The Knotty Ladies Club

By Drakon.

Kate stood on her balcony, looking at the picturesque view of the central California coast. She had enjoyed this view for as long as she could remember, and even now, at fifty-five, it still took her breath away. Her waist-length raven hair fluttered in the cool late afternoon breeze as she reviewed the long list of things that needed to be done before her guests arrived, but the serine setting made her mind wander.

The three-hundred-plus acre estate her parents had bought was covered in grape vines that, when harvested and sold to local wineries, supported the cost of living in this beautiful area. This provided the money that allowed them to enjoy their true passion, breeding champion, Great Danes. Her father had raised nearly a dozen award winners over many years before his passing, and at times the stud services would bring in more money than the vineyard. Kate had helped out at the kennel when she could walk and grew to love the majestic beasts.

After returning from college, Kate took a more active role in the kennel. She managed the business and improved its exposure, increasing profits several-fold. When her parents passed away while she was still in her early thirties, Kate decided to expand to raising Mastiffs, and German shepherd’s to increase the business even more. At least, that’s what she told those who knew her. In truth, Kate had more than a casual love of canines.

She lost her virginity to Duke William, her father’s fifth champion. She was eighteen at the time, and she loved William. She had raised him from a pup and had a special bond; she felt it only natural she should be the first to be bred with him. Her parents never knew, nor did anyone else. This made her feel very isolated, but she would change that.

Kate inwardly smiled as she thought about how this ‘club’ began. She and her dear friend Melissa, a lawyer, were discussing her business and some legal matters over wine when Melissa mentioned she loved German Shepards. Feeling a bit giddy from too much wine, Kate asked how much she loved them.

Well, she soon learned from her drunken friend that she had always wondered about being licked by one but was afraid to find out what it would feel like. It wasn’t long before Kate had one of her male Shepards lapping away at Melissa’s wet sex; the rest is history. That was just over five years ago. Kate has been very selective about the people she would invite to join this exclusive club, but the membership slowly grew to its present size.

Kate had given her staff the weekend off like she normally did before one of these little get-togethers. They had cleaned the eight-room mansion and prepped what food she had directed them to. The rest she would take care of as needed. Kate loved to cook and was an accomplished chef in her own right, so preparing meals for such a small group wouldn’t be a problem. There were only six members of what they called “The Knotty Ladies Club” at the moment but this meeting of their wicked coven was going to be special. They were going to induct a new member.

The roar of a high-performance engine coming up the long wooded drive brought Kate back to the present. She walked down and stared at the front door just as the motor fell silent in the expensive BMW convertible. The blonde driver opened the door and stepped out. It was Melissa. Her shoulder-length hair was pulled back in a ponytail to keep it under control while racing up the twisting coast highway with the top down. She wore a short tan skirt with a rose-colored blouse and high-heeled sandals. Her outfit showed off her trim 5’5” frame and large breasts. Kate hugged her friend and helped her carry her bags inside. Over the next hour, the remainder of the members arrived, including Kim, a 24-year-old Asian college student in her second year at veterinary school and soon-to-be inductee.

Kate served wine and some tasty morsels before they all sat in the dining room for dinner. A profound image developed as she scanned the faces around the large circular table. She noticed just how diverse their little group truly was. It crossed several boundaries, including race, social status, age, and sexual orientation. There were white, black, Asian, and Hispanic, and thanks to her Navajo mother, native Americans were all represented. There was a corporate lawyer, a grocery store checker, a financial advisor, a college student, and even a firefighter and a musician.

As far as age goes, Kim was the youngest and Kate the oldest. Kate also knew at least two of the women were straight, and she wasn’t the only bisexual there either. Jane, the musician, was the only self-avowed lesbian in the club, though. The others liked to needle her and say she couldn’t call herself a true lesbian since she had sex with MALE dogs. She usually responded to this with an extended middle finger. It brought on a round of laughter from all, including Jane.

The conversation at the table was about getting to know the new girl and catching up with old friends. It was completely devoid of anything sexual. After they had finished dinner and cleared the dishes, the group retired to the lounge, where a delightfully sweet Muscat was poured. Now the subject of sex was brought out in uncensored purity. The women discussed their experiences since the last meeting in graphic detail. The atmosphere was electric, and the level of arousal was off the scale. Kate excused herself for a few minutes, and when she returned, she got the group’s attention.

“Ladies, it’s time. You’ll find your robes in your rooms. Meet back here in five minutes, and we’ll get started,” she stated, and the women headed upstairs.

