A True Shepherd

By Michelle M.

I had broken up with a boyfriend, caught him in bed with one of my best friends while I was to work. We had a bomb threat, so the company sent everyone home.

When he was packed and left, my only friend was Gus, my Border Collie, who was faithful and at the time may have truly been my only friend. It seems the group of lady friends I thought I had enjoyed my BF every chance they got.

I decided I needed a complete change of job and friends. Just everything, surfing the possible jobs and new locations, Gus started barking when jobs as Shepard’s for sheep came up.

He was, after all, a true herding dog, but for some reason, I looked at the ads closer. There was one that really caught my eye. It was located in the outback of Australia, on a ranch that ran several hundred heads of sheep. They were looking for someone to tend them during part of the season, then bring them down to the main part of the ranch for shearing through the winter months. Once that was done, they could graze there through the summer. I’d then take them back up in the high country during the winter.

It was in Australia. I had my own dog. He’d need some training, but not much. There wasn’t much chance of being hurt by any so-called friends. So, I called the owner to talk and see what they were looking for. She was more than friendly, stating they preferred a female. They seemed to care for the sheep better. She loved the idea I had Gus. She would provide two dogs, Dingo and Jake, both well-trained dogs that I’d instantly fall in love with.

Then I asked what had happened to the past shepherd? “Well, Nikki, I don’t want to scare you off before you’ve even started, but the Kangaroos in that area are very forward. Because of their size, they come right into camp, delighting in teasing the dogs and fooling around with you. Jenny punched one of them who was getting too frisky. The pack turned on her, beating her badly. When she was released from the hospital, she didn’t want anything to do with them again. But I have no idea what had happened. Gene had been with us for years, somehow loved the kangaroos, and got along with them, but Jenny didn’t.”

I took a few minutes to think about it. They were kangaroos. How bad could they be? So I jumped at the opportunity to join the family.

Deciding to pack up my things into storage, Gus and I were on our way to a new adventure.

Marilyn was at the airport to meet us, Gus jumped up in the back of the truck, and we were on our way – it took a little over 4 hours to arrive at the ranch. As we pulled up, I was amazed at how many sheep she had. Dingo and Jake came to greet me. Dingo pushed his nose between my legs while Jake did the same thing from behind. I had nowhere to go. Marilyn was taking my luggage to the wagon I’d be living in. Trying to push them away only resulted in them wiggling their heads back and forth. In no time, I was becoming more than a little aroused from their contact. Finally, when I thought I’d be dropping down on the ground to let them have their way with me, they suddenly stopped, each one licking my face then they were off.

Marilyn hooked up a small trailer behind her truck. She gave me the keys to the truck I’d be using, hooking it up to my sheepherder’s wagon. It was all supplied, “Approximately every 6 to 8 weeks, I’ll bring up supplies for you. There’s good coverage, so if you need anything, send me a text, and I’ll have it when I come up.”

I slept in a spare bedroom in the main house that night. Early the next morning, we were on our way, Gus falling behind the two more experienced dogs. It was slow going. By nightfall, we had reached a flat open area for the sheep to graze in. Marilyn built a nice campfire, pulling two chairs close to each other. She fixed a nice meal, then handing me a beer, “Have a seat. The nights are beautiful.” Just as she placed a hand on my bare leg, fingers in between my knees, squeezing me lightly, I think to gauge my reaction.

Turning in my seat, opening my legs wide, running two fingers up and down her arm, gave her the answer she was looking for.

That was about the time we needed a refill on our beers, standing, grabbing two more out of the cooler, she came up behind me, handing me a new one, at the same time, kissing my neck, “When we finish this one, maybe we should turn in. You’re welcome to join me in my trailer. It has a queen-size bed.”

Turning, pulling her head to me, kissing her lips, they were so soft, so desirable, “I’d like that.”

Slipping her hands down the front of my blouse, cupping both of my larger than average breasts, squeezing them, pinching my already hard nipples, “Maybe we don’t have to finish the beer.”

Following her into the trailer, just as I was closing the door, Dingo and Jake watched me all the way in. I had no way of knowing what was going on in their heads, but whatever it had scared me a little bit, definitely making me uncomfortable. I knew I needed them to control the sheep, and they seemed to understand any commands I would give perfectly.

She reached back, pulling me in, stripping all of her clothes off, helping me do the same with mine, then pushing me back on the bed, crawling between my legs, running her fingers over my really wet pussy, then licking it.

