A Country Boy and his Dog (Gay Zoo)

By dogbone421@aol.com.

Awaking from a sound sleep, the sunlight beaming thru the trailer window was extremely bright. I’d forgotten to pull the tattered shade down when I crawled in bed last night. After a twelve-hour shift in the coal mines, my mind was fried. Still covered in black soot on my face and hands, I was too tired to even washup when I got home. Lying here in my underwear covering my eyes with the crook of my arm, I so wanted to go back to sleep. My morning hardon was already standing tall and tenting my jockey shorts like it did every morning. Throbbing like crazy, it begged for my attention.

But my hound dog lying at the foot of the bed wasn’t having any of that now that he saw I was awake. Instantly crawling up the mattress closer to my head, he laid his big blockhead in the nap of my neck! My Adam’s apple was instantly crushed into my throat before I pushed him away.

“Get away, boy,” I moaned to him as I rolled on my side. “I wanna get some more sleep,” I pleaded!

Deep heavy sniffing was then heard in my ear as he scoped me out. He loved the smell of old sweat on me after a long day’s work. Within seconds his hot wet tongue was licking the back of my neck, removing the salt that lay on my skin. Slowly he moved to my right ear, trying to entice me to get up. Over and over, he softly licked it till I couldn’t take it anymore and flipped over and faced him. Within seconds his tongue was licking my eye sockets, moving down to my lips. Aggressively lapping at my lips till I parted them, I slowly relaxed my jaw muscles and allowed him in. Tenderly we exchanged spit as I licked at his evading tongue.

If I had to get up, this was a nice slow start to the day. I reached over, and lovingly stroked his head as he continued to swab my mouth. The warmth and thickness of his coat was always a turn on for me and only made my already hard cock harder! I arched my hips towards his large paw and rubbed my erection against him.

“How you doing this morning boy,” I asked as I looked at him? “Sorry about last night, but I was too tired.”

Hearing my voice, he stopped instantly and jumped up. I knew the routine all too well after years of the same thing happening each morning. Walking over me like a tank, the bed tipped and sagged from his weight. Occasionally stepping on me was part of the hazard one takes sleeping with a large hound! Finally jumping off the bed, I heard his tags tinkle as he shook the sleep off him. Slowly rising up, I knew it was fruitless to resist. Moving to the edge of the bed, I sat there, stretching my arms and yawning out loud. With my boxer slit gaped open, my hard cock stood up, looking at me. Spreading my legs wide, I motioned him over for our normal routine.

Stepping over quickly between my legs, he lapped at my cockhead, pointing at the ceiling.

“Yeah, you love that, don’t you boy,” I cooed to him as I rubbed his ears! “That’s why I love you the best over the others,” I bragged as he aggressively dd a number on my uncircumcised head! “I’m more than just an easy piece of ass to you,” I lovingly said to him as his tongue worked my foreskin down and exposed my mushroom head. I instantly smelled the scent of my unwashed foreskin as he worked his tongue under the crown of my cockhead.

“Yeah, there you go, boy, get that sucker clean for daddy,” I spoke to him as I watched him work me over! I only occasionally washed under my hood because he enjoyed licking it clean for me. Old piss and cum mixed together fermented nicely under my hood. Stimulating my nuts to attention, a small drop of precum appeared at my piss slit as I looked down. Quickly he wiped it away, eagerly wanting more. Once every inch of my cock head was covered, I reached down and pulled my foreskin back over my cock head.

“That’s enough, boy,” I commanded to him as I stood up!

My dirty work pants and tee shirt from last night lay on the floor as I stepped over them, heading out into the hallway. He ran ahead of me as I watched his big nut sack hanging from behind him. Looking like he was packing two huge walnuts in his sack, I stared with envy. His dog’s nuts were bigger than mine and reminded me subconsciously why I loved bottoming for him.

“You’ve got some good-looking fucking nuts on you, boy,” I yelled as he wagged his tail moving on!