They laughed and talked as they went, groping breasts and slapping firm asses. Their salacious behavior was fueled by wine and sexually charged talk. As Kim climbed the stairs, she had a confused look.

“What are we supposed to be doing?” she asked Jane, the one who had recommended her as a potential member to Kate.

“Go to your room, get undressed, put on your robe, and meet back downstairs,” Jane responded with a sharp swat to Kim’s firm ass.

Kim did as instructed and returned to the lounge. She noticed she was the only one wearing a white robe. The others all had on bright burgundy robes. She soon found out that it was a tradition that the new members wore white to the initiation, clearly a ‘virginal’ reference. Kate ushered them out to the kennel, where she gave some instructions.

“Make your choice for the evening, then bring your mate out here, and we can get the fun started,” she said as she handed each woman a short training lead.

Inside the kennel, the women strolled along the large runs seeking their partner for the evening. Each run had the dog’s name on it, and they also wore collars with tags. Danes, German shepherds, and Mastiffs, all highly excited from the intoxicating aroma of the sexually aroused females, barked and paced in hopes of being chosen. Kim walked down the line of candidates until she stood before a beautiful black and white Dane with big sad eyes named Toby.

She was captivated by the massive beast sitting before her, quietly waging his tail. She had found her partner. She opened the gate, attached the leash, and led him from the kennel. Kate was waiting outside with an equally impressive Dane. He was black as night, patiently sitting at her side. His name tag read Rex.

“I see we have similar tastes in mates. Toby is from the same litter as Rex here. I think you’ll like Toby. He’s a very good lover and a good choice for the first time,” Kate commented with a warm smile.

Kim felt happy and aroused by Kate’s compliment and was anxious to see what was next. Although she was no stranger to canine sex, this would be the first time she had ever been with such a large animal. The other members made their choices and regrouped outside. Kate led them to a basement entrance, and the women filed in with their charges. Kim was surprised by what she saw inside the twenty-five-foot square room. Many candles burned in sconces placed around the room, bathing it in a warm light.

In the center of the room was a raised circular platform roughly ten feet in diameter with a piece of furniture that looked like a wedge-shaped ottoman. Two padded tubes were lying flat and close together, set back about a foot from the taller end of the wedge, and two handles in front of the shorter side. The platform was carpeted, but the ‘ottoman’ was covered in black, velvety material. Six armless recliners spaced evenly around the platform, all with the same soft covering as the ottoman.

Kate turned to Kim and looked into her eyes, saying. “This is the moment of truth. If you have any doubts or reservations about what’s gonna happen next, now is the time to let me know.”

Kim looked stunned at the idea of backing out. She was even more turned on now than she had been.

“I’m ready,” she said enthusiastically. “What do I do?”

Kate explained how to ‘mount’ the altar. That was the name given to the platform and its unusual accouterments. She was to put her legs in the padded tubes to protect her calves and feet from Toby stepping on them and possibly injuring her, then lay over the angled pad to help support her body when Toby mounted her. The offset of the tubes from the pad would give him room to grip her waist. Finally, the handholds were only there if she needed them for stability.

The other women and their partners took positions next to a recliner and removed their robes; stepping forward, Kate did the same. They made themselves comfortable in their respective seats as Kate helped Kim with her robe, then sat down with Rex by her side. A shiver of anticipation ran through Kim as she stepped onto the platform with Toby in tow.

Overhead was a mirrored ceiling and recessed lights that illuminated the altar. Then she realized how much she would be on display for the others in the room. Normally this would have made Kim very nervous as she was shy in public, but she felt a surge of sexual arousal she had never felt before.

Kim knelt and slipped her legs into the tubular sleeves. The soft material and memory foam lining them engulfed her calves and feet. It felt like she was kneeling on a cloud. She looked at the wedge gently sloping down and away in front of her, running her hand over its velvety surface. It was padded with the same foam as the tubes, but a solid structure was inside to maintain its form. She looked back at Toby, patiently sitting on the floor, then to Kate, who gave her a warm smile and a nod. It was time. Kim laid her upper body on the ottoman and held one of the handles. She patted her firm ass cheek, and Toby jumped to action.

Toby’s tongue ran up Kim’s glistening cleft from her erect clit to her puckered rosebud. She moaned softly and then noticed the platform was moving. It turned slowly in a clockwise motion, giving each spectator a 360-degree view of the action. Toby plunged his warm tongue into her wet pussy, making her gasp. He was bringing her closer to orgasm with every pass. Her face rested against the resilient surface of the wedge with her eyes open to see what the others were doing as they came into view.

