
By Bmwwrdriver. (

I had given her the key to the back patio door.

I had instructed her to let the dog out in the morning and again in the late afternoon and to give him 3/4 cup of dry food each time.

I had instructed her to get the mail in the afternoon so the box wouldn’t overflow while I was away.

I had instructed her to water the plants in the house and those on the patio.

She was Alexia, the twenty-year-old daughter of one of my friends. She was about 5 feet 4 inches tall, probably one hundred ten pounds. Her father was of Middle-Eastern descent, and her mother was American. She had black hair that had a natural sheen to it. Her skin color was as though she had a deep tan year round. Her eyes were large and dark, it was hard to see where the iris stopped and her pupil began. She had a nice set of tits and a firm ass from years of competitive swimming.

What I had failed to tell her was that I had been mistaken about my flight time and my flight to the west coast was much later than I thought. I should have called her and let her know that I would not need her to come by this morning as I would still be home, but as usual, I got busy and forgot.

I was in the master bath, standing nude in front of the mirror, just finishing shaving when I heard the back gate open and close. The master suite has its own door onto the back patio so as I heard the gate I moved over to look out the patio doors. I had just peeked out to see why the gate had opened when I realized Alexia was about halfway to the other set of patio doors that I had given her the key for.

My movement must have caught her peripheral vision because at the same instant she looked to her left and saw me standing at the other doors…still completely nude. She looked straight at my face and then her gaze dropped lower and stared for a second, her head snapped back forward as she reached the door.

I jumped back from the door at about the same time. I didn’t quite know what to do. As I stood there thinking, I heard the other patio door open again. I thought, ‘She must be embarrassed and is leaving already.’ However, as I looked out, I saw that it was only the dog, Rowdy, going off the patio to the backyard. Then I heard water running in the kitchen, maybe she’s just going to act like I’m not here and do the chores and then leave. I decided this might be the best course for me as well. I’ll just get my shower, and by the time I’ve finished, she’ll be done and gone.

I sure hoped that would be the case because I really didn’t want to face Alexia after what had happened. It might not be so bad that she had possibly seen me in the nude, but I didn’t know what she might think about my “jewelry.” Even now, I thought that as soon as she had finished, she would go back home and tell her parents what a freak I was. My “jewelry” now consisted of a single four gauge closed ring that was suspended thru the underside of the glands and thru the urethra. The closure was a larger ball that fits in the opening of the ring.

I sometimes wore a matching stainless steel ring around the base of my penis and another clamped around the scrotum separating my testicles from the base of my penis. Due to having to get thru the metal detectors at the airport I had already removed them. I had experimented some time ago and found it was not necessary to remove the ring.

With these thoughts running thru my head, I stepped into the shower and hurried to get finished so that I could come up with some plausible excuse to call Alexia and act as though I had not seen her and hoped that she would do that too and also ignore the earlier incident.

I opened the shower door and reached for the towel I had left on the hook. As I was drying my head and face, I almost had heart failure as I heard a soft but edgy voice ask, “Does that…I mean did that hurt?”

I dropped the towel to cover my lower torso and there straight ahead seated on the side of the tub was Alexia! She was seated with her legs crossed in front of her leaning forward still staring at my groin now covered with a towel.

“What…Alexia…what are you doing here?’, I stammered.

“Well when I saw you thru the door, I almost turned and ran away, but then I saw your … your thing… with the silver ring… I was so confused I just came on in and stopped in the kitchen. Rowdy came running up and jumped up, and so I put him out while I filled his water and food… The more I thought about what I saw, the more curious I was,” she just blurted out.

Alexia continued, “When I heard the shower I almost decided again to leave but …well does it?

“Does what, what?” I sputtered.

“Does the ring hurt?” she asked with her face in a kind of perplexed look.

“No” I choked out, “It doesn’t hurt … not now anyway. When it was first pierced it hurt, and as the ring size was increased there was some discomfort until the hole enlarged.”

“Wow,” she gasped, “that’s kind of kinky.”

I thought ‘now here it comes about what a perv I am,’ but instead, Alexia looked straight into my eyes and then said. “Can I get a closer look at it?” never dropping her gaze.

I was only six or seven feet from where she sat on the tub. I now saw that her breathing was shallow and rapid. There was a light sheen of perspiration on her upper lip, and as I dropped my gaze from those dark, hypnotic eyes for the first time I saw that her nipples were distended and visible in the scoop neck knit t-shirt she was wearing.

I looked back at her eyes, and her gaze had not shifted. She still had the same quizzical look on her face, but now there seemed to be a more lustful glint in her eyes.

As if in a trance, I took the first step toward Alexia. As I moved toward her, she kept her eyes locked on mine. I stopped when I was within two feet of her. She then looked down toward my towel covered privates and then back to my eyes.

