The Admiration of Lilith

By Michelle M.

Most people would consider me attractive if not hot in some cases. I’m 5’4”, dark olive skin, blessed with a nice set of D cup breasts that stood proud on my chest and dark brunette hair.

Along with the beauty, fortunately, I was also blessed with a good brain. I majored in Ancient History in college, obtaining a doctorate in the subject, which opened the door to a historical firm, doing research worldwide on past civilizations.

My duties gradually moved to the ancient civilizations, and the bizarre, sometimes sexual erotic stories passed down. Most were based on some truth. My assignment was to see if we could locate the truth and verify if it was based on something sexual.

Romania is filled with mystery, including the original Count Dracula and a forest said to be the modern-day Devil’s triangle of missing people.

That is why when we heard of a rumor or legend that had to do with a shapeshifting female who preyed on females only, originating in or near the Bran Castle.

This was going to be single-person research, so arrangements were made for me to fly there and stay for what may be a six-month period.

I had read all there was on this mysterious lady, but so many different descriptions of her, it was like she was multiple women or different views, that never agreed. So I figured at least I’d get to see the castle where many ancient stories began so that it wouldn’t be a total waste.

The people who would be helping me met me at the airport. Alexi was the blonde in charge. The first thing I noticed was how sexy her body was. I am a girl-on-girl lady, and a blonde is my favorite.

The way she touched me, I knew it would not be long before she and I were in a bed together.

Taking me to her private office, I was surprised at how much more information she had than I had been able to locate.

Reading the information, she had moved in behind me, “I have not seen any of this, but it looks like she may still be active. You have reports of her … of her”

She had slipped her hands up under my loose-fitting blouse, cupping both of my breasts, rubbing my nipples. My eyes closed, leaning back in the chair, enjoying what she was doing to me.

I have had a suspicion there may have been a submissive streak in me, but never having meant a true dominant, one you’d easily call Mistress until now, it had never surfaced. Alexi was that one I had never meant. She easily sensed my submissive side, taking full advantage of it.

Trying to read all the additional information she had, but finding it hard to do so, my tits were being spiked with excitement, leaning in close, “I can have all of this transferred to my home office, where you can relax, and we can get to know each other better. What do you think?”

I didn’t have to give it a second thought. With my blouse now wide open, her playing with my boobs, and one hand between my legs, we were on our way to her home. It was not a long ride, but I was relaxed, laying back in the seat, arms by my sides, legs wide open, for the first time in my life, being sexually alive and loving it.

By the time we were in her home, I was nude. We were hugging and kissing, sharing deep passionate kisses, while her hands explored my body.

Moving down to my knees, licking between her legs, looking up for approval on what I was doing, she reached out, taking my hair in her hands, “You have a submissive side to you, have you ever explored it to see how much fun it might be?”

I was doing my best to lick between her legs, to swallow every ounce of liquid she was giving up, thinking about what she was asking, shaking my head, “I know I am naturally that way, but I’ve never meant anyone who is dominant, so never explored the area. Would you like to show me what that life is about?”

Her smile went from ear to ear, taking my hand, leading me down the stairs to the basement, into a dungeon room, filled from wall to wall with all sorts of bondage gear and furniture. Leaning me over a large chest-type device, my arms were fastened to the downside – legs spread wide and secured to each corner, a blindfold put on me.

My heart was racing, my body tingling with anticipation of what was coming. Suddenly between my legs, something touched the wet lips, then a jolt of electricity hit my clit – jumping, the second jolt hit both sides of the puffy lips, making me jump again, this time moan a little. Next, the electric wand touched the insides of my thighs, the sides of my breasts, move places between my legs. Finally, when I was so aroused, she switched to spanking my bottom and the upper parts of the back of my legs. The spanking being delivered by a switch that stung, continuing to sting long after it had delivered its blow.

Finally, when she could see this was spiking my arousal, she knelt between my legs, licking my pussy, causing me to explode in one of the most intense orgasms I have ever had.