Scraping my junk and then pulling my underwear out of my butt crack, I entered the kitchen and opened the door. When he ran out to take his morning piss, I lit a cigarette and started the coffee maker. My dirty work boots stood at attention by the door with my dingy white socks atop them. The scent of a working man’s boots filled my nostrils as I watched my dog hike his leg and piss. I could hear the other two dogs start to bark as they wanted to run with him. Both were kept in their kennels until I went outside or brought one or the other in.

Boomer was my favorite and slept with me most nights. I considered myself bonded with him and the other two were just around for some strange dick when I was in that mood. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the other two also, just having three dogs in this small place wasn’t always easy. And one checking and sniffing your ass looking for an opportunity in the house was enough at times!

Boomer rode my ass more than the other two combined, scoring a piece of ass off me most nights. On the occasion when I did turn him down, case in point last night, I was pursued constantly the next day till I gave in. Being only in my mid-twenties and him just turning four, we both had a strong sex drive! And we used each other to satisfy those needs!

I rummaged thru the dirty dishes stacked in the sink before I found a half-decent cup. As I poured my coffee in the mug, he came running back thru the trailer door a hundred miles an hour!

“Whoa, their partner,” I yelled at him as I took a drink of the black gold! “Slow your ass down, dude!”

Tracking in mud only added to the dirt that was already on the linoleum floor. Wagging his tail, a hundred miles an hour, he walked up to me and gave me a look. You guys who regularly breed with a mutt understand what I mean by the look!

“Oh really, you think you deserve some tail hole off me this early in the day,” I said to him like he was a human? “I’m not in the mood just yet, boy,” I offered to him as I reached down and patted his head. “We’ll talk about it later in the day, I promise. Besides, I’m tired of working so many hours yesterday.”

Of course, that didn’t stop him from trying. As I turned and looked out the window over the sink, he rutted his snout against the seat of my underwear. Aggressively he darted his big ass nose into the valley near my ball sack. A low “Woof” escaped him as I looked down at him!

“Again, easy there, boy,” I scolded at him as I stood on my tippy toes and then moved away. “I got a nut sack too, you know! I understand you may think there useless on me sometimes,” I laughed! “But just because I’m on the receiving end in this relationship doesn’t mean I can’t have a nut sack under me also! We’re both males here, remember!”

Moving out onto the front porch in my camouflage underwear, I take drag after drag off my cigarette. The birds are singing, and the air is still cool this early in the morning. Hearing his tags tinkling as he comes up behind me, I waited for his next move. Moving around in front of me, he sits on his hindquarters and licks at my dick head thru the material.

“Too early to start that shit, boy,” I causally addressed him as I took a drink from my mug? “I was tired last night, so sorry we didn’t do our usual thing. But I ain’t shook the cobwebs out of my brain yet! Or take my morning shit yet! You know I have to make room up there for you before we go to it, boy! That big honker of yours goes deep, my friend, in case you didn’t know already!”

I watched the other two dogs’ pace back and forth, watching Boomer and me. They knew instinctively that something was about to happen. Moving behind me, Boomer pushed aside the loose material of my boxer leg and had moved his snout in and up. Quickly starting to lap at my hairy cheeks, he found my crack and went to town!

“Fuck, boy, can’t I at least finish my goddam cigarette,” I asked him as I flicked the unfinished butt out into the yard?”

I gulped down the rest of my coffee, knowing it was happening despite my resistance. When you start fucking around with a dog regularly, you commit to giving it up even at times when you don’t want to. It’s the submissive role I took on, and now I have duties to perform.

Sitting my mug on the wide porch rail, I eased my drawers down and off. Stepping out of them, I’m totally naked now. We were up so far in the mountains that no one was around us. Privacy was the main reason I bought this place! With the heavy trees and thick brush that lined my place, no one could see us from the road. Besides, my high sitting 4X4 truck was parked, blocking the porch steps and door.

