Violett – I Get Ganged

By Sailbad-2. (

At the age of nineteen I left home for college and I really went out of control. I came out of the closet and immersed myself in the lesbian community. I was a big hit. There was a small lesbian tavern close to campus where I used to hang out. I was under age but I never drank anything so the management let me hang around.

One of my first lovers there used to call me Angel, it caught on, and to this day I still have old friends that call me Angel. I was real popular too – women even fought over me. It was a smorgasbord of sex and I took full advantage of it for some of the wildest times of my life. I could not get enough. I had practically everything imaginable shoved up my puss. I remember a time with one of my lovers; we were in her apartment enjoying some intense thigh riding and she stopped and asked if I want to really fly. She went into the bathroom and came back with some white powder in a baggie. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t talcum powder. She told me to relax and something incredible would happen. Man, did it ever. She smeared a bunch of the powder on her tongue and then went down on me. I was soon overtaken by orgasms that I thought were going to kill me. I lapsed into a semi-conscious state that was almost like a roller coaster nightmare. I don’t know how long it lasted but I came out of it with my lover shaking me and someone pounding on the door. I noticed I was screaming and my lover was babbling at me completely incoherently. Her face was too numb to talk and she needed me to persuade her frantic neighbor at the door that we were all right. Oh sure, I can laugh about it now but at the time it was a scary experience.

I was always hungry for more and it led me into some strange territory. One night, after being jilted by a beautiful sorority sister who said she would love me forever, I decided to give myself to a bunch of men. In my grieving mind I sought to punish her by befouling the body she would take for granted. When you’re broken hearted, self-destruction makes a lot of sense. So I oiled up, tied my hair back in a tight bun, put on a pair of horned rim glasses, put on a plain dress with nothing on underneath and I went to a porn theater. It was dark there and it had plenty of horny guys. I took a seat in the very back row and started watching the movie. I had a third degree black belt and I wasn’t too afraid of anything. The thought of being there for what I intended to do was more erotic to me than what was happening on the screen (by the way, those girl-on-girl scenes are so contrived).

My presence was making the other patrons pretty nervous but some of them just watched me. I slid down in the seat, pulled up my dress, and started to twiddle myself. A guy sitting in my row got up and came over to watch, finally asking me flat out if he could fuck that for me. I said yes, but no kissing (that would be sick). He knelt between my legs, unceremoniously entered me, and went to work. He didn’t last more than fifty strokes before he got off in me and by then we had a crowd around us. I became an amusement park ride; I braced my feet on the row of seats in front of me, took them between my thighs one after another, and let them use my womanhood. They were mostly fat, old men who were just happy to have a natural, free sexual outlet. Some of them were younger and tried to either impress me or make the most out of the situation by hogging my pussy for a marathon fuck. Some wanted to take me from behind and I complied by bending over the next row of seats and letting them clamp on to my hips and pound against my ass. One guy just liked to rub his dick on my thigh as I was being serviced and cumming on my hip.

There was this one man, though, with a short penis that had a huge cock-head like a big mushroom that I wouldn’t have minded seeing again. He was in his forties, gentle, polite, smelled good and the big head on his dick was rubbing me in just the right places. He worked real slow and talked to me while we fucked, saying intoxicatingly erotic (not dirty) things that really made me hot. I found myself lightly stroking his balls and just enjoying his cock. He pulled out and I held his weird shaped dick in my cupped hands as he came, smearing it all over him and me. I kept him close by and he whispered to me while the other guys took their turns. I worked him with my hand to make him ready for more and he gave me more. I lost him in the shuffle after his third ride and never saw him again.

What got me off wasn’t the sex so much but rather how slutty I was and, ironically, the power I had over those men. I think they would have killed for me if I’d asked them to. I had my rules and they all helped me enforce them: no kissing, keep your hands off my tits, cum only in or on my puss. It was far from romantic, I served them each quietly and for the most part unresponsively like a blow up sex toy until my cunt was too sore to use. By then there was a puddle of sperm on the seat and the floor in front of me. My pussy was soaked in it; it was running out of me like a festering wound. The hard part was getting out of there and to my car without them all following me, they all wanted to secure a future meeting or get some special favor. I declared it was time to go, pushed my way through them, and walked out to the lobby holding my skirt up out of the mess. The guy at the ticket counter gave me the strangest look as I stood there with my knees apart to let the last glob drain out, then smoothed down my dress and walked away. Luckily, I didn’t get pregnant, however one of them gave me, and for that matter all of us, chlamydia. From a lesbian’s standpoint, it was pretty disgusting but the erotic notion of being the center of a small sexual universe and the target of so much raw lust was enough to give me plenty of masturbatory fuel-for-thought in the months that followed.