Their eyes roamed over her and Toby with a growing desire. Some massaged their breast while others lightly fingered swollen clits. This erotic vision was the final stimulus that sent her over the edge when Toby’s tongue raked across her sensitive clit.

“OH, GOD!” Kim said before her orgasm took hold.

Kim pushed back into Toby’s unrelenting tongue as she shivered violently. Her cries of pleasure filled the otherwise silent room. She wasn’t finished with her first orgasm when she felt a second one building, but before it could arrive, Toby stopped licking her dripping sex. She was panting hard and then looked back at her lover, who was ready to mount her. He carefully positioned himself, his front legs closing around her tiny waist. His furry chest rested on her back, crushing her into the cushioning foam.

Kim’s grip on the handles tightened as Toby pulled back on her, making probing thrusts with his hips. The height and angle of the wedge put Kim’s pussy at the perfect level for Toby, and he hit the target on his third try. The narrow tip parted her pink folds, making way for the larger section behind to stretch her tight opening, then came the tapered area in front of the bulging knot that allowed her hungry pussy to pull him in. For a brief moment, she thought about how perfectly designed a dog’s cock was for fucking a human female, then the pleasure mixed with some pain hit her.

“Aaaahhhhh!” Kim cried as his fiery crimson cock penetrated deeply.

With three or four powerful strokes, Toby had Kim fully impaled on his thick hard rod up to his knot. His thrusts increased in frequency until he slid in and out of her clasping pussy at phenomenal speed. Kim was making high-pitched chirps in time with Toby as he hammered away.

Her cries were joined with the lustful moans of the audience. Also, there were whines from other dogs eager to mate with their human bitches. Then like being engulfed in flames, Kim was consumed by another orgasm. She bucked and screamed, driving back to get every inch of Toby’s cock in her convulsing canal. Toby shifted then, with a powerful lunge forward, forced his knot into Kim’s tight pussy.

“Uuuuuhhhh. OH Fuck! He’s huge! Uuh. Uuh. Uuh. And it’s getting bigger. Aah. Aah. AAHHHHHHH!” Kim couldn’t say anymore as she tried to relax and accommodate the enormous swelling that was taking place inside her body.

Toby made a few more jerky thrusts, then leaned forward over Kim. He was so much larger than her that his head was in front of hers. He was panting heavily then he let out a low groan followed by a whimper as he unleashed a torrent of hot dog cum deep inside her. Kim had her eyes clamped shut and her teeth clenched. Her knuckles were white from gripping the handles so tightly when she felt the liquid heat flooding her womb. Kim came again.

“OH YES! Cum for me. Make me your bitch!” she cried.

Her body quaked as one tremor after another rumbled through her. She tried to control her breathing but was gulping air with ragged gasps. She was aware the other members were now engaged with their partners, some being licked while others were already mounted both missionary and doggy style. Kate had her legs wrapped around Rex as he pounded her fiercely. Toby then released his grip on her waist and supported his weight as he stood over her.

She was still buffeted but then figured out it was her thrusting back into him, not the other way around. Each movement she made gave her a tantalizing sting of pain along with a wave of pleasure. She was pumping herself up for another orgasm.

Time was a blur to Kim. She had no idea how long she had been tied to Toby or how many orgasms she had experienced, but as long as his throbbing cock would bring her blissful release, she didn’t care. She heard a deep groan from Tonya, a heavyset black woman who was Kate’s financial advisor, when the huge Mastiff she was fucking turned and stood ass to ass with her. Like an unheard signal, all the dogs dismounted and turned, including Toby. Every woman was in the throws of orgasm at that point from the tugging and turning. There was a chorus of rapturous cries, bodies trembling and bucking, and the other members shouted in unison.

“Welcome to the Knotty Ladies Club, Kim!”


Kim awoke to the gentle rise and fall of Toby’s chest and his soft fur tickling her sensitive nipples as she lay spooned against his back in the large king-size bed. The cool cotton sheets were tangled from their roughhousing before bed. They had fallen asleep exhausted from the night’s festivities, but now Kim felt a familiar tingle in her loins. A warm sensation building inside her that would surely need attention. She tossed the covers off and rested her cheek on Toby’s muscular neck. Her hand moved across his deep chest, caressing his velvety coat. Toby groaned deeply at Kim’s touch, rolling onto his back to give her better access.

