A Fantasy Cum True

By Deanna38

As I quietly walked through my backyard toward the park that bordered our property I felt myself trembling with the anticipation of bringing to life one of my biggest fantasies. When I reached the hedge that separated our yard from the park I stopped. The park looked deserted, but I waited a few moments, watching for any movement therein before I stepped through the gap in the hedge.

I had prepared well for this night, wanting everything to be perfect. I was blessed with an unusually warm winter night. The temperature was about fifty with a slight breeze. I was wearing a short pleated skirt, naked underneath, and the breeze made its way under it to caress my pantyless bottom. I had on a down-filled ski jacket in the pocket of which was a brand new dog leash that I had bought the previous day.

I walked along our hedge to stand in the park behind my neighbor’s house. It was 2:00 AM, my husband had been at work for about three hours and I had plenty of time. He did not know about this aspect of my life. Ever since I began having sex with Heathcliffe, a black lab belonging to one of the women I worked with, I had been trying to talk him into getting a dog but he was not interested.

I had spent a lot of time on the Internet and had found several chat rooms devoted to sex with animals. I had chatted with a woman who made a suggestion that had really turned me on. Since I had no dog of my own, she suggested that I pick up stray dogs for sex. She told me that she herself did that quite often. Something about the idea of having sex with strange dogs drove me absolutely wild. I mentioned to her that I had thought about having sex with Chief, my neighbor’s dog. She said that she thought strays were safer than a neighbor’s dog, but the conversation got me so hot that I started to fantasize heavily about letting Chief fuck me. It soon became an obsession. Now, I was going to try to bring that fantasy to realization.

I looked at the back of my neighbor’s house, it was dark and quiet. I waited a few moments, watching the house for any sign that anyone was awake, then I carefully opened the gate and stepped into the yard. Chief looked up as I approached and stood up, stretching. He seemed happy to see me and I quickly unchained him and attached my leash, then led him back into the park.

This part of the park was wide open, well lighted, and near to a street. Not what I wanted. I had scouted out an area not too far away that was perfect for my plans. It was behind a peace monument, and it was away from streets, lights and was sheltered by some shrubs and small trees.

Chief was enjoying his walk, scooting back and forth at the end of the leash, and sniffing at things. He stopped, lifted his leg and sprayed a signpost, giving me a view of his sheath and balls. I was getting wetter by the minute. We got into a darker area and I called Chief over to me. Lifting up my skirt, I got some of my moisture on my fingers and offered him a smell of my pussy. He wasn’t overly interested at first but I was ready for this.

When we got to my chosen site I reached into my pocket and took out a 5cc syringe I had brought home from my job as a nurse and filled with honey. I squirted a little on the outside of my pussy and then inserted the syringe and put about 3 cc’s inside of me. I squirted the rest on my fingers and offered them to Chief. This he liked. He licked my fingers clean and I brought them down to my crotch. He smelled the honey on me and started licking away like mad.

Chief’s tongue felt so good as he licked my pussy. He was driving me crazy. My knees were getting weak and my pussy was throbbing with desire. Right up until this moment I wasn’t sure if I was going to go through with my plan, now I knew. I had to have him inside me!

I dropped to all fours and flipped my skirt up on my back. Chief moved around behind me and began licking again. I had seen him fuck a stray bitch in his yard once and I figured he would know what to do. I didn’t have to wait long. Chief jumped up and clasped me around my waist with his front legs and started humping at me but not hitting the right target.

I tried to stick my ass up in the air further and could feel his cock bumping my crotch. I had to have it! I reached back to try and guide him in and he growled at me! Frightened, I stopped trying to help and let him do it on his own. He paused his thrusting briefly and got a firmer grip on my waist. I could feel him pulling me toward him and I knew that he was in charge now, I couldn’t stop what was about to happen. He was going to possess me.

His new grip brought some success as I felt the tip of his cock penetrate me, then slip out again. This happened a couple of times and then, with a brutal thrust, he drove it into me all the way. It went in easily, the combination of his pre-cum and my wetness providing plenty of lubrication.