Completely exhausted, she undid the restraints and moved me to a standing cross, re-securing my wrists and ankles and leaving the mask on. This time the wand was used on my nipples and my clit, but touching my tummy, my ears, under my arms, making me writhe and moan. My pussy was so aroused now, my nipples harder than they have ever been. Placing increasing pain nipple clamps caused me to experience a mini orgasm, something I had no idea was even possible.

More spanking and punishing of my tits, the red welts easily seen when I was finally helped down and back upstairs, to a nice warm bath loaded with soothing salts.

We talked over a nice meal, discussed my future with the lady I now referred to as Mistress. While I was in the house, I would remain nude, but outside, her property stretched for a long distance, there were nice walking trails and places to rest, out there a small smock type of covering, no panties ever and no bra was to be worn at any time. I was free to play with anyone I met while staying here. Eventually, my nipples were pierced, and a collar was accepted as my way of showing her I belonged to her and no one else. The rings and collar were permanent, no real way of removing them except by cutting them.

By combining her information along with what some local companies had, I authored an article on what we knew about the most common name of Lilith. She seemed to originate somewhere around the Bran castle but was not directly tied to any of the vampires we know so well. She also only was interested in females, and they had to be sexually arousing to her. Some of the reports took place awfully close to where I had become a slave myself. By the time my assignment was over, I had resigned and accepted the position of a full-time slave to Mistress Alexi.

As such, I had sold my home and transferred all of my savings and bank accounts to my Mistress and continued to write what we knew about our evil and seductive Lilith, which was becoming a very lucrative profession.

Mistress continued to punish me. We were now living a full bondage lifestyle of servitude to her and enjoying every moment of it.

She always had a vibrating pussy plug she kept in me when she was away. For some reason, it always kept me sexually aroused. I suppose the reason she used it.

I began to explore the many trails she had on the grounds. One, in particular, led down to a nice stream, a bench by the side of a large shade tree, very close to the stream, the sound of the water and nature was relaxing.

This became my favorite place to visit, many times seeing others enjoy the place as well. I paid no attention to the men at all, but occasionally a cute girl would stop and talk. When they saw my collar, they were fascinated, which in many cases led to them looking at my nipple rings then removing my pussy plug. We’d fuck each other to multiple climaxes, leaving them fulfilled but wondering what it would be like to be owned.

However, one day, just as I sat down, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen took a seat by the stream about me. Dark skin, perfect figure, large, huge breasts, jet black hair, and even at this distance eyes that looked right through you. Both of us smiled at each other and continued to stare, but me being the shy type, did not approach, just continued to smile and stare. That day both of us left. I wondered why she had not come up to talk to me, but the next day she was at the same place, and as the previous day, nothing was accomplished, just smiling and starring.

This went on for several days, making me more and more frustrated, to the point of sharing what had happened to my Mistress, hoping she could give me some advice, even to the point of bringing her back here to meet Mistress Alexi and see how she would like to join us.

The interest was piqued, the following day, Mistress joined me on my walk, and as always, my mysterious lady was there. As soon as Miss Alexi saw her, I could tell she was also interested, but she walked over to see her, unlike me. I watched, fascinated at how quickly the two of them were sitting side by side. I was becoming more and more aroused, watching the new lady slowly seduce my Mistress. In no time, she was nude, and as I had been, she seemed to be completely under the control of this new lady. It did not take long before our new friend was on her knees, between my owner’s legs. Watching her experience a massive orgasm was easy to see, then still totally nude, the two of them headed my way.

There was something wrong. My owner was now following one step behind, still nude, when they stood in front of me. Miss Alexi had a distant haze look in her eyes, as if she was seeing us but not really focusing on us.

“Nikki, this is Lilith, she would like to meet you, but she needs a personal invitation to do so. So please ask her to meet you.”

Everything began to fit in place. Her name was Lilith. She could not use her powers on you unless you invited her to do so. Somehow she was able to control someone as powerful as My Mistress in a short time – how easy would she have complete control over me if I asked her to meet me. But then I had been asked to do so by my owner, and in no way could I disobey those orders that had been programmed into me when we first meant.