“Well,” she said.

I couldn’t move as I stared down into her face my gaze alternating between the dark pools of her eyes and the prominence of her breast as they strained against the low neckline of her t-shirt.

My continued hesitation must have reached a limit with her. She slowly but deliberately reached forward with her right hand and grasped the towel next to my hand and pulled it toward herself. I didn’t resist, and she lowered the towel to the floor as she removed it.

Her gaze now shifted from my eyes to my groin. She stared straight at my penis, and it’s hanging ring.

“Can I?”

She started as she looked back into my eyes again, her right hand already moving slowly toward it.

Now I know what happens to small prey when confronted by a cobra. It was the same, those dark eyes piercing into you…you can’t move…you are completely in their power.

She grasped it with her right hand in much the same way as shaking hands. Her eyes shifted downward as she gently grasped my member and pulled it straightforward.

The touch was electric. I released the air I had been unconsciously holding for who knows how long and it whooshed out of me. With that touch, I also began to respond to it and the fact that this stunning girl was now pulling on my joint! My penis began to harden and grow with the warmth from her hand.

Alexia was concentrating on her inspection, but as I began to harden, she looked up and for the first time smiled a dazzling smile and laughed. “It’s about time,” she said.

“Is this okay?” she asked looking up as she now grasped the ring and gently pulled my rising pole with just her grasp on the ring. I couldn’t do anything but nod my head up and down.

My stiffening rod was reaching full erection now, and Alexia gave it several quick side-to-side wiggles still just using her grasp on the ring. That was about all it took, and I was at full erection. She was still examining it very closely, then without looking up, she asked, “Does this hurt,” as she pulled harder on the ring.

“No,” I replied, my first spoken utterance in some while. Alexia was now looking into my eyes again with that same piercing stare. “How about this,” she asked as she pulled harder on the ring. “Nope,” was all I could get out.

“This?” as she wiggled it side-to-side again with much greater force.

“No,” I squeaked as it wasn’t pain but the exquisite pleasure I was feeling from her manipulations to my rod!

I was now beginning to leak pre-cum from the end of my rod, and it caused her to loosen her grip on the ring. My rod bounced up when released, and a drop of pre-cum ran down the underside of my shaft.

“ You have a beautiful cock,” Alexia said as she leaned forward and quickly ran her tongue up the underside and collected the pre-cum on her tongue.

“And you taste delicious too,” she cooed.

There was barking, and a loud scratching sound came from the back doors. Rowdy was finished with his morning outing and was ready to come back in for his morning feeding.

“Fuck” Alexia blurted “Rowdy wants back in.” She re-grasped my straining member in the handshake grip again and pulled herself up from the side of the tub.

She squeezed my prick hard, forcing a stream of pre-cum out. She scooped it off the tip of my prick and said, “Don’t go anywhere and don’t touch this before I get back.” She popped her finger into her mouth and sucked the clear liquid off as she headed for the back door.

Well, I thought, this has been unreal, but it’s over. Rowdy was crazy about Alexia, and I knew he would follow her where ever she went in the house. I may as well finish up in here and get dressed. I combed my hair and spritzed on some deodorant and aftershave lotion. My rampant rod had begun to droop a little as I turned toward the walk-in closet.

“What are you doing,” I turned to see Alexia standing in the doorway, “I said not to move.”

“Well with Rowdy in the house, I knew he wouldn’t leave you alone,” I replied.

“I thought about that,” she said. “He’s having his breakfast on the deck. She walked toward me with a devilish look on her face and her hands behind her back.

“Turn around,” Alexia said as she stopped right behind me. “And close your eyes.”

“Close my eyes?” as I turned to face her.

“Yep,” she said.

I closed my eyes wondering what was coming next.

I felt that familiar grip on my semi-hard prick, I heard a metallic rattle then a sharp click. My eyes flew open, and I looked down at my rising rod and then Alexia.

She was standing there holding the other end of one of
Rowdy’s chain leashes, the other end was clipped onto
the ring thru the end of my cock.

“You know you really shouldn’t run around naked with that tube steak jiggling about when you know an innocent young girl is due over to feed your dog,” Alexia said looking at my now rampant prick with a rather stern look on her face. “ I think you planned this all along,” she continued, “you just wanted to expose yourself to me, didn’t you?” She still had that stern look on her face.

“No!” I screamed feeling the blood rushing out of my head feeling faint. “I didn’t…”

“Quiet,” she snapped, “I think you did, I think you need to be punished for what you’ve done, I think you’re some kind, kinky guy …but,” she paused, “that’s okay ‘cause I’m a little kinky myself,” as she smiled and turned toward the hallway pulling on the leash. “I hope you can keep up … and keep it up.”

