A Dogging Tale

Sheela B.

Life for Farah Dangi, an Indian born UK citizen had become difficult after her divorce. Farah has always been a passionate woman, however, she soon learned men had no interest in her when they learned of her past. Indian men in particular stayed away from her as her divorce had made her dirt in the eyes of the local Indian community. So one day while surfing through some porn sites in her home office, she found a website dedicated to ‘Dogging’.

It amazed her men and women would go these public places and engage in consensual sex, despite not knowing each other. The pictures made her pussy dribble wetness with multiple men doing things to one woman, especially making her rub her clit harder.

“Oh god, I want all those cocks fucking me,” she moaned as she slid her fingers deep inside her juicy cunt. “Oh yeah, I want them to touch me, feel me, and molest me as a piece of meat to be used,” she said softly rubbing her slick pussy-juice covered fingers on her throbbing clit.
Her fantasy had always been to be treated as a total slut, but her former husband had been conservative in the bedroom. Also, as an Indian Professional she had to maintain a social position, until now.

“Oh fuck, yeah, fuck, Ohhhhh,” she moaned as her body convulsed in orgasm.

She reclined in her chair slowly coming down from the rush of her fantasy, still gently stroking her clit. Why can’t I pursue my fantasies now, she wondered? I’m an outcast anyway, without a job, and with no man to fill my aching needs.

“Don’t be silly, Farah,” she said to herself in a whisper. “Making things worse is not going to help you win back the children. You need to think of them now.”

But I need to think of me, too, her mind responded. Why can’t I have some fun? No one will ever know, if I’m discrete.

“Being branded a whore will only make my life worse,” she said, staring at the dirty images on the screen. “It’s alright for these white British women, no one cares what they do.”

You’re a British woman too, her mind said.

She sighed deeply, switched the computer off and went to bed.


During the long night, she dreamed of being surrounded by cocks. Big, small, thick, thin, white, black, brown, yellow, and some she didn’t recognize. She awoke in the early morning as light peaked over the horizon to find a sticky mess in her panties. After a quick shower, she made her kids breakfast and drove them to school. Farah tried to throw herself into housework, however, the allure of the dogging website soon had her sitting and rubbing her clit again.

The nasty videos and images of women, some wearing masks and some not, engaged in lurid gangbangs, or letting men watch her masturbate through the windows of a car. While they rubbed hard cocks against the glass to show their approval. God, why is this so damned sexy, she wondered? I really need a good fuck, that’s my problem. She pulled out her vibrator and turned it on, sliding into her slippery cunt with ease. The vibrations sent shivers of excitement through her body and her clitoris began to throb with heat.

“Oh, fuck me! Fuck me, you perverted man,” she moaned, thinking of being used by strange men. “Blow your load all over my tits!”

Her hips began to hunch and her legs shook, she clenched her eyes tight and moaned loudly as her orgasm released waves of delight to roll through her body. She pulled the vibrator out and licked it clean, tasting her pussy all over it. Then she leaned back in her chair and basked in the glow of her orgasm while it lasted. A brief interlude in life, with housework screaming to be done. Bills piling up her welfare can’t meet. Her life had become mundane, and she knew it.


A month goes by, and the same routine develops. It always starts with her surfing the dogging sites, looking at the pictures and videos, seeing where the nearest dogging places are near her home, and wondering if she had the courage to take the next step. Each session concluded with her sliding fingers or her vibrator into her hot, wet cunt and rubbing her clit until she came. Each orgasm made her desire deepen, her morals loosen, and her lust slowly grows stronger as if a vice squeezing her.

Farah Dangi, thirty-six, five feet four, one hundred and twenty pounds, with C-cup breasts, dark caramel skin, and dark nipples, is about to reach a crisis. A crisis of action, for as she continued to explore her fantasy in her home office, soon the masturbation didn’t relieve the tension anymore. So she masturbated more and more, sometimes ten times a day. Yet after a month of this, it just wasn’t enough anymore.
Can I do it, she’d ask herself? Can I really let strangers touch me and fuck me? The thoughts accompanied by furious rubbing of her clit, yet she needed more. So much more.

Then it happened. Her husband decided he wanted to take the kids to India over the holidays to spend them with his parents. Farah agreed, on the provision he gives her parents a chance to see them too. He said he would, and she drove home from the airport feeling sad she won’t see her kids for six weeks. She also feels excited. Her new found freedom has briefly opened the door for her to explore her deepest, dirtiest fantasy even more.

Farah has decided to go dogging.


The same night her kids had flown out of Heathrow to India, Farah is driving through some back roads completely lost. Not all dogging places are known locations or parks, some are in woodlands and farms where kindly farmers ignore the proceedings. The night is moonless, and there are no street lights, so the darkness around her seems crushing. Her nerves are high, and her body is tingling all over. She can already feel her panties filling with her sticky precum.

