet earth and steamy sex. It was the scent of this woman and he found himself getting hard as it invaded his brain. He felt her body shimmer with energy and her muscles trembled. Her body writhed above his and her grip on his throat loosened. Suddenly she rolled away from him and to her feet.

“On my terms,” she growled to, it seemed, no one in particular, “on MY terms.”

She turned her back to him and made as if to walk out of the room. Without really thinking about it, he launched himself at her and pinned her, face down to the bed. Her nose was assaulted by the scent of sex, Debra and his aroma soaked into the sheets. She struggled fiercely beneath him, trying to get enough purchase to throw him off her. Her scent became stronger, filling the room with the smell of her.

“I am not through with you,” he panted in her ear. With one hand, he grabbed the collar of her leather coat and pulled it down her arms, pinning them to her sides. She continued her fierce struggle until he wrapped her long black hair around his wrist and pulled backward, arching her neck and lifting her face to his. Her throat was bared to him, to take if he wished it. Never had she felt so vulnerable or so aroused.

“Get off me” she growled low in her throat.

She tensed as his free hand, now marked with razor sharp claws, lightly caressed her bared throat. She knew he left white scratch lines on her skin that would fade in a few moments.

“You are in no position to give orders, are you?” he growled against her ear. She renewed her struggles until he gave a meaningful tug on her hair.

“Do you kill me now?”

“What is your name?” he demanded. She remained silent, not answering his question. He straddled her buttocks the curve of which fit quite pleasurably between his rock hard thighs. He could still smell her scent, musky sweet and arousing. Part of him wanted to kill her for invading his room and the other part wanted to have sex with her until neither one of them could move. He reached down and pulled her coat away from her sides. She wore one of those shirts that gave tantalizing glimpses of her belly and black leather pants that laced up the sides. Easily he severed the lacings over her hip. Then slowly, his fingers burrowed between the material and her skin. He could feel her body tensing beneath him. She wore nothing beneath the black leather. Her skin was almost burning hot to his touch. Her body jerked as he found the beginning of her nether curls. He leaned down a little more and slid his fingers deeper into those silken curls. His questing fingers found fiery heat and wetness as he slipped his fingers between her woman’s folds. Her whole body tensed and trembled. She wanted him, his touch. He delved deeper and began to move his fingers within her. His ministrations were met with a rush of wet heat and her strong scent. With a husky chuckle of male appreciation, he withdrew his hand. Then he leaned down so she could see his face. Holding her golden eyes, he slipped first one, than two fingers into his mouth, tasting her on his own flesh. His sensitive ears caught a barely contained whimper of desire.

She felt his arousal pressed against her buttocks and it made her tremble all the more. Images of his body thrusting into hers filled her mind. She growled in frustration. None of this would have been a problem if she weren’t in heat. Damn it. She needed to get away from him and now, otherwise her body with tell her mind to go to hell and fuck his brains out before either one of them could blink.

“Your name” he demanded again.

“I will tell you nothing,” she growled and suddenly heaved with more force that he thought she’d possessed. The abruptness of her movements caused him to release his hold on her hair. He went flying back to the floor and she was out the door to the balcony. He watched as she launched herself into the air. He ran to the balcony and saw her land on her feet with barely any noise. She turned and looked up at him just as the moon came out from behind the clouds. It bathed her face in a silvery light and Hunter caught his breath. Large amber yellow eyes looked up at him, surrounded by long black lashes. Her hair swung before settling around her, hanging almost to her waist. She had high cheekbones and full red lips quirked in a taunting smile. Her black eyebrows were finely arched. Her skin shone pale in the silvery light of Mother Luna. “We shall meet again,” he said as he stared down at her from his balcony. She lifted her hand in a mock salute. Slowly, holding her gaze, he brought his fingers to his mouth and gave them a slow leisurely lick, tasting her essence. He watched her eyes darken and then she disappeared into the night. He would find her again. He had her most intimate scent he would find her.

“Where have you been?” came her father’s deep voice. He had been waiting up for her again as if she were a stray pup.

“Out” she said.

“It is not safe for you to be out, especially in your hormonal state. There are hundreds of Loupa who would dearly love to claim you as their mate.”

“And there would be hundreds of dead Loupa who attempted such a fool hardy task,” she growled back.

“You cannot fight them all Celune,” her father said softly.

“It is about time you were paired anyway” came her mother’s strong voice. Cleona strode out of the dark library. She stared hard at her only daughter. Then, as she sniffed delicately, she caught a strange scent on Celune’s skin. Slowly, one delicate eyebrow arched. Her daughter held the spore of a male upon her. If Cleona was right, and she was seldom wrong, he was Loupa.

“I will not be paired to one of those glory hounds that have been prancing around like contestants in the West Minster Dog Show. They do nothing for me and seek only to better themselves and their position within your eyes,” she snarled, “I will not sacrifice my heart for politics.”

“You are a stubborn foolish girl!” her mother snarled abruptly, briefly forgetting her cultivated civility in her anger.

“Like mother like daughter!” Celune shot back.

“You watch your tone when you speak to your mother, Celune,” her father warned in his low voice.

“Why must you make this so difficult?” her mother questioned, once again in control of her temper.

“Because I want what you and father have!” Celune shouted suddenly, tears of anger and frustration pouring down her face, “I want to look at my mate each and every moment of each and every day and see the love in his eyes. Just as I see the love Father has for you every time he looks upon you and you look upon him. Is it so wrong for me to want that? It is so wrong for me to want someone I can share everything with? Why must I settle for less than what I know being mated can be? Why must my happiness be sacrificed to the demon of politics? I will not… I CANNOT!”

With that, Celune turned and bolted back out the door. She disappeared into the night.

“She is emotional,” her father said.

“She is hormonal,” her mother said.

“She is right,” they said in unison.

“Cleona, we cannot ask her to settle for a political pairing. Regardless of who we are, of our position in society, we are first and foremost her parents,”

“I know Remy. But the longer she waits the more chance that some male will claim her will she nil she.” Cleona sighed as she leaned her head on her husband’s broad shoulders. Always when she needed it, he lent her his strength. Never did she need it more than when dealing with their daughter.

“She has been with someone tonight,” Remy commented.

“You scented him too?” Cleona asked as she lifted her head.

