We need to talk about Harvey 2

By Shady Lady Julie.
Read Part 1 Here.


Part 2…

“Let me just check with JJ, but I can’t see it being a problem,” I said, pressing mute.

My heart was racing as the person on the other end of the phone was Kim, a long-standing friend who owned a three-year-old Rottweiler called Harvey. Harvey had fucked me senseless for a couple of days last year when I dog-sat for them and had the biggest dog cock I had ever enjoyed. To the best of my knowledge, they had no idea what I had taught their family pet to enjoy, and I was desperate to enjoy him again. I had tried a couple of times to dog sit again. Still, diaries didn’t work out, and she was asking, almost begging me, to look after him overnight this evening.

I could feel myself getting wetter as I shouted upstairs to my husband. “Darling? Their dog sitter has let Kim and Simon down and has asked me to look after Harvey this evening, so I have said yes. You don’t mind, do you?”

“No worries, babes,” he shouted. “If you remember, I am out this evening anyway.”

Despite the risk, I put my hand down my joggers, pulled the waistband open, and touched myself as I clicked off mute.

“Sure, no problems, Kim. I can look after him,” glancing at the clock. “I can be there in a few hours if that’s early enough?”

“You are a lifesaver,” Kim said. I heard her husband Simon shouting that I had agreed before she said. “You can get a Chinese takeaway, and Harvey will be overjoyed to see you.”

‘Not half as overjoyed as I will be to see him,’ I thought while sliding two fingers into my aching pussy. As I started to push them in and out slowly, I pressed the palm on my hand against my clit and could feel my excitement rising as I rubbed and fingered. ‘I am going to be his bitch. I’m going to be his bitch,’ was rushing through my brain repeatedly as I pushed deeper into myself.

“You OK, Julie?” Kim said, cutting through my fog. “You sound a little breathless. If you aren’t well, we can always cancel.”

“No, no, I’m fine,” I almost screamed. “Will see you at six,” before clicking off the call and dropping the phone onto the sofa.

Pushing my joggers further down, I finger fucked myself and rubbed my clit with my free hand, praying my husband wouldn’t come downstairs before I could cum. I flew upstairs after cumming in my living room like a cheap slut, my face still flushed, and I stripped quickly, staring at my wardrobe and considering what to wear.

“Any chance of a quickie?” my husband said as he slipped his arms around my naked form and cupped my breasts, his fingers rubbing over my erect nipples.

I reached behind and could feel his hardness through his jeans, and without speaking, I turned and bent over the bed, moving my ankles apart. I heard the sound of him unzipping and then him rubbing his cock over my naked ass cheeks.

“So slutty girl, giving yourself to anyone, are you?” he said as he dipped his hips and ran his cockhead along my sensitive and puffy lips.

We sometimes played this game where I would pretend to be a stranger picking up men and offering them free sex. We never introduced anyone else into our bedroom as he wasn’t the sharing type, but this was a fantasy we both enjoyed.

Wiggling my ass, I husked. “Anyone, as long as they are a long and hard stranger.” I then added, “And you will be my eighth tonight.”

“Oh, you little slut,” he mock growled as he pushed me over the bed, still with legs straight as he kicked my ankles apart. “I know you would like a good fucking, but bet your cunt is full-to-overflowing.”

I shivered with joy as I knew what this scenario meant, as we had played out more than once over the years. My anticipation was confirmed when I heard the squirt from the gel bottle and felt the cold sensation as he fingered a good portion into my ass.

“I think I will take your slutty ass,” he said as he worked his large finger in and out.

“Oh no, please don’t,” I said. “I’m a virgin there, and no man has ever violated me in that way. I may be a slut, but I am an anal virgin.”

This was a lie, as we enjoyed anal sex at least once a week, but it was all part of the fantasy. I felt my husband remove his finger and squirt more gel, this time onto his fat cock head, before placing it at my anal opening.

“Best you relax, girl,” he said as he sharply put his hand down on my ass cheek. “Otherwise, it will hurt more.”

I can tell you I was almost cumming before he entered me as I loved this particular fantasy and had put my hand between my legs, flicking and rubbing my clit, which was still sensitive from a few minutes before. Although we role-played various fantasies, we had never introduced another to our bedroom, though I often wished we would. I had often begged him to let us get a dog, though I never told him why. Still, I was sure that if we ever did, he would find out pretty soon, as I could never resist.

