The Sinner

By Zorro.

Priscilla – a masochistic and inordinately submissive 44-year-old – is rated as a luscious creature.

Her hair was black; she had svelte legs and medium-sized tits, while she sported a round tush.

But her female friends would’ve been shocked had they known she was her town’s easiest lay.

Visiting live sex clubs aroused her, and she fornicated with truckers at highway rest areas. As well she frequented bars and propositioned strange guys to bed her.

However, she regularly attended an evangelical church, as she did on a Sunday morning in May, when she noticed two white men she had seen before.

Curious, she approached them in the parking lot after the service and introduced herself. “Hello, I’m Priscilla.”

“Nice meeting you. I’m Nigel, and this is Sean. We’re researchers at the university,” the 36-year-old Nigel answered.

“We’re interviewing Christian wives about their sex habits,” the 27-year-old Sean explained.

“My husband divorced me last year, though I’ll be your subject. There’s a diner a block down the street. Why don’t we have some coffee there?” Priscilla suggested.

“Okay,” Nigel agreed before the trio walked to the restaurant.

A waitress served their drinks as Nigel removed a notepad and pen from his pocket. “Okay, my first question is, how old were you when you lost your virginity?”

“Sixteen,” she responded.

“You’ve been active ever since?” Nigel inquired.

“Yes,” Priscilla said.

“You don’t feel dick-starved?” Sean mirthfully asked.

“No, I don’t,” Priscilla replied.

“Are there any sluts in your congregation?” Nigel said.

“I–I’m a slut,” she confessed.

“Do the parishioners know?” Sean smirked.

“I hope not!”

“You don’t want a scandal, do you?” Sean said.

“No, sir.”

“Do you have anything else to say?” Nigel asked.

“My – my dog, Buster, mounts me!” Priscilla stammered.

“Bestiality’s an abomination!” Sean snorted as Nigel laid a ten-dollar bill on the counter before leading her and Sean to his car.

She and Sean sat in the back seat, Nigel in the front.

“Give me directions to your house,” he commanded.

She obeyed, and they soon arrived at her residence, followed by them going into her living room.

Sean raised her dress and remarked, “She’s not wearing panties.”

“The whore isn’t modest,” Nigel answered while he and Sean undressed.

“Your penises are huge!” Priscilla verbally admired Nigel’s eleven-inch cock and Sean’s thirteen-inch pole.

“She thinks our dicks are monsters!” Sean remarked.

“Her sinful deeds!” Nigel said as he forced Priscilla to her knees and drove his pecker into her mouth.

“Suck, you little viper!” he growled as Sean sank his prick into her asshole.

“Is there an obscene stench in your sewer-pussy, huh?” he asked.

“Huh-hmmm!” she murmured.

At that moment, Nigel fiercely slapped her lovely face. “Did that hurt, bitch?” he yelled.

“Are you mistreating Satan’s daughter?” Sean inquired.

“She was born in hell, which will be her eternal destiny!” Nigel crowed.

“That’s right, fool!” Sean jeered.

‘I’m a fool,’ she thought while she had a moaning orgasm.

“She’s praising the devil!” Sean said.

“She’s worshipping her daddy!” Nigel responded as he unloaded in her mouth.

“Curse you!” Sean jeered while shooting his wad into her bowels.

Briefly, the studs glared at her until Sean said, “You’re a filthy Jezebel, aren’t you?”

“Yes!” Priscilla answered.

“You understand that god condemns filth, don’t you?” Nigel asked.

“I deserve condemnation,” she answered.

“All whores do, and it’s time you showed us your depravity!” Sean growled.

“Yes, sir.”

Priscilla stood, went to the backyard, and returned with Buster.

“Hi, boy,” Nigel greeted him.

“Hey, Buster, you should marry your girlfriend. You wouldn’t divorce her, would you?” Sean asked before the canine reared and shoved its seven-inch red boner in her vagina.

“Screw the animal for Jesus!” Sean cackled.

“Hallelujah!” Nigel exclaimed.

“Fuck me!” she panted, while it amused Sean and Nigel to watch Buster rutting her until he jizz-filled her snatch and withdrew from her.

“You’re Buster’s wife,” Sean announced as he and Nigel pissed into her ‘oral goblet’ to seal the union.

“I’m a filthy Jezebel and an abomination!” Priscilla crooned, then startled Nigel and Sean by asking them to rape her at least once a week after that morning, with them wishing they could oblige her—in church!


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here. This story was originally published with the title of ‘Screwing The Animal.’

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