Angela and Bruiser
This made him relax and treat whoever was with me as a friend. One side of the chalet Bungalow was an open space where the end of the crescent of the beach could be seen. The other side had a row of similar chalet bungalows, about 20 altogether. Next door lived a rather attractive lady and her 16-year-old daughter. I was later to find out that she was also a divorcee but a bitter one who hated men and that the daughter was actually her Stepdaughter from the marriage. Apparently, the Stepdaughter also disliked her father enough to want to live with her stepmom instead.
Most mornings, I would jog along the beach, in either one direction or the other, to the head of the crescent and back home. Bruiser enjoyed our time together; he was very loyal and wanted to be with me all the time, and whenever I could, I took him to work with me. As a self-employed electrician, this was mostly possible but not always. On the days I left him at home on his own, he pined and made such a fuss upon my return that I was sure that his enthusiasm would damage one of us. His one feature, which was an embarrassment, was his ‘Groin attack.’ Whenever I introduced him to a female, he would shove his snout into their groin with quite some force. It was not always welcomed but mostly laughed off with embarrassment.
One Saturday morning, on returning from one of our early morning runs along the beach, as we approached home past the bungalows, I noticed the Stepdaughter sat at her gate that led from the bungalow to the beach (each bungalow had one). I looked down at Bruiser, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth from the exercise, and gave him the command “OK.” The last thing I wanted was for him to growl or snarl at my neighbors.
We steadied from a jog to a walk as we approached. “Hi,” I greeted the young lady, “I’m Djohmari from next door, and this is Bruiser.”
I noticed the look of apprehension on her face as she stared at Bruiser. Apparently, he looked mean to everyone else. To me, he was a handsome dog.
“It’s OK,” I told her. “He’s as good as gold,” I assured. “Say hello, Bruiser.”
Now, normally, when I told him to say hello, he would gruff and then stick out his tongue with a kind of smile on his face. Today, he decided he was going to do his groin attack. He pushed the young lady’s knees apart effortlessly and rammed his snout up the short skirt she was wearing and into her groin. Startled by this invasion, the young lady gasped, and with her mouth wide open, she looked at me.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “It’s Bruiser’s way of saying hello to pretty young ladies,” trying to make light of the situation.
“Well, hello to you too, Bruiser,” she said to him, gathering her composure while pushing him away. “I’m Angela,” she informed me with a smile for the recent assault on her person, a smile I hoped was forgiveness.
She had the most incredible green eyes I had ever seen and a smile as wide as the bay we lived in. As we were about to enter into conversation, a voice bellowed from within her yard, “Angela, come here. You know you shouldn’t talk to strangers, especially MEN!”
Angela stood up, turned around, and headed back into her bungalow. “Sorry,” she said. “Got to go.”
I watched as she walked up the pathway back to her door. She had shiny, long brown hair that swayed from side to side as she walked, much as did her hips. It was then that I really noticed what an incredibly beautiful young lady it was that I had just met. ‘Damn,’ I thought to myself as I continued back home next door.
Later that day, I went to the local supermarket with Bruiser. I left him in the car as I went to collect my shopping. While at the check-out, I bumped into Angela. “We meet again,” I said. But not with quite the same greeting as this morning,” I continued, referring to Bruiser’s greeting.
Angela smiled that smile again. Her eyes shone as she replied, “No, and where is that rather friendly dog of yours?”
“Oh, I’ve left him in the car,” I informed her. “I can’t have him greeting every woman he meets as he did this morning.”
She laughed. Thankfully, I must have been forgiven.
“You’ve got quite a handful there I said, referring to the shopping she was holding. She looked down at her cleavage. She was wearing a V-neck sweater. “I meant the shopping,” I interjected, realizing what I had said could have been taken the wrong way.
“Oh,” she replied. “I thought you were being as rude as your dog,” she laughed.
“Need a lift?” I offered.
“Yes, please,” she responded. “If it’s not too much trouble?”
“No trouble at all,” I said. “I happen to be going near to where you live.”
She again laughed and beamed those eyes at me.
As we approached the car, Bruiser, sensing someone approaching, leaped up to the window. I mouthed ‘OK’ to him, and although he continued to eye Angela suspiciously, he allowed her to climb into the passenger seat.
“He’s OK, isn’t he?” she inquired.
Bruiser gave her the biggest lick on the side of her face.
“I suppose that answers your question,” I said.
Again, she giggled. “That tongue should be locked up!” Angela said with a half smile.