“Yes,” Remy answered, “But I do not believe I am familiar with the scent. He is not from this city nor any of the other families that have approached us.”

“Where could she have met him?” Cleona wondered.

“I do not know. I will ask Jacques to find out.”

“Do you think he can still keep up with her?”

“As surely as I can keep up with you, my love,” he growled against her throat.

“Are you so sure that you can?” she teased in a soft whisper. She gasped as he scooped her up into his arms as easily as lifting a feather. He moved toward the staircase that led to the upper floors.

“I will prove it to you… repeatedly,” he purred as he nuzzled and nipped at her neck.

“He’s a what?” Cleona questioned very slowly. Jacques looked at her carefully. Usually that tone of voice boded ill.

“He is a professional wrestler,” Jacques repeated, “And he is Loupa. She has been watching him for some time. I believe she has been following him on the road, which would explain her extended absences. She seems quite taken with him. He goes by the name Hunter but I do not believe that is his birth name.”

“I want to meet him,” Cleona said softly.

“A very good idea. He should have presented himself as soon as he came into town,” Remy commented coldly, “Bring him to us Jacques. Extend our… invitation to dinner.”

“As you wish” Jacques said. He had known they would not take the news well. However, they hadn’t seen the look on Celune’s face when she looked upon this Hunter. Her body hummed in a matching rhythm to Hunter’s whether she realized it or not. Her body sent out her signal to his, letting him know she was there, drawing him to her.

Jacques stood one level above the entrance ramp. He needed to get close to Hunter, but he was reluctant to take his eyes off Celune. She was in the middle of a huge crowd and didn’t seem to be aware of it. Her eyes were locked on Hunter as if he was the only thing that existed. Of course, being in heat narrowed her focus to this one male. Sighing, Jacques effortlessly jumped over the railing before anyone could see him. He slipped easily and quickly behind the curtain. Then he tracked Hunter’s scent to his dressing room. He would wait there.

Hunter walked behind the curtain and gratefully took the towel one of the stagehands offered him. He wiped his chest and the back of his neck as he walked to his dressing room. Before he even opened the door, he knew someone else was in there. He could smell them. Slowly he opened the door, preparing in case he was jumped.

Instead, he saw a man sitting casually on the couch. Hunter couldn’t tell how tall the man was. He could tell a little bit of his build. The man’s deep brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail that lay over his shoulder. There were streaks of distinguishing gray at his temples. Sharp intelligence made his eyes twinkle.

“Good evening Mr. Hunter,” he said softly. His voice was rich, deep and softly accented. He could be French or Canadian Hunter was not sure which.

“Please do not let my presence disrupt you,”

“Who are you?” Hunter asked as he walked through the door, extending his senses to see if anyone else was in the room.

“There is no one with me. I am here only to extend an invitation,” Jacques said calmly. The lad knew how to search for danger. That was a point in his favor though it would take more than that to impress Remy and Cleona Levouix, Alphas of the city.

“You didn’t answer my question,” Hunter pointed out.

“My name is Jacques,” he said with a smile and a tip of his head, “I am employed by Remy Levouix. He and his lovely wife, Cleona, have asked that I extend their invitation to dine with them this evening. They would very much like to meet you.”

“Why? I have never heard of them before,” Hunter said. That wasn’t exactly true. He knew exactly who Remy and Cleona Levouix were. He really should have made his presence known to them as soon as they had pulled in. However, he’d had other duties to attend to.

“They have heard of you,” Jacques improvised, “But to be truthful, there is another matter they wish to discuss with you.”

“And that is?”

“I am not at liberty to say more. However, it is a matter close to both their hearts.” Jacques answered, “Will you accept their invitation?”

“I suppose it can’t hurt. I’m done here for the night,” he answered.

“Do you have something to wear?” Jacques asked suddenly.

“I don’t have a tux but I think I can scrounge up something,” Hunter said with a smile. Jacques returned his smile with an easy one of his own.

“It is good thing you accepted their invitation, Mr. Hunter. I would have hated to have forced the issue,”

“I would have not liked that either,” Hunter agreed, “And you can call me Hunter.”

“Very well Hunter,” Jacques smiled and then he walked out the door. Now he needed to find Celune. Her mother wanted her to attend the casual dinner party as well. It would be a much harder task than convincing Hunter to attend.

Celune sat at her dressing table glaring at her image in the mirror. She was to be put on display again. How she hated this whole farce. She stared at her reflection. Her hair had been pulled up and off her face and neck in an artful disarray of black curls. Her shoulders were bared by the neckline of the deepest purple cocktail dress. It clung to her curves and then flared softly just below mid-thigh. Black silk stockings gently hugged her legs and velvet heels dyed the same shade as her dress, held her feet. She felt like a fucking Barbie doll. She stood up and walked out of the room with a snort of disgust. Time to jump through the hoops and hope none of these puppies pissed her off.

Hunter walked through the door of house looking for all the world as if he belonged there. He was tastefully dressed in a black suit and white shirt. His hair had been pulled back into a sleek ponytail and secured with a black leather thong. He glanced around, quickly assessing the people milling about and judging how much of a threat they may be. He was about to circle the outside of the dance floor when a very familiar scent teased his nostrils causing them to quiver in excitement. She was here. He paused and studied the dancers whirling passed him.

He spotted her, looking exquisitely bored with her dance partner. The man resembled a cross between an Afghan hound and a weasel. She stared off into the air as if she were a million miles away while her partner babbled on about something, More than likely himself. Easily Hunter moved through the dance floor, his gaze intent on his prey. He knew the moment that she scented him. Her eyes came into focus and her whole body tensed. He could see her nostrils flaring to catch his scent. Then her golden eyes found his and she held his stare. He wasn’t sure if she would stand her ground or bolt. He walked towards her with a very determined stride. She would not escape him this time.

Celune stared at Hunter as he stalked her through the crowd. She would not run from him. Roderick kept her moving around the outer circle but Hunter never lost track of them in the swirl of faces. She felt her body quivering from her head to her feet and felt the rush of damp heat between her thighs. She had managed to control her very hormonal body through the entire evening until he had entered the picture. Damn it. Why was he here?