She giggled and off down the hallway we went. She wasn’t running but kept going at a fast walk, I managed to stay with her and kept the chain just taunt but not really pulling with any force.

“Where are we going,” I panted as we went into the den and headed for the dining room.

“Just getting the blood flowing,” she replied as she looked back at me then down to my straining member. As we turned back down the front hall and started thru the study

Alexia stopped and said, “Okay hold up a sec… it’s getting warm in here.”

Still holding the leash in her right hand, she grasped the hem of her shirt with both hands and pulled it up over her head. This caused the leash to shorten, and I had to quickly move closer to her to keep my prick from being jerked forward.

Alexia threw the shirt on the chair and reached up to the center front snap of her bra. It was a lacy black under-wire, and as she had her arms above her head, her boobs were pushed up and together creating a lot of cleavage. I was impressed, her boobs were even larger than I thought.

Off came the bra and onto to the chair. Her tits defied gravity. They stood straight off her chest and were capped with the most beautifully puffy nipples that I have ever seen. 34C was my assessment.

“That’s better,” she remarked, “Are you ready for more,” she asked with a smirk and a quick side to side shake of the leash that made my cock jerk back and forth. The quick jerk caused a large dollop of pre-cum to fall from the end of my dick, it stayed connected as the large droplet was suspended by a thick, viscous strand of the dick juice.

“Ooooooh,” Alexia gasped as she quickly knelt down and sticking her tongue out she captured the droplet on her tongue. Raising her head up slowly she caught the entire strand in the cradle formed with her tongue… right up to the end of my dick where she put her full lips just around the head and sucked up the flow from the slit.

“Mmmmmmmm,” she groaned, “that is the most delicious dick juice I’ve ever had. I hope you can keep it coming.”

I didn’t think that would be a problem as the longer I stayed in the high state of arousal I knew that I produced copious amounts of the stuff. And I had never been more aroused that I was right now.

“Off we go,” she exclaimed, and out of the study and down the hall we went!

She took me on another lap thru the main part of the house, and then we headed back toward the master suite.

Alexia slowed her pace and headed straight for the bedroom. She walked straight to the foot of the bed and stepped up on it. She stopped and turned to me and asked, “Ready for your punishment,” as she kneeled down on her knees facing me and added, “On your knees on the bed.”

I stepped up onto the end of the bed on my knees as Alexia began to move back toward the head of the bed. Reaching behind her with her free hand she stacked the pillows up in front of the headboard and sat upright against the pillows. She then, slowly, hand over hand, began to pull on the leash drawing me closer to her on my knees.

As she came to the end of the chain, her right hand was holding the clip just beneath the ring. She tugged a little more using the clip to move me forward until the head of my cock came in contact with her lips. She released the clip and simultaneously engulfed the head of my dripping dick in her lips in a sucking kiss.

“Mmmmmmm,” she mewed again as she pulled the nectar from my slit. She kept the sucking kiss going, and I could feel the pre-cum being pulled from deep inside. It was the most amazing sensation I think I could remember. My dick was hard as steel and flowing pre-cum as I looked past her sucking lips to her tits. Those puffy nipples were now as engorged as my dick. They were swollen, and the nipples had lengthened to a least half an inch.

She pulled her mouth off my prick and said, “Fuck my mouth now, I want you all the way in… in my throat. I want you to come in my throat. And squeeze my tits when you fuck my throat… squeeze them hard.”

I reached for those fantastic tits but then paused, “Let me take the ring out, it might hurt you…”

“NO!” she said, “leave it in I want it in.” And she engulfed the head of my dick again looking up into my eyes.

I began to move my hips forward slowly advancing my cock into her mouth. Alexia reached up a grabbed both my hands and brought them to her boobs. With her hands on top of mine, she began to squeeze my hands on her tits. She then put her arms around me and grasp my ass and pulled forward.

I could feel the tip hit the back of her mouth and then she swallowed once and pulled harder. I could feel the tip sliding into her throat. Alexia pulled until I bottomed out then released her grip on my ass as she established the fucking rate she wanted, and I was on my own.

I piston in and out without ever leaving her mouth. Somehow she was managing to breathe between strokes. She squeezed my hands again, indicating for me to squeeze harder. She grabbed my ass again to increase the tempo of the throat fucking. Then harder on her tits! She was now lunging forward to meet and maximize the thrusting into her throat. She picked up the pace even more.

I could feel my balls beginning to tighten up. Alexia was picking up the tempo even more, and I knew I couldn’t last much longer. I was mauling her tits now. I could feel the pressure building. I think Alexia could read this thru my raging cock.

