
By Shady Lady Julie.

Justine stepped outside for a smoke to escape the two birthday parties in full swing that were making the bar crowded and noisy. Since her divorce a few years back, she had thrown herself into parties and clubbing enthusiastically, making up for lost time as the specter of her 30th birthday loomed ever closer.

Sparking a conversation over a shared light, Justine began chatting with Andy, who was with the other party. As they chatted, they found themselves comparing notes about their respective divorces. Justine would have put Andy close to 40 and could see he had kept himself in excellent physical condition. He was attentive and charming, and she was drawn to him.

They hit it off so well that, throwing caution to the wind, they slipped into a dark alleyway where Andy fucked her hard up against the brick wall. Not content with that position, Andy did something that ignited a desire inside Justine that she never knew there. She had already orgasmed on his cock when he withdrew and spun her around, pushing her firmly over an old abandoned table.

Leaning forward, he whispered in her ear, “Now you want me to fuck you like a slut, don’t you? Take you hard in this alley as you give yourself to me.”

Justine felt herself go weak at the knees, not just from the fucking, but it was like someone had looked into her soul and seen what she craved exactly. It wasn’t brutal or nasty, but it was a command she knew she had to obey.

“Yes,” she gasped and then yelped as Andy bought his hand down on her rump.

“Yes, Master,” Andy said with firmness, and before Justine could reply, thrust his cock hard into her anal passage, burying himself to the hilt.

“Oh yes, Master,” grunted Justine as she pushed back to him. ”I am your slut.”


That was the first night of many wild adventures for Justine, as Andy introduced her to the world of BDSM, a world that Justine had only vaguely heard of but took to like a duck to water.

Justine’s marriage had become stale, with her ex-husband showing her little attention either in or out of the bedroom. Andy would complain that his ex-wife was unadventurous, but since his divorce, he had expanded his horizons considerably. He opened her eyes to a new and exciting world by introducing a variety of toys and roleplay situations.

At first, she had been scared, but Andy had reassured her that any time she felt unsure, all she had to was utter the safe words, and he would stop. Several times, she had the words on the tip of her tongue as Andy had her bound and blindfolded on her bed and used a variety of toys on her. She never uttered the words as he would stop every time just before she felt him go too far.

The one thing that Justine found strange was that they never went to his house. It was always her house or some strange and dangerous place.

When they weren’t having sex, Andy was a wonderful partner taking her to fantastic restaurants or nights out at the theatre. He treated her as his princess out of bed and his whore in bed, which suited her perfectly.

One evening, they were in one of the expensive restaurants when Justine said in a quietly pleading voice, “Please can we go to your home, Master.”

“I am not sure you are ready,” smiled Andy as he poured her wine.

“I am always ready for you, Master,” purred Justine and placed his hand on her thigh, hoping he would slide higher to her naked pussy.

Andy obliged and slid his hand up her inner thigh until his fingertips just brushed her pussy teasingly. “I have one rule in my house,” Andy softly said as he pried apart her lips gently before he went on. “There are no safe words in my house.”

Without thinking and at the same time trying to shuffle forward onto his skillful fingers, Justine moaned softly, “take me there, I agree.”

Andy signaled for the check, and within minutes they were in his car driving out into the countryside to his house.

Turning into the gates, Andy stopped the car and, taking Justine by the hand, helped her out, then said firmly, “Strip.”

As Justine removed her clothes, Andy opened a small bag that contained a collar and cuffs for her wrists and ankles. Standing in the driveway, Justine slightly shivered as she felt the chill air on her naked flesh. Andy fastened the restraints before placing the collar around her neck. Then, attaching a lead to a loop on the collar, he gently led her into the house and upstairs to his bedroom.

Laying on the bed, Justine felt him lift each ankle in turn and attach a carabiner clip to the loop on her right wrist to her right ankle. He then repeated the process with her left wrist and ankle before stepping back and admiring his handiwork. Still clothed, Andy smiled down at her, “Now I think you are ready,”

Andy left the room, returning soon after naked with an old-fashioned VCR camera pointing at Justine’s pussy, working his cock with his other hand. Justine was horrified to see the camera and tried to move but found herself unable to change her position and said loudly, “April Showers… fucking April Showers.”

Andy laughed as he said, “There is no safe word, remember, and this recording is about to get very interesting.” He whistled softly, and a huge dog padded into the room. To her shock, the dog started to sniff and lick at her pussy, sending shivers and thrills through her body. As she saw the dog’s cock start to grow, the realization dawned on her that she had been tricked, but she didn’t care.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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