Then he was there, standing in front of her and easily pushing Roderick out of the way. Neither one paid any attention to his protests. Hunter wrapped his strong arm around her slender waist pulling her flush against his body in blatant intimacy. Immediately she could feel the hard evidence of his arousal pressing against her stomach. She gasped softly as his other hand claimed hers in its warm embrace. He continued to stare into her eyes. If he expected her to turn, he was in for a very big surprise. Her hand rested on one broad pectoral muscle as he whirled her around the dance floor.

“I told you I would find you,” he whispered softly as he placed his nose against her neck. He inhaled deeply, smelling her arousal at his mere presence. As soon as possible, he would get her alone and taste her essence first hand. Then he would bury himself in her waiting heat and make her scream in searing passion.

“Finding and holding are two very different things,” she rumbled softly.

“I will hold you, kiss you, make you scream,” he growled back.

“Do not flatter yourself. No one makes me scream,” she breathed as his tongue snaked out and caressed her skin.

“I will taste every inch of you,” he continued, “You chased off my amusement the other evening and then did not replace her in my bed. I was not through with her yet,”

“Yes, you were or she would have been finished,” she ground out before she could stop herself. She bit her lip to keep from snarling in a jealous fit.

“You sound almost jealous yet before that night we had never met,” he teased. He pulled her hips closer to his, “Do not forget, I have tasted your desire.”

“You flatter yourself,”

“So you have said yet what reaction would I get were I to kiss you at this very moment?” he laughed huskily, “I know what I would get.”

“Do you?”

“I would get a warm rush of heat from your body and the scent of your arousal filling my senses. I would get your eager response to my kiss, my touch,”

“In front of all these people?” she laughed, “I think not. Unlike some I do not make a spectacle of myself.”

Hunter responded with laugher of his own right before sweeping her out onto the darkened balcony. He swept her into the darkest corner where no light touched them. Then he claimed her mouth in a possessive kiss.

The pleasure shot through her body like lightning. The bastard was right she thought as her body responded with a rush of heat. Her fingers dug into his coat as he plundered her mouth with expert skill. He wrapped his arms around her to pull her closer against him, letting her feel every hard plane of his body. She let a small whimper of desire slip free as his arousal pressed, hot and hard, against her stomach. His tongue pushed passed her lips to sweep the inside of her mouth causing her to whimper at each stroke.

Her scent became stronger as he continued his assault. He let his hands travel down her sweetly curved body until they cupped her firm buttocks. He lifted her against him, settling his arousal right at the juncture of her thighs as he leaned her against the balustrade. Celune wrapped her arms around his neck and Hunter gave a low guttural growl of pleasure as he felt her damp heat press against him. Slowly her long supple legs came up to wrap around his hips and he began a slow rocking motion against her.

Celune let her head fall back as Hunter trailed his mouth down her throat to the hollow at its base. He laved that hollow with his tongue before continuing to the edge of the fabric. He nudged and pushed at the neckline until he had succeeded in exposing the curves of her lush breasts. Her fingers speared into his silken hair as his tongue swept deep into her cleavage.

Hunter set her on the edge of the balustrade and moved one hand to her thigh. Slowly he bunched the fabric of her skirt in his hand, exposing more and more of her silk stocking and satin skin. He slipped his hand around beneath her thigh to the exposed heart of her. Gently he stroked her through her damp panties, making her moan aloud. Twice more he stroked her, causing shivers of pleasure to race over her skin. Her thigh muscles clenched in response and Hunter found himself pulled closer to her in a strong grip.

With a smile of pure male appreciation, he slipped his fingers into her panties to the heated skin beneath. She gasped in shocked pleasure as he started to stroke her again slowly at first and then gradually picking up speed. Her body quivered and shook with intense pleasure. He looked up and stared into her half closed eyes. They were glowing gold with her passion. Her very skin seemed to glow. He claimed her mouth as he continued to caress her, taking her moans of pleasure into him. Somehow, he had known it would be like this. From the first moment, he had smelled her aroma; he had known that theirs would be a wild passion like a bonfire in the night. He knew she would scream and claw him, that she would howl her passion and release to the heavens. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself inside her and feel that passion take flight from its very beginning.

“What are you doing to me,” she whimpered as her body practically jerked with each stroke of his fingers.

“I am giving you intense pleasure,” he whispered against her mouth, “But it is not what I want.”

“What do you want?” she breathed, looking into his eyes. They were glowing an intense blue green of their passion.

“I want to taste your passion as I did before,” he growled, “I want to drink it from your honeyed body,”

She gasped as his mere words sent shivers of delight running through her. He held her gaze as he slowly moved his mouth down her body.

“Celune?” came Jacques softly accented voice. He knew they were out there, knew what they were doing. Jacques had hoped that Hunter had more class than to take her in such a setting but apparently, he didn’t. Nor did he seem to realize just what state Celune was in.

Celune jumped as if she had just grasped a live wire. She pushed Hunter away from her suddenly and straightened her skirts. To her own sensitive nose, she smelled of sex and Hunter. He stood behind her, a thoroughly male smile on his face. He leaned one hip against the balustrade.

“If you do not wipe that look off your face,” she growled huskily, “I will do it for you.”

“Promises… Celune?” he teased her with the knowledge of her name. He inhaled, letting her know exactly what he was doing and gave a very satisfied sigh. Their mingled scents sent shards of pleasure through him, “I do so enjoy your scent, Celune. Like sweet musky earth and steamy hot sex.”

“You… you,” she snarled. Suddenly she turned and walked away, too proud to run as she longed to do.

Jacques stepped out of the shadows not too far from Hunter. He watched Celune walk proudly back to the party. She held herself straight and tall. From the moment he had laid his hands on her bare skin, he knew that he would have her. The hunt had begun and he would be victorious. There was something about her that drew him. She made his predatory instincts rise to the fore and caused a longing ache to build inside him. He would satisfy that ache and her.

“I would not tease her too often, my friend,” Jacques said, taking adverse pleasure in watching Hunter suddenly tense up. The younger Loupa had been paying so much attention to Celune that he hadn’t noticed Jacques’ approach.

“Is that so?”

“Oh yes, it can be hazardous. She is a proud young woman and to sting that pride may cost you more than you wish to pay. Mr. and Mrs. Levouix would like to see you now.”