A sharp pain in my ass brought me back to the present as I felt him open my anal ring, and his cock head slipped inside. He paused for a moment to allow me to adjust to his size as it always took me a moment to adjust at eight inches and quite thick. Then he increased the pressure and slowly slipped deeper into my bowels, sending waves of pleasure through me. As I felt his strong hands grip my hips, I increased the pace of my rubbing and could feel another orgasm starting to bubble up inside.

My husband is an excellent anal fucker and can vary the pace and depth, giving us maximum pleasure. Many a time, I introduced a vibrator to my pussy as he fucked me, and we would describe a fantasy where I was being double penetrated. There was no vibrator to hand which allowed him to fuck me with greater enthusiasm, and soon his cock was slamming in and out, sending me wild. As I bucked and orgasmed under his skillful fucking, I felt him stiffen and drive in, pumping his cum deep into my ass.

Once we had returned to normal, he slowly withdrew and went to the bathroom to shower. I picked out a light summer dress and pulled it on, not bothering with any underwear, as I knew that as soon as I could, I would be under Harvey and be his bitch again. Even though he was huge, I think I secretly wished inside that he might, this time, slip and fuck my ass which was nicely lubricated with my husband’s seed. Throwing a few things into a bag, not that I would need much in the way of clothes, but I had to keep up appearances. I shouted my goodbyes and almost ran to the car.


On the drive over, I had to stuff a few tissues under myself to avoid any accidents on the seat. As I did so, I touched my pussy which was a mass of supercharged nerve endings, and nearly crashed the car as the sensations rushed through me.

It only took me over an hour to get to Kim and Simon’s house, which meant I broke the speed limit a few times, but I was eager to see Harvey again. When I arrived, Harvey jumped up at me and almost knocked me over as he licked my face.

“Looks like he is pleased to see you,” said Simon, watching the two of us reacquainted as much as we could while they were still here.

Once they left for the night, Harvey and I could get down to the proper business of getting reacquainted. I could hear Kim on the phone in the kitchen, and when she walked back into the room, I could tell from her expression that something wasn’t right.

“That was the Smiths,” she said as she finished her call. “They must cancel this evening as John has tested positive for COVID.”

“That’s a fucker,” said Simon taking his jacket off and hanging it over a chair.

“Guess you don’t need me,” I said, trying to keep the disappointment out of my voice.

I had been looking forward to feeling Harvey’s big hard cock pounding me senselessly, but it looked like that plan was dashed.

“You are right. We won’t be going out now,” said Kim. “But don’t worry, you can still fuck Harvey. We will only get to watch and maybe even join this time.”

I froze inside, trying to determine if I had heard Kim correctly or if my ears had deceived me. I kept my face expressionless and my body language natural as I laughed softly.

“I have known you for so long, Julie,” Kim said, “and I know it is pointless trying to determine whether you are lying. On the other hand, Harvey is not so good at hiding his feelings.”

Looking down, I could see what she meant as Harvey’s large red cock had almost fully emerged from its hairy sheath and started drip watery pre-cum.

I looked at Simon, who smiled at me. “She started fucking him not long after your last visit and has been ever since. It didn’t take us long to work out that you got him started with his new hobby. I would suggest that if you want some tonight, you had better get in there soon before Kim decides to get mounted.”

Kim had moved behind me, and her hands ran over my body, making my nipples stand out. I always had lesbian desires towards Kim, but she had never shown any interest previously or responded to my hints. I felt her hands slide down my sides and then move back up, but this time holding the hem of my dress.

She pulled it upwards, revealing my nakedness, and chuckled as she whispered, “Seems you were ready for my Harvey.”

She continued the dress movement until she pulled it over my head, leaving me naked in her arms. I could do little more than lean against her, feeling her hard nipples press against my back as she ran her hands over my body.

As her lips kissed my neck, she teased my clit, making me moan, and whispered in my ear, “Your cunt needs his tongue and cock in it, doesn’t it?”

“Yes…fuck yes,” I groaned, arching my hips.

This must have been a signal for Harvey as I felt his snout bury between my legs and start to lap at me. His rough and flexible tongue was amazing, working his way deeper as I leaned against Kim so I could arch my hips to give Harvey greater access. Kim supported my weight against her body, freeing her hands to twist and pull my nipples.

“Time, I think, for Harvey to reclaim his bitch.”

I turned my head slightly and could see that Simon had stripped naked and was slowly fisting his hard cock. He wasn’t as thick as my husband’s, but I knew from experience that it was almost as long. Simon and I had a fling one night before he met Kim and long before I met my husband. It was just a one-night stand and never repeated, but I remember it as a great night of passion.

