
By Michelle M. Being a single girl, winning a two-week-long trip to a remote location in Brazil was a dream come true. Looking over this fantastic gift, it was filled with plenty of sunbathing, swimming, sightseeing at various locations, and of course, what looked like some of the most wonderful meals anyone could ever imagine. As soon as I heard that I had won, my first stop was to a lady’s boutique to pick up multiple sets of very skimpy

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Silken Bond

By TemporaryBarnacle. Eira adjusted the satchel on her belt, double-checked that her small knife was secure in its sheath, and hooked her wicker basket in the crook of her arm. Stepping out the door of her hut, she squinted against the morning light that shone over the treetops. She set out toward the woods, leaving early so as to be back before dark. The Blue Woods, as they were called, were avoided by the people of the village, long believed

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