Hunter nodded and Jacques led the way to a small private den, secluded from the rest of the house. The sounds of the party could be heard vaguely through the thick doors. Remy Levouix sat in a high backed red velvet chair. He was clad impeccably in a black suit. His shoulder length black hair was secured in a ponytail, letting the end drape over his shoulder to just below his sternum. His intense green eyes regarded Hunter intently over long elegant steepled finger. There was no trace of gray in his hair. To his right stood Cleona Levouix, his wife. Her carriage was one of grace and nobility but also spoke of steel like strength. She held Hunter with her incredible amber colored eyes. Long auburn hair was caught up in an elegant French chignon. Her lean slender body was clad in a simple green cocktail dress that flattered her slender figure. Her hand rested on the back of her husband’s chair. Together they made an imposing sight and Hunter found himself wondering if he was about to get his ass handed to him on the proverbial silver platter. He’d be damned if he’d let them know that though. He held himself at his full six foot four height. His shoulders were held back and he looked deceptively at ease.

“Monsieur Levouix,” came Jacques elegant voice, “Allow me to present…”

“My name,” Hunter interrupted, “Is Jean-Paul Levesque.”

“Greetings, Monsieur Levesque,” Remy answered, “I would ask what brings you to my territory but I believe your work takes you many places.”

“Yes Monsieur Levouix, it does.”

“One does have to wonder, however, why it took so long for you to present yourself to us?” Remy questioned. He studied every nuance of Jean-Paul and gauged him quite accurately. If what Jacques said is true, Celune had indeed chosen her mate well. Remy, however, wasn’t going to just hand his only daughter over to this man without testing him first.

“Forgive me, Monsieur,” Hunter said, “It has been my intention to present myself to you as soon as possible. However, in my business things can often get in the way of the best intentions.”

“If it were any territory but mine, the oversight may have been viewed as an insult or worse yet, a challenge to my authority.”

“I would never think to challenge you, Monsieur,” Hunter answered honestly. He was not backing down from the man but showing him his respect.

“Oh for the sake of Mother Luna, are you two finished?” Cleona said suddenly, “All this verbal bantering is shredding what little patience I have with men at the moment.”

“You must forgive my wife, Jean-Paul.”

“No he must not and don’t think to speak for me, Remy. I am your mate and your equal not your beta,” she snapped, “I have had enough of this socially polite sparring. There is a much more important matter we need to discuss.”

Remy sighed and looked up at his wife. She had that look in her eye. She was going to get right to the heart of the matter. Go for the throat so to speak.

“I am not sure I understand,” Hunter said carefully. Cleona Levouix was not one to mess with any more than her mate was.

“You will in a moment,” Jacques chuckled, “Although you may not like it.”

“Shut up or get out Jacques,” Cleona said with a pointed look, “The issue I wish to discuss, Mr. Levesque…”

“Hunter or Paul please. Whichever you prefer,”

“Hunter? Very well,” Cleona said, “I wish to discuss my daughter,”

“Our daughter,” Remy corrected gently.

“Today, when she’s behaving herself she’s my daughter,” Cleona said, “When she is being difficult, she is your daughter. Now, Hunter,”

“I am sorry Madam, but I don’t believe I have met your daughter,” Hunter said. Cleona laughed softly, like the sound of crystal chimes.

“You have not met her? When her scent clings to you most strongly?”

“Celune?” Hunter asked with no small measure of shock.

“Yes,” Remy said, “Celune,”

“Are you questioning my intentions?” Hunter asked suddenly as he studied the two Loupa before him. Though they were the Alphas of this territory, they looked more like concerned parents wondering if he was going to debauch their daughter. Well that had been his intention a few short moments ago, but now he may have to rethink his plans. Although he was young and strong, he knew that Alphas didn’t remain Alphas by being unable to meet all challengers. He did not want to be on the bad side of Remy and Cleona Levouix. Did he still want Celune? Definitely, with a hunger he wasn’t sure he had every experienced before.

Cleona watched the thoughts dance through Hunter’s head. He was completely unaware of her presence in his mind, a skill she quite excelled at. She smiled inwardly. She could sense the energy inside him. She could tell that, not too long ago, he had been about to share that energy with Celune. What she did not find was his awareness that Celune was in Heat and that if they had shared their bodies, they would have merged their souls as completed as she and Remy had so long ago.

“What is it love?” came Remy’s voice inside her mind.

“He is unaware that Celune is in Heat. He doesn’t realize what almost occurred between them this night,” she sent back, “For all his apparent knowledge of the ways of the Loupa, he has never had any formal training and he is not aware of all the facets of our lives. He has always been a wanderer with no place to truly call his home and no one was there to guide him in his early years. All he has learned, he has learned on his own. He is impressive both in his presence and his strength of spirit.”

“That would be precisely what I am asking,” Cleona said calmly.


“I suggest you answer honestly, Hunter. The females of the species are definitely not the less dangerous,” Remy commented with a small smile.

“Very well, honesty then. I had not thought beyond getting her into my bed,” Hunter answered. Cleona’s eyes flared in anger much like her daughter’s. Then the fire calmed to a low simmer.

“That may have been a little too honest,” Jacques murmured softly.

“Hunter,” Remy began, “Do you know what stage Celune is in right now?”

“Stage?” Hunter hated to reveal his ignorance about anything, but this was not the time to worry about appearances.

“She is in Heat,” Remy answered, “Had you succeeded in bedding her, the act would have bound your souls together for all eternity. Not something to do lightly. My daughter finds you very attractive. She has apparently been studying you for quite some time. Do not trifle with her at this delicate stage.”

“No wonder she was so cranky,” Hunter mused as he thought of Celune’s actions the first night they had met. She had been jealous of Debra. She wanted to remove her competition.

“Excuse me?” Remy questioned with a raised eyebrow. Effortlessly he slipped within Hunter’s mind and viewed for himself Celune’s actions. He smiled inwardly. She reminded him so much of Cleona it was rather frightening.

“It seems I will have to rethink things where Celune is concerned,” Hunter commented. He wanted her but bonding with someone was definitely out of the question. The whole situation made him want to break something.

The meeting with Remy and Cleona concluded peacefully enough, though Hunter was in a most unpleasant situation. He wanted Celune, badly. Now, because of her present hormonal state, he couldn’t have her. He lingered a few more moments at the party and then returned to his hotel room.

