A Zoo Position Turns To Pure Pleasure

By Michelle M. Ever since I was a small girl, one of my favorite places was the zoo. It seems I was asking to be taken there weekly. Finally, my parents, tired of hearing me beg, took advantage of a seasonal pass, allowing my dad to drop me off on his way to work, then he’d pick me up on his way home. The staff soon had me helping them, even though I was not officially a zoo employee. As

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Two Great Apes Turn the Tables on Me

By Michelle M. Writing my masters-degree about increasing the IQs of the great apes caught a lot of attention, specifically with a lady who seemed to have an unlimited amount of money with a detailed plan designed to see what could be done with their ability to notice sexual situations. These were animals who only entered into a sexual problem to procreate. She contacted me, stating she’d make unlimited financial needs if she could help in the animals’ research and

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A Gorilla got me Pregnant

By Michelle M. I graduated with a very specific degree, limiting the opportunity for jobs available to me. That is why when a position came open in a third-world country, one that had a lot of superstitious stories to deal with, but it was a job, the pay was fantastic, so I readily agreed to join the company there. Probably the first thing I initially thought was a hoax was a company called The Hybrid – run by a lady

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The Primatologist

By Michelle M. At the time of this writing, I was in my second year in college studying animal behavior, possibly following in my father’s footsteps. He is a world-renowned primatologist specializing in the great apes and their closeness to the human race. Although they have many similar characteristics to us, there are still so many things we don’t know. According to my dad, we haven’t yet discovered all the species that are living on the planet today. Some of

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Zoo Keeper

By parker. “Damn it!” Annie Speer crumpled the small piece of pink paper and angrily tossed it across the room in the general direction of the waste paper basket. The tall blonde woman glared as it fell short and bounced along the worn carpet of the staff room. A glance at the clock hung on the wall confirmed her fears: it was just about 8:00 pm. Her shift should have been done almost an hour ago. She’d just finished washing

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