Fully aware of the danger I may be entering, I said, “It is so good to meet you, Miss Lilith. Would you like to talk and get to know each other better?”

She looked at me. “You know or have an idea who I am, and still you have asked me to talk to you and get to know each other better. May I ask why?”

Nothing had happened so far. “I cannot disobey my Mistress, so I had to invite you to talk to me, even though I do know what you do to your pets.” Then looking at my companion, I said, “Would you tell me what you have done to Miss Alexi? She seems to be in a haze like a state.”

She giggled. “When she introduced herself to me, I hypnotized her with my eyes, then when I began to enjoy the juices she was giving freely to me, I laced her pussy with a chemical I produce. She will be in this state for as long as I need her to be, but don’t worry. I have much more planned for you.”

She nodded, instantly my collar and nipple ring moved from me to my Mistress. I heard her whimper when this happened. Then she told me to strip down nude and sit on her lap.

I was still shocked at how easy these things moved to her, but I stripped nude, climbing on her lap without any question. It seemed so natural to be there. I was wiggling my ass when she opened her legs. It was easy to feel how wonderful her pussy felt. My hand ran between us, feeling how good her pussy felt, easily slipping one finger up inside her, watching her roll her eyes up in her head, then she pulled my finger out, holding it up to my mouth, instinctively licking her finger, enjoying the different taste. Just after that, I felt something rubbing against my bottom.

Looking at her, I said, “Is that a cock I feel? You didn’t have a cock a few minutes ago. What is happening to me?”

She laughed. “A few seconds ago, I was all girl. Now I am a very well-endowed shemale that you are about to enjoy. You’ve never felt the joy of a good cock, so today, I am going to introduce you to what you have been missing.”

The cock kept growing, stretching me, making me write under this new experience. It seemed just when it had stretched me as far as I could ever take, I’d take more. Hands were on my pussy, rubbing the opening, making the feeling more exciting. More hands were on my boobs, massaging me, pinching my nipples, pulling and twisting on them. There were too many hands, but it felt so good. Where or who they were, didn’t bother me. The cock started to thrust hard up and down inside me, but she was not moving, just her cock inside me.

It was moving so fast. I had to reach out, place my hands on her shoulders for support, my poor head flopping around trying to remain in some control, but knowing I was being used and she was enjoying it. Then, finally, after knowing how long it stopped, the head swelled, and huge amounts of cum filled my pussy. It kept emptying and emptying and emptying, but none was running out of me. Finally able to focus, she had a broad grin on her face.

“All the cum you now have in your body will make you crave and worship all cocks, you see. No matter who has one, you will need it in you. Shall I give you an example of your future?” she asked me.

None of this made any sense, but still, I nodded yes. That is when I felt a wiggly cock inside me. “This is a pig’s cock, like it?” Then a huge one filled me, stretching me to the max, even painful, “This is a horse’s cock. I love to be a horse and fuck someone like you. It is so much fun.”

Then I had a donkey in me, a baboon made me whimper, there were small cocks, but I felt them and quick ones, all felt the same. Then, finally, she allowed me to get off her lap, and accompanied by My Mistress, the three of us headed back to our place.

Mistress was placed in a new machine, similar to a Symbian, but one that held her tight while the 12-inch fake cock plowed in and out of her pussy. At the same time, nipple clamps were put on each nipple, sucking on a rhythmic basis. Eventually, her body would respond by producing milk so everyone could drink warm milk from her tits.

I was sent into the forest nude, coated with a scent that told everything male. I was not only primed for fucking but was looking forward to being used. Dogs, cats, a few men, horses, wolves, coyotes, deer, antelope, and moose all fucked me by the time I returned.

When I returned, she was waiting for me, smiling, “Well, you’ve been gone for a few days enjoying cocks of all kinds. How are you feeling?”

My pussy was sore from overuse. My legs felt like they had been bowed, and it was hard to walk correctly anymore. I smelled of used cum from multiple animals, but all in all, it was one of the best several days I had ever experienced. A big grin on my face and a giggle.

