The Neighbor’s Dog Introduces Me To Submission

By Michelle M.

Mom thought piano lessons were something that all young ladies needed. So, at eight, she started my first piano lessons. Mrs. Thompson was a perfect teacher. She was very pretty, making me instantly fall in love with her. Different instructors were needed as I advanced in my ability. Each was special to me.

Along with becoming more efficient with this musical instrument, my body was also changing. My breasts were developing quickly. My nipples were growing. The more they grew, the increase in sensitivity kept blooming. Eventually, I had to start wearing larger, lightweight tops in my early teens, so I wasn’t always aroused.

That was also the time I needed to make a change with instructors. The one most recommended was a young single lady named Chrissie. She taught full-time and came from a family of old money. I had played for one of the local symphonies before opening her private school.

By this time, my body, mind, and internal feelings had me increasingly interested in girls, not so much boys. When I met Chrissie for the first time, it felt like we connected with the music and something more personal. Being as young and inexperienced as I was, my feelings were new. Most of the time I was with her, I was always confused.

She entered me into a competition when I turned 18, and we practiced for hours, but it paid off, or I should say we won the event. That was on a Wednesday evening, Friday. I was back at her place for a small celebration. Answering the door, a full-body hug made me so excited, neither of us breaking, as she slid her hands down my back, cupping my cheeks, pulling me easily to her, pressing her body against mine. Breaking a few moments, kissing me.

“I’m so proud of you. You’ve become so proficient with the keys. I think this afternoon we can celebrate with a glass of wine, what do you think?”

This wasn’t my first time tasting alcohol, but it felt natural. While she poured our drinks, I played a slow, written melody on the piano. She listened to it, moving in behind me, setting our drinks on a table by the side, slipping her hands down the front of my loose-fitting blouse, cupping each breast, and kissing my neck.

“This has to be one of your originals. I love it.”

What she was doing to me had jetted my arousal slowly but continually. Moving to the sofa, my blouse was off, and we continued to make out. Our hands were between each other’s legs. I was rubbing her. She had two fingers up inside me, pumping in and out. We hadn’t been doing this very long before I enjoyed my first lesbian climax, arching my back, so intense, making my body shake, screaming just as I coated her hand.

Since this was my first experience making love to a woman, we moved out to her patio, stripped down nude, and joined each other in a hot tub. That evening, she showed me how to pleasure her. Then, once again, my instructor brought me over the cliff the second time that day. When I got home that evening, I was a new girl who now knew in my heart my future partners would be females and only females. This relationship lasted for a few more months. Eventually, I entered college, where a new instructor/lover was found. This brings me to the current time.

College years, early first-time positions, and advancements in my profession, all these years were combined with multiple affairs, some long-term, others one-night hookups. All were enjoyable, and now I own my home in an upscale neighborhood. I am still single and enjoying a fun weekend or one night of excitement. However, that may change due to my neighbors selling their home to another single lady. One looks like she may be very close to my age and extremely attractive. She had large breasts, a perfect figure olive skin, very similar to my color. When I watched her with the realtor looking at the home, it was obvious she had the same desires I enjoy. Now, I wait for her to move in.

The day the moving van pulled up, I made a welcome basket for her. Later that afternoon, the van pulled away, and that was my cue, knocking at the front door.

“Hi, I saw you moving in. Welcome to the neighborhood. My name is Nikki. I live next door. I thought you might like a few yummies while settling in.”

I had put in a few naughty items for her to look at. One was a colorful, large, vibrating dildo. We laughed when she picked this one up, telling her that when she needed a little ‘pick me up,’ this was always ready for her. That made us instantly good friends while we laughed at how fun this thing looked. She suggested I come back over that evening; she’d provide the steaks, and I’d bring the drinks. We cook on her BBQ, then we’d have time to get to know each other.

Dressed in a very revealing jumpsuit, one that barely covered my boobs, no panties meant the shaved pouty pussy was on full display as well. A pack of wine coolers seemed perfect for the occasion. When she answered the door, looking at how Sue was dressed took my breath away.

“OMG, you look stunning.”

We hugged, allowing this to last longer than normally would be acceptable. Finally breaking, escorted her to the back area, which was when I met the other member of her family. A large combination of a lab and a mountain dog named Charlie. He was friendly, with soft hair, which seemed like a perfect pet to enjoy. Kneeling to greet him, it seemed he was kissing me like a human would. More than surprised when his tongue entered my mouth, searching inside like a long-time lover.

Finally pulling back, Sue was laughing. “Charlie is so special. I don’t know what life would be like without him.”