I was still finding excitement from woman’s best friend, too. My most daring in those days was with a neighbor’s cocker spaniels. The neighbor lived in a house directly behind my apartment building. They were a pair of males, always perky and playful. I would reach over the fence and pet them when I went to my car, they were always so happy to see me. One day I looked over into their yard and noticed one of them humping the other. Of course his partner would have none of that, but it made me feel kind of sad for them that they weren’t getting any. Seeing it kind of made me horny and it gave me the idea to offer myself as a sexual surrogate.

The idea turned me on immensely as I lay awake that night and planned it. I would need to go late at night so that I wouldn’t get caught. I would have to wear black so that I couldn’t be seen. And we would have to work quickly and quietly so as not to alert the neighbors or the boys in the frat house next door to them. The danger of it added an extra element of excitement I could not resist. I needed a moonless weeknight, and my long sleeve black dress with the wide skirt, and a pair of my old, dark, opaque tights with an access hole cut appropriately in the crotch.

I had everything ready on an ideal occasion and I took an afternoon nap in preparation. I was so excited that night I couldn’t stop shivering. They barked at me as I crossed the parking lot but I reached over the fence so they could identify my scent and they calmed down. I climbed over the fence and stood in front of them as they leapt all over me joyously welcoming me with licks and whines. I had scoped out a clean, dark, secluded spot in the corner of the yard behind a mulberry bush as the perfect spot for our tryst and I led the dogs over to it.

I knelt down on my knees and then sat back on my haunches. Of course they jumped on to my lap and started to lick my face. We needed to get to business. I pulled up my skirt, dipped my fingers into the copious musk sweating from my labia, and smeared it all over my pubes. I held my hand up to the dogs to entice them. They got a whiff and started sniffing around to see where there was more of that stuff. I just held my dress up and carefully scanned the area as they homed in on my puss. At first they just tentatively sniffed at it but one of them snaked out his tongue and the other followed suit. Once they got started there was practically nothing that would stop them. They were pushing and nudging each other to get a better vantage like two pigs fighting over last tit. It was heaven for me and I climaxed almost immediately. One deft dog tongue can do wonders but two are incredible.

My labia were puffed out further than I could ever remember them and those tongues tugging and gliding over them was almost too much to bear. They probed in between them too and not only found my vagina but my swollen clit as well. I knelt there in the darkness holding up my dress to feed my brood their musk feast. I felt like the filthiest slut on earth and I could have just gone on with their lapping alone until I swooned from weakness but I was there on a mission and it was time to set it in motion. Taking one last careful scan around the area, I pushed them aside and leaned forward onto my elbows. I knew my boys were short so I would have to spread my knees wide to keep my quim low enough for them to reach. I gathered up my skirt and pulled it over my butt but kept it bunched up around my waist so their dewclaws wouldn’t scratch me. I was set, now it was up to them to take the initiative.

At first they were confused, they just scampered around me as though they were waiting for me to do something. They eventually remembered where the cookie jar was and started back on their licking. This time they were really digging into my vagina and even my butt hole. They kept at it for quite a while and I was starting to get discouraged when I remembered one way to get my dog started at wrestling and climbing on me was to move around. I started twisting my butt back and forth and gyrating my hips, bumping them back or pushing them away. They started getting aggressive, growling, and mouthing my hips playfully. Finally, one of them jumped up on my ass from the side and started humping my hip. Excellent, I could work with that.