“Where is this place?” She said to herself, scanning each gate she passed.

The road went on, her nerves made her hands tremble, and her heart feel as if it’s leaping around in her chest. Around one bend, then another in a landscape that seemed alien to her. Until suddenly she spotted a crude hand painted sign, which reads: Dogging Park Here.

“This place has to be it,” she said, turning onto a bumpy dirt track.

She could see no other cars parked anywhere, still she kept going encouraged by the odd sign that reads: This Way.

She eventually stopped at a big fence, and got out and scanned the place as best she could in the darkness. The place seemed so quiet, yet something within her pushed her to keep going with her plans. The night at least isn’t cold, and she pulled her dress over her head to reveal her nice body wearing white lacy lingerie. A garter belt, fishnet stockings, crotchless panties, and a white camisole. She leaned against her car waiting to see if anyone will approach her.

She heard a noise, a snuffling sound to her right.

She called out, “Hello?”

No answer.

Farah went to the fence and through a gate, it closed behind her with a metallic clang, the lock slipping into place. She tried to open the gate again to find she couldn’t.

“Oh crap, now what do I do?” She shouted, “Hello? Anyone here? I need some help.”

Nothing but the sound of the breeze through nearby trees.

Something touched the back of her leg and she jumped with a squeal, turning as she did, to see what’s there. She could barely see her hand in front of her face.

“Who’s there?” She called. “It’s not funny!”

Again, something cold this time touched her thigh, making her scream in fright. She thrashed around trying to feel what it is, however, it was gone. As she leaned forward, waving her arms about in the darkness, something hit her from behind, something furry, and she fell to the ground. Suddenly multiple furry things were around her, sniffing her, licking her, and whining.

“Dogs,” she said in surprise. She began to laugh at the irony of her position. “This farm is not a Dogging place, it’s a dog place. She said, pushing herself to sit on her legs. “Oh, Farah, you stupid woman.”

She laughed loudly, the dogs running around her, greeting her with excitement.

Grabbing the fence, she pulled herself up, wondering if she could climb over it. Just as she considered it a possibility, a cold nose went between her legs and a hot tongue began licking her cunt. Again she jumped, her stomach lurching. A dog had licked her there, her most private place. Her body shivered with disgust, yet her desire had sparked too. Months of sexual frustration had done its work on her. Knowing she’s alone, she turned and spread her legs in a slightly bent position, hoping the dog would return.

What the hell, I came all this way. Might as well get a free gob job, she thought.

She patted her leg, calling for the dog and pretty soon it came back and began to lick her cunt loudly in the darkness. She didn’t know whether it were the same dog as she could barely see the animal, still she patted its head.

“Good, boy. Lick my nasty cunt,” she said making herself giggle.

My ex-husband would die of embarrassment if he heard me talk dirty during sex, she thought.

The wet, rough tongue feels so good on her that she finds herself humping the dog’s face, trying to intensify the feelings. Her fingers rubbed her clit as a familiar feeling grew in her loins. Soon, another dog had joined the first and two big tongues started lapping her from asshole to clit. Her body twitched in lustful pleasure, she grabbed her nipples and began to twist them.

“Oh god, yes, that’s so hot. Oh, you’re good doggies. Good dogs. Oh fuck, yeah!”

Her moans grew louder as the persistent licking eventually took their toll on her small Indian body and she came hard with a squeal and a gush of juices into the mouths of the eager dogs. The sudden burst of flavor drove the animals wild and they laved her even faster and harder. One dog stuffed his tongue up her cunt to get at the source of the juices, and it made Farah cum again. As her body shook and her head flopped about, she could’ve sworn she saw stars.

The dogs didn’t seem to want to stop, and soon her pussy came for a third time, forcing her to collapse on her knees in a stupor brought on by her powerful orgasms. She lost all self-awareness as she fell onto her hands, panting as if a dog herself. Her animal instincts taking over her logic and sense. A furry body is suddenly on her back, wrapping its strong legs around her thin waist.

“Good dog,” she says almost as whimper, not sure what’s going on.

The dog is moving her with his legs and body and he managed to push her upper body lower than her waist. Farah giggled at the playful animal, her head still swimming in a cloud of lassitude.

“What are you doing, you stupid mutt,” she said and laughed.

She soon discovered why. The dog thrust his hips and his cock suddenly ravaged her cunt no cock has ever done. The hot cock thrust deep inside her body, banging her cervix with its head and making her grunt loudly and her body sways forward. The dog having found its mark now began to fuck his new bitch as fast as he could, his back legs jumping to increase the power of his penetration.

“No, stop this,” she cried. “It’s not right, you’re a dog!”