Kim shifted and then resumed her petting, working her way down Toby’s enormous body. At times her caresses made one of his hind legs kick spastically, and she would giggle at finding a ticklish area on him. Her eyes surveyed the beast lying next to her, and she finally got a true picture of how big he was. From his nose to the base of his tail, he was as long as Kim was tall. He easily outweighed her by a good twenty or thirty pounds but what impressed her most about him was how gentle he was with her. He fucked her hard and thoroughly, but he never hurt her or made her feel frightened, and she liked that.

Her thoughts drifted back to the previous night’s events, and it all seemed like a dream. She would be convinced it was only a dream if it wasn’t for her aching muscles. Being on display like she had been was not in her character, but she felt a thrill, a charge of sexual energy she had never experienced before, as she rode that odd carousel before all those women. They had lust in their eyes, but was it for her, Toby, or the animals sitting beside them? She couldn’t be sure. Their cries of ecstasy mingled with hers as they were tied with their partners as she was to Toby, making the atmosphere come alive around her, feeding her lustful desires and increasing the intensity of her orgasms.

A powerful tremor ran through Kim’s body, snapping her out of the past. She realized her hand had found her throbbing clit and was no longer massaging Toby. He was sniffing the air when she returned to stroking his soft coat.

“I’m sorry I stopped. I was daydreaming about last night and how good you made me feel,” she cooed softly in his ear, resuming her gentle petting.

Kim’s eyes were drawn to Toby’s sheath and large balls. His testicles looked like plums in a furry sack attached to a stuffed gym sock. The tip of his fiery red cock was peeking out from its protective cover, stirring more urgent desire in her. Kim’s tiny hand closed around the pulsating sheath, and she slowly stroked it. More of his cock emerged, becoming thicker and harder with each passing second. Warm wetness seeped from her sex and onto her inner thigh.

Kim shifted position and knelt at Toby’s waist, never removing her hand from his cock. Soon all nine thick inches were exposed, and she could feel the bulge of his knot forming. Her heart was pounding, and her pussy drooled with excitement and anticipation. She couldn’t wait any longer and straddled Toby, squatting over him on the balls of her feet, placing a hand on his chest for balance. Toby thrusts his hips, trying to find her wet opening, making it difficult for her to guide his cock to its target. With a little work, she managed to get the pre cum spitting tip inside her.

“Ooooooo. That’s better!” she purred as more of his steely cock slid in. “Fuck me, baby. Fuck me, good! Mmmmmm.”

Toby tried to thrust faster, but the unnatural position didn’t allow him to pound her with full power or speed. Kim compensated by meeting his thrusts with her downward motion, and they both seemed happy. She could feel an orgasm stalking her, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before it pounced. She bounced and rocked her hips to his frantic lunges, panting and moaning with each stroke.

When Toby made a sudden thrust and slammed his swelling knot against her inflamed clit, Kim’s orgasm took hold and ravished her. She bit her lip to keep from screaming, but she couldn’t contain her lustful moans and animalistic grunts as she plunged into Toby’s pistoning cock harder and harder.

Toby’s knot slid into Kim’s convulsing pussy for a brief moment, then came out with an audible pop, but the next time it went in, she was ready and held still while clenching it tightly, giving it time to swell and lock them together for as longs as possible. It took all her concentration to remain motionless as she was still in the throws of orgasm. Once Kim was sure they were firmly tied, she dropped to her knees to enjoy the wonderful sensations she was feeling.

The tightness of his swollen member and knot pressing against her inner walls kept her orgasm going, but then Toby erupted inside her, and new, more intense waves of pleasure crashed into her. Kim’s head rested on Toby’s chest as her hands moved over his rib cage. She gasped for breath, groaning and grunting while rocking her hips forward and back, but she couldn’t move too far since Toby’s knot was holding her firmly.

Toby lay contentedly underneath her pumping his seed into her womb. Kim continued to bring herself to orgasm over and over again. There was something about this position and how Toby’s cock and knot moved inside her that made Kim crazy. She couldn’t stop herself from moving as if she was trying to scratch an itch she couldn’t reach.

Her body trembled uncontrollably as one orgasm blended into the next. She was in her little world, a sexual cocoon of orgasmic bliss when she heard a voice softly calling her name. At first, she thought she was mistaken, but then she heard the faint sound of a woman’s voice again.

“Kim. I’m sorry to disturb you, but I just wanted to let you know breakfast is going to be served shortly,” the voice said.

