The Bitch VS Goliath 2

By Anonymous.

Our story ended at the end of Angela and Goliath’s first night together. Angela’s pussy had just been sufficiently fucked, five times. The two lovers snuggled up together on the floor, and both were completely exhausted and quickly drifted off to sleep. A good night’s rest is just what they both needed.

Over the next several months, Angela was kept beyond satisfied. Goliath fucked her good three or four times a day and even more on the weekends. The two had developed a pretty routine. Every morning before work, she sucks him off. Goliath fills her hungry belly with billions of hot doggy sperm. He takes good care of his bitch, always ensuring she’s had a good breakfast before she starts her day. At least, that’s the way Angela thinks about it.

Then the two go downstairs, and Angela feeds him his breakfast. A large raw steak and six raw eggs. No dog food, only the very best for her man. She lets him out in the backyard to do his business when he finishes eating. Then she goes upstairs, showers, and gets ready for work. On her way out the door, Goliath sends her off with a wet sloppy kiss across her face. She kisses the top of his head and then walks out the door. Goliath spends his day doing what all dogs do, mostly lying around the house and keeping a sharp eye out for intruders.

Then around four, Angela’s car pulls into the driveway. When she walks through the door, Goliath is right there to greet her. She wastes no time. She kicks off her shoes and strips naked. With cum from the night before still sloshing inside her, she drops and presents herself to Goliath. He immediately mounts his bitch and begins breeding her. When he’s finished, Angela feeds him his dinner, another streak, and six more eggs.

He’s grown even bigger since she got him due to his protein-packed diet. Once he’s finished eating, Angela gets in position. She knows it’s breeding time again. Her eager cunt opened up for him yet again and swallowed up his seed. Before bedtime, he’ll fuck her at least one more time, sometimes more if she’s lucky. Then the two cuddle together on her bed until they fall asleep.

But about a week ago, everything changed. Angela’s daughter Ashley came home from college for the summer. Angela’s anxiety was overwhelming. How was she going to keep this a secret all summer? What if Ashley found out? She knew she couldn’t deny Goliath. She had become completely addicted to his cock. It was going to be a long summer. She loved her daughter and felt guilty about it, but she just couldn’t wait for fall to roll around when Ashley would return to school, and she and Goliath could go back to what it was before. But Angela couldn’t imagine what was about to happen next.


After being back home for a few days, Ashley was feeling lonely. She missed her friends and, most of all, her boyfriend back at school. Most of her old high school friends worked full-time, so she didn’t have much to do. She was spending her days lounging around the house. One day while Angela was at work, Ashley was feeling horny. She started thinking about her boyfriend back at school. Remembering how he fucked her in her tiny twin-sized bed. How his (what she was big) cock would slide into her tight cunt. And the headboard on the bed banged against the wall with each thrust.

She began licking her lips and rubbing her tits, then rubbing her wet pussy. As she got closer and closer to orgasm, her eyes closed, and she moaned in pleasure. Then, suddenly, she felt Goliath’s wet nose press into her crotch, and then his slimy tongue run up from her asshole and across the back of her hand.

Her eyes shot wide open, and she gasped. “No! Goliath, stop it! Bad dog,” Ashley said as she tried pushing against his massive head.

But he was too strong. Ashley was helpless. She tried to squeeze her legs together, but she had no chance. After fighting him for 10 seconds, her anger and disgust turned to pleasure. Without realizing it, both her hands had moved upon her tits. She pinched her nipples and licked her lips as Goliath’s massive tongue lapped up and down her cunt.

“Ohhh… Ohhh fuck….” Ashley moaned.

In less than a minute, she had the most intense orgasm ever.

“Ughhhhh… Fff-fuck, yes!” Ashley screamed as she climaxed.

Her body was shaking with pleasure, then Goliath stopped suddenly and turned to look at the front door. That’s when she heard her mom’s car pulling into the driveway. Ashley jumped to her feet and hurried upstairs. She ran into her room and closed the door behind her. She laid down on her bed and regained her composure.

‘Fuck, what the fuck is wrong with me? What did I just do?’ Ashley wondered. ‘How could I do something so disgusting?’ She felt ashamed. Then she heard her mom hurry down the hallway and pass by her bedroom door.


“Hey, sweetie, I’m home. Goliath and I are gonna take a nap,” Angela yelled just before hearing her bedroom door shut and then lock.

Ashley promised herself that she would never let that happen again. But she couldn’t get it out of her head over the next few days. All of a sudden, she wasn’t fantasizing about her boyfriend anymore. She was fantasizing about Goliath. When he made her cum, he planted a seed inside her brain.