It was on the journey home that she told me all about her stepmom and their circumstances. They had not long been in the area themselves. Angela hated it here. There was no one her age around. She was bored as hell, as she informed me, and her stepmom kept a very close eye on her and any male she may come into contact with. We got along great on our short but pleasant journey. I didn’t want it to end, end it must, as I pulled up to the entrance to Angela’s home. My mind was working overtime. There must be some way I could get her alone.
“Say,” I approached her with my excuse. “I’ve got to go on a job tomorrow night, and I need a dog sitter. Bruiser doesn’t like being alone, and seeing as he knows you… I wondered if you might. After all,” I continued, “you can tell your stepmom I won’t be there, so?”
“Why not,” she replied, turning and stroking Bruiser’s head.
He enjoyed the fuss. My plan was set.
The next evening, Angela called around with her stepmom in tow. “I thought you were going out?” the wizened old witch accused me.
“I, er, I am,” I stammered. “Just want to show Angela the place first.”
“It’s the same layout as ours,” the witch said. “She won’t have a problem!”
“Right then,” I said. “I’d better be off. I might be late as I don’t really know what I’ve got to do, but it’s a cash job, and I can’t afford to turn it down.”
Bruiser didn’t like the old witch either, and he bared his teeth. The old witch didn’t like the look of him either and walked with me to my car.
“Now make sure you walk her back when you return,” she said.
“Don’t worry,” I replied. “No one and nothing will get near your daughter with Bruiser in the house.”
She huffed and walked off.
What I haven’t told you, nor anyone else for that matter, is that I’ve installed hidden spy cams all over the bungalow. Pictures from the cams can be accessed on my cell phone. The technology is out there, folks. While going about the work in hand, which didn’t turn out to be as much as I’d anticipated, I kept an eye on what was going on back home. I dialed the number, and a picture came onto my mobile screen. Angela sat in my favorite chair, and Bruiser was watching TV. Now, I’ve been told dogs can’t see the picture, but Bruiser always watched TV with me. Angela called Bruiser over; he obeyed, and as he approached her, she parted her knees. Bruiser, not wasting the opportunity, stuck his snout into her groin.
“Good boy,” she said.
Bruiser nuzzled between her legs. From where the cam was positioned, I could see him from behind, his tail wagging and his head buried up her skirt. Angela had her head back and was stroking the back of Bruiser’s head.
“Good boy,” she repeated.
I couldn’t believe what was happening. This young lady was allowing my dog to nuzzle his nose into her crotch. I was glued to my screen. Angela then sent Bruiser away. He looked dejected. She then hooked her hands into her skirt and took off her panties. She then called him back to her. Bruiser rushed back to resume his and apparently her pleasure. She lifted her skirt onto her stomach, allowing her and me a good view of what Bruiser was doing. Bruiser, now having no restriction, was lapping his huge tongue up and down her pussy.
Obviously, the smell of her juices attracted his taste and attention. Angela laid her head back and enjoyed the oral stimulation she was receiving. I had a boner just watching it and almost a bird’s-eye-view. It wasn’t long before Angela started to pant. She again placed her hand on Bruiser’s head and pulled his snout into her. He must be burying his tongue deep inside her, from what I could see, as Angela writhed on the chair. She came, and Bruiser, probably enjoying the juices, quenched his thirst. This seemed to drive Angela even more crazy as she seemed to have a second orgasm almost immediately.
“Good boy,” Angela said. “Very good boy.”
She praised him with a head massage with both hands and kissed him on the snout. The very snout that had been on her juicy pussy just seconds earlier. I quickly finished what I had to do, got paid, and leaped into my car. I had to get home quickly. I once again dialed my cam number as I drove home.
Angela had gone to the kitchen and made herself a drink, returning to my chair. I silently crept the car into the driveway. I didn’t want the witch to know I had returned. I switched the engine off and continued to watch my phone screen. Angela had looked at the clock, put her drink down, and then proceeded to take off the rest of her clothes. I enjoyed watching her strip. She was in no rush. Bruiser was also watching, somewhat confused.
With all her clothes off, Angela knelt on the floor, her ass not only facing Bruiser but also giving me a wonderful shot on the camera. Her pussy was clean-shaven and looked as sweet as honey. Bruiser must’ve also thought so as he once again got up and approached her rear.
“Like another lick?” she asked him.
Oh, to be that dog, I thought to myself as I rubbed my cock inside my jeans. I continued to watch as Bruiser resumed his pussy licking. Angela again didn’t take long to reach orgasm, screaming.
