A Day at the Beach

RC and BJ

The north Jersey shore provides beautiful clothes optional beach that Betty and Robert visit frequently during the months of June, July and August. Last summer they took along their new dog Rex to see the ocean for the first time. Betty and Robert got out of their Saab in the parking lot and loaded their gear on their hand pulled beach buggy. This is a real improvement over pulling a load of supplies through the hot sand. It usually takes about a half-hour to find a place among the other nude sunbathers and first you have to traverse a small trail through the brush and past the poor folks with bathing suits on their bound up bodies.

Betty and Robert are voyeurs and like to be next to sunbathers who look like they will provide some entertainment. This day they were close to a young couple who obviously just arrived. The young man quickly was down to his birthday suit while the young lady took a little longer. She removed her top and revealed a lovely pair of rather large and pointy breasts that made Robert’s mouth water. Next with her rear towards Betty and Robert she slowly slide down her pants revealing a thong. Robert was immediately disappointed fearing that she was going to conceal her mound of Venus. However, she turned around and poof the thong was gone in an instant.

Now was the time for the young couple to get organized. Food, drinks, a radio and an umbrella soon appeared. Of course, the sun tan oil at last made its appearance. The sight of the oil brought a smile to Robert’s face as he could anticipate what would happen next. The young woman began to oil her man’s back for the purposes. She oiled his neck and shoulders and worked her way down his body. The oiling was done slowly and purposely. When she neared his butt she made sure to oil between his legs vigorously and then finished his legs. When he turned over Betty could see his cock was at half-mast already and looked almost ready for action.

The young woman now began with his chest and moved ever so reluctantly down to his large member. Betty licked her lips as she anticipated what this great monster would grow to be. Oil was poured on the penis and it got a rub down of its own. The monster grew to a possible 8 inches or more and was bouncing up and down on this stomach. At this point the young lay back before he exploded.

As they watch Betty and Robert undressed and settled themselves down on their blanket with Rex who was stretched out sleeping in the sun. Their neighbors on the next blanket smiled and introduced themselves.

“Hello, we’re Kay and Bill. It’s really hot today isn’t it?” Said Kay.

“Yes, and you look like your really ready for the sun with all that oil!”

“Well, yes, we like to make sure that all the special parts are protected.” Kay replied.

By this time Robert was also erect and Betty was oiling up his 7-inch boner.

Kay then remarked, “That’s a cute dog you have there is he friendly?”

Oh, yes,” said Betty, “he just loves to be with people. Every morning we almost have to kick him out of bed. He’s always trying to put his nose where it shouldn’t go. I don’t know what he looking for but he gets very excited.”

“Maybe, he’s just hungry and wants a little treat. Do you give him anything in bed to eat, Betty?”

“No, I can’t say I do but sometimes when Robert and I are having a hot session he begins howl and scratch at the blankets,” replied Betty.

“I think I know what he wants, Betty, and I think you do to!” Said Bill. “Our little Rolf at home could eat Kay’s pussy by the hour. Sometimes, I think Kay would rather have that dog lap her snatch than anyone else in the world!”

“Kay, don’t you think it’s dirty to let your doggie lick your pussy? Aren’t you frightened that you’ll get a disease or infection?” Asked Betty.

“Rolf is a good clean animal who is kept well groomed and perfumed. He smells just like a whore house madam. Besides we’ve been doing it for years with no ill effects.” Said Kay with her eyes sparkling at the though of Rolf’s tongue well up her snatch.”

“When we get home Robert we’ll have to see what talent Rex can do! Maybe we can encourage him some how.”

“Don’t worry about that, Betty. I’m sure Rex is just dying to get his tongue in your pussy and ass,” said Kay.

“In my ass? Why even Robert doesn’t get in there!” Exclaimed Betty.

“It seems to me that most men are fascinated by our asses and are just dying to get their tongues in and around them. The only thing I like more than Rolf licking my ass is to feel Bill long tongue squeezing into my little brownie does. It so soft and long I could cum here thinking about it!”

By this times cocks were so hard and erect that to touch them even slightly would make them explode. Bill turned to Robert and said, “You know we both selected a almost deserted part of the beach and if we hung our blankets just right we would be almost completely shielded from and prying eyes.”

“Why not, “said Robert and proceeded with Bill’s help to erect a make shift barrier.

“Betty,” asked Kay, “mind if I play with Rex for a while? He looks like he could use some attention.”

“Go ahead, but be warned that he gets very excited in a hurry!”

Kay coaxed Rex over to her blanket with a tasty looking hot dog and he was soon in her lap and licking her face. When Rex got too wild and Kay just lay back on the blanket. Rex was confused and began smelling around Kay as she back with her legs together. Rex obviously liked the smell of something between Kay’s legs and tried to shove his muzzle deep into her crotch. At this Kay moved to her side and opened an avenue for Rex into her pussy.

“Look at that bastard eat her pussy! He’s a born cunt hound,” said Robert as held his hard cock in his hand.

Finally, Kay could stand it no longer. She laid back and spread her legs as far apart as possible while Rex increased his lapping of her cunt. In a few minutes Kay was having a tremendous orgasm while the other three jealously watched.

Betty couldn’t believe her eyes at what Rex was doing and how much Kay was enjoying it. Kay soon said, “I believe it feels better out here in the sun and wind than it does at home in bed. Besides, I am a bit of an exhibitionist and I enjoyed showing off for the both of you. Ready to try a little of Rex’s tongue, Betty?”

With that Betty lay back while the others tried to shield her from prying eyes. Rex soon saw a hot dog sticking in Betty’s cunt and immediately began to eat it. The motion of the hot dog being eaten soon gave Betty a shiver through and she longed for that long pink tongue. No sooner said than the hot dog was finished and Rex was diving into Betty’s muff. She could feel his soft long tongue as it quickly lapped at her clit and all around her pussy lips. Then he shoved his nose into her cunt and licked her deeply. His tongue went where no one had gone before. It seemed like he could do it for hours.

Finally, Betty’s time had arrived. She couldn’t resist any longer. There were fireworks and stars as she had her orgasm with Rex’s tongue deep inside her. She could feel her juices seeping out over Rex’s tongue that only made his lick her faster. She thought she would loose consciousness.

When they were lying there beside each other, Betty said; “It’s a shame that Rex was satisfied. He should be rewarded for doing such a wonderful job.”

“I always reward Rolf in a very special way, Betty, and I can tell that he really appreciated it! Mind if I pleasure Rex the same way?”

Betty nodded okay to Kay curious to see what would happen next.

Kay began playing with Rex and then reached between his legs and grabbed his rather nice sized schlong. Rex looked like he had died and gone to heaven as Kay slowly rubbed his cock up and down in the well-oiled hand. To make matters even more erotic for Rex, Kay soon laid him on his back and actually began to lick his dick. Before you knew it his dick was between her lips and she was sucking on it.

Betty couldn’t stand it any more she reached over and began massaging Rex’s balls and put her head next to Kay’s bobbing head. As soon as Kay took a breath Betty went down on Rex’s cock with a vengeance. She could soon sense that Rex was ready to blow his nuts. Betty left go of Rex’s spurting cock but Kay was right on top of it taking all his cum in her mouth that she could get. When Rex was finished Kay kissed Betty and gave her some of Rex’s cum in her mouth.

Betty was surprised that it didn’t taste bad at all. Not quite like Robert’s cum, but not at all bad. Rex by this time was passed out on the blanket.

When the sun was getting low in the West the new friends had to part for the parking lot and go home. Addresses and phone numbers were exchanged and good-byes said.

However, poor Rex had to be carried to the car he was completely worn out.

The End.



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