As her temptations grew, she turned to porn. She started spending all day watching videos of women getting fucked by their dogs. She was mesmerized by it. And the thought of being fucked by Goliath quickly became an obsession. Then one night, she lay in bed rubbing her clit, thinking about being fucked like a bitch. She imagined Goliath standing over her, his hot breath on her neck as he bred her tight nineteen-year-old pussy.

Little did she know that at that very moment, in the next room over, her mother was in that very position. She decided she was going to go for it. She was so excited she could hardly sleep.


The next day, when her mom Angela left for work, she wasted no time. She sat on the couch with her legs spread and called over Goliath. Her pussy was already dripping with excitement, and Goliath immediately began licking her.

“Ohhh…. ohhh, that’s a good boy,” Ashley moaned.

Her legs were spread as wide as she could get them, and her hands were on the back of Goliath’s head, welcoming him to her desperate cunt. Ashley’s eyes rolled into the back of her head in no time, and she came all over his tongue. But Goliath continued. He buried his tongue deep inside of her with every lick. Three orgasms later, Goliath was ready to breed Angela. He took a few steps back and ordered her to the floor with barks. Ashley dropped to her knees and draped her upper body over the couch.

Her heart was racing. Goliath sniffed her cunt, gave it a few kicks, and then, having located his target, he leaped up, placing his front legs on the couch, straddling Ashley’s tiny body. He found her pussy on the very first thrust, just as he normally does. He’s had plenty of practice with her mother. Ashley moaned in both pain and pleasure. She couldn’t believe the size of his cock. He thrust ferociously, hammering away at her pussy. There were tears in Ashley’s eyes as his massive cock stretched her wider than she’d ever been stretched before.

She came hard as his cock forced its way through her cervix. Then he slowed his aggressive thrust as she felt his knot swell. He pounded it hard against her tiny cunt. She was so tight. It seemed like there was no way he would ever be able to force it in. He must have slammed it into the outside of her pussy fifty times, each time her lips would open slightly, and then spit it back out. It was clear he was getting frustrated. Goliath was growling and nipping at her neck as he punished her tight pussy.

Finally, he repositioned himself, lowered his hips, and thrust forward aggressively. Ashley’s lips opened wide and then shut tightly around the back of his grapefruit-sized knot. Ashley screamed in pain. Then she felt the steady stream of cum pour into her womb.

“Ohhh fuck… it’s so warm,” Ashley said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

His knot throbbed against her G-spot, bringing her to orgasm yet again. She loudly moaned as she reached back and rubbed her clit. They stayed tied together for about thirty minutes. Then Goliath forced out his still massive knot.

Cum flowed from her pussy like a waterfall. Goliath walked into the kitchen and guzzled down his water until the bowl was empty. Ashely stayed right where she was, on her knees with her upper body lying on the couch. She was paralyzed with overwhelming pleasure. Eventually, she stood up, walked upstairs, went to the bathroom, and sat on the toilet. A continuous stream of cum fell into the water. There was so much it sounded like she was pissing. But she wasn’t. It was all cum.

She took a deep breath, trying to gather herself. ‘Oh my God, that was the best sex I’ve ever had,” Ashley thought. ‘Fuck, I’m so disgusting. I’m such a dirty girl. How could I have enjoyed that?’ She felt ashamed. ‘OK, Ashley, get a grip on yourself. This was a one-time thing. No one will ever know,’ she thought, reassuring herself. ‘Oh God, mom doesn’t have cameras in the house, does she? Oh God, if she found out about this, I’d just die. Fuck, fuck, I’m so disgusting. How could I do something so awful?’

As thoughts raced through her head, she heard footsteps coming down the hallway.

Goliath nudged open the door with his nose. He stood in the doorway and gazed into her eyes. She looked at him for a moment. Ashley knew what was about to happen. He didn’t need to bark, he didn’t need to growl, just gave her a look, and immediately her anxiety was gone. With cum still dripping slowly from her pussy, she stood up, turned around, and dropped to her knees.

“Oh, who am I kidding?” Ashley said as Goliath walked toward her.

Goliath fucked her three more times that day. There was no denying it anymore, she was his bitch now, and she loved it.

Things went on like that for a while. While Angela was at work, Goliath drained his balls into her daughter’s young fertile womb over and over. And when Angela came home, Goliath spent the evening fucking her. It was a peculiar situation. Mother and daughter, both being fucked regularly by the same dog, and both desperately trying to keep the other from finding out.


To be continued…?



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to, but we claim no copyright over it.

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