She told me he had found her one day while jogging in a park near her home. He followed her back but didn’t seem to belong to anyone. Then she stopped. Her eyes got a distant look.

In a whisper-like voice, she said, “He has been mine, or I should say I have been his, ahh, plaything, since then.”

Looking at her, not sure what she meant by her being his plaything. Looking at him again, he seemed to have locked onto me, his eyes making me feel strange. Shaking it off, the steaks were perfect, and a few coolers had us feeling no pain. I noticed the dog kept watching with an odd look on his face, something I’d never seen before on any dog, almost like he knew something that was his secret.

During the meal, there were multiple times when we made body-to-body contact, relaxing on a large comfy sofa. Our hands running up and down on our bare legs. Eventually, my legs opened wide, allowing her hand to move up slowly. Starting to rub over my sex. As soon as she touched that magical area, total body arousal shot over every inch of my body.

After all these years of looking for the perfect companion, the search seemed to end this evening. She had me nude in no time, moving between my legs, a talented tongue and mouth, making me arch my back, squeezing my boobs, and pulling on my nipples. In no time, my body shook and then exploded from what she had been doing to me.

As soon as I recovered from this pleasurable experience, we switched positions, anxiously moving between her legs. She was already dripping some juices. Licking her puffy lips. Making sure my tongue forced its way between them. Suddenly, I stopped when the taste hit my taste buds.

Ever since the experience with my piano teacher just a few weeks ago, I have enjoyed the nectar each companion shared with me. But being with Sue was different. Not anything even similar to other women, more of wild taste. Still erotically exciting but so different.

She noticed I had stopped, pulling my head back. “I know my pussy tastes different than most women. It has to do with a special juice that is added continually. I hope you still like the taste?”

I had never tasted anything like this before, but I’d also never felt as aroused and strange as I did with this. Shaking my head, I told her I loved the taste. It was different, but it still made me even more horny than I had been with other women.

My fingers were exciting her clit, while the tongue and lips worked deep inside her. I was hitting the correct points. In no time, she screamed, grabbed my head, pressed it to her pussy, and exploded a warm, steady stream of juices into my mouth. When I savored it by swishing it around, it felt like a gooey substance had combined with her juices. Nevertheless, it sent me into a heavenly fog. I flopped on my back while licking the excess off my face and lips. There was a different substance that felt almost like milky pudding. But it tasted so wonderful I never mentioned anything about it.

That evening, we moved into her bedroom, making love all evening. The next day moved to my place and had breakfast there all the time, enjoying the sexual fire that seemed to have no end.

I met in the city on Monday morning with the company I worked for. She was going to be home all morning, continuing to unpack, so we planned on having an early dinner when I finished. As luck would have it, as soon as I arrived in our corporate offices, a bomb threat was called in for our building. The CEO rescheduled the meeting since we had several phone calls from out of town. Arriving home, I slipped into a teddy-like negligee and headed next door to surprise my love.

Knocking at the front door, no answer. It was locked, the side gate was open, and her car was in the garage, so I headed to the patio, figuring she was working in the back someplace. As I rounded the corner, what I saw stopped me. The love of my life was on all fours, leaning over the large, over-stuffed ottoman. Charlie had mounted her, his huge cock plunging in and out of her body.

I have listened to her scream, writhe in place, hump my face. At the same time, I gave her the best pleasure I knew how to do. Still, watching her react to his cock pounding in and out, the large knot pressing to go inside, was unlike any reaction I could ever have even dreamed of doing to her.

Frozen in place, her face was away from me, but the hound knew immediately I had come into view. Never slowing his rhythm, he made eye-to-eye contact with me. It felt like he was trying to hypnotize me while I watched. Seems it took forever to break eye contact with him. My whole body tingled, feeling like I was in an erotic haze, unsure of what was happening.

I was aware of relations between animals and humans, but to see it happening plunged me into a dumbfounded haze. Backing away, his knot had pushed inside, and my lover had screamed like nothing I’d ever heard. It looked like she was exhausted, collapsing on the soft surface. At the same time, he pumped that creamy liquid inside her.

Returning to my backyard, not bothering about getting dressed. Flopping down on a lounge. Things started to make sense; first, that strange taste she had when I ate her was the residue of her hounds cum. Second, he must be fucking her regularly to leave that much of his seed inside her, and third, I had no idea this type of pleasure was even possible.

I was lying there in a sexual haze, not focusing on anything specific. That all ended when I saw Charlie come through the gate of our combined properties. He was trotting steadily, seemingly knowing exactly where he was going. As soon as he spotted me, those seductive eyes locked on mine. Even at this distance, they looked like they were flashing, maybe spinning or sparkling. Whatever was happening, somehow, they had me locked into them.