He had just walked through the door to his room when she spoke.

“What were you doing there?” she demanded softly. Hunter stopped and turned to face her. She was lounging in one of the overstuffed chairs in the living area. One leather-clad leg was tossed casually over the arm, spreading her thighs wide. Hunter felt the heat pooling low in his body. Did she realize what a tempting image she made sitting like that? He doubted it.

“My you are a demanding creature,” he commented absently as he tossed his suit coat on the sofa. He loosened his tie as he watched her. He groaned inwardly as her tongue slipped out to wet her lips as her eyes locked on his chest. He could see the hunger burning in their golden depths.

“Just answer the question,” she growled.

“And what if I don’t” he asked casually crossing his arms over his broad chest. The action made his biceps bulge beneath the white shirt.

“Are you going to force the answer out of me?”

“Don’t tempt me. I doubt you would like my methods,” she growled.

“Like the scare tactics you used on Debra the other night?” he said with a chuckle, “Although seeing you two like that was rather erotic. I liked the whole dressed versus naked affect. Then of course there was watching your mouth so close to her bare skin as you sniffed her, scenting sex and me. But it didn’t compare to when that quick little tongue of yours darted out to sweep across her lips. Did you know that she had just finished going down on me? Is that why you did it, to taste me on her?”

She moved faster than he thought she could. Her snarl echoed through the room as she launched herself at him. Hunter found himself pinned to the floor. Her thighs straddled his waist and her heat pressed against him. Her hands pinned his shoulders to the floor, her claws digging through the shirt. No one mentioned emotional. Hormonal yes but not this moody zero to bitch in 2.5 seconds. Her eyes burned into his and he noted her fangs were bared.

“Touchy about that subject are we?” he taunted softly. When he felt her claws digging into his skin, however, he decided to show her who exactly was the stronger of the two of them. He gripped her wrists and slowly exerted pressure, still holding her gaze. To her credit, she held onto him far longer than any of the others had. He pushed her upwards, forcing her to stand as he did the same. His eyes held hers as he moved her backwards.

Celune wasn’t sure what Hunter was doing. Her mind was going fuzzy with desire and energy hummed through her system. She felt it drawing her to Hunter, pushing her to press against him, to kiss him and touch him. She pulled, rather ineffectually at his grip on her wrists.

“Oh no little one,” he growled low in his throat, “You don’t get to jump me like that without retribution.”

Her eyes widened and then burned with anger. She pulled with more effort as he backed her into the bedroom. The problem was a part of her really didn’t want to break free. She wanted him. She wanted him to claim her as a wolf or man should claim his mate. Celune found herself flying backwards onto the bed. He had tossed her that easily. She tried to scramble off it but he followed a mere second later. She struggled against him until he had managed to turn her over onto her stomach.

“Now isn’t this position familiar?” he rumbled against the sensitive skin of her ear. Her leather coat was not present this time around. The only two layers of fabric separated them one leather and one silk.

“The last time you ended up on your ass,” she growled as she looked at him from over her shoulder.

“Um,” he murmured as he nuzzled her hair. His body pressed hers into the mattress as he slid one knee between hers. Slowly he brought that knee up, parting her thighs even though she tensed her muscles to prevent that. He managed to position himself between her thighs. Then his arm slipped around her waist and he hauled her hips up slightly. His arousal pressed against the hot molten core of her.

“Isn’t this what you want Celune?” he rumbled against the skin at the nape of her neck, “You want me to fuck you. You want to feel me sliding deep and hard into your hot wet body. You want me to fuck you until you scream.”

Her breathing came in short fast pants as his words sent shards of pleasure rocketing through her. Electric bolts of energy carried the desire throughout her body as he pressed his hard manhood against her. He heard her moan of pleasure and the sound of her claws tearing the bed covers.

Celune tried to keep her moan of pleasure deep inside. It slipped out anyway. Her body trembled beneath his. She ached for him. Her body’s energy hummed in rhythm to match his own. He was the one and she wanted to join with him. Two could play this game of desire. She braced her hands and pushed upwards managing to force him into a kneeling position while she was on all fours. Then she straightened until she was in an upright position. Slowly she reached for the hem of her shirt and drew it up and off her body. Her own hair teased her skin with its silken texture. She heard Hunter’s moan of desire.

“Yes Paul,” she breathed as she reached for the zipper to her pants, “I do. I want you. I want to feel your hard body moving deep within me. I want to feel your hot mouth running over every inch of my skin. The idea of your tongue dancing hotly between my thighs makes me burn. I am hot and wet with wanting you. Everywhere your hands touch my skin feels like it is on fire. The mere sight of you makes me ache between my legs. I want you so badly”

Hunter’s arms tightened around her waist and he growled low in his throat. He bent his head and scraped his teeth over her shoulder sending shivers racing throughout her body. He let her lift her legs so that she could remove her pants. Again, she wore nothing beneath the leather. He now had one hot, naked and horny werewolf in his lap. He could feel his body humming in a rhythm to match hers. It was the oddest sensation to feel his own energy flow in sync with another of his kind. It had never happened before and it was more erotic than anything he had every experienced. Just then, Celune moved her legs back in position on either side of his thighs. She leaned her head back against his shoulder and speared the fingers of one hand through his hair. She pulled his mouth to hers. At the same time, her other hand wandered between her thighs. Hunter growled at the erotic sight especially when her fingers continued from her body to his. She stroked his length through the silken fabric of his pants. It sent shivers throughout his body and made his muscles harden. It if was possible he grew thicker and harder.

Her tongue thrust aggressively into his mouth and he sucked on it in response. Her moan vibrated through his mouth to send his nerve endings into overdrive. Her released her waist to cup her breasts. His fingers stroked and teased the already aroused flesh into hard buds of pure sensation. Her moans turned to whimpers of pleasure.

“Please Paul” she whimpered as her body trembled.

“Please what Celune?” he whispered against her mouth.

“I want to feel your bare skin against mine,” she returned, “I want to feel the hardness of your body and the heat of your skin.”

“Are you suggesting I am wearing too much clothing?” he teased as he tugged gently on her nipples.

“Yes” she whimpered as her body shook with pleasure.

