A Christmas To Remember

By EquusMaxx

Chapter 1

This story begins last December at my home in the Colorado Mountains, where I was just finishing testing the new security and surveillance system. We had a mare about to foal, and I had installed extra surveillance cameras so that I could check on her condition frequently without having to bundle-up and drudge through the snow several times nightly.

It was just before dark, and I was about to go feed the horses when I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door, and to my amazement and delight, Nikki, my adopted daughter, and a strawberry-blonde female friend stood huddled closely together as they tried to hide from the biting cold air.

I quickly ushered them inside.

“What are you two doing up here?” I asked as I took their suitcases.

Nikki giggled as she took her jacket off.

“We’re on Christmas break, Jack.” She had always called me “Jack.” All of my friends always have.

Nikki knew she was adopted.

She had always called me Jack, and I never had a problem with it. To me, it was her way of keeping her individuality intact.

Realizing my impoliteness, I turned to take her friend’s jacket.

“What were you working on?” Nikki asked. “We rang the doorbell twice.”

“Sorry about that,” I said, as I turned and placed her coat into the closet, “I was testing some additions I made to the surveillance system.”

“Again?” she asked. “You’re always adding more to that thing. What now?”

“Come and see,” I said.

Nikki and Lydia followed me into my bedroom where the glow of the computer screen showed areas of every room in the house, the entry, and the sides and back of the home exterior, and of the views from the new cameras in the stables.

“They’re all easily controlled by a joystick, plus they’re all color, and I can zoom in and out,” I said.

“Why the stables?” Nikki queried.

“Because we have a mare that will be giving birth soon,” I answered.

“Baby horses? That is so cool!” Lydia said.

“It also keeps me from having to freeze myself at night to check on them,” I said.

“Speaking of cool…” Nikki smiled as she turned and walked out of my room towards the fireplace to warm up.

I couldn’t help but stare at her as she walked.

Nikki is a petite and curvaceous young lady of oriental-American birth.

She stands about 5’1” and weighs in at about 110lbs soaking wet.

We had adopted Nikki through an overseas agency after learning that we wouldn’t be able to have kids on our own.

Nikki was everything we had ever dreamed of.

She was very intelligent, with straight, raven-black hair that fell to just above her tiny waist. Her face was angelic, with steely blue eyes that could pierce your heart.

As she turned around to warm her shapely derriere by the fireside, I noticed her tiny nipples standing out firmly against her blouse, making her perfectly-shaped 36-C’s look enormous.

I turned away. She was a knock-out, but she was also my adopted daughter.

Humpy stood up and wagged his tail as Nikki patted him on the head.

“Did you forget what today is, Jack?” Nikki asked in a teasing tone.

I looked at my watch. It was December 24th…Christmas Eve.

Obviously embarrassed, I stammered, “uhh…yeah.”

I’d completely lost track of time since my wife was killed in an automobile accident several months ago when she had gone down the mountain to pick up our dogs from the local vet. Tricia (my wife), and Tasha (our female dog) had both been killed instantly. The only survivor of the accident was Humpy; Nikki’s 5-year-old “puppy.”

Humpy is actually a big, loveable mixed breed. He looks like a Golden Retriever, except that he’s about 130 lbs. He survived the accident with little more than bruises and scrapes; funny how that happens sometimes.

When we let Nikki pick out the pup she wanted from a neighboring farm Nikki didn’t name Humpy at first.

She couldn’t decide on a name until she found one that fit.

She finally decided that “Humpy” fit him perfectly because ever since he was old enough to walk, he’d hump anything- the table, your leg, whatever. I don’t think our cat will ever be the same. Animate or inanimate, Humpy would wrap his paws tightly around it and give it heck.

When Nikki told us the name she’d decided on she didn’t need to tell us why… all my wife and I could do was laugh.

We picked up our female- Tasha, from the local animal shelter just a few months earlier to breed with Humpy. She was another beautiful golden lab, and we’d hoped to have some pups when Nikki returned home from college for Christmas break.

Tasha was pregnant, and Trish had been getting her checked out at the vet. When Trish left the Veterinarian’s, to return home, the police speculated that she never even saw the semi that slammed into the SUV. The workload since then had overwhelmed me so much that I’d completely spaced everything.

Humpy is mainly an indoor pet, and he had dealt with the loss of his mate in his own way. These days he stayed by my side faithfully everywhere I went. We each somehow knew what the other was going through.

Nikki spoke and brought me out of my thoughts and back to the present, “I didn’t think you’d mind me bringing a friend by to help cook you some dinner for Christmas Eve.” Humpy didn’t want to be ignored. He lifted his head, nudging Nikki in the crotch so hard that she lost her balance and almost fell down.

