The Bitch 2

By JayneM.
Read The Bitch 1 Here


Part 2…

It took me a long time in the bath to get clean. I had dog cum caked everywhere. I was a mess. It did feel good to soak in the hot water. I was sore. I finally got out of the tub. I took a shower to get a final rinse. I toweled off and checked myself in the mirror. I looked like I had been in a car wreck. Lots of scrapes and bruises. My tits were the worse. Very swollen and veiny. I moved my hands down over myself, feeling along the way. I got to my lower belly. Not only was it visibly swollen it felt puffy and big. I had been repeatedly bred for almost a week and knew I was full of his sperm.

I dressed in loose clothes and just wanted to eat some good food and go to bed. I ignored my son, and he left me alone. As the week went on, things got back to normal. My body slowly recovered from the breeding. Things were less swollen, but it would take some time to fully heal. I would mate again but just not now. I thought about it and realized I had not been with a human male in months. Only my dog.

One morning I woke up and went into the kitchen to make coffee. I was checking emails when suddenly I felt queasy. Luckily I made it to a bathroom and threw up. I hoped I wasn’t coming down with something. The next morning about the same time, it happened again. I considered calling the doctor but decided to wait. I looked at my phone and the calendar. I am usually very aware of the timing of things, but I had missed something for some reason. I was late. My period should have started days ago. I tried to rationalize things.

Maybe the recent rough sex with my dog had just messed my cycle up. I kept thinking that, but I had severe morning sickness over the next few days. My boobs hurt. I decided to go to the drugstore and get a couple of tests. I was very nervous, but I had to find out. The next morning before my first pee, I opened a test and entered the bathroom. I followed the instructions and placed the tip into my pee stream. I set it on the counter and waited.

Enough time had gone by, and I got the courage to look. Time froze. I couldn’t believe it. It was positive. I was pregnant. I sat on the floor, not knowing what to do. All kinds of things ran through my head, and I got emotional and started crying. I remembered that I had bought two tests. I used the second one just to make sure. The results were the same, PREGNANT.

There was one more test to try. It was the test of nature. It was a cool morning, but I went outside anyway. I called my dog over. He came running, probably expecting food or sex. I was wearing a short nightie with nothing on underneath. I pulled it off so I was naked, and I bent over. He came over and stuck his nose into my pussy. He could smell my scent easily. He took a couple of licks. I waited for him to mount, but he backed away and walked off. He knew. He could tell I was pregnant and should be left alone.

I picked up my nightie and just walked back into the house. The weight of my tits causes them to swing back and forth. My son saw me and said, “Dog not interested in some pussy today?” I looked at him and just shook my head. How am I going to explain this? I would have to tell him soon. I returned to my room and lay on the bed, trying to make sense of this.

Somehow I was pregnant. I had no doubt now. I had not been with a human male in some time, so the only possibility was that my dog was the Father. He had bred me. Nature had found a way. I knew I had to see a doctor. There was no way I could go to my regular gyno. I needed a sonogram, and the only person I knew that made sense was a vet. I had confided with him about my sexual activities with my dog a while back. He was cool about it and said he would keep things in confidence. I decided to call him.

I called him and cried the entire time, asking for his help. He said the best thing was for me to come to his office after hours to have some privacy to do the exam. I thanked him, and we made plans to meet the next evening. I got to his office just before it closed and texted him I was there. He said to wait until he was sure we would be alone. Finally, my car was the only one there, and he texted me to come to the back door. I had a big coat on with the hood pulled up. He let me in, and we went to an exam room. He said it would probably be easier if I got undressed. I expected that and quickly shed layers until I was fully naked. I wasn’t embarrassed, and neither was he.

He had me sit on an exam table. The first thing he looked at was my large breasts. After some measurements and manipulation, he pulled on one nipple and squeezed it. A few drops of milk came out. He did the same thing to the other one with the same result. He had me lay back on the exam table and start a full pelvic exam. He used a speculum to open my hairy pussy up. He had a headlamp on and looked deep inside me. He swabbed my cervix after poking at it some. He removed the speculum and let me close my legs. He then gently felt my lower belly, asking me if it hurt. It didn’t, but I could tell it was swollen.

It was time to do the sonogram. He wheeled the machine close to the exam table I was on. He turned the screen to see it, but I couldn’t. He squirted that cold, slick gel onto the skin of my lower belly. Turing the machine on, he told me to relax and lean back. I closed my eyes and did that. He placed the reading head on y skin and moved it around with slight pressure. All of a sudden, I could hear rapid heartbeats. I opened my eyes because this was now real. He kept going back and forth and up and down, getting a full set of images. I guess he was satisfied, but he had not said a thing. He cleaned my naked belly up and told me to get dressed. He left to give me some privacy to do that.

When I was finished, I called out to him, and he asked me to join him in his office. We sat in some comfortable chairs. He smiled at me but looked concerned. The first thing he said was that I was definitely pregnant. He then asked me what I wanted to do about it. I thought momentarily and knew he meant I could end the pregnancy easily.

I looked at him and said, “I want to let nature take its course. Whatever that is.”

He smiled and said, “OK. Do you want to see the Ultrasound?”