“I feel really good, tired but so good. I need some food and rest, but I’m anxious to walk again, Mistress.”

“I’m so glad, next I’ll make some changes, and you can enjoy the same fucking but anally for this round.”

My eyes went wide open. “WHAT THE FUCK?”

That is as far as I got, my former Mistress came walking out, her eyes said she was still in an erotic haze, eyes filled with lust, but her tits were huge, nipples at least an inch or more. Some strange animal was attached to her on her back. It looked like a penis was inserted in her ass, pumping in and out. Another one was in her pussy doing the same. From the way her body was reacting, she was having multiple orgasms, one on top of the next – then the head was in front of her, drinking the milk her tits were providing. Still, a second head had a snake-like tongue, darting in and out of her mouth, the two of them sharing deep passionate kissing while everything else was using her.

While I was fascinated looking at her, Lilith had taken off all her clothes. When I turned, I was shocked at how beautiful she was. Perfect large breasts with long nipples, the body perfect in every way. She had sat down.

“Come set on my lap again. We need to get you ready for your next adventure,” she said.

I was more than hesitant to comply but could not say no, this time straddling her lap. She was kissing me when I felt a very thin cock rub against my back door opening. It lubed the entrance, sliding in easily, much like a finger does when you are showering and cleaning in there. I could feel her cock spurting warm cum inside me, then moving in and out, going deeper each time, while my new Mistress was kissing me, her tongue exploring the insides of my mouth, our breasts rubbing against each other. Then, breaking for a moment, “My cock is coating the interior of your anal area, waking up the walls to enjoy what is happening when you are being fucked in that area. It will get bigger and longer, but continue to coat your lining – when it is done, you will crave to be anally used.”

As soon as her cock had grown to a medium size and it was pumping in, and out of me with some speed, she moved down to my breasts, for the first time, sucking my nipple into her mouth. I was busy playing with her tits, so at first, I didn’t realize her tongue had narrowed down, entering my nipple, pushing deep inside that breast. This was something I’d never experienced before, had no idea it could be done, but it was erotically the most sensual thing that had happened to me ever.

Grabbing her head, my bottom on fire, twisting and pulling to see if this could stop, it was like being on the edge, just before cumming and trying everything to stop it from happening. This is what she was doing to my one tit.

This was affecting me so much. My body was once again experiencing mini orgasms hitting one after the other. At the same time, her cock was growing longer and bigger, now making me moan each time she pushed inside me. I have no idea how long she was latched onto my one nipple. Still, eventually, she switched to the other one, doing the same thing. By now, her cock was well over 12 inches long and a good 8-inch girth, pounding my ass, making me not only love it but wondering why it had taken me so long to enjoy this.

Finally, she pulled back, her monster of a cock pulled out of me, kissing me one more time, “Now we’ll just wait for me to introduce you to a new companion, I know you’ll love”

The next few days had me confused. I had everything with a cock fuck me in my ass, it was quickly becoming my way of fucking, but my tits felt strange. They were sensitive to touch. It felt like they were getting bigger and definitely heavier.

Waking one morning in the shower, my tits were now aching, reaching down to pinch them. They had milk in them. I was lactating.

Rushing to Mistress Lilith, she seemed pleased. “Oh, perfect. Now we can meet your new companion,” she said.

She was leading me down the hall, knocking lightly on a door, then entering. The strangest-looking creature I have ever seen was on the bed.

Since I am cock addicted, he had a huge cock, that was hard but could move around freely. Long arms, a mouth with an odd-shaped mouth, big tits but a rough texture to the surface.

One look at me, she or he smiled, jumped in my arms, his huge cock, entering my girly hole, filling it immediately then pumping in and out, his arms wrapped around my body, just as his mouth latched onto one nipple, emptying the milk very quickly, then the odd-shaped mouth, entering mine, sharing all the milk from one breast with me. At the same time, her rough-surfaced tits rubbed back and forth on mine, stimulating more milk production.

While this was happening, she was cumming in my ass. All of it is absorbed to help with more milk production.

Mistress closed the door, satisfied we’d be feeding each other for a long time.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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