The Monster

By Michelle M.

I am the first one to agree. My body has big double F tits, short dark hair, olive skin, a small waist, and an attitude towards sex as open as anyone I have ever contacted.

I got into one of the top universities recommended for a future in the FBI by visiting our high school women’s counselor. Slipping in his office just before his office hours were ending, closing the door, locking it, stripping off my one-piece wrap, dropping to my knees, taking his cock out, stroking it, licking the underside, then swallowing the entire shaft. Bobbing up and down until he exploded in my mouth, swallowing all he gave to me, moving up to kiss him, whispering, “I need to get a recommendation to such and such school. If it is a good one, I won’t be leaving until August. I can stop by twice a week and entertain you. What do you say?”

He made a personal phone call the following morning, I had the letter of acceptance two days later, that evening I had him fuck me, from then on, until I left, it was always his choice, fucking me, a blowjob or in some cases if he were up to it, both.

When I graduated from the university, I had completed the work and had a straight 4.0 GPA, but the top jobs are many times taken by those who have money, I did not. Doing some research about the lady who finalized the interviews, I found out she secretly liked women, and she enjoyed picking them up at a club she loved.

Friday evening, I sat at the bar, sipping on a diet drink, watching for her to come in. She was a very pretty lady, blonde hair, nice size boobs, and a figure to die for. When she was just a few feet away, opening and closing my legs, I swung around towards her, easy to see there were no panties on. She did not miss any of that. Sliding up by the empty seat next to me, “Hi, I’m Sharon. I don’t think I’ve ever seen in here before.”

Smiling, turning my seat to her, “I’m Nikki, no, I’m just new here, looking over potential places to work. I graduate in a few weeks.”

She asked what I had majored in. When I told her about criminal justice, she perked up. We talked more, eventually moving to a private table. As soon we sat down, she slid her hand up between my legs, my body responding by separating them wide so she had easy access.

Running her hand between my legs, slipping in two fingers, deep inside me. Pumping in and out, until I went over the edge, she leaned back, taking out a set of remote pussy lips clamps, attaching one to each of my puffy lips – when she activated the clamps, I screamed, legs went wide open, laying back in the seat – a massive orgasm washing over my entire body.

Adding nipple clamps, also remote, she had me completely under her control, eventually taking me home with her. The first time I’ve ever experienced any bondage lifestyle, she helped me into a well-equipped room, BDSM toys everywhere. I was in a helpless haze, my body shaking from the sexual stimulation she had just introduced me to. Securing me to a large cross, laying down, she secured my wrists to the crosses above my head, then my ankles to the bottom of the cross. Somewhere in the process, she had undressed me, leaving me stimulated and so aroused. Pushing a vibrating dildo up inside me, she took a seat by my side, “Now Nikki, tell me all about you and what you are going to do when you graduate?”

I was looking at her when I told her. I was in such an unfamiliar state, I told her I had hoped to join the FBI as an agent, but I didn’t have the money or the clout to get the position. I swear I saw a twinkle in her eyes.

Running her hand over my one breast, enjoying the way my nipple clamped, was coming to life, every so often, watching how my nipples were hard, “Honey, I may be able to help you, but first let’s see how much you enjoy the playroom.” I have no idea if she knew I had wanted to meet her to get in the company, but whatever, she hooked up electrical lines to each of the clips on the side of my pussy lips, then leads to each nipple clamp. Turning on a random switch, one nipple would light up from an electric shock, then both nipples, one side of my pussy both, one side then a nipple – everything was a random charge.

While this was spiking me erotically to an all-new high, she began to drip some hot wax between my breasts, occasionally taking a cane, smacking the insides of my thighs, raising welts, but enjoying how long I writhed from the pain.

I was not aware, but she kept a close eye on the area all around my pussy entrance. The lips specifically, then placing a separator between my lips, she could easily see the pink area inside. Pushing an anal plug up inside me, one that expanded every so many seconds, until it would become extremely uncomfortable, turning up the pain applied to each nipple, she would run a finger over my opening then smile and proceed with different pain techniques, including the arches of my feet, my clit, and some others.

These games triggered multiple orgasms, something I’d never experienced in my life. Undoing all of the restraints, helping me and my bruised body to a hot tub, stripping down nude also, joining me in the tub, laying me back between her legs, lightly massaging my breasts, running one hand down between my legs, massaging the puffy lips I now had, kissing my neck.

“I’ll have a proposition for you. I’ll get you in the bureau, and if you agree to move in here with me, we’ll spend at least three nights in the playroom, taking you deeper and deeper into the bondage lifestyle. You will also accept a collar I have for you; everyone will know you’re not only into this lifestyle but that I own you. What do you say?”

My eyes were closed, enjoying the aftereffects this evening had introduced me to and a sexual world that I had never even dreamed of. Considering the vast amount of furniture and toys she had in that room, I have no idea how many climaxes I would experience, but if tonight was any indication, I was all in. Turning to kiss her on the mouth, wrapping my arm around her neck, pulling back from the kiss, “I would love to move in, to have you own me, to make me your play toy, but why me and not some other girl?”

