One Crazy Night (Gay Zoo)

By littleboyblack. The nightmares had come back, tainting my dreams and forcing me to wake in a cold sweat. I hadn’t been asleep for more than a few hours since it had just turned midnight. Feeling uneasy and a little frightened, I pulled myself from my bed and made my way downstairs to get some water from the kitchen. On my through the living room, I had tripped on something and tumbled down onto the hardwood floor with a crash.

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A Punishment and a New Life (Gay Zoo)

By Longsword. Chapter 1 The woods were thick and dark as Mike walked home from school, unable to find the path he had lost. The sun struggled to pierce through the thick canopy of the forest, despite it only being 4:30 in the afternoon. Perhaps that was why he had lost his path home, that, and his clumsy feet. “Damn it, Mike, why are you so bloody clumsy?” he said to himself, as he picked his way over the roots

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Fun With My Dog Bud 1 (Gay Zoo)

By ArtOutOfMyMind Until recently, I thought I was a normal 23-year-old single guy enjoying life a day at a time without a care in the world. My job in construction gave me lots of money and a decent apartment that I didn’t have to share with anyone but my dog, Bud. My only sexual thoughts were of the hot women that I met at the local clubs. They were constantly trying to move in with me, but I let them

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Junkyard Jim (Gay Zoo)

Jack Morningwood Jim starts slow, flicking his tongue on the tip, licking the entrance to Boomers cock, the dog loves this, and he knows it. He licks up and down the shaft, taking in the familiar scent and taste as he does, and lightly scratches at the dogs tight swollen ball sack. “Oh, you’re so full tonight, boy, lucky for you I’m here to help.” He loves dirty talking with Boomer, it makes him feel dirty, nasty, and downright slutty.

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