Kim opened her eyes and turned toward the door to her room. Kate was standing a few steps inside wearing nothing but her burgundy robe and carrying a second, smiling at her. Shock and surprise shot across Kim’s face as she felt her cheeks flush red. Her mouth opened to say something, but only a guttural groan escaped as she experienced another orgasm.

“It’s OK, honey. You don’t have to be down right away. Enjoy yourself, then come down when you’re ready,” Kate said, smiling, placing the second robe over a chair. “You aren’t the only one who’ll be late.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll be down in a little bit. OH, GOD!” The waves of pleasure cut Kim off.

As the tiny woman convulsed, Kate moved to her side and caressed Kim’s hair. “Take your time, my dear.”

Kim turned and kissed Kate in a moment of passion. Kate returned her affection and maintained the kiss as long as Kim wanted. When Kim pulled away, gasping, Kate smiled again at her.

“It looks like he’s filling you up good.”

Kim looked down at her normally flat abdomen and saw what Kate meant. It was visibly distended. As she straightened up, it became more pronounced, with Toby’s cock pressing against her insides even more, but that wasn’t the only reason. His enormous cock and knot had her pussy so full that the cum he was filling her with had no place to go because his knot had her sealed up like a cork in a bottle.

“Oh my God!” she exclaimed, running a hand over her bulging belly.

Kate left her side for a moment, returning with a towel from the bathroom.

“You’ll need this when he eventually shrinks. If you can manage it, you might want to turn around. That way, you can lay down if your legs start to cramp,” she said, then gave her a quick peck on the cheek as she headed for the door. “I’ll see you downstairs when you’re done. Have fun.”

Kim didn’t respond. She kept staring at her stomach. She couldn’t believe it; she looked like she was a couple of months pregnant. She knew it wasn’t possible to get pregnant from a dog, but the thought of her carrying Toby’s puppies gave her a wonderful feeling. To truly be bred by him and have his offspring sent a wave of delight coursing through her. Kim felt her pussy contract, and a fresh orgasm rocked her world. She collapsed forward again, grinding her pelvis into Toby to extract every bit of pleasure from her current monumental release.

Kim was panting from the exertion and then felt her right calf cramp. She sat up straight and extended her leg, massaging the aching muscle. Then she remembered Kate’s words, ‘Oh. and if you can manage it, you might want to turn around. That way, you can lay down if your legs start to cramp.’

Fortunately Kim was very limber and was able, with some difficulty, to reverse her position. Feeling his cock and knot shifting inside her made Kim cum again. She coaxed Toby to roll onto his side so she could lie down. They were spooning again, but Toby’s chest was against her back this time. Kim got the towel under her hips and reached for a pillow to curl up with, then just relaxed as best she could, allowing her pussy to milk her lover of every last drop of sperm.

Kim had nearly drifted back to sleep when Toby’s knot pulled free, followed by his deflating cock and a pint of their combined fluids. Toby rolled over and began cleaning himself as Kim tried to mop up the cum oozing from her pussy. She was thankful she had put the towel under her, or the sheets would have been soaked.

Toby got up and hopped off the bed. Kim rolled onto her back and noticed her ‘pregnant’ belly was gone. She chuckled, then closed her eyes for a moment, trying to imagine how she would breastfeed a litter of puppies with only two tits. Toby scratching at the door and whining made her realize she should get downstairs for breakfast and return Toby to his kennel to be fed and allow him to take care of other needs.

Kim emerged from her room, wearing her new robe, and led Toby to the stairs. She met Tonya in the hall, leading Buster, a huge tan Mastiff, in the same direction. Kim remembered her from last night being the one to have seemingly set off the chain reaction of all the dogs turning with her deep groan. Tonya stood 5’9” and would be considered a BBW at 185 pounds, but her height helped in her proportions.

Kim could still recall Tonya’s big round ass pressed against Buster’s as he filled her with his cum. Kim had always had an attraction to bigger women than herself, but she didn’t know why. They smiled at one another as they strolled down the hall.

“Kate said I wasn’t gonna be the only one late to breakfast,” Tonya said with a mischievous grin.

“She told me the same thing,” Kim replied. “I wonder if there’s anyone else still in their rooms?”

“Probably not, since we all know how good of a cook Kate is.”

“Well then, why did you stay in so late?” Kim asked the beautiful black woman.

“Darlin’, it’s my birthday today, and Buster here gave me my first present,” she replied, giving Buster a hearty pat on the back.