It had been so long since I’d had any sex of any kind, in just a few minutes, I exploded, making her giggle when I was all cleaned up. “Looks like it has been a long time for you, but don’t worry, I won’t go that quickly, and we have two more days before we reach the winter grazing grounds.”

When I recovered, laying by her side, her breasts were smaller than mine, but they were so fun to play with. I moved slowly down between her breasts, planting small kisses on each one, then down to her tummy, small butterfly type of kisses on her clit, sliding down further to her pussy. Her lips were puffier, almost swollen-like, and there seemed to be a faint scent I had never been exposed to before. It was a wild new, maybe musky one, but by the time I wanted to explore it more, her legs were wide open, inviting me to stop by and play, my tongue licking her pussy, lapping up the juices.

She enjoyed what I was doing. Her hips were writhing, low moans combined with an occasional whimper told me I was giving her the pleasure she wanted. I enjoyed her juices well into the early morning hour when she finally grabbed my head, let out a scream, exploding cum all over my face and neck.

We laughed while she helped clean me up, falling quickly asleep in each other’s arms. Morning came early for us to once again be on our way.

The next two evenings, we were fucking each other’s brains out as soon as the sheep were all bedded down. The day we arrived at the winter grazing area, I was surprised at how well it had been almost formed for us to have the sheep. Large open meadow, plenty of ankle-length grass to feed off of, a natural bowl, with the heavily wooded area surrounding it, made it easy for the dogs to patrol the outside, pushing any wandering ones back into the main herd.

She stayed that night, just so I’d get the day-to-day routine down, then after a night of the most exhausting sex I ever knew was possible, she was up early in the morning. Hugging me, “Enjoy the time here, I’ll be back in 6 weeks, then when the spring is here, I’ll plan on you being in my bed all the time until the sheering is done” We held each other, kissing, then she was gone.

The next couple of days, the sheep were nervous, being in a new location. Still, by the third day, they settled down early, Gus was picking up on everything Dingo and Jake had to offer, so much so that he made the outside perimeter check by himself on the third evening. I took the opportunity to head down to a nice small lake not too far from my trailer. Wrapped in only a towel, it felt so good to wash off the dirt I had picked up the last couple of days. Finally feeling clean, the towel wrapped around my waist, no one to worry about seeing me nude, I headed back to get dressed.

Dingo moved so fast in front of me, it surprised me, his head going directly under the towel, his nose finding my clit, nuzzling it, sent an immediate surge of excitement through my body. My breathing quickening, reaching down to push him away, when Jake was at my rear, his long rough tongue licking my entire pussy, including my anal area.

Marilyn had left me in such an aroused state. My body was no match for the assault these two attacked me with. The combination of the nose and the tongue got to me quickly, causing me to drop down on all fours, looking at Dingo, “Please Dingo, whatever you have planned, please, I beg you not to do this to me.”

My eyes had already rolled up in my head. They kept at me, spiking my arousal higher and higher. Either they didn’t understand me, or they didn’t want to, because one stayed between my legs, the other began to attack my breasts, licking my nipples, teasing them, making them hard, causing me to moan.

When one of them mounted me, I knew what was coming, but there was nothing I could do, a small jump, I felt his cock hit me between the legs, but not go in, the second one, and he was in me. My eyes shot wide open; I had never felt anything like this in my life. His cock was so big and long. It sent me into an erotic zone I never even knew existed.

Then he started to fuck me, in and out so fast, I gasped, had a thunderous orgasm, dropped my head, the fucking continued, a second climax ripped through me. This one had me totally exhausted but enjoying what was happening so much. I never wanted it to stop.

When his knot pushed up against my opening, I knew the pain was coming, but he felt so good inside me, pushing back to him. The pounding only lasted for a few more minutes when he finally pushed it inside me. Raising my head, a scream brought the other one in front of me, began to kiss me, his tongue sliding inside my mouth, making the pain slowly go away. A few more pumps, and I felt his warm seed begin to fill me.

Looking up at the one kissing me, never in my life ever feeling any more satisfied than I was at this time. Kissing him back, reaching up with one hand, rubbing his head, just as the one behind me pulled out to me.

I was in such a haze. I couldn’t recognize which one was which, only that they had introduced me to a new way of life, I was not aware of, but was now enjoying so much, I knew this was only the beginning of a lot of enjoyment with my new job.

While I was enjoying the afterglow of this new experience, the second one jumped up on my back, slipping his cock in me, replacing the feeling I had just enjoyed. His pumping was faster and harder, still able to enjoy what he was doing to me.

His knot slipped in much easier, another orgasm rushes over my body, his warm cum, mixing with the previous companion, triggered another explosion.