She smiled, “There have been a lot of very cute girls contact me, in various ways, to see if I could help them get in, but you are the first on who has all the quantities of being a true pain slut. I think with time and the right pain, we could have you climaxing with little or no effort, just applying pain. I belong to a club that meets monthly. When I show them, we have potentially a living slut. I’m sure all will want to play with you.”

Laying there in a sexual erotic haze, my body never felt better than it was at this moment, watching get out of the tub, coming back in, keeling by the tub, placing a beautiful leather collar around my neck, in small letters it said, “Property of Mistress Sharon.”

She showed it to me. I loved the smell of expensive leather. Turning it around in my hand, I noticed there didn’t seem to be a place to put a lock, asking her about this, “This has a special locking mechanism in it. As soon as I remove the protective sheet and place the metals together, it is sealed for life. You will be mine as soon as I put it on you. You still Ok with it?”

Looking at her body, never in my life feeling like I did since I meant her, smiling, “Please go ahead and clip it on me.”

I moved in the next day, Wednesday she took me into the playroom. She strapped me to a bench on my stomach, my legs spread wide apart and secured by my ankles. Wrists over the other side of the device and secured. Taking a riding crop, she laced my thighs, my bottom, and between my legs with one after the next stripes, making me cry out in pain, writhing on the bench, the pain never seeming to stop, between one strike and the next.

She had put on a strap-on dildo, one that had to be a good 10 inches long, using it to pound my pussy after the beating, only took a few strokes in me, when my body stiffened and up to this time, the most intense and massive orgasm I’ve ever experienced washed over me, leaving a puddle of cum between my legs, my body completely exhausted. Not able to focus or communicate for hours, my pussy pulsing with mini waves of pleasure taking place until I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, with a leash on my collar, completely nude, I was taken to a sister Bondage Betty club member to have my nipples pierced, large rings put in, an additional matching one piercing my clit, and a tattoo on my bottom, matching the collar, “Property of Mistress Sharon.”

Since that first night, I had become so submissive. No one would ever guess I was becoming part of the elite strike force for the unit.

The next ten-plus years had me being able to cum, almost upon command. Mistress had turned me into a true pain slut, I was rented out for weekends at various Mistress’ homes, almost every conceivable form of bondage and torture were tried on me, when nude my body contained multiple scars, from past pleasures, a boob job now had me sporting around a set of double, big double F’s, with nipples that now stood more than one inch long, the big rings making them always sensitive, my pussy had been used and tortured so many times, my lips were puffy always looking like they were swollen and like my nipples so sensitive, I never wore panties having to be careful to only wear baggy shorts. I had become a walking sex explosion waiting to be set off.

Professionally I had obtained some of the highest positions, making my lover so proud of me. Having just joined an Inter-Galactic search team, one of our first assignments was to locate a group of literal monsters terrorizing the population of numerous settlements, the leader who was said to have superpowers, able to change the sex on any of his victims.

The description of him was vague since his targets had been sexually stimulated. Still, he was big, powerful, had hands made of some metal, with pins, thousands of pins in each one, able to inject some erotic drug, sending them and the body part he touched into the lust-filled haze. We had no idea how he did this; the survivors were only able to tell us that they had never experienced this type of pleasure when it was happening. Once they were there, nothing could save them.

Arriving in the midafternoon, reports had come in. A special team of 6 highly skilled women was chosen to hunt him down. I was lucky enough to be on that team. We had received information he had been seen, by himself, on a densely populated plant, known as #64. It had vast amounts of a muddy-like surface but was still able to walk on the surface. He was still there. Several men and women had been taken advantage of by him. We decided to separate, going in six different directions, then radioing if we spotted him.

I had only been less than an hour after we parted, coming upon a man who had encountered him, stopping to help him. When I arrived, the guy was growing large boobs, female boobs, not male ones. The monster had enjoyed a good long round of sex with this guy, eventually depositing a load of cum, deep inside him. That is when I discovered what he was doing was much more than we had been told.

When the initial reports had come in, it was assumed he was changing females to males and males to females. When in reality, it looked like he was making everyone shemales. Trying to radio the others, it was useless. Something was preventing any communication, so all I could do was continue looking for this monster.

It was not hard to pick up his trail. The soft mud-like surface left his big ugly looking footprint clearly visible. From the print size, I estimated him to be well over 6 feet, maybe bigger, and weighing in at almost triple what I weighed. I knew when and if I found him, I’d have to act quickly. From the reports, just letting him touch you sent you sexually into an erotic haze, providing him plenty of time to use you as he had so many others.

He was moving very slow and easy to track, and I could tell I was gaining on him, suddenly my phone showed the interference had cleared up, contacting the team, I relayed I was tracking him, also told it looked like he was changing the victims to shemales. That was when another surprise hit us, each of the team members was tracking a monster, and from the sounds of it, we were all heading in the same direction.

What looked like a dried-up lake area was where I lost the one I was tracking’s trail? I caught a glimpse of the one Jenny was tracking, but like mine, he just disappeared as soon as he got into this area.

