The Strange Tropical Plant

By Michelle M.

Ever since I was a young girl, I have had a fascination with plants, flowers, fruit, and so forth. My uncle had a nursery he sold not only the basics but was able to bring in exotic plants usually pre-sold to someone who also was captivated by the various plants we never see in the US.

I remember one he brought in and fed it raw hamburger. It only ate meat, would be wide open during the day, the pretty flowers hidden deep in the one leaf would attract flies, moths, and so on. As soon as they landed on the purple plant, the top would snap shut, trapping them inside to be slowly eaten.

I have to say, I was more than excited, had I understood my body more at that time when it captured something, I experienced sexual arousal, but I was too young to understand all of it.

Through him, I meant Madame Fabricantifie – we called her Madam Fab. She was born in Romania, had lots of money, lived in a huge house, lots and lots of land at the foothills specialized in obtaining and selling rare plants and, in many cases, animals.

The first time I met her, it was amazing how beautiful she was, that added to the positive, the fact she preferred females over any male when I was first introduced to her, she spent a lot of time getting to know me, having me help at her place whenever possible, and later, she’d have projects that required me to sleep over more and more the older I got.

We had become such good friends. When I was seventeen, she asked me if I’d help with a party she was throwing at her home for some friends. I, of course, said yes, my duties mainly watching the food tables, making sure the snacks kept coming out and helping where I was needed at any time.

The last guest left around one in the morning. The staff was cleaning up any leftovers. She brought a glass of wine, offering it to me. I explained I was only seventeen and not legal to drink yet, and she laughed.

“So you’re telling me you’ve never tasted any alcohol due to your age?”

We both laughed, taking the drink, toasted to a long friendship, then taking a good full drink, I laid back, relaxing since it had been a long evening. She got up, picked up some leftover finger food, stepping up behind me, slipping her arms around my waist, kissing my neck.

“I’m so glad you were helping me. It was exciting seeing you interact with the guests.”

I must admit, being close to her, like this, was something I had dreamed of for several years, placing my hands on hers, snuggling back to her, turning my head, the first time kissing her on the lips, lingering there for longer than normal, pulling back, making eye to eye contact.

“I am glad you asked me. It was fun, and I like doing things with you,” I said.

She looked at me for the longest time, running her hands up and down on my arms, finally moving back in close to kiss me again, this time. We pressed our bodies together, our hands exploring one another, her hands running down the one-piece wrap I had on, hands-on my bare bottom, pulling back.

“Oh, my, no panties, have I met a naughty girl?”

Reaching out, putting my hands on both of her breasts, rubbing them, “I think we both know how naughty I have always wanted to be, just never had the chance.”

That was all it took, standing, taking me by the hand, walking down the hall to her bedroom. As soon as the door was closed, we came together in a passionate kiss, one that had our bodies grinding back and forth. I was so inexperienced that all I could do was close my eyes and enjoy what she was doing to me, spiking my arousal higher and higher, losing my whole self and body in an erotic sexually-based high, bringing on small mini climaxes, leaving my body tingling after each one, so aroused, I would have let anyone do anything to me when I was in this stage.

It only took a few minutes, and I was lying on my back, on her bed, totally nude. Legs spread wide apart. She was lying by my side, still clothed like she had been for the party, her hand moving over my breasts, playing with my nipples, squeezing them, pulling on them, and pinching them to cause me some pain. My eyes were closed part way, unable to see or focus on anything, my hips writhing from side to side.

Slowly moving her hand down my body, knowing exactly where to touch, how to stimulate me to higher peaks, peaks, and plateaus that I never knew were available to me. Once she had me as close to the edge as possible, she chose to keep me there. Pumping fingers in and out of my pussy, switching to play with my tits again, back to my pussy, all the time she’s kissing my neck, my lips, ears, and then moving down between my boobs to kiss and suck on each nipple.

When I had been in this situation for a long, long time, reaching under her pillow, bringing out a pre-filled syringe in an auto-injector, pressing it to my arm, the injection so quick and painless, I never knew the drug was in me.