I tried to be quiet but the feel of his huge penis spreading my pussy lips was too much, and I let out a small groan. He began fucking me in earnest and in a couple of strokes I felt his knot banging against my entrance. At first I had intended to tie with him but now he felt so huge that I was again afraid and reached down to try and keep his knot out of me. Chief, however, was having none of this and growled at me again so I resigned myself to the inevitable.

I braced myself and he stepped up his efforts, fucking me mercilessly! Then, with one great buck, he forced his knot completely inside of me. I moaned again helplessly as I came, my pussy muscles contracting strongly around his huge cock. I had never felt so completely possessed. I could feel his cock swelling larger in my pussy, the head pressing tightly up against my cervix and the knot putting tremendous pressure on my pussy lips. I had never had anything so huge in me and it was still getting bigger! The sensations were indescribable!

I wanted him to stay locked to me forever! I thrilled to the feel of his strong grip on my waist and could feel his bulge growing even bigger as he kept trying to thrust despite the fact that our locked condition prevented much motion. Then he pushed against me hard and I could feel his cock throbbing as he began cumming in me, pumping me full of his dog sperm! I came again when I felt him cumming and I felt close to collapse. I reached down to feel my swollen pussy, with his bulge distending my lips. As I touched my clit I set off yet a third orgasm. I was unable to stay upright on my own, but his firm grip kept me off the ground while we stayed tied.

I fought to regain my senses while his cock still twitched and jerked within me, emptying his load of cum deep into my pussy. Eventually his knot went down and he slipped out of me. I fell to the ground in a heap while he began licking himself. I held tightly to his leash as I recovered. I had never felt so totally satisfied.

How long I laid there I’m not sure. I got shakily to me feet and made my way back to my neighbor’s yard. Everything still looked quiet as I chained Chief back to his doghouse. I stumbled into my own house and took a quick shower before falling into a deep and very satisfied sleep.


So much has happened in the almost three years since my first time with Chief that I really don’t know where to start. I guess I’ll tell you about our second ‘date.’

I don’t think I told you before but Chief is a big golden retriever. He belongs to my neighbor who always keeps him outside, usually tied to his doghouse, but sometimes free to roam their fenced yard. Right behind our houses is a big municipal park, which is where my first encounter with Chief had taken place.

After that first time, which was in January, the weather got colder and the intensity of the experience had sated me at least temporarily, so I didn’t think about trying it again until spring. In the meantime, I continued to visit my friend Laura and her black lab, Heathcliffe, with whom I had my very first doggie experience. Heathcliffe was a very good lover, but I needed something more exciting, and I gradually began to think about repeating my experience with Chief. I was a little afraid after the rough way Chief had treated me the first time but maybe that was part of what made me want him again.

As summer approached and the weather warmed, I spent more time in the backyard. I could see Chief and noticed him watching me doing the yard work. I just couldn’t help myself; I had to have him again. I began to make plans.

My husband and I both worked nights so I needed a night when he was working and I was home. This happened only once or twice a week so I had to wait for my chance. The first night I decided to try, it turned cold again and I chickened out. A couple nights later, he was called in, to work overtime, and I found myself unexpectedly home alone.

As soon as my husband left, I made up my mind that another opportunity was not going to get away from me. I got the leash I had bought for the first encounter and coiled it in my hand. I had worn a skirt with no panties on the previous trip but this time I decided I wanted to get naked for him so I wore just a pair of jogging shorts and a t-shirt.

I was going to use the same spot as last time, an area of bushes and small trees behind a peace monument. It was away from the streets and the bushes and monument would hide me from view. It was still early, barely 11:00 PM, but I didn’t want to lose my nerve and chicken out again so I opened our back door and stepped out on the back porch. It was still cool and as I stood there a few moments, I shivered a little.

I looked at my neighbor’s house and there were still several lights on. I began to have second thoughts but then I heard Chief’s chain rattle as he moved around. The sound of his chain somehow excited me and I found myself getting wet. I stepped off the porch and moved toward our back hedge, determined to go through with it.

I walked through the park and opened the gate in my neighbor’s back fence. It creaked a bit and seemed very loud to me, but nobody seemed to notice so I kept on. I stepped through the gate leaving it open. My neighbor had a lot of bushes and small trees that blocked the view of the back of her yard from the house so I knew I couldn’t be seen by anyone inside. Chief could see me however, and sat by his doghouse, tail wagging, as he looked at me.

