
By Itazura. Monica’s Stats: She is 18 years of age. With long dirty blonde hair that cascades down her body in waves. She isn’t skinny but she isn’t chubby, she has some decent flesh on her. Her breast are 38 Cs and she enjoys the looks that she gets because of them. She normally goes to school wearing skirts and tank tops and this day was no different. ***** Beginning: Time is 7:00 am Monica was in deep sleep when

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The Shortcut Home

ghandi “To find the derivative of something like x^3, take the exponent, put it at the front, and subtract one from that exponent. That’d be 3x^2,” a voice said in the back of Ellen’s mind. Eighteen-year old Ellen Cavendish sat in Intro to Calculus, half-listening to the teacher. Finding herself utterly unable to concentrate on the teacher, she turned her attention to more interesting things; like drawing people, flowers, and whatever else came to mind in her notebook. The boredom

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Lisa goes for a walk

milqand Lisa, an 19-year-old college girl, had a week off at school and she’d been up early the entire week. She lived close to the forest, so she decided to take her dog for a walk for a couple of hours. Lisa closed the door behind her and walked towards the little path at the side of the road with her dog on the leash. She played and chatted happily with her dog, a young, female shepherd called Amy. Lisa

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The Flat Tyre

Desigal It was well after midnight, and I was in my car, driving with my eyes completely focused on the road, and my mind reminding myself – don’t go above 40 mph, don’t go above 40 mph. Driving faster would have meant reaching home sooner for sure. But I was aware that I was still somewhat under the influence of alcohol I had consumed at the office party at the famed resort . I am usually very careful never to

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