He thrusted at me as his feet jumped all over. He ground his pelvis against my extended thigh and found some promising resistance with his pecker. He launched into full tilt fuck mode as his rigid little dog meat peeked outside his hood, stabbed its way into the open, and started sliding wetly along my smooth, hosed leg. His buddy noticed there was fun to be had with this strange bitch and he mounted my other thigh and started his hump. There is something about the eroticism of their paws embracing me and their bow-backed, hip-thrusting dog-hump that always gets to me. The mere thought of them pumping those slick, pink fingers of fuck-tool near my naked snatch had me ready to come all by itself. After forty or fifty strokes the first dog slid off and proceeded to lick the wet spot he left on my thigh. Meanwhile, the second dog, obviously endowed with some form of canine scientific curiosity, had put two and two together and reasoned that humping combined with that musky hole between my legs would yield more furtive results. His feet jumped and shuffled their way over my calf as he alternated his grip on my butt and he was progressing toward the silky gates. He was nothing if not diligent. In my experience with dogs, if they don’t nestle themselves in something snug after a couple dozen pumps, they give up, but this guy seemed to know what he wanted. Nature was telling him it was time to make some puppies.

As his poker was jabbing into my ass cheek I knew I had the right height and angle for a successful coupling but I needed to line him up for takeoff. Resting my shoulders on the ground, I reached between my thighs with both hands and pulled his humping pelvis into position. That was all it took as my bloated labia did the rest and guided him home like a funnel. His thrusting weapon plunged into me and a new demeanor all at once seized him. His front legs encircled my waist and his paws pressed into the tops of my thighs. His chest pressed down over my butt to give him leverage. His humping took on a fierce urgency as with one extra push his doggy cock slid all the way out of his sheath and into me, knot and all.

I moaned with delight as my ‘gina tasted penis again for the first time in months. He felt as if he was in a good five inches and that hard little knot of his was sliding back and forth deliciously in my most sensitive stretch of cunt, the first two inches. I held still and wondered how big he would get as my next orgasm consumed me. He didn’t get much bigger. His penis grew to maybe six inches but didn’t swell up quite so fat like other dog-lovers I had had. His dick didn’t assume that squishiness like my others did either, it stayed a rigid poking and plunging tool that threatened but never poked my uterus. His knot expanded to about the size and shape of two peach pits. Since it didn’t swell to lodge itself firmly, it was free to glide in and out of me and I thought I liked that even better.

The wet, sloshy sound of his knot popping in and out of my puffy labia was making a tell tale broadcast of our act but the loud rock and roll from the frat house was working well to mask it. His fellow was circling us and whining with excited anticipation like a child wanting his turn. We were understandably oblivious to him as my suitor and I were lost in our secluded rapture. There is, I think, a special transaction that takes place when two sentient beings are joined in sexual intercourse. A penis inserted into the body of another acts like an interface plug that connects the psyches of both creatures and allows them to communicate in a private language of pleasure. Sorry, that’s just the programmer in me talking.

My arms still lay limply on the ground between my knees as I lightly stroked his hairy legs. He was an excitingly energetic lover and I was enjoying his effort immensely but a frantic pace told me he was about to squirt. His thrusting became disjoint and seemingly lost its entire conscious objective until one particular blind thrust dislodged his slick dick from my twat entirely and it flailed aimlessly beneath my open puss. I felt his cock poking against my tummy and the warm sensation of his shooting sperm soaking through the pantyhose and over my skin. He climbed over my ass and stood beside me still as a statue with his weapon hanging out and squirting in the breeze, obviously enjoying the orgasm I had just given him as my suddenly abandoned crotch ached for attention.

It didn’t ache for long, the other dog, who had learned a lot from watching his pal, mounted me and was in perfect position like a natural born woman-fucker. As he thrust, the mouth of my sex sought out his delving appendage and swallowed him into my body. A dog cock is such a fantastic thing to be fucked with. It’s hard in all the right places, it has a wonderfully pliant and smooth texture that rubs a cunny just right, it’s warmer than human body temperature, it plunges in and out so quickly, it throbs so nicely when it’s still, and it’s always ready for another round in just minutes. Best of all, it doesn’t have a bothersome guy attached to it.

Doggy two’s penis was identical to his companion and so was his method. He planted himself deep, he set his rhythm, he swelled to occupy me, and I knew as I concentrated on his presence in me that when his mating was finished his fellow would replace him and then back again and I would have a long succession of mounts.