As I walked toward him, he stood up and started walking toward me, causing his chain to rattle and scrape against the side of his doghouse. I waited to see if this attracted any attention from the house but all remained quiet, so I walked up to him. He was excited to see me and I hoped he remembered our last time together, I certainly did!

I clipped him to my leash and unhooked the chain. I led him (or actually it was more like he led me) back into the park. I closed the gate most of the way but left it just slightly ajar and we started off for my chosen spot. Chief seemed to know where we were headed, so mostly I just followed him.

I couldn’t see anyone in the park itself, but there was considerable automobile traffic on the main street to the north of the park. The street that bordered the park on the south was quiet, with just an occasional car.

It took only a few minutes and we were at the monument. I glanced around before leading Chief into the bushes. Everything was quiet. I looped his leash over a projection on the back of the monument and stepped a little away from my soon to be mate. Trembling, I removed my tennis shoes and socks and then pulled down the jogging shorts and stepped out of them. My t-shirt was last to go. I looked around one last time before taking a deep breath, pulling it over my head and dropping it on the rest of my things.

I was now completely naked in a public park! My heart was beating a mile a minute and all my senses felt heightened. The cool air made my nipples harden and I could feel the dampness between my legs. I knew my adrenaline must have really been flowing and I felt incredibly alive.

Chief was looking at me and wagging his tail excitedly. The thought that he wanted me and was going to take me got me even more excited if that was possible, and I could feel my juices flowing freely. I reached down to moisten my fingers with my pussy cream and held them out toward Chief. Unlike the first time, he needed no honey as an enticement. My own natural “honey” was enough of an attractant, and he eagerly licked my fingers clean.

I unhooked his leash and we moved to a small open area inside the bushes. I knelt down next to Chief, wanting to see if he was ready. Before I could try to touch his sheath however, he gave me a push with his front paws that sent me sprawling. It seemed that he was determined that it was still he, and not me, who was to be in charge from here on.

I retained my grip on his leash as I scrambled up on my knees and elbows, positioning myself for my new master. He sniffed and licked at me from behind and then I felt one paw on my back. I thought he was going to mount me right then but he stopped and went back to licking. His long tongue spread my labia and sent shocks right through me. He ran that tongue from my clitty right up past my anal opening and I arched my back and spread my knees wider to give him better access; a fact that he took full advantage of to tongue me even further, driving his long muscular doggie tongue right into me!

I was facing roughly northwest and could see many cars and even a municipal bus moving by on the main street. The thought of so many people passing only couple hundred feet away from me while I offered myself to a dog drove me wild. Soon I was cumming on Chief’s tongue, my spasming pussy pouring out more of my “honey” as an aphrodisiac which he eagerly lapped up.

I wiggled my bottom, hoping he would tire of the tonguing and start fucking me. Either it worked or he decided on his own it was time because his tongue moved away and I felt him climb on my back.

He wrapped his forelegs around me and hunched his hips forward. I felt the tip of his cock poke me once, then again, this time sliding down over my slit and grazing my clitty, almost making me cum right then. I was looking back underneath me and in the dim light I could see the pointy tip of his penis squirt a thin stream of his precum. As I watched he drew back and tried again, this time succeeding in finding his mark, the head of his penis lodging in my vaginal opening.

I closed my eyes and braced myself, suppressing a moan as I felt him slide easily into me. It felt so good! He took a moment to readjust his position, getting a firmer grip on me with his front legs. The previous time I had had the benefit of the padding of my ski jacket, but now, completely naked, I felt his claws digging into my sides. I hoped he didn’t scratch me too badly.

Chief quickly began that merciless fucking that I remembered from our first encounter, driving into me deeper with each thrust. I raised my head to look around and was horrified to see two people approaching from the north, and they were walking a large dog! My first reaction was to try and get up, but Chief, feeling me trying to get away from him, growled and gripped me tighter, pulling me back onto his cock. I knew he wasn’t going to stop until he gave me his cum.