Excited, I said, “Yes, of course.”

He had a big flat screen in his office. He used a remote to turn it on and went through a menu until he found the right one. There it was. He started explaining things in a fairly clinical manner. We were looking at the inside of my uterus. Some small shapes were filling it.

“Each shape,” he said, “…is a puppy. Not very big yet, but that would happen fast. You can see their little hearts beating.”

I tried to count but gave up. I just said, “How many?”

“At least six, but there could be some hiding I couldn’t see.” He said, “Your dog’s breed averages seven to nine but could reach twelve. They were going to get big fast. Gestation was only sixty-five days. Your uterus will be maxed out as it wasn’t built for this. We just would have to keep close tabs on my progress.”

I asked him, “Do you think I could make it and give birth?”

“Nothing is certain,” he said. “But things looked good right now. Your breasts will undergo some changes, which looks like that has already started. Bigger and fatter with darker and longer nipples. Your body will prepare itself to nurse the litter.”

I stared at the pics on the screen for some time. I asked, “Where should I have the puppies? Not in a traditional hospital, of course.”

He said, “Depending on what time of day you go into labor, you can have them here in my clinic, or if I prepared a room at home, it would be…private. It probably will be a messy birth. But I promise to help you get through it. The puppies will be a good size and will take effort to push out. You will get tired. There’s a chance that if I can’t do it, an emergency C-section will have to be done.”

We made plans for me to start weekly visits for progress checks.


A few weeks passed, and he was right; I was getting big fast. My belly was much bigger, and my tits were enormous. I know my son had noticed even though I only wore loose clothes. One day, I was in the kitchen, and he walked in and stood there. I turned and looked at him and asked him what he was doing. He came right out and asked me if I was pregnant. I was expecting it, but hearing it was still shocking, knowing he noticed. All I said was Yes.

He didn’t ask me anything else. I am sure he suspected the dog had something to do with my condition. I stayed inside the house because I didn’t want to run into a friend and have to explain. A normal dog’s gestation was only sixty-five days, so this would happen quickly. I stayed in touch with the vet and saw him often. He was worried about my uterus growing so fast and being able to hold all these puppies. They were getting huge. My nipples had changed too. They were as thick as my thumb and very long. They had started to drip milk to get ready to nurse. I was worried about having just two and the puppies fighting over them.

The time had flown by. I had one week to go. I wanted it over, but I was very nervous. The puppies were constantly moving around. They were going to be big ones because their Daddy is big. My body was a wreck. I had gotten so big so fast. My belly was huge, and I could barely walk. I waddled around. I wondered if my tits would ever be the same. They were swollen and bloated and constantly leaked now. I was leaking through every top I owned. I needed some nursing pads, but I didn’t have any. I decided it would be OK to quickly run to the store.

I wore a big maternity dress that was more like a tent. The bra I wore was the last one that came close to fitting and was a stretch. I only wore it. After all, I could stuff tissue in it because I was leaking so bad. My tits were overflowing in it, and it felt like the straps would break any minute.

I could park close, and after struggling to get out of my car, I started to waddle into the store. I made it to the aisle where the nursing pads were. I noticed a few stares. One nosey woman asked me when I was due, and I said any day. She asked if it was more than one. I just nodded.

As I turned to go pay, I noticed a growing wet spot on my dress. The broken tissues were soaked through. I hurried to go pay. I was next in line when I felt something. I put my hand on my huge belly and felt it again. It was a strong cramp. I realized today was my due date. I had miscalculated. As the clerk rang my purchase up, I felt another strong cramp followed by a gush of fluid from my pussy.

My water had broken.
There was so much. I made a real mess in that store. I just turned and left. I got to my car and was basically wet from head to toe. I got in and called the vet. He calmed me down. He said I should drive to his office since I was already out. When I got there, the cramping had really become intense. I was definitely in labor and felt like I needed to push. The vet helped me inside and helped me get undressed.

He knew what was happening and got me on a table. A big cramp hit, and he told me to push. I could feel the puppy move down and start to emerge from my vagina. It was way bigger than I expected. I cried out, pushing as hard as I could, and it slowly came out. I had just given birth to my first puppy. He cleaned it with a towel and brought it to my huge bloated breast. It found my nipple but was having trouble getting it in its mouth. Finally, it sucked it in enough to get the milk flowing and suckled.

I had actually done it. I had a live puppy nursing from my breast. My puppy that I had just given birth to. I tried to relax, but then another cramp hit. I still had work to do. He told me to push, and I did. This one was bigger. It took more effort to get it out. Soon it was cleaned off and suckling from my other breast.

Over the next three hours, I pushed out six puppies. I was worn out. My pussy was a wreck and was very sore. He had to put some of my pups with a surrogate female to nurse. I only had two nipples, which were too big for some of them. I thought I was done, but he looked at the sonogram and said I had more. Oh my God, how many was I carrying? He told me to focus o the next one and bear down and push.

Over the next couple of hours, I pushed three more puppies out. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I was exhausted. I begged him to tell me that was all. I had nine new babies. He held my hand and told me to just relax.


To Be Continued…?



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to, but we claim no copyright over it. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.

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