With her left hand on my right ass cheek, she mover her right hand up between my legs and I felt her grasp my ball sack. This contact was all it took, I could feel the eruption as it starts, and so did Alexia. She squeezed my balls at just the right instant. I lunged forward and buried my cock until my pubic bone smacked her in the chin.

I could feel Alexia shiver and shake beneath me … quick, powerful jerks like a seizure … she was cumming too. She was orgasming from the throat fuck and squeezing of those blood engorged nipples.

The cum spewed forth like a geyser. I could feel pulse after pulse pump out of my cock and down Alexia’s throat. I was light headed as my cock continued to pump cum into her throat. After what seemed like an eternity the eruption subsided.

I slowly began to extract my spent cock from her throat. As the head reached her mouth, she trapped it again in the soft sucking kiss, and I could feel the cum left in the tubing being pulled out. She continued the suction until I thought I would pass out. I gently pulled back, and her lips released the head with a soft popping sound.

She looked up and smiled and said, “Well I hope you’ve learned your lesson. From now on, if you point that thing at me, you better be prepared to have it used!”

“I’ll go let Rowdy in now, but I’ll keep him in the den until you leave…and by the way, you better move your ass, or you’ll miss your flight.” Alexia jumped up off the bed and squeezed my cock as she headed out the door, “Seeya in four days ya big perv.”

I looked at my watch. ‘Holy shit, I’m late,’ I thought. I jumped into my clothes, threw the remaining toiletry items in my bag and headed for the garage. Just as I was going out into the garage, I remembered I didn’t have my briefcase, so I threw the bag in the car and headed back to get it. I set it down in the kitchen last night so it would remind me to grab it on the way out.

I grabbed my briefcase and headed back to the car. As I passed the door to the den I heard Alexia scolding Rowdy, “No come back over here, he’s leaving on a trip, come back over here and finish….”

He must have heard me in the hall, I thought and wanted to get out of the den.

The drive to the airport and the flight to San Diego were both uneventful. I checked into my hotel, took a short walk around the area to stretch my legs, had dinner at a nearby restaurant that had been recommended and turned in early. I had a couple of drinks at dinner, and so I drifted right off to sleep.

I dreamed of the events of the past day … Alexia … her body … her sucking lips … and her abandon … wait … finish what? Was she feeding Rowdy the rest of his breakfast in the den. .. no, he had plenty of time to eat while we were in the bedroom… what had she said when I passed the door? Come back over here … then she had repeated that but what was the last part she had said as I was at the far end at the garage … it hadn’t registered with me at the time …

Was it … Come back over here and finish … eating me? Was that what Alexia had said to Rowdy? My mind took off. Did Alexia have another side of her kinkiness? Was she into K9 stuff I wondered. I knew that she and Rowdy had gotten along great which was somewhat unusual in that Rowdy was not necessarily easy to warm up to people. He wasn’t aggressive, aloof was more like it, and typical of the breed.

Rowdy was a five-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback. We, my wife at the time and I, had become interested in the breed and had gotten Rowdy and then a bitch from another breeder in South Africa. Bounce, the female, had gone with Sandy, my ex when we divorced, and I had kept Rowdy. Both of them had excellent breed characteristics, were both a dark rust color and while Bounce had been average size, around 25 inches tall and 75 pounds, Rowdy was above the breed average in size. He was about 30 inches tall at the shoulder and weighed about 85 pounds.

Thinking about Alexia and the dog caused me to reflect on seeing Rowdy mount Bounce when she was in heat. His equipment was quite impressive as I recalled. We had bred them twice and produced two litters, but Bounce had some problems, so she was neutered after the second litter. I remember Sandy commenting on Rowdy’s cock after the last breeding.

They were in the backyard at the time, and after they had become knotted, we were watching as they disengaged. As Rowdy pulled out, his cock and knot were still impressively engorged with blood. Sandy had gasped and said, “My god, look at that thing.”

His cock was at least eight inches long then and thicker than most I had seen. It had a very pointed tip but broadened out quickly to its maximum girth before tapering down toward the root. The knot was another matter, it looked, as I remember, to be as large as a small orange, not quite as large as a baseball.

Would Alexia let Rowdy eat her out? I thought about that hot session with her. I had dumped more cum than I had ever shot at one time down her throat and I knew she had had and least one orgasm and possibly more while my cream was shooting down her throat and I had been mauling her tits.

If she hadn’t reminded me of the time, I would have probably gone down on her to reciprocate, or if my cock had revived maybe, I could have played a little hide the salami with her. If I had left her hanging maybe she did go to Rowdy for release. I woke up at that point with a steel throbber and headed into the bathroom to take care of it.

I thought… when I get back I’ll have to be more observant of what goes on between the two of them!

The End.



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