By the time Jenny and I had gotten together, the other four arrived. The dried-up lake wasn’t very big, similar to a football field, every single trail led to this area, but the footprints disappeared. Stepping out on the surface, it left a print – so we just sat down, trying to figure out what had happened to six huge monsters. Finally, the only logical decision was to walk the area seeing if we could find anything we couldn’t see from the side.

I was maybe fifteen feet or so from the side at the north end when suddenly a metal-covered hand came out of the surface, grabbing me just below my shorts on my bare skin. The effects of the drug the needles carried acted on me immediately. My pussy was soaked, nipples hard as rocks, breathing had turned to a pant now, and eyes rolled up in my head.

Before I lost all control, I could see Jenny, Jessica, and Dee-Dee, all having fallen to the same fate.

In a few seconds, the one who had me stood up. He was well over the six-foot, I had estimated. I also couldn’t help but notice the size of his cock, at least 14 inches long, hanging down between his legs, maybe as big around as my upper arm.

While I could not do anything but stand there in the haze, he stripped off all of my clothes, took time to pull on my nipple rings and the one in my clit, causing me to moan and whimper from the pain. Moving in behind me, reaching around and cupping each breast, the many needles piercing my skin, giving me the sexual sensation I had never experienced before in my life.

While I was in this euphoric state, he began looking at the scars from the cane Mistress had given me, then the collar, finally looking at the tattoo on my bottom, “So we have a slave who is owned by someone called Sharon.” Then he said, “I wonder what?”

I was shocked that he could speak but totally not prepared when he took both nipple rings, twisting them so hard, the pain was more intense than Mistress could ever have applied, letting out a low moan. My pussy immediately spasmed, then gushed a load of milky nectar, causing him to drop to his knees, licking and swallowing all I had given.

When he stood back up, I was still in a haze, but my eyes cleared enough to see my five partners were all being fucked, now realizing we’d made a terrible mistake thinking we could stop these beasts.

If a monster could smile, this one had a big grin on his face, toying with the ring in my clit, “So we have a real pain slut, one that cums when pain is applied. I’m not going to fuck you right away. I want my brothers to see you in action. Instead, I’ll keep you on the edge of exploding until they have begun the process with your sisters.”

I begged him not to change me, to let me go, to see if I could help him some way, but he only grabbed between my legs, the needles sending me off on an erotic trip again. Eventually, the ten of them all joined us. He explained what I was, then pulling on my nipple rings again and twisting, I exploded cum all down between my legs, “I think this one will be fun to keep as a play pet, any objections to that.”

My poor companions were curled up in a fetal position as the newly introduced cum was taking effect. I looked at Susan. Her boobs were expanding to an enormous size. Between her legs was the beginning of a small, maybe 4-inch cock, but it was obvious it was growing, her pussy disappearing.

None of the beasts objected but liked the idea of having a plaything to enjoy, especially one who loves pain.

My eyes cleared enough to see the one who had captured me was stroking his cock. It was huge, standing straight out. Two of his friends picked me up, spreading my legs wide open for him. He rubbed the head of his shaft back and forth between the lips of my pussy, then pushed it in me in one smooth jolt.

It wasn’t painful. For some reason, maybe the drugs had opened me up to accept something so big, but it did fill me up. I’ve never felt anything like this in my life, never had anything so deep in me. Mistress had used me many times with large dildos, but nothing was like this. Even though I knew what was coming, sex was far more important to me. Tightening my body around his shaft, locking my legs to his side, the two companions had one hand on each tit, sending a jolt of drugs directly to my body. Bouncing on his cock, pushing back for more, one of them said, “She is one sexy bitch. No one we have ever raped has acted like this one is. She will be so much fun.”

I have no idea how long he pounded in and out of me. I do know I experienced more than one climax while he was at it, then suddenly buried deep inside me, I felt a flood of his warm cum begin to fill me up. It seemed load after load followed by even more was put in me, finally stopping but staying hard inside, blocking any from running out. Again time was of no value. I enjoyed having him in me, knew what was coming, but in many ways looking forward to being used by the six big brutes.

It did not take long for me to feel a funny tingling in my tits, reaching up, rubbing them, feeling how hard they had become and now how heavy. That was about the time the same tingling began to take place in my pussy. Opening my legs wide, looking at how red and puffy it was, I noticed a small penis-like growth just below my clit. Reaching down, touching it, looking up at him, “How big will it get?”

Stroking his, becoming hard again, “At least as big as mine, maybe bigger.”

“What about my tits? How big will they get?”

“We will have to help you walk and stand. I stayed in you for a long time, making sure the full effects of my seed took place. You’ll be able to walk a little, but not far.”

Then he rubbed one of them, “I made sure you will be lactating so that we can enjoy the warm milk you’ll be producing for us.” Then he giggled. “Your milk will make us horny. Imagine that, six monsters all horny and you the only plaything?”

When it stopped, I was supporting an 18-inch cock and boobs so large. The normal rating wouldn’t apply. The tribe emptied my tits daily, they fucked me all the time, and I, in turn, did the same to them. As far as I know, my five companions got back safe, but now were shemales to the max, the last I saw of them, they were busy fucking each other’s brains out.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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