Dog Fiend (Gay Zoo)

By Mikhail Conrad. (

I am so fucking horny! It’s been over a month since I’ve felt a pair of frantic hairy legs scrambling between my thighs. I miss the erratic rapid hip thrusts propelling a spraying red veiny cock into my butt crack. And I really miss having that cock finally punch into my asshole, having it ream my hole deep and fast. I want the shock fucking my clinching violated anal ring gets from the rutting knot relentlessly battering away at it until the huge mass implants itself in my rectum.

I want to feel the canine fuck tool swell just inside me while the slab of dog cock lengthens and ejaculates hot runny animal cum all up in me. I want to be locked and tied to that big knot while I jack off. I want to feel my asshole spasm and my prostate quiver on the hard pulsing dog lump as I blow out a big thick load when I cum. Then I want to do it again.

I’m squirming as I drive with the need to have my hole knotted. I did this to myself, but knowing that doesn’t make the yearning to be dog fucked any less. For three months, I have gotten to get down on all fours, spread my hairy legs, wiggle my equally hairy ass in the air, and one of my cousin’s four dogs would be up on my back in a flash. I hadn’t had to work all summer as I house/dog sat for my cousin while he went on an extended vacation to Australia. I spent more time with my asshole wrapped around those four dog knots than I did eating and sleeping.

I thought at first that it would just be a kinky fling. The second night of sitting, I was in my cousin’s man cave, about to watch a streaming movie. I had popcorn, soda, and cookies on the end table by me. I was comfortably sprawled out in the big brown leather recliner in just a jockstrap and tank top with a remote in hand. I planned to watch a regular flick, then surf up some hot gay gangbang porn and crank one out. The four mutts were lying around the room lazily aloof.

They weren’t actually mutts. Two of them were AKC registered. All four were well-trained hunting dogs. Beau, the Bloodhound, was the biggest of the group. He stood about two and a half feet tall and weighed one hundred and eight pounds. The other pure-bred dog was Chase, a Weimaraner. He was the smallest of the four in height and weight, about two feet tall and seventy-five pounds, but he had the biggest cock, and he knew how to throw a mean fuck with his large-ass wrecker.

The other two dogs were mixed hound breeds. Both were in the ninety to ninety-five-pound range. They both were mainly black and brown, but Dusty had a sprinkle of grey and white spots on his hind end, and Herc didn’t. What Herc did have was the knot of total domination. When it was at maximum swell, it was just an eighth of an inch shy of twelve inches around. I measured it several times.

Over the Summer, I had become so totally captivated by dog cock that I had measured all four of their peckers and knots as many ways as I could think to measure them. I even measured their sheathes and flexures (That’s the tough fleshy muscle tissue that connects a dog’s cock behind the knot to their body. It’s the part my destroyed asshole would weakly clinch around after it caved in around the knot.) I used condoms to measure their cum output. I dedicated myself to dog cock, knot, and cum.

It happened because I knocked the popcorn over. Chase jumped up and started to eat the scattered kernels. I cursed and stepped off the recliner to get down on my heels and scoop the largest part of the spill back into the bag. I was perfectly happy to let Chase and the other dogs clean up the rest. I just wanted some for me.

Now, all four dogs were gobbling up the last few pieces. Herc bumped me from behind, outmaneuvering Beau for the last one. The impact was just enough to unbalance me, and I ended up on my hands and knees. I started to get back up and into the recliner when a cold snout rooted in my ass crack, and a quick swipe from something hot, wet, rough, soft, and spongey went across my asshole, tickling the hairs around it.

I froze in place and…and…AND IT HAPPENED AGAIN! I turned my head to see Dusty licking my ass. It wasn’t exactly a rim job like any I’d ever had before, but it was good, really good! The dog started to lap faster at my ass pucker. I looked back at him, moaned out my lust, and planted my hands on the floor, going back to all fours.

“OHHH, YEAH! FUCK, that feels good, Dusty!” I groaned hedonistically. “OHHH YEAH, GOOD BOY! LICK MY ASS!”

Chase tried nuzzling his way into my crack with Dusty. I spread my knees apart and shoved my ass back at the two, trying to open up and give them both room to lick. Beau put an end to that when he jumped on my back and scattered the two smaller dogs to either side with a deep resonating ‘WOOOF!’ He clutched my hips and began to jump/hump his crotch into my ass. I felt his wet pecker thrusting under my jocked-up nuts. I laughed at the energetic dog. I actually had a moment’s thought of sympathy for the horny animal. He didn’t have any hands to jack off with.

Then I got a big jab in my taint, then one in my crack just a bit off center to the left, then another harder stab on my taint. Fuck, it hurt. It was like being stabbed with a beer bottle with the top still on. Each trust came with a spray of wet pre-cum. I had had enough of this now. I arched my back, ready to shake Beau off of me, and that’s when I got cock speared. I guess the slick stuff it was spritzing worked just like it was supposed to because that lunge sent the slippery wet dick plunging into my ass. It slid through my crack, encountered my closed asshole, and sliced straight through into it.