Kim helped me to the floor, and as soon as I could, I rolled onto all fours and presented my naked ass to Harvey. I felt Kim caress my upturned ass cheeks as she murmured, “See Harvey, your favorite bitch has returned begging for your cock. Be a good boy now, and don’t disappoint her. Just fuck her as she craves.”

Almost as if Harvey understood the instructions as he rose and started to thrust, his cock sliding over my ass cheeks. Kim must have grasped his cock and directed it in the correct position as I could feel her hand rubbing over my swollen pussy lips. I felt the tip at my opening, and Harvey must have felt it as well as he jerked his haunches forward, burying half his cock in me. Satisfied he had found a willing receptacle for his meat, his claws clicked as he forced himself home.

The effect of having eleven inches of dog cock driven into me sent me wild. Like an animal, I threw my head back and howled in orgasm. My noises spurred him on, and he started to fuck me in the jackhammer way that only dogs can fuck, his paws wrapped around my hips, pulling me backward.

“You look amazing,” I heard Kim say.

Looking toward her voice, I could see that she was naked and about to sit on Simon’s lap in a position that would allow both of them to see me.

Harvey seemed so energetic that he fucked me without stopping, slamming his powerful hips against my ass. The force was so much my arms gave way, sending me forward to press my breasts and half-turned head against the floor. This caused Harvey to lose his balance, and he adjusted his position so one of his front paws pressed against my head, pinning me down.

“You look like the perfect bitch,” I heard Kim cry, but I couldn’t see them as I was held firm.

A feeling of helplessness washed through me, and I felt myself orgasm again as he thrust his knot inside me. His knot swelled inside as my pussy clamped around the shaft, locking us together for breeding.

Female dogs are built differently from human females; inside, there is a pocket or pouch; that the male dog’s knot expands into, sealing the pair together. This is why dogs can sometimes lock together for long periods. The lack of pocket will sometimes mean that the dog will slip out of a human after he has cum, depending on how wet and relaxed she is. On the other hand, should the female human clamp down, the dog can be locked inside for a considerable time.

It is said that some women develop a knot pocket if they have sex with a dog frequently enough. I haven’t had dog sex enough to develop the pocket, but I was very wet. I knew enough to clench inside to assist the sealing. This also has the effect of pressing the knot against the g-spot, increasing the intensity of the orgasm. As I felt the first hot jets of seed deep inside, I started another round of orgasms that seemed to roll on and on as he throbbed inside, pumping his bitch full.

Finally, after an unknown time, I felt Harvey start to tug to disengage, and I breathed deeply to assist in the disengagement process. Kim, in the meantime, had dismounted herself from her impalement on Simon’s cock. Like a contortionist, she had twisted herself under my body, so at the moment Harvey pulled free, she was able to clamp her mouth over my open cunt. Harvey leaving me caused an ache of voidness, but this feeling was quickly replaced by Kim’s darting tongue, feasting on the still-warm seed seeping from me. Not to be denied the chance to taste Kim’s sweetness, I twisted until we were in the classic 69-position. I rolled until I was on my back, Kim’s head between my thighs, and I pulled her to my eager mouth, grasping her tight buttocks.

I had lusted after Kim for a long time, and I paused for a moment to inhale her heady scent. Sliding my tongue along her lips, I tasted her juices and was rewarded with a large dollop of her husband’s seed. I love the taste of cum almost as much as I love the taste of pussy, but combine the two, and you get a heavenly cocktail. As I licked and lapped at the sweet nectar flowing from Kim, I could tell she felt the same by the way she was attacking my cunt.

I found my head being pushed out of the way as Harvey’s strong head appeared, his long pink tongue replaced mine, and he licked at his Mistress. Kim instantly went wild, and I could feel her screams of pleasure vibrate through me as Harvey drove her crazy. Harvey’s head vanished but was replaced by his rear paws as he had decided he was ready to breed another bitch. I could see his cock waving about and couldn’t resist letting it slide into my mouth so I could suck a good mouthful of his pre-cum. Letting go with my mouth, I placed the tip at Kim’s entrance and watched in awe as he shuffled forward to bury himself deep. Realizing I could get trampled by Harvey’s paws, I slid out, allowing the pair to enjoy each other fully.