“Good dog. Good dog,” as Bruiser lapped at her.
Now, I don’t know if it was Angela’s intention, but Bruiser, receiving all this encouragement, stopped his licking and, in a flash, had mounted her.
“Bruiser… What are you doing?” she asked as he gripped her with his front legs.
It didn’t take long for her to find out as Bruiser entered her with his doggy cock.
“Owww,” Angela squealed.
Now I couldn’t see which orifice the lucky son of a bitch was entering, but it certainly made her buck as he hammered home at record-breaking speed. That was enough for me. I had to get a closer look at what was going on. I crept into the house and opened the living room door. Seeing Bruiser and Angela in doggy fashion, I noticed that he had tied with her. His knot had swollen, and there was no way that his cock, which was squirting doggy cum inside her asshole, was going to be removed.
Angela was panting like a bitch. When she saw me, she looked shocked and then tried to explain, “He pushed me over and mounted me, and now he’s stuck inside me.”
Well, that answered one question. “I suppose Bruiser also took off all your clothes and folded them onto the coffee table as well?” I questioned.
Angela knew her little game was up.
“Look,” I said. “It’s going to take a while for his knot to go down, so get comfortable.” I sat in my chair. “Now, while you’re going nowhere for a while and I have your attention, you can suck on this.” I pulled my cock out of my jeans and slid forward on the chair, presenting it to her mouth. “Now be a good girl, and no one will find out about your doggy fetish,” I assured her.
Angela pleaded. “I’m sorry. I was bored and…well, I haven’t been near a boy for ages, and things just happened.”
“Well, things are going to continue to happen,” I told her. “Unless you would like me to broadcast to the world you like doggy cock up your asshole.”
She explained that she didn’t want it to happen it just… did, and so quickly before she realized Bruiser was up her asshole.
“Enough talking,” I said. “Try explaining with a mouthful of this.”
I pushed my cock into her mouth. At first, she reluctantly accepted it, then as Bruiser, seeing that the fun was going to continue for a while, moved his hips just once. This must have spurred Angela on as she then started to suck my cock with relish. She wasn’t a bad cocksucker at that. This green-eyed beauty was mine!
Bruiser eventually slipped out of Angela’s asshole, and he went over to the corner of the room to lick himself clean. Wouldn’t most men kill to be able to do that? Sensing my opportunity and feeling my balls starting to tingle, I pushed Angela’s head from my cock.
“Stay in that position,” I commanded her as I crept around behind her.
I saw Bruiser’s cum leaking out of her anus and gave myself a little chortle as I stuck my cock up and into her pussy. I wasn’t going to be gentle with this little doggy whore. I punched my cock in and out of her. Now I’m much bigger than my dog, and she bucked and writhed as I forced my hard big cock into her. She moaned as I pushed deeper and deeper and faster and faster with each thrust. Again, she came hard and loud. I almost came, too, but gripped the base of my cock, withdrew from her juicy lip-swollen pussy, and shoved it right up her doggy-lubricated asshole. Again, she squealed, this time much louder. I continued to bugger her asshole good and proper. I was going to enjoy this!
It wasn’t long before I came, squirting my cum up her and mixing it with the cum deposited by my dog earlier. My cock didn’t knot, though, and slipped out of her anus, even though her anal ring tried as it might hold me inside her. Unfortunately, she didn’t reach another orgasm as we fell onto the floor, side by side.
“That was fucking awesome,” she said to me. “I’ve never done anything like that before.”
Bruiser, having finished cleaning himself, came over to us. Angela lifted her legs in the air and commanded him, “Clean me now, you naughty dog.”
Bruiser did as he was told. I told you he was obedient. Angela had her final orgasm of the night with Bruiser cleaning her out. Unfortunately, it was now late, and I had to walk Angela home.
As I walked her next door, with Bruiser at my side, Angela turned to me and said, “You promise not to tell a living soul about tonight?”
“I promise,” I replied. “Providing we do this on a regular basis?”
“You betcha,” she responded. The old witch was at the door. “See you,” Angela said to me. She bent and kissed Bruiser on the snout, “And see you, you little monster.”
Bruiser and I turned around and went home.
It wasn’t to be our last encounter with Angela. In fact, it was a regular thing as soon as the old witch was out of the way. We were at it like dogs in heat. Bruiser joined in most times but not always, although he mostly got to clean up.
The End.
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.