The Cabin


My cousin had asked me if I would be interested in watching his cabin and dog Gazza while he was away for the weekend. The cabin is located on the edge of a lake and is a beautiful log cabin. Gazza is a bloodhound and pretty big. He’s dark brown and pretty muscular and watches the cabin for my cousin. My wife and I decided to make a romantic weekend of it and headed down on Friday after work. When we got to the cabin, Gazza met us happily at the door and was looking for some human friends. We settled down for a nice relaxing drink after supper. The cabin is pretty simple with a bedroom and a large area that acts as a kitchen/living room.

The washroom is located outside, however, there is a shower facility inside by filling a large pail that is pumped into the shower. We had changed into our nightclothes, I had just my shorts and a tee shirt on while my wife had her nightie on. Gazza kept very close to us and kept coming over for a scratch on the head or a good pat. He ended up snuggling up with his head in her lap and laying on the couch. After a while he would move his nose into her crotch, he must have been getting a whiff of her pussy.

Gazza kept getting deeper in her crotch with his nose and as he lay on the couch, I could see his cock was getting larger. I pointed this out to my wife, and she laughed, saying, “He must not see very many dogs out here and he’s probably very horny.”

After twenty minutes, my wife made Gazza leave since he was constantly nudging her. We had another drink and continued our conversation. My wife had her legs up under her nightie and Gazza walked by, there must have been a space between the couch and her nightie, because Gazza quickly moved his nose under and gave her pussy a quick lick. My wife was unprepared for Gazza to do this and jumped up. Gazza’s cock seemed to grow more and it was outside its hairy sheath now.

We decided to make ready for bed and have a good sex session before we went to sleep. I had to go outside for a piss and then my wife realized that her earring came off when she jumped up. We could see that it had rolled under this wicker coffee table that was large and heavy. Having to relieve myself, I headed outside and she got down on her hands and knees to get her earring. As I was pissing, I heard my wife scream.

As I came running in the door, there was my wife on her knees pinned under the wicker table as Gazza had jumped up on her from behind and started humping her. I started to laugh at the sight. My wife screamed, “Get this fucking dog off me!”

As I approached Gazza, it let its intentions known by growling at me, and bit my hand when I tried to grab it. I tried repeatedly to grab Gazza but it kept trying to bite me. As I looked at Gazza, I couldn’t believe how big his cock had grown. It must have been a good ten inches long and really thick. His balls hung down like two tennis balls and I felt amazed by the sight of his. My wife asked, “What are you looking at?”

“Wait,” I said, and grabbed a mirror to reflect Gazza’s cock back to her since she couldn’t move her head.

She gasped, and said, “Hurry up and get this dog off of me.”

Gazza was still doing the humping motion and his paws had pushed my wife’s nightie up so it exposed her ass and pussy. His cock was inching closer toward her lovely pussy with his huge member. “I’ll go outside a grab a big stick to move Gazza off without losing my arm to his teeth. Just hang in there, honey,” I said.

“Fucking hurry!”

I went outside and realized that the sight had turned me on, and I was starting to get a hard-on too. Just as I had turned the flashlight on, my wife screamed again, and I ran inside to see what happened. She said, “Something is pushing against my pussy!”

When I looked, Gazza’s huge cock swayed back and forth, trying to enter her. My wife was trying to keep her pussy away from Gazza’s cock by moving her hips around. “Fucking do something, asshole,” my wife screamed at me again.

I ran outside, but decided instead to go to the front of the cabin and look through the front window, which was close to where the action was. As I looked in, I had a good view of everything and best of all, my wife could not see me. Gazza was closer to getting his cock in her and I had a huge hard-on myself just watching. My wife tried to move her hips so Gazza wouldn’t succeed, and Gazza kept humping her faster and faster. Gazza had a good hold on her and I knew that his cock would go a lot deeper than me if it ever succeeded in sticking his cock in her.

My wife moved her hips to the left, suddenly Gazza thrust and about two inches of his cock went into her pussy. I couldn’t believe my eyes, as my wife could not get out of Gazza’s grip. Now it had found his mark he would surely ram his entire cock into her. I quickly ran inside and pretended that I had seen nothing. I could see my wife’s expression had changed on her face from despair to one of a bit of pleasure. I said, “I can’t find anything outside to hit this damn dog with, sorry honey.”

“It’s too late, the fucking dog has got its way,” she said.

I asked, “Does it hurt?”

“Not really, once Gazza’s dick went inside I actually had an orgasm.”

“This will help lubricate Gazza’s cock more. His cock is huge compared to me, honey, and it’ll go a lot deeper and stretch you more.”

She asked, “Are you enjoying this? Seeing me raped by a dog.”