HOLY FUCK! THAT HURT! My asshole became the center of my universe as Beau’s fat dog cock shattered it. I was lashed with an instant agony that left me too weak to escape or even object. It felt like I had a badly skinned knee and a stubbed toe, but both at once and in my asshole.

“OH MY GOD! SHIIIT!!!” I cried out while Beau fucked me a new one, “OH FUCKKK! TOO FAST! TOO FAST! IT’S TOOOOOOO BIG!”

The dog didn’t care. He kept ramming into my ass and slinging drool all up and down my back. I tried to crawl forward off of the torturous pounding prick. Still, Beau just stepped forward with me and got in a fuck jab that sent another wracking pain through my body as my asshole was stretched open even further. The fucking dog lambasted my ass and lodged his knot inside me. He short-humped me about a dozen quick times, and each one felt like it was pumping up a balloon in my ass. My rectum stretched, and the swelling lump of dog fuck flesh pressed into my prostate. It sent a tingle of raw sexual pleasure coursing through my body that overrode all the fuck pain. I yanked my cock out of the side of my jockstrap and beat it in a frenzy of lust.

“FUUUUUUUUUUCKKK!” I cried out as my asshole jerked with my orgasm and clamped the knot hard into my prostate, “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!”

I came big time and could feel the pulses of my wads being blocked in my cum tube by the knot. Instead of shooting my wad in bullets of spew, it just oozed out my piss slit in one big long sperm glob. The last dribbles of my spooge dripped off my dick while my prostate began twitching. It would throb and twitch, throb and twitch, and it got my attention. I reached between my legs and felt the connective flexure of Beau’s cock where it entered my hole. I stuck my forefinger in, enduring the fuck burn on my hole, and felt the hard lump of the knot swollen so big that my ass was drum tight all the way around it.

I felt a pulse in the flexure with my finger, and then my prostate twitched, and then it throbbed. Another pulse of the dog shaft and my male organ twitched again. It felt like each twitch was becoming more intense. I realized that Beau was squirting cum up my ass, and his jets of semen going through his knot were stimulating my prostate. I ground my ass on the knot to test the dimensions of the big fuck plug. My ass squeezing on the Bloodhound’s knot made him react. He scrambled around, scratching me a couple of times, and turned to put our ass to ass in the standard dog fucked and tied position.

He leaned away from me, and his knot pulled at my ass, trying to turn it inside out. I latched on to his back legs and tugged him back, easing the sting his pulling caused. I caught my breath, closed my eyes, and rested the left side of my face on the cool hardwood floor. My arms reached straight back so I could keep a dog leg in each hand. One frantic leap and the big Bloodhound would rip my ass to shreds. Thankfully, he didn’t struggle. He just stood and panted excitedly while he spewed his semen into my bowels.

Had I lost my fucking mind? I had just let a dog fuck me up the ass. And now I was ass locked to the dog’s knot. A knot that was palpitating my prostate bulge with each squirt of dog cum it delivered. I could tell from the bloated feeling that there was a lot of cum. It was hotter than my body temperature and made a warm mass that slowly wormed deeper into my gut.

My prostate suddenly started to tighten up, and on the next spurt of dog jizz, the ensuing twitch and throb became an electric tingle that exploded in my cockhead as another climax. I clutched my cock in my right hand and jacked it ecstatically. My nuts went taunt in my sac while cum oozed out my slit. I came back around panting even faster than Beau, sweat-sheened and drained. I wondered how long the fucker’s knot would remain rigidly engorged. I had seen dogs tie for just a couple of minutes to over an hour. I leaned to the side a bit and looked back at the dog fuck dumping on me.

The Bloodhound seemed content to stay where he was and load me up, so I released his legs, making sure to keep my ass wedged against his, and shakily went back to all fours again. I could look back easier now and saw Beau with a wide stance. The base of his tail jerked simultaneously with the pulse vibrations on my prostate. That looked hot as fuck. I took one hand and started slowly stroking my still-hard cock. I suddenly noticed, just past Beau, facing him in a small semicircle, the other three dogs.

They sat unmoving on their haunches staring with wet, dark red, veiny cock tips protruding from their sheathes. They weren’t staring specifically at either me or Beau. What they were totally focused on was the spot where the Bloodhound and I were fuck joined by the ejaculating cock knotted solidly in my ass. All three of them gazed intently at my stuffed hole. They looked like they were waiting for it to do something. I realized what it was. They were waiting for Bea’s cock to get out of it. They were waiting their turn. All three of them were waiting to fuck me.

I couldn’t let that happen. Damn, just this one fuck had me almost completely exhausted. I was trembling a bit and felt my prostate start to tighten up again as it kept being pulse massaged by dog cum spurts. I relaxed and quit masturbating, willing the sex tension away. I didn’t want to cum again. I was barely able to keep steady on all fours as it was. Another orgasm would wipe me out.

Relaxing wasn’t the right choice there. All it did was let my climax wash over me instead of crashing through me. My arms gave way, and I was held up by Beau’s fuck plug in my asshole while I shuddered and dribbled cum out of my cock. I lost track of time after that. I remember the cool drench of fluids gurgling out of my ass when the Bloodhound’s shrunken knot and fat pecker came slopping out of my hole. That was followed by a dog-shoving match of snouts going for the watery fuck juice. They thankfully knocked my numb upended ass over in their exuberance to lap up Beau’s leaking spew.