Boomer worked my crack uninhibited, sniffing and licking aggressively. My balls rocked back and forth as he slobbered on my taint and the back of my sack. I savored the sensation he was giving me as I stared up into the bright blue sky. With my pecker pointing up towards my belly button, I watched the other two dog’s pace. The black dog was swelled up and humping air occasional as he paced. He knew if I was naked, someone was going to mount me. I was tempted to bring him in and take them both on but then realized it was something for another time.

Slowly turning, I headed back in the trailer with Boomer right on my heels. I stopped by the bathroom to do my usual morning bowel movement. Sitting in front of me, watching my every move, he panted and patiently waited. “I’m doing this for you because I love you, boy,” I spoke to him as I rubbed his ears! “Not exactly in the mood so much here right now, but I’ll do my duties as your mate!”

When I got up and flushed, he ran into the bedroom like a rocket. I splashed some water on my face to clear more of the sleep from my eyes. I then rubbed my damp hand over my thick goatee, flattening the stray hairs down. I then smiled as I remembered why I grew it. The thick hair was a great absorber of dog cum when I sucked their dicks! Allowing a hard-squirting dog cock to drench my goatee was a perfect way to taste it later after it dried. Licking and sucking the hairs around my mouth rehydrated the cum again. The scent was extremely intoxicating, and the taste was amazing!

Entering the bedroom, he was standing by the mattress we used for fucking, raring to go. Wagging his tail, I could see his sheath was swelled up. The pick tip was showing, and I could see a drop of liquid ready to drop from his tip. It was humbling to know he still desired me after all the times we’d fucked. And man, we had fucked a lot of three years’ time! My emotions gushed a little, knowing he was anticipating breeding me again. Swelled and raring to go proved to me he loved this as much as I do.

I kept a twin mattress on the floor just for sessions with the dogs. It was easier on the dogs and me and it never needed to be put away. Stained with repeated dog cum dripping and excessive overflow from myself, the gray mattress showed a lot of use! How many times I was plugged over the years atop this bed was countless.

As I walked over to my nightstand and prepared myself, Boomer stared me down. Grabbing my cell phone, I placed it on the floor for use after I was knotted. Satisfied I was ready, I dropped to my knees and was quickly assessed for mating. Sniffing my pucker and then taking a quick lick, I was mounted instantly. He always allowed me a few seconds to adjust our mount before he took off jackhammering me! As I pushed my muscled ass up against his sheath, I braced for action. Raising one leg higher than the other, he was itching to take off. Instantly I felt the wetness from the tip of his sheath around my pucker. Ever so slightly, the tip of his cock would poke against my asshole as we readied ourselves.

“OK, boy, we know the drill. Let’s not keep you waiting any longer!”

With that said, I braced myself and dropped my head down. Quickly I yelled the words I’d taught long ago was our signal for starting.

“Giddy-up, boy!” Was all he needed, and started his attack! From years of practice, his skinny wet poker slipped into me like a small finger. My asshole knew him well and instantly relaxed and welcomed the invader inside. Quickly his hips thrust deeply against me, and drove all the way in! Sinking fully up his shaft, he was past his knot instantly. A groan of pleasure escaped me as I hunkered down slightly and assumed my bitch stance. My ball sack rocked back and forth as his strong hip and leg muscles kicked in.

Thumping me relentlessly, his cock swelled with each thrust. I groaned along with every deep thrust that was slammed against my butt. I could feel the knot quickly swelling, getting bigger and bigger as it left me and then reentered. It popped in and out of me, the bigger it got, pulling my pucker
outwards on its last withdraw. I knew from experience by its size on this exit it wouldn’t leave me again. Driving it back in me with some resistance
this time from my hole, when it popped in, it was locked! My head flew back up, and I begged for tenderness!

“Goddam boy,” take it easy on me,” I moaned as I closed my eyes and arched my butt cheeks tighter against his lower belly. “We do this almost every day, you know I’m not going anywhere!”