Finally, he also pulled out of me, just as my eyes cleared, seeing Gus looking at me, then moving in behind me, licking the excess seed out of my pussy. This action sent another explosion but giving me the time to get up, head to my trailer, knowing I needed to go back to the lake, but my body was shaking from so much arousal and multiple explosions.

Falling asleep as soon as I was in bed, sleep came on me immediately. I stayed in bed, much longer than I should have, but when I woke, lying there on my back in bed, my hand rubbing my sore pussy, the familiar smell was much stronger now. Smiling and thinking, ‘So they have two bitches now that serve them.’ The same one I had picked up on when I was with Marilyn.

When I stepped out of the trailer, the dogs were busy taking care of the sheep. My whole body felt different now. I was their bitch. My body knew it, I knew it, and I knew that when they wanted me, I would always drop down to all fours.

Walking nude to the lake, I once again washed off the dried cum I had on my pussy and between my legs, then only in boots and a blouse to cover my top. I began to work with the sheep-like I should have been doing. From time to time each day, one of them would come up, nudge me between my legs, I’d go down on all fours automatically and end enjoy them fucking me. It did not take long for Gus to join in the fun. I soon became his bitch as well.

Experiencing multiple orgasms each day, my body soon got used to it, I was not only enjoying it, but when I was in the field, I’d look for one of the boys to take me.

One evening I had just climaxed, just as Jake pulled out of me, leaving me on all fours, just enjoying the warm feeling washing over me, when suddenly one of them was at my back door, licking the cum out of me. I was in such a hazed state. The new tongue did not hit me until it was too late. A few licks then he jumped up on my back, but instead of it being the dog’s hair on my back, it was soft wool – coming alive immediately, looking around, in the little light left in the day, I could see one of the bigrams was on my back. His cock was smaller than the dogs, but it was just as satisfying as I had enjoyed with my new lovers when it entered me.

He was quick, no knot to bother with, just a good fuck and the feeling of warm cum inside me.

Staying in this position, arms on the ground, head in my hands, what the hell had I become. Now every ram or dog that wanted me, I had been marked by them all.

My new daily day consisted of being used by the dogs multiple times each day, by the rams, as I moved through the herd when they wanted me. My orgasms were no longer counted, many multiple times each day. Every evening I spend time in the lake washing off dried cum, some from the sheep, some from the dogs. Neither seemed to care I was being used by the other.

One afternoon, I was surprised to see Marilyn’s truck pull up. It had been six weeks, but each day was so enjoyable I had not counted. Standing not far from my wagon, nude from the waist down, dried cum from both of them very evident on the insides of my legs, somewhat embarrassed, she got out of her truck, coming up to me, “Looks like you have become the perfect shepherd to all of the males. I knew my dogs would be using you, but I never realized the rams would also. How do you feel?”

My head still down, “I feel fantastic. I walk the flock each day. The dogs are always busy. When they want me, I’m down on all fours. When the rams want me, I’m down on all fours. I have so many explosions each day. Normally I lose count. Do you want me to pack and get ready to leave?”

She hugged me, “No way in hell, you have become the perfect shepherd, one who is one with the flock. Let me get you to the lake and help you wash. Then I’ll fix us a good meal. I need to make sure you are OK.”

The two of us entering the water, as soon as she touched my breast or between my legs, to wash me, the new submissive side of me kicked in, my whole body entering the wonderfully erotic world of sexual bliss, giving off small little whimpers. She asked me how many times I am having sex with the various animals. I could only shake my head, having no idea how many explosions my body was enjoying every day.

Once I was all cleaned, she took me back inside the trailer, letting me rest while she fixed an excellent meal. Then while we sipped a beer in lounge chairs that evening, “You have adopted so well for the short time you’ve been here. I’m very proud of you and so glad you decided to join us.”

Normally I would have expected she and I would end up on the bed together, but instead, she had me turn in early while she watched over the flock until they were all settled down. As I drifted off to sleep, enjoying the much-needed rest, I heard her greet the boys. I was sure she enjoyed the companionship of all three before she turned in for the night.

As soon as she left, life got back to my norm. I was enjoying the new life, had even started to name the rams, some I really liked, others just tolerated, but all in all, it was a good life.

One day around 3 in the afternoon, everything came to a halt. I was by the wagon Jake had just pulled out of me. We were unaware of the fact, four sets of additional eyes had been watching us, completely undetected.