I looked at the boner straining my pants, and smiled. “Of course not, but we need to get Gazza off as soon as possible before the entire cock is in you.”


“I heard a dog’s cock forms a ball at its base called a knot, to lock his dick into the bitch while he cums.”

“Hurry and do something, Gazza’s thrusting is bringing me close to another orgasm,” she yelled. “I don’t want to remember having a bunch of orgasms on a dog’s cock.”

I ran outside to my viewing spot again and I couldn’t believe that my wife had actually arched her ass upward to allow more of Gazza’s cock to enter her. Slowly Gazza had four, five, seven inches in her. I could see her pussy juice on Gazza’s cock and then my wife’s ass quivered as she had another orgasm. I quickly dropped my pants and started jerking-off as I watched.

In a final thrust, Gazza put his entire ten inches in her pussy. She was rocking back and forth and I came in my hand very quickly. I could see my wife’s pussy expand around this enormous dick and her pussy lips stretched farther than they have ever been. I went inside and my wife was moaning loudly. I said, “I’ll kick Gazza off!”

She moaned. “No, leave him it’s too late now.”

I could see she was about to cum again, and she started to moan more. “Fuck… Fuck… Fuck,” she said loudly.

As I moved in closer, Gazza’s balls started to swell, and he shot his load of dog cum deep into my wife’s pussy.

My wife said, “Oh, I can feel his hot cum rushing inside me!”

She quivered to yet another intense orgasm. His cum started to drip out the sides between Gazza’s cock and my wife’s stretched pussy lips. My wife had one final huge orgasm, her body covered in sweat.

After ten to fifteen minutes Gazza’s cock fell out, my wife’s pussy had been turned into a gaping hole full of cum that dribbled out and ran down her thighs. The sexiest thing I have ever seen. I slowly helped her out of her confined position and to her feet. She looked at me pale and wide eyed. Her body trembled, and her legs were weak, I had to hold her up. “I have never been so full of cock before, and have never had so many orgasms,” my wife said in a shaky voice.

I helped her take a shower and put her to bed. She let me fuck her, but she was so stretched from Gazza’s cock that I had no friction at all. I added my semen to Gazza’s and we both went to sleep.


In the morning, Gazza came into our room and I was wondering what the reaction would be. My wife got up, patted Gazza on the head and said, “What shall we do today,”

She then gave me a wink.

After we had breakfast, the day turned out to be a hot one. As we were putting on our swimwear, my wife suddenly gasped, and said, “Oops, take a look at this.”

I leaned over and looked at her nice pussy with brown bushy pubic hair to see some of Gazza’s cum was leaking from the night before. A long gloop of cum hung between her pussy lips and her leg. She quickly cleaned it off, and said, “I hope that’s the last of it. I had to get up four times overnight to clean dog cum that leaked from me. It has to be at least three times as much cum as you deposit in me.”

I smiled, saying, “Don’t forget some of that cum is mine too.”

She laughed. “I think you enjoyed the experience more than me.”

We went down to the lake and pulled out our lounge chairs to sun bake. The hound dog walked among us all the time, and always kept nudging her. My wife gently rubbed Gazza’s ears, and said, “You had your fun last night, you bad dog.”

Gazza quickly pushed his nose toward her pussy, but my wife moved away. We sat in our chairs and started to enjoy the sun. My wife just had her bikini on and I had my shorts. I suggested that we could go nude since we are miles from anyone and the gate is locked. I wanted to see if she had loosened up after last night. She agreed and we stood up and striped. Gazza’s ears perked up and he kept looking at my wife’s pussy. I asked, “Are you OK with Gazza here?”

She said, “Sure, Gazza didn’t hurt me last night except to maybe humiliate me a little. He was just following his natural instincts, so I can’t blame him for that.”

I sighed. “Too bad my cock isn’t as big as Gazza’s.”

Surprisingly, she nodded in agreement. “His dick is really thick and long, and it did feel good. But it’s still a dog, I’d rather have you any day, sweetie.”

“I suppose you’re not the first and probably won’t be the last woman to get fucked by a dog.”

“I’ve heard of it happening, and some women like to be fucked by dogs,” she said.

“I wonder why?”

“Well, they have big cocks, they thrust faster, and they cum lots. Also, I heard they can get hard quickly the second time, and even the third time, compared to a man.”

I said, “Fair enough, but men are still good too.”

“Well, of course, sweetie,” she said somewhat condescendingly.

As we lay there, Gazza would nudge my wife and she would push him away. His dick started to get hard and bulge from its sheath. My wife saw this and bit her lip, I pretended not to notice. Our chairs were nice and low to the ground and not wide, so they were easy to carry. I was starting to burn. “I’m going to go inside and have a nap. Will you be OK with Gazza and all?” I asked.