Dogs seem to know instantly when a bitch gets knotted with them! As did my asshole as it clamped tight behind his swelling knot holding him tightly inside me. That’s when he really clamped down on my waist hard and drove into me. With my head hung back down, he moved his blockhead alongside mine and concentrated on breeding me. Grunting on each inward thrust, his cock could be felt swelling to a huge size inside me.

“Fuck boy,” I praised him as I turned my hard towards him! “You sure can stretch out dad’s insides! I can feel that big ass pipe of yours snaking up inside me!”

Lost in the passion of the moment, he only concentrated on getting his cock as deep as he could! Ignoring me, I felt him focused on the job at hand as I moved back and forth with his movements. I admired his determination as I moved with my lover!

My cock rocked up and down and banged against the area below my belly button. Hung a good six inches myself, I paled in comparison to his. Hung almost nine inches, including his knot, I was knotted every time we fucked. At the beginning of our relationship, I tried to hold him back, not get knotted every time. But he would clamp me tighter and scratched the hell out of my ribcage! I always surrendered from the pain, pulled my hand away, and allowed him in fully! Now I never resisted, excepting the knot and the control he had over me that way.

Hell, don’t get me wrong, guys. I ain’t no pussy! I want to get that straight right now! Built tall and strong from years of working the land, I filled out my cloths impressively. From chopping wood to digging trenches, I was solid as a rock! Standing over six feet tall and easy on the eyes, I was a catch, some would say! My ass was firm and my best asset, according to the bitches I dating in high school. Always quiet and keeping to myself, I was viewed as a loner and someone not to mess with. Not having many friends by choice stopped the questions about why I wasn’t married by now!

I was always happier being around animals than humans. When I entered puberty, I immediately had an attraction to male dogs. At first, I attributed it to just being a boy, and things would change as I got older. But they didn’t! From the first time I saw a dog swelled up, I was enamored. Catching two dogs attempting to mate when the bitch was in-heat was eye-opening for me. Watching the male trying to mount her and start humping was hypnotic! Seeing his cock and knot swelled up when his advances failed were memorable. I wanted so bad to grab his cock and suck on it. And that’s exactly what I did when I had the chance.

When she ran off that day, leaving him standing there whimpering. I enticed him into the woods. Slowly I got under his belly and fingered his sheath. He instantly started humping my exploring hand and tried to mount my head. I could smell the intenseness of the sperm he’d already shot trying to get inside her. My cock got so hard it fucking ached inside my pants. Without fear, I licked the end of his wet sheath and tasted dog cum for the first time. Grabbing it tighter, he thrust his hips against my head as I licked! Squirt after squirt of sperm hit my lips and cheeks before I opened my mouth. In seconds he had his front paws wrapped around my back and was pushing his squirting cock into my mouth. I didn’t fight! I allowed it to happen! I sucked on him for about ten minutes. It felt like savoring my first taste of any cock ever. I did cuss the fucker afterward for getting my favorite tee shirt muddy after we were done! But I learned a lot about myself that day, guys!

After that, I didn’t deny myself the pleasures a dog could give me! Growing up in a super religious southern family, I knew what the bible said about fucking with animals. It was viewed as wrong and considered sinful. So, I always made sure I slipped off deep into the woods when I would allow a dog to fuck me back then. Going out, hunting was the perfect ruse for hooking up with a hunting dog! Spending hours out in the woods walking around looking for deer, there was always time to pull my pants down and let the dog knock off a piece of ass! Walking around afterward with a gun on my shoulder and my shitter full of cum was about as manly as I could ever feel! Hell, I took more dog cock up my shitter then ever during hunting season. Borrowing friends hunting dogs was easy and convenient. Riding home with them in the back of my truck, my cock tented my camouflage pants with anticipation.