Still on my knees, completely exhausted, not able to run or anything, I could only watch as four of the largest Kangaroos moved into the opening. Each one had his cock in his hand, stroking it, apparently watching me mating with Jake had excited them. Their cocks were long, much longer than normal kangaroos, pointed, and had the ability to twist and turn. It was huge, but in a way, mesmerizing, hard to take my eyes off of it.

I watched them move closer to me, knowing in my heart what was about to happen but not enough strength to prevent it from happening.

The bigger one moved up close to me, literally picking me up like you would a small object with no weight. Leaning back on his tail, his legs spread wide apart, he lowered me down on his pointy shaft, easily slipping up inside me. It was large, not so much so that it was uncomfortably painful. Every time he lifted me and slammed me down, the tip of his cock would turn, twist and poke to bring on the ultimate sexual satisfaction. He was using me, much like a human male might use a masturbation sleeve on his own cock.

My boobs soon were so sore from pumping my body up and down so easily, trying to give him the sexual satisfaction he was looking for. My head, boobs, arms, legs, and body were shaken more than I ever thought possible. The combination of him pumping my pussy with his cock, the twisting and turning inside me triggered climax after climax.

Finally, he was there at the edge of the ledge, jamming as much and as deep he could go. I felt him empty a warm cum deep inside me. Holding me there until he had emptied all of his seed, he lifted me off, tossing me in the air to the one by his side. In one movement, my new lover caught me, pushed his cock up inside me. It was like the fucking never stopped.

By the time I had been used by all four of them, my body was sore, way beyond anything I’d ever felt. My boobs, pussy, and exterminates were way beyond just sore. Sexually I was in a haze that I was afraid I’d never come out of. When I was tossed to the next Roo, I could tell the dogs were concerned, as well as the sheep, but they all knew they were no match for a large animal like this, so they maintained their distance, watching what was happening.

I was screaming, panting, moaning, and whimpering. My body ached. Sexually, I’ve never felt like I was at this time. Once around, every one of them used me. The second time around had put me in a place where I wasn’t sure what was even happening to me. The third pass around, and my mind shut down. My body was a rag doll, being used like one, with no concern for anything taking place with me personally.

Eventually, they had all enjoyed me as much as they wanted, placing my rag-like body under a tree on a patch of grass. My dogs came up to begin licking me, cleaning up the dried cum all over my body.

I know I laid there for several hours. I wasn’t aware of not only how concerned my dogs were but also my sheep. They had all moved up close when I was being passed around, watching what has happened. Every single one in the flock was becoming sexually stimulated in a way none of them had ever felt before.

My walking among them, dropping down any time any of the males felt like mounting me, had also stimulated all the females even though they weren’t in heat. Now they had all witnessed me being used like I had been since my wagon was on a small hill, overlooking the entire group.

Finally getting up, still somewhat hazed, not sure where I was at, I staggered down into the lake, enjoying how good the water felt on me. Leaning back, closing my eyes, my body so sore, I just relaxed there, my pussy continually throbbing. Looking down between my legs, my pussy lips were swollen to the point they had to be three times the size they normally were.

The dogs accompanied me to my trailer, they stayed outside patrolling the edge of the flock, making sure they were safe from predators, but the sheep had changed as a group, keeping much closer together.

It took me a few days to get back to enjoying sex again. Earlier, what had happened to me seemed to stimulate me even further, now enjoying the coupling even more than ever.

Marilyn showed up on time and was so surprised at what the large animals had done to me, but after spending a few days with me, she was convinced I had actually enjoyed it, even though it was painful at the time.

Around four weeks after she left, the gang of kangaroos showed back up, but when they approached me, the fact I walked up to them, making sure they knew how excited I was to have them use me, but even more unexpected was the sheer number ewe’s moved towards them, their bottoms wiggling back and forth. The four members were in shock, looking at me, then at the ewes, wet bottoms wiggling, only one picked me up, as before, resting back on his tail, lifting me, sliding that wonderful cock up inside me again. That was when I noticed the other ones had a sheep between their legs, pumping in and out of three lucky ladies.

There had to be 50 or more ewes being pumped by rams. My three dogs had been watching closely what was happening. Jake was the first one to jump up on a willing ewe, followed by his two cousins.

By the time Marilyn came again, at least a dozen or more kangaroos were working the flock and me, the dogs moved from me to the ewes, and the rams were doing me as well as the female sheep.

The place smelled like a brothel. I was a lady shepherd being fucked by everything that had a penis. Dried cum was everywhere, but the sheep were safe, their wool was growing, they were relaxed, and I was doing what I had been hired to do and maybe more.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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