The closer she got, a wave of fear came over me. There were so many emotions taking place I was unable to move. I didn’t want anything to do with what I witnessed my neighbor going through. Even though I knew he had no magical power, I was in total fear and couldn’t move a muscle.

His head went between my legs, that large tongue covering the entire area, the roughness licking while stimulating me into an instant arousal.

Somehow, he either moved me to the edge of the lounge or slid down. Either way, my legs were hanging over, my bottom on the edge. He was always licking, teasing, pushing that marvelous tongue deep inside me, making me twist from side to side, driving me deeper and deeper into this erotic haze. Before this morning never knew any of this was even possible.

He kept me in this excited state for a long time, eventually jumping up on me, his long, thick shaft penetrating me in one plunge.

When I was a kid, our neighbors bred dogs, always having a few puppies for sale, so I’ve seen how this takes place. The male mounts the female, pumping her a few times. As soon as the knot is in place, he empties his seed. Then stays in place until the knot shrinks, allowing him to pull away.

With him in me, that is what I was expecting. Instead, he pumped me rapidly and hard, but not for a short time. It seemed to go on and on. Since I was on my back, what he was doing to me, being so large and longer than I’ve ever had in me, I was grabbing his soft hair, my hips pressing back into him, trying every way possible to enjoy the pleasure that had been building.

But I didn’t feel any knot, just the pumping, the rapid pumping. Then suddenly, when I was close, Charlie slowed down. His size, the rapid pumping then slower, triggered a new set of feelings. All I can describe is mini, small orgasms, one after the other, making my pussy spasm around his shaft. Emptying small amounts of liquid over and over. This was when I was sure, the strange taste that had been so different when I ate my neighbor. It had been doggy cum. I had been swallowing doggy seed.

He seemed to be enjoying what was happening to me. He’d speed up, then slow down. Harder, then barely move inside me. All the time, I kept exploding with these new small climaxes again and again.

Without understanding why, the knot suddenly started pressing against me. It only took a few tries to slip in easily, no pain, no discomfort, just a feeling of total fulfillment. As soon as it was in the warm, almost too warm, seed began filling me up. This was all I could take, screaming at the top of my lungs, my body shaking just as I exploded. So much liquid flooded me, more than I’d ever enjoyed.

The body kept shaking and exploding like Sue did when I watched her. That was all I could take, eyes slowly closed, head turning to the side, sleep taking over a completely exhausted body. He had pulled out of me, laying on his side, resting on the grass. Waking, Sue was sitting by me, her hand rubbing my tummy, drifting between my legs, up and down the inside of my thighs.

“So glad to see you awake, Nikki,” Sue said. “I know what happened is a lot to take in. Believe me, if I had been able to keep this away from you, I would have.” Then, looking at Charlie, Sue said, “I am his bitch. I have been since the first time I met him. When you came over to meet us, he waited to make you one of his bitches as well.”

She told me that he had taken over her body when she first saw him. The way he seduced me was exactly the way he had done to her. Sue said, her eyes were moist, “He gives me more pleasure than I ever thought possible, and yet it is still hard to understand that a dog owns me.”

The more we talked, everything seemed to fall into place. We had no idea what type of dog Charlie was, if he was even a dog. She shared with me, “His cum seems to be addicting. The more I get, the more I need from him.”

Mid-afternoon, we had made a light snack when Charlie pushed his nose between my legs. Somehow, I knew what he wanted, also realized there was no way I could refuse him. This time, kneeling on a seat cushion, laying over a large ottoman, there was no licking, not taking his time. I was his. Charlie knew it, and he knew I knew it as well.

Jumping up on my back, the wonderful, marvelous cock slipped up inside me, causing me to give a low moan. Looking at Sue, her hand was between her legs, pumping two fingers in and out of her pussy. The steady pumping started. How long, I had no way of knowing. When he changed speeds, like before the mini explosions started, he triggered a low whimper out of me. I was thinking, ‘What is he doing to me?’ Eventually, the knot slipped in, and my pussy was filled with the warm seed, setting off a massive orgasm, maybe even more erotic than the first time.

To my surprise, he pulled out of me, mounting my new girlfriend’s back. Now I was close to him and could see what he had done to my body.

How was it possible for him to fuck both of us as he did, fill us with so much of his seed, without ever taking a break. That evening, we were in my hot tub, enjoying how good it felt to be making out slowly with someone so stunningly beautiful and one who shares a secret lover between the two of us.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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