“Why don’t you come here and enjoy the show,” said Simon. “Though I suspect that cunt of yours might be a little stretched after the pounding my boy has just given you.”

“There are always other alternatives,” I laughed, my eyes still fixed on Kim being pounded by Harvey’s massive cock.

Simon lay on his back, and I squatted over him facing so we could both watch Kim getting pounded by Harvey. As I lowered myself onto him, I felt him move his cock so the tip pointed at my ass. There was little resistance as it slipped in, only a few hours before my husband had taken me, and he was bigger than Simon.

I heard him groan with pleasure. “Feels like you got your ass ready for me.”

“You have me to thank for that,” said a voice at the doorway, and I looked up to see my husband standing there, taking in the scene of Kim being fucked by Harvey while I was embedded on Simon’s cock.

“You took your time,” Simon laughed. “I thought you weren’t going to come. After all, this was your idea.”

“Took me a while to get an Uber from your train station,” he laughed as he stripped quickly, his wonderful cock standing to attention.

Standing before me, he fed me his stiff cock as Simon held his in my ass, allowing me to slurp and almost gag as I enjoyed giving him a blow job. Then I felt myself being pulled gently backward and had to let his cock slip from my mouth as Simon positioned me so I was lying on top of him. My husband loomed over me and then knelt between his legs with his cock in his hand, and I knew what was about to happen. The thought almost made me cum.

Even though Harvey had fucked me and despite Kim’s best endeavors, and although I still had some of his seed inside me, it wasn’t an easy fit for him. My husband had to push hard to get half his cock in me.

“You are so tight, babe,” he whispered as he pushed harder, letting more of his cock sink deeper, Simon’s cock in my ass making me tighter.

I wanted to reply, but my head was spinning with sensations and pleasure, and I heard Kim say from across the room, “Enjoy, Julie. I love it when they do it to me, so I know how good it feels.”

I have to say I am a bit of a connoisseur when it comes to double penetration, as it isn’t as easy to get it right as many men think. I had enjoyed it many times over the years but never with my husband involved, so I was a little surprised about how good he was. It’s all about coordination. As one pushes in, the other has to hold, or if they both push together slightly out of sync, there is a danger that one will slip out. They had it down to fine art, with my husband holding deep when Simon went fast in my ass and vice versa when my husband pounded my pussy.

I could hear Kim howling in pleasure as Harvey fucked her, and I couldn’t help cumming as the sound mixed with the intense feelings. My spasming set both men off and rammed in hard as Simon’s seed joined my husband’s from earlier. And my husband’s mixed with the small amount of Harvey’s that Kim hadn’t licked out of me. Letting out a guttural roar, I felt myself black out from repeated orgasms that had crashed through my body.


The next morning as I lay in bed with my husband, I started to relive the events from the night before. While I rested against his chest, his chest hair like a soft pillow against my cheek, I casually reached for his cock and gently stroked it, feeling it stir.

“Morning, babe,” he said as he woke.

With his hand caressing my hair as my fingers worked their magic, little encouragement was needed to get him interested.

“How long?” I said as I worked him to full hardness.

He knew what I was talking about as I mentioned how long he, Kim and Simon had been in a ménage à trois.

“On and off a few years, but the addition of Harvey has only been recent. I didn’t realize you were into it so much.”

“Can we get our own dog now?” I said as I licked the end of his cock that was starting to drip pre-cum.

As I spoke, the door opened, and Harvey padded into the room, his sensitive nose sniffing the air, no doubt looking for his morning fuck. Sliding off the bed, I knelt on the floor and pulled my husband after me, as I still had a firm grip on his cock. I felt Harvey rise, and his cock begin to jab at my ass, seeking my soaking pussy. When he found it, I swallowed my husband’s cock.

“Of course, we can get our own dog,” I heard him say as Harvey began to slam his cock in and out of me, making me feel like my insides were being moved about.

Then I heard my husband’s voice again. “Earth to Julie… are you there?”

Shaking my head to clear the fog, I realized it had all been a dream, and I was still standing in my house.

“Who was that?” he said, nodding towards the phone still clamped to my ear.

Keeping my voice perfectly level, I replied. “That was Kim. Looks like my services aren’t needed to look after Harvey on Good Friday after all.”

“Oh well,” he laughed as he slapped my ass, not seeing the disappointment on my face. “We have our holiday to look forward to on Monday.” He paused momentarily, then laughed. “Did you know that the name of the Canary Islands comes from the Latin meaning ‘The Isles of the Dogs?’”


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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