Within minutes the effects of the drug, something her research team had discovered from a human-based plant, combining the Deadly Nightshade, Water Hemlock and a human addition, the secretion the new plant gave off, once injected into a female human, would keep her sexually stimulated for more than 12 hours.

Standing, looking at my nude body still in the throes of a sexual high, pulling upside guards on her bed so that I wouldn’t fall out, she left to sleep elsewhere while the drug took full effect of my body.

She was standing by my bed. Just as the first shot decreased the effects on me, she injected the second shot in the series. Satisfied the second drug was taking effect, she again left to take care of her daily routines.

Just after I had started to work for her, my parent was killed in a car crash. She was quickly stepping in to assume custody of me. In my eyes, she was my mom now, but maybe a mom with benefits.

So there was not any concern of someone looking for me. One of her nurses came into the room where I was lying, placing a ‘PICC-line in my arm and hanging a 1,000 ml glucose bag for my body. Mistress proceeded with all four doses before the line was removed, and eventually, I woke, looking around, feeling so strange and funny. My pussy was soaked and wet. My tits seemed to be a little larger and so much firmer than before.

Mistress Fab walked in, taking a seat by my bed, running her hand through my hair, “How do you feel? You’ve been out of it for a little while?”

My body was still sexually aroused, feeling like I’d never felt before, shaking my head, “I’m not sure, I feel different, but not sure why.”

Helping me out of bed, for some reason, being nude did not seem strange. She escorted me to the kitchen. A full breakfast was ready for me. I was so hungry I sampled everything. Just as I finished a cup of coffee, Mistress crawled between my legs, spreading my legs as wide as they would go, running a finger over my aroused lips, then slipping her fingers inside me, making me gasp, sliding further down in the chair.

Her mouth was covering my entire pussy, tongue entering me, then switching to her fingers again, pumping in and out, making me whimper just before my body shook, the long-awaited orgasm rushing over me so quickly, covering me like a blanket of total erotic bliss. My body was shaking while I spurted load after a load of thick nectar all over her face, neck, and some on her shoulders.

Stopping to look at me, licking the cum off of her face, nodding, she said, “Now you’re ready to enjoy the sexual lifestyle we’ve prepared you for.”

She got up. Her staff was all female that included the maids, chefs, office personnel, and her secretaries. What I didn’t know each one had been programmed to be sexually active and as erotically exciting as any group of ladies anywhere. They were all encouraged to make her one of the family. She was sexually ready to experience as many encounters each day as possible.

After Mistress had opened the gates, the staff would hook up with me anywhere, the kitchen, patio, the halls, showers, sometimes waking me up while I slept. Within a few days, I was experiencing ten or more orgasms daily.

This routine went on for several weeks. My tits were becoming larger and heavier, my pussy lips now puffy, swollen, and super sensitive, but that was external inside. Something was happening as well. When I was alone, rubbing my tummy, I could have sworn I could feel my body was changing.

One day Mistress called me into her office. I had started wearing only a see-through Teddy, something to have on, but not hiding anything I was becoming. In my heart, I knew I was slowly becoming a sexual creature, having only one goal to enjoy sex all the time.

She smiled when I came in. “I am so proud of you, all of my staff are enjoying fucking you as often as they can get you to spread your legs, but I have to go for a short time. I’d like you to take care of watering the special ones.”

I, of course, would do anything for her. The two of us spent the time in her bed many of the nights, and she took me to the plants that needed special care, then the final one. Stopping by a locked hothouse, she gave me the code to the door, and there was a large water bucket outside the door. Filling it, the two of us step inside.

“This one is a dangerous plant. Step up close to pour the water, then back away and leave. Do not spend any extra time in here than you absolutely need.”

She was in quick and back out. The plant was huge, the prettiest large with a blossom that I’ve ever seen, all surrounded by what appeared to be a soft moss-looking blanket. The whole plant seemed to be swaying back and forth. There was a faint smell, something that was pleasing to me, something, at the time, I wanted to find out more about.