“Never let it be said that I didn’t give the lady what she wanted,” and with that he quickly removed his clothing. He pressed against her as close as he could possibly get. The feel of her hot silken skin against his own drove any thoughts he might have had about not making love to her right out of his mind. She felt so right so good against him. The only thing that could be better would be to bury his aching shaft between her hot thighs.

“How do you want me Celune?” he demanded suddenly.

“What?” she questioned through the haze of passion.

“How do you want me?” he said again, “Do you want it like this, from behind. Do you want to look into my eyes as I slide, hot and hard, into your wet heat? Do you want it up against the wall? On the floor? In the shower?”

“I…” she gasped as her body trembled with need, “Any way you want, Paul, as long as you take me. I don’t care as long as it is you.”

It was the most erotic thing that anyone had ever said to him. She trusted him with her body. She trusted him not to hurt her or humiliate her. With that in mind, he decided that he wanted to see her face, to see the desire in her eyes, as he slid deep within her. Slowly he laid her out on the bed and then rolled her over. She looked at him with eyes glowing with desire. She was utter temptation and the room was filled with the hot erotic scent of her. Its musky sweetness fueled the fire deep within him. Holding her gaze, he positioned himself once more between her thighs. Almost immediately, her legs came up to wrap around his waist. The head of his shaft grazed the damp opening of her body and both of them trembled. He fought for control and lost at her whispered plea.

“Paul please” she said softly, her hands trembling against his shoulders. He thrust deep within her body. Her scream echoed off the very walls almost drowning out his growl of pure unadulterated pleasure. Her body was tight and welcoming, his entry eased by her slickness. She felt like home as she surrounded him. The colors of their personal energy surrounded them in a rather bright glow. Red swirled with blue to create the deepest purple nimbus around them. As he began to move within her, Celune’s eyes grew brighter.

“Paul” she moaned as she arched to meet each of his thrusts.

“Gods Celune” he moaned softly as her body welcomed him home. She felt so right, moving and writhing beneath him. He stared into her expressive face as he thrust into her body. Her eyes glowed the beautiful molten gold of her desire. She smiled up at him, her hands gliding over his skin as her body danced beneath his on the bed. He captured her mouth in a hot kiss, taking her moans into him as he slowed the momentum of his thrusts. He wanted this night to last forever. She felt so good surrounding him, holding him to her with arms and legs and body.

“Celune” he growled as he felt her body tighten around him.

“Oh God Paul, you feel so right” she whispered as she arched beneath him, her hips moving in small circles as he slowly thrust forward again. He felt the first tremors of her peak, felt her energy building and swirling between them. He felt her presence in his mind and in his soul. Then she came apart in his arms and brought him with her spiraling up into the heavens of ecstasy.

Hunter was the first to come back to earth. His eyes focused on Celune’s face as her breathing slowed and returned to normal. He lightly brushed a curl from her forehead. Hunter studied her carefully. Then his body stiffened. What the hell had he done? What had SHE done? What had THEY done? He rolled off her and shot out of the bed. He began to pace back and forth. What was it that Remy had said? Something about Celune being in heat and if he made love to her they would be bonded… for … all eternity.

“Oh shit” he growled. He turned back to the bed as he heard her sigh. He was in time to see her stretch every muscle in her lithe body. Naked as the day she was borne, the site was incredibly erotic. He felt his body tighten in response. Clamping down on the urge to climb back into the bed and show her a few more interesting positions he glared at her instead.

“I have never felt so wonderful in my entire life” she practically purred. She rolled to face him, moving to her stomach. It took her a moment to realize he was scowling at her.

“What?” she asked.

“Do you have any idea what has happened here?” he demanded.

“You and I have just had a thoroughly satisfying bout of lovemaking” she smiled, “It was the most incredible experience I’ve ever had”

“Isn’t there something else that you should consider?” he growled.

“No not really”

“How about the fact that you’re in fucking heat? Or did you conveniently forget that?” he said, “And the fact that this condition could bind our souls together forever”

“Who told you I was in heat?” she demanded shooting to her knees on the bed.

“What difference does it make? You knew what would happen didn’t you?”

“That’s what you were talking to my parents about wasn’t it?” she growled right back.

“You knew what would happen if I fucked you didn’t you?’

“Of course I knew. Why else would I do it?” she said trying to remain calm. Her parents had told him. They had told Paul about her stupid hormonal condition.

“And just when were you going to mention this to me?”

Celune remained silent. She got up off the bed and pulled her shirt over her head. She then reached for her pants.

“You weren’t,” he whispered suddenly understanding. She never intended to tell him. She was just going to let it happen.

“You weren’t going to tell me about any of it”

Celune pulled her leather pants on and fastened them. This wasn’t working out as she had thought it would. She hadn’t planned for them to end up in bed. She had planned on the cliché ‘getting to know each other’ stage. She had planned to move slowly. Now it was all shot to hell because her body was apparently out of her control and he desired her almost as much as she had desired him. She headed towards the door only to find him in her path. She felt the synchronization of their energies. It was too late now. They were bonded and there was nothing either of them could do about it.

“Please move,” she said softly. She needed to get out of here. She needed to be alone. It shouldn’t feel as if her heart was being ripped out of her chest. They didn’t know each other. His reaction shouldn’t have hurt this much.

“Not on your life” he growled.

“What do you want me to say?” she asked quietly,

“Did you plan this?”


“I don’t believe you”

“Then why the hell did you ask the question if you weren’t going to believe the answer?” she snapped, “I planned to take things slow.”

“I think you planned it to happen just like this. You didn’t like the current menu and when something new came along you snagged it. You didn’t even stop to think about whether I wanted you or not”

”If you hadn’t wanted me, this wouldn’t have happened,” she said softly. Then she walked passed him.

“Hell Celune, you were the only one here,” he said coldly, “As long as it had breasts and a pussy, anything would have done”

Celune’s hand shot out and caught him hard across the chest. Four furrows opened up and blood seeped down his chest. He stumbled back a few steps and Celune bolted for the door. He touched the blood on his chest and glared after her. With a snarl he grabbed his jeans off the chair and followed her. That was twice she had dug her claws into him. It was time she felt his.

