A Dog Ties His Knot
At 18, she was probably the last girl on her soccer team who was still a virgin, but that didn’t bother her. It was not that she was a prude; she didn’t like any of the boys at her high school and found them immature and, nonetheless, sexually unappealing. However, she was quite the tease, flaunting her body in tiny daisy duke-like shorts and tight tank tops that hung low so her cleavage was visible.
Shelby threw her sports bag into the trunk of her car and climbed sorely into the driver’s seat. The soccer field was only a short distance from her house, and she couldn’t wait to get home for a long hot bath.
As the water ran, filling up the tub, she slid herself down into it, letting the warm water relax her, but her mind floated, and she soon found herself feeling quite Horney instead of relaxed. She was used to masturbating and loving playing with her clit to make herself cum, but she loved it even more when the pressure from the shower assisted her, causing an even more intense orgasm. She positioned her legs on either side of the faucet and slid her butt toward the running water. Made sure the water fell right onto her clit, beating down on it and sending shock waves of pleasure throughout her body. Her knees buckled as she got closer to cumming, and a loud groan escaped her.
She soon found herself thrusting her pelvis closer to the faucet allowing for harder water pressure on her clit as she suddenly released, moaning loudly as she came. She fought her best to hold herself up, allowing the water to run its entire course, surging her into a second orgasm, but her legs were weak, both from the earlier game and the strength it took to hold herself up against the faucet.
She climbed out of the shower, legs buckling under her from exhaustion, and wrapped a towel around her wet, naked body. Exiting the bathroom, she opened the door to her large dog Cain, who had been staring at the door, obviously interested in all the commotion. She nudged him aside and went to her room, where she promptly collapsed on her bed. She was worn out and exhausted from the day and felt her tired eyes closing.
Shelby was awoken suddenly; she felt something cold and wet working its way up between her legs, and then, oh god, she felt a warm wet tongue run from the entrance to her pussy up to her pert little asshole. She was startled, but it seemed to excite her as the tongue probed deeper into her pussy, separating her pussy lips and into her tiny, tight, virgin hole. The dog’s tongue once again made its way from her pussy to her ass, and she felt it poking and working its way into her tight ass hole.
The pain was immense, and she let out a cry. So, she scrambled quickly to remove herself from the situation. She stood up and felt wet fluid running down her leg. Although she had found it degrading and disgusting that she had just allowed Cain to lick her naked pussy and ass, it had also caused significant arousal in her cunt which she could now feel was beginning to ache, wanting more.
Shelby returned to the bathroom to finish herself off once more when she felt the cold nose press against her behind as she walked down the hallway. “CAIN NO!” she ordered, but the dog did not mind her command. Without warning, he jumped onto her back, his large paws landing on her shoulders. His nails dug into her smooth skin, and his weight, along with the pain and pressure from his claws, forced her to the ground. She fell to her knees and furiously turned to smack him when she felt her towel slipping off her.
She reached to secure her towel but froze in fear as she felt Cain’s paws fall onto her again. She tried to push him off, but the sheer weight of the dog pushed her further to the floor. She was now on her elbows and knees when it struck her. Cain was mounting her. She let out a scream and felt him start moving back and forth. His claws dug into her; she could feel them ripping her skin and the blood trickling down her sides.
His motions became more fluid, and she felt his dick hit against her pussy lips. “OH FUCK” she let out, her mind racing.
She would not let herself get fucked by a dog, much less allow herself to lose her virginity this way. She tried scrambling to escape Cain’s grasp, which worsened the situation. She soon felt the tip of his dick hit the entrance of her tight virgin ass hole. She gasped, but it was too late. Cain had known he hit his mark. Thrusting forward, he forced his cock into her ass. Shelby screamed in pain as she felt her tight skin ripping and expanding. He began to pump his cock in and out of her ferociously, and she began to cry. Shelby screamed in pain again, and the dog tightened his grip on her, pulling her closer to him, scratching her deep with his claws.
Suddenly she felt his cock tightening and became aware that a large lump was slapping against her asshole. Max thrust again and felt the Knott in the dog’s penis start to enter her ass. The pain she thought was unbearable until she felt him thrust again, this time shoving the whole knot into her now raw but still tight little hole. She cried out in pain and felt the Knott growing larger and larger until it felt like there was a baseball right inside her ass, and then she felt his cum; his warm cum shot up deep into her ass, and he seemed to spasm a few times letting out spurt after spurt of dog cum deep into her ass.
He soon released his grip on her and stood over her, panting, desperate for escape. She tried pulling herself forward only to feel the sharp pain of the Knott stuck in her ass. She couldn’t break free. She was stuck on him. She looked back and saw small trickles of blood and semen running down her legs. In pain and exhaustion, she blacked out.
She had only blacked out for a few minutes, but she would later realize this was where she made her big mistake. When she woke back up, she was in a haze, unaware if she had dreamt of being anally raped by a dog or if that was something that had happened. She soon realized that it was not a dream as she felt the tremendous pain coming from her asshole as the dog’s tongue licked the remaining cum from her behind, and she felt his hot breath on the back of her pussy. Before she had time to move, the dog’s furry legs around her, and she screamed, “Not again, Cain, Not again.”
The dog had found his target more rapidly this time, and she felt his prick move up into the entrance of her pussy. Realizing from the last time that there was nothing she could do to stop Cain from having his way with her, she stopped squirming and got ready to accept it, fearing that her moving might direct his cock into her ass again. His next thrust was quite a surprise as he entirely forced his cock into her, stuffing the whole thing inside her, ripping and tearing through her hymen. She screamed in pain and felt blood trickle down her legs again, but this time as he fucked her, it began to feel more erotic.
Shelby found herself thrusting back against Cain and thoroughly enjoying her first fuck. Suddenly, she felt close to climaxing, and she released, experiencing the biggest orgasm she had ever had. She moaned in pleasure this time instead of pain, and her cum ran freely down her legs. As she was about to cum again, she felt his cock stiffen and grow. She became aware that he was back to cum and feared his Knott would be buried inside her. She felt the bulge starting and tried to move forward once more.
“Oh, please, Cain, stop. I promise ill suck it for you,” she moaned, still very much enjoying the feeling of his cock being stuffed inside her.
She felt him quicken his pace as his prick hit hard against the back of her pussy and felt him shove his Knot inside her once again. The Knott started growing, and she felt an immense pain forming as it grew bigger and bigger. This was now beginning to feel like a baseball was growing inside her, and she felt the entrance hole to her pussy slightly tearing. Tears stung her eyes, but through the pain, she still found pleasure and once again found herself close to an orgasm. Right, when she was about to cum she felt his cock pulse as Cain let out jet after jet of hot dog cum deep into her cunt. This sent her into major overdrive, and she screamed as her orgasm regained control of her body.
When he finished Cumming he stood atop her panting, and she laid there and waited for his Knott to subside. When it finally shrank, his cock slipped out of her, and she looked down and saw all the dogs cum running down her legs into a pool onto the floor. She crawled over to him and, on impulse, took his prick in her mouth and cleaned the reaming cum off him until his dick subsided, slipping back into its sheath.
This was when she decided that Cain would now be her new fuck buddy, and she could wait till she found an intelligent college boy to have sex with. She didn’t like those high school boys anyways, and she doubted any of them could fuck her as well as Cain had or give her orgasms as he did. She went from a virgin being raped by her dog twice in one day, taking both her virginities, to a woman wholly devoted to her dog until she met the ‘man of her dreams.’ As they say, ‘Dog is man’s best friend,’ but I think in this case, they mean a dog is a woman’s best friend.
The End.
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.