“Happy Birthday!” Kim said, hugging her.

“Thank you!” Tonya replied.

As the two women walked down the stairs chatting and laughing, they met Kate waiting for them at the bottom.

“It’s about time you two got down here!” she said with her hands on her hips and doing a poor job of faking her anger. “The pastries are getting cold. I’ll take them. Go get something to eat before it’s all gone.”

While Kim and Tonya joined the others for breakfast, Kate took Toby and Buster’s leashes and led them to the kennel. They were hit with a barrage of catcalls and jeers as they entered the dining room from the other members sitting around the table. They got plates from a sideboard and began loading them with freshly baked cinnamon rolls, eggs, bacon, and fruit. Kim poured herself some coffee and offered to do the same for Tonya, who eagerly nodded. The two late arrivals had just made themselves comfortable and started eating the sumptuous meal when Kate returned and asked for the group’s attention.

“I hope everyone had a good time last night?” Kate said. She was met by a rousing cheer from all at the table. “And I hope the food has met with your approval?”

Again a cheer went up as the women applauded Kate’s excellent cooking. Once the noise died down, Kate continued.

“As you can see, Kim is no longer wearing the robe of a virgin but is now a full-fledged member of our club. I just wanted to thank you for such a wonderful display you put on for us last night. It was very sexy!” Kate’s words brought another cheer, this time for Kim. “But today we have one more thing to celebrate, it’s Tonya’s Birthday, and I have a special present for her that she will receive this afternoon by the pool after we get back from our little spa adventure. So when you ladies are finished with breakfast and get yourselves together, meet out front, and we can go.”

Everyone except Kim and Tonya collected their dishes, put them in the kitchen, and then started for their rooms to get ready. They congratulated Kim on her initiation and her arousing performance. Tonya also received congratulations for her birthday, along with hugs and kisses from the others. Kim and Tonya then finished their meal and returned to their rooms to prepare for the day’s adventures.


Tonya felt wonderful after the ‘spa adventure.’ The massage, sauna, and mud bath were very rejuvenating. Then the facial, manicure, and pedicure made her feel like a movie star with all the pampering that went on, but now that they had returned to Kate’s estate, she was anxious to find out what the surprise was that Kate had for her. She and Kim had discussed many possibilities, but they were taking stabs in the dark. She decided it was better to join the others poolside and find out what was in store for her.

She put on her very skimpy bikini, knowing she would take it off to lie on one of the lounges. It made her feel sexy with the small patches of florescent pink material barely covering her nipples, containing her natural 38 DD breasts. The tiny triangle covering her bald pussy with its narrow string running up the crack of her nice round ass seemed almost pointless, but it was part of the package. The bright pink color stood in sharp contrast to her deep mocha skin. Tonya pulled on her robe, stepped into her 4” heels, and then went down to join the ladies at the pool.

The afternoon sun bathed the deck in its warmth. Several chairs and lounges were spread around the pool’s perimeter, with all but Kate and Melissa lying on towels to catch the sun’s rays. Tonya didn’t see Kate anywhere. She even glanced in the shaded cabana, but it was empty. She placed a towel between Kim and Tracy on a lounge and began to untie her top.

“Be careful with that. those big jugs of yours could send that top flying!” Tracy laughed. “You could put someone’s eye out!”

“Don’t worry honey, you’re at a safe distance,” Tonya replied, freeing her boobs and cupping them in her hands. “You’re just jealous mine are bigger than yours!”

Tracy cocked her eyebrow from behind her sunglasses. “Only just! Mine look big enough on my little body!”

Tonya eyed Tracy’s naked form as she removed her thong and lay down next to her friend. “There’s nothing little about you except maybe those nipples!”

“There’s nothing wrong with my nipples!” she replied, sitting up with a look of surprise and fake disgust.

“Whatever, girl, but I’ve had mosquito bits bigger than those things!” Tonya said with a smirk.

The barbed jabs were all fun as they were good friends and liked to tease one another when the opportunity presented itself. Both women were full-figured ladies, but Tracy was 5” shorter than Tonya, which made her 36D breasts appear bigger in proportion. Their voluptuous curves added to their beauty, and neither woman ever had a problem picking up a man when they wanted one, of course.

Tracy tossed her cinnamon hair over the back of her lounge and returned to improving her tan, conceding defeat in this minor battle to Tonya. Tracy didn’t need to work too hard on her tan, though, as her Hispanic genes already gave her skin a nice, even brown tone. She just liked lying around naked whenever possible.