Nikki laughed, bent over, and stroked Humpy’s long, silky fur.

”Hey, us old bachelors…Humpy and I…we’d love to have both of you beauties here” I said. Nikki and Lydia both smiled.

”Where’s your boyfriend?” I asked Nikki.

”He’s history,” Nikki said. “He wanted what I wouldn’t give him.”

She didn’t offer any further explanations, so I didn’t pursue it.

Nikki changed the subject quickly, “Jack, meet Lydia” she said.

Lydia, the pale-skinned strawberry blonde had removed her coat and was waiting politely for me to take it from her.

At 5’-4” Lydia was a little bigger than Nikki…in many aspects, but she was still probably only about 135lbs at the most.

I tried to lock my eyes onto Lydia’s eyes, but it was extremely difficult. Lydia was stacked with a set of large D-cups barely hidden inside a tight-clinging, low v-neck sweater.

It had been months since I’d even looked at a woman sexually. Since my wife’s death, I had immersed myself in work to forget everything, especially the pain and the loss.

I caught myself staring, looked up, and gazed deeply into Lydia’s eyes. They glowed a sparkling green that was stunning. She smiled an impish grin that not only implied that she knew exactly what I’d been looking at, but there was also a hint of approval and appreciation.

Lydia’s gaze reminded me of the sultry look in Trish’s eyes when she was very horny. As I hung Lydia’s coat in the closet, I forced the thought away, remembering that this young lady was half my age… but my cock couldn’t forget. It’d been months, and my cock was hungry for sex. Hot sex. Wild sex. Any sex.

Feeling my cock stir, and knowing that I was about to develop a growing lump in my pants, I quickly excused myself and exited the scene before I embarrassed my daughter.

”Make yourselves at home,” I said, “…and don’t worry about food…I’ve already got enough cooking for all of us in the slow cooker”. Because of all of the work I’d buried my feelings in I often made meals that would last me a day or so.

Once outside, the snowy ground slid and crunched beneath my work boots, but the winter chill did little to cool down the firey-hot poker that kept growing and begging to be released from its cotton confinements.

Inside the heated shed, I fed and watered the horses, and did my best not to think about the two hot little hard-bodies relaxing inside my home. That didn’t work very well, so I decided to take more extreme measures.

When I walked back into the house, the guest shower was steamed up, and I heard the girls talking and giggling in front of the fireplace. I surmised that the girls had taken some relaxing, hot showers.

I slipped unnoticed into the Master bedroom and showered with icy cold water. My aching cock ran and hid in fear of the freezing fluid. Convinced that I had quieted him down for a while, I donned some briefs, my loungers, a soft cotton shirt, and my favorite robe which Nikki had sent me through the mail as a birthday gift while she was away at college. The robe was made from red silk with black trim and had a gold oriental dragon design embroidered on it.

When I entered the Dining room, I was quite surprised to see the table set with our best china, some of our finest wine, and candles. Nikki and Lydia were adorned in their own silky oriental robes. From the lacy top under Nikki’s robe, I knew she was wearing a nightie underneath.

I also immediately saw what the girls had been giggling about. Humpy was licking and kissing Nikki all over, and nipping and pulling at her long hair as Nikki rolled, laughing on the large, plush floor spread.

“Same old playful dog” Nikki laughed. She rolled over and onto her knees, and as she went to get up off the floor, suddenly Humpy jumped up and mounted her, quickly wrapping his paws around her waist. It was then that I noticed the red tip of Humpy’s doggie meat quickly inching its way out of its furry covering. I had to act quickly. Humpy is not only horny, but he’s also strong and pretty darn fast at finding the mark. I leaped to Nikki’s aid and quickly grabbed Humpy’s collar, one of his forelegs, and pulled him off of her.

”Humpy sit!” I commanded him.

He obeyed, but his demeanor showed his pent-up sexual frustration. Nikki stood up quickly; a look of shocked surprise on her face.

I turned to apologize to Lydia for the horny dog’s actions, expecting to see a look of embarrassment or shock. To my surprise, what I saw on Lydia’s face was a look that revealed raw sexual hunger. I followed her gaze to see what she was looking at; it was Humpy’s semi-erect slick cock. Humpy was hung with a thick bone that was now hanging at half-mast, and about five inches long.

Lydia came out of her erotic trance and started laughing, then Nikki began laughing…and for the first time in months, I laughed too. Once again, there was laughter and love in our home. It was good.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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