But it feels so fucking good, her mind responded. Feel it, come on, and let this fat cock make you cum. It’s what you’ve wanted for so long now.
The dog is blissfully unaware of Farah’s moral turbulence, all he can feel is her sweet bitch cunt wrap around his cock in a velvety heaven. He panted madly in her ear, licking his lips every so often. He never stopped for a moment, probing, slicing, and pounding her cunt. Farah grunted and moaned, her head hanging low with her black hair over her face. With a sudden squeal of pain she shoots her head up, making her hair fly everywhere. Something large just pushed its way into her pussy. The knot, she thought. I’m being tied like a common street dog.

The large object stretched her cunt beyond what she thought she could cope with, and she could feel his cock pushing her guts from her womb. Her cunt is on fire, and as her g-spot is massaged, an orgasm explodes from her clit sending intense shock waves through her body. Her cunt and anus begin to contract wildly, making the dog slow its pace as it feels his bitch cum all over his cock.

As he stops fucking her, he begins to shoot his hot watery seed into her, pushing her into another orgasm as her womb expands from the sheer volume of the stuff. The dog seems content now, as he breeds her with his hot seed. Farah has gone into a post-orgasmic stupor again, even worse than before. She groans and mumbles incoherently, feeling her world consumed by a dog’s cock and his hot cum.

The dog dismounted, swinging a back leg so he stood ass to ass with her. He tried to pull her with his thick cock, however, she grabbed the fence and instead the cock slid out of her. The cool night air entered her gaping cunt as cum dripped and dribbled onto her thighs.
“Oh god, who knew that could be so good,” she whispered, still panting and trying to catch her breath.

Another tongue began licking her used pussy and she sighed, closing her eyes to just feel it. The dog dutifully cleaned all the other animal cum from her he could, and the doggy cunnilingus made her moan as a wanton whore.

“Oh yes, I could have you do that forever,” she said softly. “So good, so fucking hot.”

Once satisfied he had cleaned his rival’s seed from the bitched cunt, the new dog mounted her and began to hump her, his cock hitting her thigh and pussy. Farah reached under and guided his cock into her cunt. Feeling the big cock slide between her folds made her gasp and moan loudly. The new dog began the mating dance, and thrust his cock into her as hard as he could.

“God, you’re so BIG!” Farah moaned.

The dogs cock is bigger than the previous one, maybe the biggest cock she’s ever had. My ex didn’t have a big cock, she thought. Now I understand why they’re so popular. The dog isn’t too interested in the musings of a bitch, he has only one mission in mind and that’s to breed her. His cock is pounding her, noisy wet sounds fill the air and the precum its squirting dribbles out of her cunt and down her legs.
Farah is moaning again, rubbing her clit to hasten her orgasm as this mighty organ probed the depths of her womanhood. When his huge knot finally pushes through her barely resisting slit, she gasps and groans as another dog has tied her. Her orgasm is just as powerful, like before, and she screams as her body shakes and convulses in paroxysmal ecstasy.

The slowing dog begins to shoot cum inside her, filling and stretching her even more. Another orgasm ensues for Farah, followed by several more. The dog sits on her back, panting, unmoved by all the squealing, and squeezing of her bitch pussy on his cock. His job is done, so he climbs off until he is ass to ass with her, pulling his huge cock out with a nasty ‘plop’ followed by a queef.

Farah collapses onto the ground, her poor body used and abused by two big dogs. Exhausted from cumming so hard. Her cunt gaping, red, puffy, inflamed, and leaking cum. She’s sticky from sweat and cum, and she smells terrible.

In the darkness, she lays on her back, wondering how things had gone so wrong yet so right. She came out tonight to go dogging, except the dogs came out to go her. Looking at the sky, the moon had finally began to appear and with what little light it gave her she saw how to open the gate.

On the drive home, she passed a place where many cars were parked, and she knew this was the place she had been looking for all along. So, still feeling incredibly horny, she pulled in. The men flocked to her car, cocks out, and jerking off. She sucked off many taking load after load in her mouth and on her tits.

Several men approached her with huge ten inch cocks and bent her over the hood of her car and fucked her already sloppy pussy. She moaned loudly as the huge dicks slammed her just as the dogs had done. In each hand she jerked-off other guys while the alpha dick took her. Her orgasms kept rolling along through the night, all the time she thought of her awful husband and reveled in her freedom.

Becoming an outcast had finally paid off for her, she had found the first advantage her new position gave her, apart from being with her kids. Farah the former frustrated housewife masturbating ten times a day while enduring her ex-husbands awful attempts at sex, had now been set free. These men fucked her all night, some even ate her creampie even though she is full of dog cum. They didn’t know, and didn’t ask.

What a night she had ‘Dogging’.

The End.



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