I looked again and could see that the couple wasn’t directly approaching me, but would pass to my left. The situation was intense. Here I was, naked in a public park, being fucked by my neighbor’s dog, and two strangers were going to pass within about 100 feet of me! The sensory overload caused me to cum hard, clutching at the grass with my hands and biting my lip to keep from crying out.

Chief kept right on fucking me through my orgasm and succeeded in getting his knot in me. Soon I felt it expanding, locking us together, and I knew he was about to cum. Then I felt him press up against me, pulling me back with his strong forelegs as he began to cum. Feeling his cock twitching within me as it pumped me full of his hot doggie sperm drove me to yet another orgasm, my third of the evening!

The couple was now directly east of me and still didn’t seem to notice my hiding place, but suddenly their dog did, barking and pulling the man toward me! I could hear Chief growl in my ear even has he continued to cum in my pussy.

“What is it?” I heard the man ask as he jerked the dog back.

“I don’t know, an animal or something in the bushes,” said the woman, “I heard a growl.”

“Maybe a raccoon or a skunk,” he said, “Come, Caesar, Leave it alone.”

He pulled the dog back onto the path and continued walking away. The woman followed him, but a few steps behind, continuing to look back as she walked. It seemed to me as if she was looking right at me!

Chief was still locked within me, and I reached down to touch myself, feeling my pussy distended by his knot. As I fingered my clitty, watching the couple receding, with the woman still turning to look back occasionally, I came for the fourth time, this time even harder than before. I couldn’t help myself and moaned loudly. Then, exhausted, I rested my head on my arms and waited for Chief to finish with me and withdraw. When he did, I sat up next to him and was amazed and pleased when he licked my face!

“I love you too,” I said, and gave him a hug.

I shakily stood and looped his leash over the same projection as before while he licked himself and I dressed. I pulled my jogging shorts over my cum-filled pussy and put on my t-shirt and shoes, carrying my socks in my hand. The light blue nylon of my shorts soon was soaked with dog cum, making a very visible wet spot, but my t-shirt was long enough to hide most of it.

The couple had been walking in the general direction of my house and rather than risk running into them I decided to leave the park to the north, then walk up my street to my house. I wondered if the woman had really been looking at me, or had she just been looking at the noise. What did she think she saw? Oh God! The idea that she had been looking at me had given me a huge orgasm, and I hoped that she had seen me.

Chief had filled me with cum and as I walked, I could feel a trickle of it running down the inside of my left thigh. He walked along as if nothing had happened, just like any other dog out for a walk and I smiled down at him.

“Good boy!” I said, and he wagged his tail happily.

I reached the sidewalk and turned left, then left again as I reached our street. As I rounded the corner, I got a shock. There, not more than two or three houses up the street and heading my way, was the very same couple and dog that had walked by me earlier. I almost panicked. I couldn’t walk past them!

I heard the woman say to the man, “A dog. Lets cross here.”

Then, in the better lighting of the street compared to the park, I noticed for the first time that the man carried a white cane. He was blind and the dog was his guide dog! They crossed to the other side of the street and I breathed easier. The woman smiled at me as they passed me on the opposite side of the street.

“Nice dog you have!” she called, grinning, “and such a nice night to take him for a walk!”

I couldn’t think of anything to say, so I just waved. I felt certain now that she had seen what we were doing in the bushes. I hurried up the street and returned Chief to his own yard. I knelt down before leaving and hugged him and was rewarded with another sloppy kiss. I knew I wouldn’t wait months this time before coming back to visit him again.

I got back in my own house and looked at the clock. It was almost 1:00 AM. I undressed in my room and looked at myself in the mirror. There were noticeable scratches that I would have to hide from my husband, but they weren’t too bad. I would have to think of something to do about that in the future though. I pulled a couple of leaves from my disheveled hair and grinned sheepishly at myself.

Last time, I took a shower as soon as I got home. This time, not wanting to wash his smell or his cum from me, I decided to wait. I lay on the bed and fingered my pussy. I brought my fingers to my mouth and for the first time tasted Chief’s cum. Home now, I could make all the noise I wanted and moaned loudly as I relived the night’s experiences and fingered myself to one last glorious orgasm.

The End.



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