Celune ran through the streets, a blur of movement the human eye couldn’t clearly see. She dodged humans easily, heading out of the city. She needed to get away. She needed the forest outside the city. She needed the wild to sooth the burning in her chest. The wind seemed to push her onward. It carried a familiar scent with it. He was following her, chasing her.

He caught up with her shortly after she entered the forest. She risked a glance over her should and saw Hunter’s intense gaze locked on her. His lips drew back in a snarl, revealing his elongated canines. His eyes glowed blue green. A small tremor of fear raced through her along with excitement.

She shifted, shaking off her human form in mid stride. A beautiful black wolf now raced before him. Hunter smiled feral. That wasn’t going to save her. He shifted and a sandy blonde wolf chased after her. He moved with the same fluid grace through the trees gaining on her inch by inch.

Celune grunted as he hit her hard from the side. She turned quickly and snapped with her strong jaws. He jumped out of range and turned back for a snap of his own. Celune dodged and came back with a lunge for his throat. He charged throwing all of his weight against her shoulder. She stumbled and rolled away from him. Snarling she kept fighting him. The pain in her heart made her vindictive and vicious.

Hunter waited patiently. He dodged her attack and then gave the final lunge. He caught her by the scruff at the back of the neck and threw her down. He pinned her with his weight and locked his jaws around her throat. He held her there growling. She struggled a few moments more, causing his teeth to dig deeper into her fur until she felt the blood flow.

“Stop Celune” he demanded inside her mind, as he tasted her blood.

“Fuck you” she snarled back. She continued to thrash. Hunter lay on top of her.

“Do you want your throat torn out?” he demanded.

“Go ahead. I don’t care. I just want you as far away from me as possible. If it takes death than so be it!” her voice was loud in his head. He heard and felt her anger. There was something beneath the anger. He felt more than he would normally feel. It was the soul bond.

“Stubborn Bitch” then he used the bond and forced her to change. He resumed his human form at the same time. Still pinning her body down to the ground, he grabbed her viciously clawed hands and held them down too. Her throat was covered with a thin sheen of her own blood and he saw where his teeth had torn her skin. He felt a similar pain on his own throat. It was Sympathy pain for his soul mate.

“Get off of me” she snarled, twisting beneath him,

:”Interesting,” he murmured, “You’ve dug your claws into me twice tonight”

“Too bad it wasn’t my teeth” she snapped, “I’d rip out your throat it I could”

“Someone ought to tame you”

“Not in this lifetime” she hissed, bucking beneath him

Celune felt the heat begin deep within her. She wanted him again. Despite everything she still wanted him. She still knew that he was the one. He was her soul mate. How could he not feel it?

“Celune if you don’t stop I’ll have to take drastic measures”

“Go find your play toy and get the fuck off me”

“That’s it,” he snarled.

In a flash he threw her over onto her stomach. Celune pushed upwards but Hunter held her down. He grasped the back of her neck with his teeth and pinned her beneath him. She kept pushing upwards struggling against his dominance.

Hunter waited patiently until she wore herself out. Finally she lay quietly beneath him. Her eyes closed and she turned to lay her cheek against the grass. He waited a few more moments and felt small tremors shake her.


“I didn’t mean for it to happen,” she whispered to the grass. Tears streaked down her face.

“I wanted to choose. I wanted my mate to be someone I could respect, someone who would respect me. Obviously I was wrong. You just wanted something to fuck. I should have had more control. I should have been able to stop it”

“Celune” he said as he sat up. He was startled when she rolled over and bared her throat to him. After so long a struggle, she was offering him her life.

“There’s only one way for you to be free,” she whispered, “You’re strong enough to survive it”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“The only way for you to be free of the soul bond is for me to die” she said, “Since it’s so horrendous to you and since you don’t want me as your mate, then I must die for you to be free.”

“Are you nuts?” he whispered. He rolled away from her and stood up, “You can’t do that, there has to be another way for this to be broken and for us to find other mates.”

“It won’t happen again” she whispered so he barely heard her, “Not for me”

Hunter studied her carefully. He offered her his hand but she refused. Slowly she rose. Before he could react, she was off again. Her words carried back to him on the breeze.

“It is my fault you are bonded to me. I will fix it. You will never have to worry about it again”

“Oh shit,” he snarled. This emotional thing was getting way out of hand. Combined with the hormones, it was a really bitch. He was hoping he was wrong but it sounded to him as if Celune was going to find a way to kill herself. That would really sick.

Celune ran. She ran until the air burned in her lungs. She ran until her energy gave out. Then she collapsed right where she was. High in the mountains, no one would bother her. She closed her eyes as she lay by the riverbed. There was only one way for Hunter to be free. She would have to doe. Since she had no intention of ever going through this humiliation again, it didn’t matter if she didn’t. He was strong enough to survive having his soul ripped in half once again. She knew she wasn’t. Otherwise she would have been able to control it only a few short hours ago.

“Don’t be too sure about that,” he said down behind her.

She didn’t even have the energy to look at him. He moved slowly, carefully towards her. He didn’t want her to bolt again. When she didn’t move, he let out the breath hi didn’t know he was holding and sat down next to her. Slowly he reached out and began to stroke her silky hair. It lay like black silk over her back and shoulders all the way to her hops. He stroked the entire length. Though their bodies hummed in sync, the gesture was more soothing than arousing.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.

“For what?” she answered dully,

“I didn’t mean the things I said,” he said as he stretched out next to her. Gently he gathered her into his arms. Her body tensed as he pulled her back against his chest so that they lay spoon fashion on the riverbank.