Living the life of a loner out here in isolation has its perks! After chopping wood, covered in sweat, and shirtless, I can head for the dog kennel for relaxation. Opening a cage in broad daylight, I can remove my jeans and be taken on the spot! With no fears of being seen or caught, I can enjoy getting fucked with the bright sky above me. And at night, after I’ve had a few too many beers, I can step outside and take a piss. Again, if I’m in the mood for some dog cock, I can let one of the others fuck right out here in the front yard! And I’m saying this because it has happened many a time!

As Boomer slows his pace and starts to calm down, I can feel the pressure of his ballooning cock deep within me. Experienced at taking him, the feeling is very familiar but also stimulating. My own cock is throbbing under me, almost matching the pulsing feeling I’m experiencing around my pucker from his shaft. As I drop my head, I can see a long thin thread of precum hanging from my piss slit. As I watch, it grows longer and hangs just above the mattress. It’s the physical evidence that proves I love being fucked by a dog!

When all movement atop me stops, I know he’s fully swelled inside me. Sweat rolls off my forehead from the intensity of the act. Now we are one, locked together in lovemaking! Quickly he starts to pant, overheated from his thrusting and our body heat together. Right on schedule, he turns toward me and starts to lick the side of my face. We’ve fucked enough over the years to know each other’s actions, and this was part of our mating ritual. I really enjoyed the feeling of tenderness from him as he licks my face while
his cock is filling me full of his sperm.

“We’re a good team together, boy,” I say to him as I relish in the attention he gives me! “Never gets old, taking your cock up inside me, buddy! I hope you never get tired of my asshole wrapped around your shaft,” I say to him as I squeeze my spinster tighter! I know it won’t be long before he turns off my back, and we end up butthole to butthole. And just as I think it, it happens!

Setting in for the long haul now, I ease myself up some feeling the fur from his hind legs against my butt cheeks. His cock is firing off cum squirts like crazy now as we adjust to the new position. My cock is sticking up, pointing at my upper body as I cough up some spit from my throat. Coating my shaft, I slowly start jerking myself off. His huge knot pulls against my asshole on the inside as I stretch higher. Within seconds my hand is pumping my shaft as I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of him still squirting cum inside me!

Twenty minutes later, I’m no longer needed as his cock deflates and slips from me. A rush of liquid runs down my ball sack and drips off them. As I collapse on the mattress covered in a light sweat, he moves off to the kitchen. I hear the echo of him lapping at his water bowel as I ease myself up slowly. My bowels feel the pressure of the liquid he deposited in me as I stand and stretch. My pecker is soft and small now that I blew my load locked with him. In the dresser mirror, I see the redness from his dew claws that scratched my sides. The bright red scratches were physical evidence I was taken by a dog. I could deny his cum was up my ass if I was caught, but I couldn’t hide these telltale signs! Worn by me with pride now, I often went shirtless after our sex. It was the telltale sign that made me end up confessing to my brother what I was into when pressed by him. After a long day of drinking together, I found the courage to own up to what caused the scratches. But that’s a story for another time!

As I pull my underwear back on, I decide to toss back on my bed again. Pulling the sheet up over me, I lay on my back and savor the feeling of just being fucked. The scent of dog spittle and dog cum permeated from my body. He soon enters the room again and jumps back up on the bed with me. Lovingly he licks my face and mouth again as I turn my head towards his.

“I know you love me, buddy,” I mumble low between sucking on his tongue. “I let you fuck me all the time, don’t I,” I whisper as I look in his eyes and reach for his flaccid sheath. “I can’t turn down this big old dick of yours, and you know it, boy! This here country boy’s ass is definitely yours to use, buddy,” I snicker as I continue to rub his sheath. “OK, let’s lay here and relax and let nature do its thing inside me, boy, like we always do,” I say as I release his sheath. “Maybe one of these times it will truly take, and you’ll swell me up!”

My belly growls, and I feel a bit of wetness run down my ass crack as he pulls away and lays down across from me. Relaxed and totally at ease, I slip off to sleep almost instantly.

To Be Continued…



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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