When I woke, it was two hours later by the clock on the wall. My asshole still throbbed, but now it was to my heartbeat instead of cum squirting through a knot. I shook my head and got back upright on my knees. Chase, the Weimaraner, jumped me from behind, put a paw on either shoulder and started humping his boner into my back. He jabbed me three times before I could get to my feet, using the recliner to pull myself up.

More sex liquids ran out my fuck loose hole and trickled down the hair on my thighs to my legs. Three dogs nuzzled anxiously at me, seeking to lap up the goo. I lowered my butt onto the overstuffed arm of the chair and winced at the ache in my asshole when I sat. I just let the dogs lick. The fourth dog, Beau, was sprawled out on the couch, snoring.

After a shower and a major douching, I went back into the den and got down on my hands and knees, seeking another savage ass fucking. I didn’t have to wait at all. Before I even tried to entice one of the dogs, I felt a pair of paws clasping me and the weight of a humping dog at my ass. This time, it came from Chase. This dog crammed a piece of meat into my hole that felt like it was as big around as a beer can. (later, I found out it was, but it was also seven inches long to the knot.)

His knot wasn’t much bigger around than his cock, but it was big enough to seize my ass as a sperm receptacle. He only kept me tied for about fifteen minutes, and I only had one orgasm, so I stayed down when his big slab came out of my ass with a ‘shlooosh.’ I backed up into the dog snouts trying to lick the fuck mix out of my crack, and got another one on my back for my efforts. I didn’t care which one it was so long as he fucked me hard and embedded his surging knot in my ass, throbbing against my prostate.

It was Dusty fucking me this time. He rammed and slammed away at my ass with a burst of raw energy when he felt his fuck tool slide into the loose warmth of my ass. My ass was so cum fucked sloppy that his knot didn’t take until it had swelled to almost three-fourths its full size of ten inches around. The hound fucked the widening hard bulge of dog knot in and out of my unresisting fuck stunned hole. After a good four minutes of this, he started prancing and tried desperately to keep as much of his knot up in me as he could.

That’s when the hard mass swelled up and locked into my rectum, securing me firmly as a fuck hole. I came twice, writhing on Dusty’s knot with a minimum of help from my hand. These orgasms were coming from my ass, emanating from my knot-wracked prostate. Jacking my dick was no more than a booster seat for these climaxes.

When I felt Dusty’s knot lurch on its way out of my cum drenched ass, I collapsed. Then I slowly drifted off to a fuck exhausted nap with dogs lapping away at my ass and crotch. This time, I woke up after just an hour. I was crusty and gooey with cum and my ass juices. I was laying face down, and a dog was on my back whining while he humped away, trying in vain to get his pecker in my ass. A glance let me know it was Herc. I could tell from the amount of his pre-cum soaking my lower back and ass he had been at it for a while.

I sighed and raised my ass to give him access. He plowed his hot slab right into me and fucked my ass like a runaway train. Almost instantly, I felt his knot. It grew to the size of the one Dusty had pounded into me in just a few thrusts. And it grew bigger and bigger and even bigger. I almost panicked, thinking it was about to blow my asshole open like a bomb, but it stopped growing and went rock hard. Then the knot jerked as it blasted out the first shot of Herc’s load. I came again. I came twice more impaled on Herc’s fuck tool that night. His monster knot fused into my libido even more firmly than it did into my ass.

I don’t know how I got there, but I woke up in my bed in the guest room wrapped in a towel that was soggy with fuck remains that had oozed out of me while I slept. I wondered how fast I could put together something to eat so I could get back to being a fuck hole for the dogs as soon as possible. My cock went rigid just thinking about it. I needed to scratch this itch, and I had almost three months to do it.

From that day on, I took at least two knottings a day. I spent the last two days before my cousin got home constantly ass tied to a dog knot. It took five cans of air freshener to overcome the sex smells in the house. Then he got back late one night, and my Summer dog sex fling was over, or so I thought.

A week after I went back to my studio apartment, I was making small talk with my latest hook-up, trying to hurry him out. The fuck had been way less than stellar, and I wanted some alone time. I didn’t know what was wrong with me, but I was sure it was me. My heart just wasn’t into it.

Two days later, I started dreaming about a dog cock. The next day I started daydreaming about raw red dog cock throwing an instant aching boner with the thoughts. After three weeks without a dog fuck, the memories and idea of it dominated my waking hours and my sleep. It didn’t matter how I tried to relieve my sexual tension. It wasn’t enough.

And now here I am, with my rock-hard prick, driving around in the middle of the night craving an aggressive slam fucking from a dog. I’m addicted. My asshole hungers to be pounded open by a dog cock. My prostate yearns for a dog knot lodged up against it. I need to cum while I’m pumped full of canine cum. I can’t have a pet where I live. I can’t go to my cousin. He’d get suspicious. But I need a savage dog fucking so badly. What am I going to do now?


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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