My first day to take care of the plants was a few days after she had taken me around. Most of the plants were easy to take care of, so I left the dangerous one last. Filling the bucket with water, opening the door, walking inside, closing the door behind, the smell I had picked up before was much stronger. A smell I really liked surrounded me, making me feel so relaxed, much like a warm blanket feels just out of the dryer, wrapped around you. Walking up close to it, pouring the water, “So tell me, what makes you so dangerous?”

The scent had changed, making me feel so relaxed, and since I no longer wore any clothes, the relaxed feelings were welcomed on my skin, making my body tingle.

The longer I stood there looking at the beautiful white blossom, a sense of sleepiness came over me. The moss looked so soft and inviting, reaching down, feeling it, dropping to my knees, laying on my side. Sleep took over my body in just seconds.

Two things were taking place I was not aware of. First, looking at her cell phone, Mistress Fab was watching me from a hidden camera in the small building, a small giggle, “Just what I thought, you are so predictable, my Nikki, soon you’ll be what I have planned for all these years.”

Second, the white blossom leaned down over me, spraying a fine mist all over my body.

Having no idea how long I was asleep under this dangerous plant, waking in the highest arousal that I’ve ever experienced in my life, walking on shaky legs to the door, stepping out in the cool air, my eyes were trying to focus. Still, sexually my body was not able to concentrate.

Two ladies from the main office seduced me, making me experience an intense orgasm, but mentally it wasn’t making much sense. My body and mind were in a sexual haze it had been in since I was with the plant.

Just before sleep took over me, rubbing my tummy again, I could feel many tiny hard little circles forming inside me. Normally I would have been worried, but it felt like the plant had caused this, so it was OK. Enjoying a nice sleep, early heading back to the small greenhouse, entering, a new, much more exciting scent greets me. Stopping, going deeper in the haze, walking to the plant, kneeling in front of it, a new pod had opened at the base. As soon as I was on my knees in front of it, the new pod moved forward only less than a centimeter from me, spraying a sexually erotic mist in my face.

Breathing in, it sprayed me again and again and again. Continuing to spray until an audible whimper escaped me, then it pulled back, allowing me to curl up on the soft moss, falling asleep.

When I woke, my body and mind were lost in an erotic haze, so far deep down, I had no idea who was around me or where I was. The same sexual mist was covering me, just like it had the previous day. The kitchen had fixed me a meal. Mistress helped me set and eat it. She looked at my eyes close.

“Mmm, yes, you’re coming along nicely, my pet. Soon you’ll be ready to complete this process. Then we can start filling the re-orders we have.”

She put me to bed, escorted me to the plant the next day. Opening the door, I automatically moved to the plant. A new appendage had opened up. It was a long rounded head, a smaller blossom moved to my face, covering it, injecting a liquid down my throat, sending me into a totally unfamiliar feeling my body all but shut down.

Two more limbs came out, guiding my head to the moss, keeping my bottom-up high, helping me open my legs wide. The new long one moved between my legs, located my pussy, slipped in easily, moving in and out rapidly, until the head was all the way in me, then the sticky honey-like liquid was forced inside me.

The small eggs that had previously been growing in my body were fertilized. When the pod pulled out of me, multiple small white eggs were laid carefully on the moss surface. There were several hundred of the future plants, all soaked with the substance that had been put in me.

Mistress came in, helped me up, placing me in a wheelchair, telling one of her assistants to take me back, a long shower and whatever I wanted to eat, then bed.

She and the garden staff gathered each egg, moved them to a pre-arranged incubator. They would take root in two or three days and be shipped out the same day.

Mistress had just increased her net worth by millions. I was pampered for days, slowly returning to normal. Eventually, I had no idea what happened, but I had lost many days of my life, sitting in Mistress’ office.

“Nikki, you’ve been so good. In a couple of months, I want you to take care of some special plants for me. Would you do that?”

I, of course, said yes. She then told me I’d be doing this three times a year if I was up to it.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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