“You are not just a convenient piece of ass” he said, “I was angry and confused. I… I don’t know much about our people. Most of what I know, I’ve learned on my own. I didn’t grow up with a pack to teach me the rules. This soul-bonding thing, well that was new and, to be honest, when you’re parents told me about it, a part of me didn’t believe them. When it happened, I freaked and I took it out on you. I’m sorry”

“I didn’t mean for it to happen,” she said, “I… I’ve been paraded before 95 % of the Loupa in this and the surrounding three major metropolitan areas like some contestant in the Westminster dog show. See the fluid likes of her back, notice how sharp and clean her teeth are. It’s humiliating. And it was all for politics. I didn’t want that. I see the way my parents look at each other and that’s what I want. I want love. I want respect. I want to know more about my mate than his bloodlines. When I first saw you, it was like the world suddenly seemed right. It seemed whole. I went to all of the events. I followed the circuit. I read everything I could, trying to discern fact from storyline. It wasn’t easy and some of your writers should be shot for sheer stupidity but I knew that I didn’t want to fly blind. The plan had been to eventually meet you. Go out to dinner, learn about each other. That was the plan. It’s no easy fighting hormones or emotions. I’m usually not that violent and I’m pretty open-minded and treat humans well. But when I scented her and knew what was going on, I saw red. I wanted her dead and preferably in a thousand tiny pieces. I stopped thinking and reacted. I made an ass out of myself”

“No” he chuckled, “You acted what you were, jealous. I sensed something that night. When I went out to get ice, I saw the claw marks on the door. I scented the spore on them and it sent my blood humming. It told me female and something else that I didn’t realize until later, female in heat. Then I caught you with her. It WAS erotic but there was fear in the air. When we tangled and your scent filled the room, I wanted you right then and there. I didn’t are that I had just spent six hours venting my lust. It was back in full force and it had one target, you. Then you left but I had that scent and knew I could find you anywhere. Then this French Canadian guy, Jacques, waits in my dressing room and invites me to your parent’s house. I knew I was supposed to present myself to them but things were really hectic. I thought I was going to get my ass kicked. I have a very healthy respect for Alphas.”

“Its my mom you have to watch out for. Dad pretty much tells you he’s going to kick your ass. Mom smiles prettily at you as if you’re the next best thing to sliced bread just before she rips out your throat. Its not pretty” he laughed as he felt her smile.

“Anyway, here I am thinking I’m going to get my ass handed to me on a silver platter for not following protocol while half my mind is concerned with you and all the things I want to do to and with you and its sprung on me that the woman I want to thoroughly debauch is the Alpha pair’s daughter. On top of that, she’s in Heat and if I do even one the things I want to do while she’s in heat then I will be bound to her for the rest of my life. Then I find you in my room. Its filled with your scent and the blood is sizzling and the energy levels in the room are soaring. We might have been fine if we hadn’t touched but hell that’s all I want to do is touch you. I like seeing you get mad. I like seeing your eyes glow. I like watching the muscles ripple under your skin and knowing that you won’t break if I let go. I liked that idea. So there we go. It was the most incredible thing I have ever experienced in my life. It’s not the lovemaking itself so much as the energy that was moving between us, making it better. Then, bam, I wake up and rational thought is finally kicking in and I’m starting to feel you inside my head. It’s … its… ”



“Think how I felt” she laughed, “My first tome is while I’m in Heat. It’s with the most gorgeous Loupa I have ever seen in my life. Just looking at you makes me shiver and I’m not all sure what’s real and what’s my imagination shifted into hormonal overdrive. Then there was the goddess awful cocktail party and that weasel looking Loupa. He is more persistent than a pit bull. Then your scent comes in and I can’t think clearly anymore. All I want is to find you and jump you. Then I find out you’ve been closeted with my parents for two hours and I think ‘They better not scare him off or do anything’ so I have to wait but I had to get out of that house. So I killed two birds with one stone and went to your place.”

“I don’t want you to kill yourself,” he whispered as he nuzzled the back of her neck.

“I don’t want to die”

“So we make the best of it,” he said, his voice getting low. Celune felt his arousal push against her buttocks through their clothes.

“Agreed” she purred, pushing back against him, “Just as soon as you make love to me again”

“Definitely” he chucked as he quickly stripped them of their clothes. He held her back against his chest as he slid his hand between her thighs. She moaned loudly as his fingers slid easily into her wet sheath. Then he was lifting her and settling her over his aching shaft from behind. He caught her skin between his teeth where her neck met her shoulder. He growled against her skin as he felt how easily she settled around him. Her fingers speared through his hair as she tossed her head back over his shoulder and moaned loudly.

“Gods Paul” she moaned pushing back against him. He caught one breast in his hand, teasing and pulling at her nipple while his fingers and body stroked easily between her thighs. He felt her pleasure as his and his pleasure as hers over the mental link they now shared.

“That’s it Celune” he whispered as he caught her ear between his teeth, “Come for me. Let me hear your pleasure”

“Paul” she whimpered, “you feel… incredible”

“Feel it tighten within you,” he whispered as he felt the pleasure build at the base of his spine. He stroked and thrust faster as he brought them closer to the edge.

“Feel me sliding in and out of your body, Feel how hot we are,” he said as he guided her hand down to where their bodies joined. He growled loudly at the feel of his shaft sliding through her fingers and into her body. It was exquisite.

Celune moaned as she felt how slick and hot they were. He was so hard and each stroke brought her closer and closer to the edge. She opened her mind to him completely, allowing him to fully experience her pleasure as he slid in and out of her body. She heard his breath catch.

“My god” he moaned, his own mental barriers opening completely to her. Their senses were swamped with the pleasure. The sun no longer beat down on them. They couldn’t feel the light spring breeze against their superheated skin. Celune’s body tightened around him. Her voice rose in a primal scream as wave after wave of pleasure beat against her, making her entire body ripple, pulling Paul with her. He howled long and loud as he gave one final upward thrust and spilled his seed deep within her body.

They collapsed against the riverbank, their labored breathing in sync and their energy humming in the aftermath. Paul held her to him, unwilling to breath the contact of her skin against his.

“Is it… always going to be like that?” she panted, “like the first time?”

“It we’re lucky” he chucked back.

“I think I’ll sleep now,” she whispered as she snuggled back against him, his body still buried in hers.

“Sounds like a plan” he said as he closed his eyes.

They didn’t notice the three wolves standing off in the forest. Cleona looked at her husband, a beautiful sable wolf with piercing yellow eyes. She leaned over and gave his muzzle a quick lick. He turned to study the white wolf standing next to him. He gave her his wolf smile.

“If you two start, I’m leaving” came Jacques mind voice.

“I suggest you leave then,” Remy said as he began to herd his mate to a secluded cave they were both very familiar with.

“Don’t worry Jacques” Cleona laughed in his mind, “Your turn will come”

“Not if it makes my act like you four it won’t” he snorted. Then he turned and trotted back to the city.

The End.



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