Melissa, who had been at the bar, made the rounds with a tray of margaritas and then took a seat on the other side of Tracy. Her ivory complexion would burn too easily in the direct sun, so she sat under an umbrella to sip her drink.

“Hey, Mel. Where did Kate get to?” Tonya asked.

“I’m not sure. she should be out here soon.”

Sure enough, moments later, Kate appeared at the pool’s far end, flanked by a magnificent animal. She walked toward the group with her long raven hair flowing like a silky veil behind her. Wearing a nearly transparent black one-piece bathing suit, 4” sandal heels, and leading a huge steel grey mastiff with a red bow around his neck, Kate strutted to the open cabana. All eyes followed her graceful moves, particularly Tonya, who had a ‘thing’ for mastiffs. Kate stopped in the shade of the small structure and looked straight at Tonya with a sly smile.

“As you all know, today is Tonya’s birthday, and I promised her a special surprise. Well, here he is! This big boy is named Tank. He’s four years old and very well trained, which was a surprise for me since I DIDN’T train him,” Kate paused for emphasis, letting the women digest that, then continued. “I met Tank at the last Dog Show I attended and was struck by his presence. His owner was looking to sell him even though he ran a kennel, and Tank had a few blue ribbons to his name. I figured he was just looking to make a buck, so I bought him for a reasonable price.”

Kate squatted beside Tank, stroking his soft fur, then turned back to the group. “Who wouldn’t fall in love with this handsome face.”

She roughed up his joules, then stood again. Tank just sat there and enjoyed the attention. His 135 pounds of muscle rippled as he panted, watching the women sitting around the pool.

“I brought him home that night and was eager to begin his training since this meeting drew near. So I led him to the basement and got things prepared for our first lesson in fucking a human bitch. I was happy to find out he was very interested in licking, and I’ll tell you ladies, his tongue is talented,” Kate paused, waiting for the cat calls and whistles to die down, then continued her tale.

“But when I turned onto all fours to see what he’d do, I got more than I bargained for. He mounted me like a pro, and I was knotted in minutes. I couldn’t believe it, but I now had a good idea why his owner wanted to get rid of him. He must’ve found out his wife was fucking this big boy when he wasn’t around. I would’ve enjoyed talking to her had she been at the show,” Kate stopped again while the women cheered and made hateful remarks about the man who sold her Tank.

“We were tied for over 40 minutes before his knot shrank enough to pull out without ripping me open. He’s a very gentle lover and even laid down after he turned. It was the easiest training I’ve ever done and the most pleasurable. So. Tonya, could you please come up here?” Kate asked, knowing she wouldn’t have to ask twice.

Tonya was on her feet quickly and didn’t bother with her heels as she strode to Kate’s side. It took all her will not to run. She petted Tank and stroked his fur; her pussy was already dripping with anticipation. Tank noticed her aroused state, poking his nose between her legs and giving her a taste of what was to come. Her body visibly trembled, and all heard her soft moan. Tank’s large cock began to emerge from its sheath as well.

“It looks like you two were meant for each other,” Kate commented, seeing their instant attraction. “Why don’t you use the cabana? It’s more comfortable, and you can close the curtains for some privacy.”

“I’m not shy. I don’t mind showing off my birthday present,” Tonya replied and received a rousing cheer from the other ladies.

“Enjoy yourself!” Kate said, kissing her on the cheek, then joined Melissa in the shade.

Tonya led Tank up the steps and into the cabana. She removed his leash, untied the bow then sat before him on one of the soft couch cushions with her legs spread wide. Tank immediately began licking her moist folds, making Tonya moan in ecstasy. She leaned back into the plush pillows while fondling her huge tits.

Wet lapping sounds filled the air, joining her lustful cries. The women shouting encouragement and lewd suggestions fell silent as they watched Tank devour Tonya’s wet pussy with enthusiasm. She scooted her plump ass to the edge of the cushion and was bucking into Tank’s face in time with his lapping. Within minutes she had her first orgasm.

“OH FUCK! OH YES! LICK ME, BABY! LICK ME! AAAAAHHHHHH!” she screamed as the first wave of pleasure crashed into her.

A more subdued cheer went up from the audience as they enjoyed the show. Fingers circled erect clits or dipped into wet slits as all eyes remained glued on Tonya and Tank. Nipples were pinched, and breasts massaged while envious thoughts crossed the minds of the horny women. Even Kate was close to orgasm from the scene of debauchery playing out before her.