“I’ll be fine, sweetie, have a nice nap.”

I went up to the cabin and closed the curtains. My wife was watching me to make sure I was going to sleep. I moved to another window and opened it enough to see everything. She was only about twenty feet away so I was still pretty close. After five minutes, she called out my name, but I didn’t reply. Then she looked at Gazza at the end of the lounge chair and rubbed her foot along its half hard cock. Gazza perked up and moved closer to my wife.

She then pulled Gazza up closer and reached out with her hand and rubbed its cock. After two strokes, Gazza’s cock was a rock hard ten inches and thick. Gazza jumped up on the chair and my wife was on her back. I thought it would be hard for Gazza to fuck her this way then she pulled Gazza up further, past her pussy. Gazza’s cock was rubbing on her body and its legs were on the ground, its front paws were now above my wife’s head. I wondered what she was trying to do.

She pulled her tits up close, and had Gazza’s cock between her tits now. Gazza was humping away. My wife moved down even further to let Gazza’s cock run up over her face. She rarely engages in oral sex, but she opened her mouth and let her tongue run up the huge cock. She moved back and even let it go in her mouth. Her one hand was busy rubbing her pussy that was another thing she rarely did. After about three minutes, she reached up and grabbed Gazza’s huge balls and pulled herself up so the end of the cock was just at her tits.

She closed her eyes and must have known Gazza was going to cum because six or seven heavy jets of dog cum spurted over her tits, neck face and hair. She opened her eyes and looked down and grinned and patted Gazza. It must have been a fantasy thing for her of which I would have gladly done too. She even licked some of his cum that was near her mouth.

She moved Gazza down to the end of the chair and moved herself down too. She grabbed both legs behind the knees and pulled her legs way up to give Gazza a full view of her wet hairy pussy. Gazza started to lick her pussy from her ass to the top of her mound. She started to cum and was looking straight at Gazza’s cock. I was amazed that Gazza’s cock started to get hard right away and after two or three minutes it was rock hard again. Then I realized why she wanted Gazza to cum first between her tits, this way the next time Gazza could fuck her longer before cumming, even last night Gazza only fucked her for about five minutes.

She didn’t even bother to look at the cabin, but quickly scurried down to the end of the lounge chair and put her knees on the ground and rested her body on the chair. Gazza sniffed her pussy from behind and quickly jumped up behind her. Wanting Gazza’s cock now I could see its ten-inch monster, pointing straight at my wife’s gaping cunt. Gazza moved forward and my wife reached behind and pointed the cock to its mark. Gaza entered her slowly, then started to hump.

I had to get closer so I snuck out around the back of the cabin and around through the bushes so I was directly behind her. Gazza’s cock was really stretching her pussy and was gleaming with her juice. I guess she adjusted to the size after last night and was really into it. Gazza would pull about five inches of its cock out then thrust the whole thing in. I could hear slushy sounds from her cunt as she would cum around Gazza’s cock. Gazza fucked her for about fifteen minutes and my wife was moaning pretty loudly.

I don’t know how many times she came but she was in total ecstasy. Gazza finally came and pulled out. I could see up inside her pussy at her hole. Her pussy hairs around her cunt were all matted and white dog cum was oozing out from her. Her lips and clit were all red and swollen. She suddenly turned and saw me there. She didn’t know what to do, and said, “Gazza’s cock is so huge, I didn’t see any harm in fucking him. Since we would likely never be here again. How much did you see?”

“Everything!” She blushed. “Go have a dip in the lake and wash that cum off you, my cousin will be back soon.”

She suddenly grabbed my hard cock, and said, “You must have liked what you saw. I guess anything goes now with us in bed!”

“Even anal sex?”


Well, I guess I was going to get something out of this after all.


When my cousin arrived back at his cabin everything seemed back to normal, and my wife was dressed and back to her usual respectable self. However, my cousin had good news to share, he had been offered a very well-paying job overseas for the next six months. We both felt very happy for him, because he is a cool guy. There’s only one problem,” he said.

“Oh? What?” I asked.

His body sagged and his face looked sad. “It’s my dog, Gazza. Looks like I’ll have to give him away. He’s such a good dog, I’ll miss him.”

I looked at my wife who didn’t say a word.

So I said, “Well, if it’s only for six months, I suppose we could mind Gazza, since we have a big house and fenced backyard.”

My cousin smiled. “Really? You’d do that?”

“Sure,” I said. “He seems like a good dog, we’ll be happy to take him.”

My wife just smiled and nodded her head.

The End.



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