His knot drummed on my g-spot and his soft, pointy tip tickled at my cervix. My lucky cunt was getting a real treat. I could feel a long sequence of orgasms approaching me; I relaxed and fell into my dream-like surrender. I submitted to my body, to my pleasures, to the night, and to my two frisky canine lovers. A healthy sized climax seized me and I was filled with a passion to embrace the entire world and share my body with it. The idle spaniel, now finished with his ejaculation and his post-coital penile hygiene, came sniffing around my face. He started licking me and I was overcome with an urge to share a deep kiss with the benefactor of my bliss, so I opened my mouth and held out my tongue and let his rapid lapping engulf my mouth. I at once felt so in touch with both of them, one with his penis planted busily in my muff and the other with his tongue delicately crossing my own within my mouth. I was over the edge and cumming in rapid succession now. Any one stumbling over us would have witnessed the complete rapture of a woman and the state I was in left me completely defenseless and guileless to do anything more than sprawl on the ground in a delirious stupor.

My lover on top let out a hoarse whine and I could feel warmth spread around my cervix as he slowly spent himself in me. His hind legs lost contact with the ground as he stepped forward to meld his pelvis as tightly as he could to my crotch. His feet came completely off the ground and dangled beneath my hips but luckily his grip on my waist was so firm he did not slide off. I encircled his hips with my hands to hold him in place and he reciprocated by tucking his legs under my thighs and over my belly. He was wrapped around my cunt like a piggyback ride and passing me his seed while my gig popped and churned around his doggy cock. We clung together like that for about five minutes as our tender organs did sweet things to each other.

He eventually kicked free, climbed down, pulled out, and staggered off to attend to his afflicted member and then doggy one hopped on me to take his place. Our second mating was more thorough and lengthy. As he smacked his hairy pelvis against my butt his friend came up from behind to investigate our union up close. My server’s exertions were pushing a great deal of deposited semen from my vagina and when the other found it he began lapping at it and my exposed labia and clitoris. That was shear delight, at that point a news crew with floodlights and video cameras could have descended on us and I would not have cared. His tongue darted out rapidly to soak up the displaced product of his pal and my union. That quick lapping centered mostly on my cunt opening and the base of the thrusting prick clasped within but frequently strayed beyond to capture what had escaped and whenever he found my clitty I was ecstatic. I had to be careful not to start squealing as my orgasms took on whole new dimensions. When his tongue left my clit I dug my fingers in to take its place. My lucky pussy was then the focal point for eight fingers, one tongue and a pumping pecker all of them compounding such sexual joy in me I thought I might loose my sanity.

This time dog one stayed inside me for his ejaculation, which enhanced the intimacy for me and prolonged the incentive of his friend’s lapping. His feet hopped and danced between my thighs in the throes of his cumming. I was glad to give it to him and I came with him feeling his throbbing dick and that very warm deposit he was making in me. When he had thoroughly finished, he dismounted and dog two hungrily cleaned me up before his second mount. He sprang up to my crotch and in a smooth jerk of his hips married his genitals into mine and we again mingled our fluids deep within my birth canal.

And so went our orgy, fuck after fuck. I remember at one point while receiving a frantic skewering I needed to pee and rather than interrupt the party I just let it go. I squirted him as he squirted me. The stream shot out straight behind me and splattered off his dangling testicles. It dripped from our enjoined crotches as he continued his rut undeterred. It was the perfect compliment to the dirty event happening down there. The act melded in with how sensuously wanton I was feeling, fueling the fire of animal lust within me, and melting us all into a common pool of abandoned depravity. I was a dog slut being chain fucked by a tag team of sexual demons; damnation had consumed me.

I honestly don’t know how long it went on that night or how many times I was bred. It all felt like one long, seamless coupling. I finally gained my senses when my fuck-buddies were too tired to mount me again. When I got up there was a wet spot on the ground under my puss and my pantyhose were soaked in the front and down the insides of both thighs. With some effort I got back over the fence and up to my apartment. I went straight to bed curled up in a ball with a hand cupped over my soggy snatch. In the sobering light of day I felt kind of sick and guilty about what I did but that didn’t last too long. Lust overtook me and I was soon planning another venture over that fence. For most of a year I made good use of those spaniels or at least I let them make good use of me.


The End.



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