Tonya wanted more of Tank’s well-trained tongue, so she raised her feet off the floor and held her legs open with her hands behind her knees, allowing it to penetrate deep into her love canal. He licked her from stiff clit to puckered ass hole again and again, bringing on a second orgasm. As her body quaked with tremors of pleasure, Tank reared up and placed his front paws beside her arms, trapping her thighs against her chest.

His thick cock, now fully erect, sought entrance to her clenching pussy. The hot dog flesh pressed into her juicy furrow, sliding up and down its length. It dragged over her inflamed clit adding to her lustful frustrations. She wanted him inside her and frantically tried to angle her hips to accept his fiery tool, but he wasn’t quite close enough. Tonya finally grabbed his flanks and pulled him to her while rocking her hips toward him.

The tip of Tank’s cock disappeared into her slippery hole, then he thrust forward and buried eight inches of rock-hard, throbbing dog dick in her. Tonya gasped as if to scream again. No sound was heard except the ladies watching, who moaned in empathy with her impalement. Tank moved closer then his hips became a blur of motion, driving the rest of his rigid member into Tonya. Now she screamed in pure animalistic desire as Tank fucked her. She was totally at his mercy, folded in half on the padded couch.

“GOD, HE’S HUGE!” she shouted between grunts. “FUCK ME! YES. FUCK ME!”

Tank’s hammering thrusts slowed but became more determined as he tried to embed his knot into his black bitch. Tonya could feel his knot pounding at her entrance, and she did her best to relax, but it was enormous. Tank shifted again, and with better traction, he forced his swollen knot past her tight opening. Tonya screamed again, this time in pain. The dog Tank continued to push into her even though he succeeded in tying her. When he stopped, Tonya felt his knot balloon inside her pussy, and a geyser of scolding dog cum began to fill her womb.

The pain she felt from the initial penetration of his knot quickly faded as waves of pleasure radiated outward from her stuffed pussy. The throbbing knot on her g-spot was like a ticking timer to an orgasmic time bomb about to explode. Each pulse brought her closer to release until she erupted. The dog Tank stood still, filling her with sperm, while Tonya writhed in ecstasy beneath him.

Eventually, Tank climbed off her and stood with his furry ass pressed against hers. Tonya dropped her feet to the floor in relief as her legs began to cramp, but her body was still wracked with contractions from the ongoing orgasms she was experiencing. Her right hand clenched her right breast while she sucked on her left nipple. Her moans rose and fell with the tide of pleasure flowing through her. Every time Tank shifted his weight, Tonya would be washed away on a sea of ecstasy. Her only fear was that she’d pass out, and Tank would try to lie down, dragging her to the cabana floor.

Her solution was to run her feet along his body while speaking to him calmly. There was an added benefit to doing this as the motions of her legs made his knot shift slightly back and forth, fueling the orgasmic inferno raging inside her convulsing sex. Tank seemed to enjoy what she was doing and remained standing while filling her with his seed.

Kate rose and walked toward the cabana. Her pussy was on fire, and she decided to have the ladies choose their partners for the evening now. Their aroused state would drive the dogs nuts, but they could relieve each other’s tensions before dinner.

“Ladies. I’d like you to follow me so you can select your mates for tonight,” Kate announced from the steps of the cabana. “If you would, follow me to the kennel.”

The women gathered their things and prepared to follow her.

“Take your time,” she said to Tonya. “You can take Tank to the kennel when you’re done for some food, then bring him back to your room for the night if you like.”

Tonya nodded without looking at Kate, air hissing in and out through her clenched teeth as she was cumming very hard and couldn’t make a better reply without screaming again. Her freshly manicured nails were dug into the cushion while she bucked her hips into Tank. She and Tank were soon alone at the pool, but she didn’t care. All she wanted was to keep the overwhelming pleasure going, and it did for another half hour.

When Tank’s cock finally shrank and slipped from her pussy, Tonya felt relief and sadness simultaneously. Cum splashed onto the wood floor and soaked into the cushion she was sitting on. Her pussy felt so empty, bringing her mood down, but her sore muscles needed a break.

The dog Tank briefly licked up the remnants of their combined fluids leaking from her, then lay on the floor to clean himself. ‘I hope he will be ready for more of me later,’ she thought as she rested on the couch, ‘I know I want more of him tonight. This day’s not over yet!’ A broad smile spread across her lips as she imagined what the evening might hold for her.


To Be Continued…?



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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