The Weekend 2

By ladyejs.

The Morning After

I could sense the morning light through my still-closed eyes as awareness slowly and painfully crept back into my clouded and exhausted head. The kennel cage was relatively large for what it was, but I could hardly stretch or maneuver with too much freedom. It was a situation that I was sure was both purposeful and intended. Despite the cramped accommodations, I slept through that first night without waking. I didn’t recall if I dreamed that night. I imagine I must have, but exhaustion from the plane ride and my first canine breeding session had allowed me to sleep so soundly.

As those first waking morning thoughts worked their way into my consciousness, I could hear the events of the previous night playing out in my head. My mixed screams of ecstasy, pain, and submission filled my head as I relived my canine deflowering. It was something I had looked forward to and planned for months ahead of time. My new Master had promised to push my boundaries with this weekend trip, and I made sure to promise to follow through with it this time. So many times before, I had gotten cold feet at the last minute, so this time, it had to be different.

Once I had established that we were on the same page, I did something completely out of character and sent him a single photo of myself. Not just a photo, but a nude photo. Not just a nude photo but a humiliating photo. A humiliating photo that left me feeling very vulnerable. One that I knew would cause me great distress if it ever got into the public realm. I had an insatiable appetite for sex and kinky sex. Still, it was a side of myself that I indulged in privately and kept separate from my everyday life.

I still had a very normal everyday life – loving family, great friends, decent job. Things that could be shattered, or at the very least made extremely awkward by this photo being seen by people in my private life. Not that a girl such as myself should be ashamed of her sexuality, but this photo went beyond what everyday people might consider normal. My Master knew how exposed the photo made me feel, and it ensured my presence this weekend. It ensured I would finally submit to my beastly desires. It ensured I would finally go through with my submission.

It was such a mixed ride of pleasure, lust, fear, humiliation, and gratification. Emotions that should probably not go together but somehow did. His condescending and probing questions only added to my exhibitionist experience as he filmed me giving up my canine cherry to his dog. I could hear him in my head asking me again who I was and what I was going to do. They were questions to which he already knew the answers. Still, he just wanted the satisfaction of humiliating me more by making me tell the video camera. I recalled the sequence of events in my head and practically mouthed the words again.

“Dog cock…Big, hot throbbing dog cock,” I mouthed as I recalled the moments before my canine deflowering.

I heard my shrieks as I recalled when my Doggy Master found his mark and began making me his true bitch.

“What’s going on, Jane?” I could hear my Master say.

It was from the night before, but it seemed to be in the present as I began to rise from my long night’s slumber.

“He’s fucking me!” I heard myself say.

I opened my eyes in confusion and glanced across the room to see my Master lounging on his sofa in front of the TV. As my eyes focused, I began to realize he was watching my taped session from last night on the TV. I tried to stretch out, but the cage would not allow me to straighten out fully. My Master heard me stirring and glanced over.

“Ah good, you’re awake,” he said matter-of-factly as he remained lounged on the sofa. “I was letting you rest up, as you will need your energy today. I have to tell you, slave, you pleased me last night. This is some great footage–you film very well.”

Leaving the video running, he slowly got off the sofa and made his way over to the cage as I sat up in the cage and brushed my disheveled mop of hair from my face.

“Don’t you think this video fits well with your photo, slave?” he asked as he came up to the kennel.

I glanced at him briefly as I connected the dots in my head.

“Yes, Master,” I meekly said just as the video screamed out. “I’m Jane Barker…and I’m a doggy whore!”

I glanced away, somewhat ashamed that my inter-species submission was forever immortalized on film.

“So, you know what this means, don’t you?” he asked. “Not only do I have your nice little photo, but I have the proof on video to back it up. So, for the remainder of the weekend, I will respect the boundaries we have set, but I will push them as far as I see fit. You wouldn’t want your family, co-workers, or Facebook friends viewing our little collection, would you? Do you understand?”

I nodded in nervous obedience. “Yes, Master.”

“Good, now put your mouth to good work, my dog cock loving slut,” he said as he pulled down his boxers and put his engorged cock through the cage bars.

Apparently, watching last night’s session got him excited again. I got on my knees and began to work his cock with my mouth, getting it wet and swallowing deeper with every thrust. I sucked him long and hard with a determination to please him. Without a word, he pulled his fully engorged cock from my gaping mouth and opened the kennel. He snatched the leash from above the cage and quickly clipped it to my collar. He tugged on the leash, drawing me out of the cage on all fours, and walked my stiff body like a dog to the sofa. Scooping me up, he laid me on the sofa inverted, with my legs going up the back and my head hanging over the seat edge. I caught an upside-down glimpse of the TV in front of me and watched myself on video, bound on all fours, being taken by my Master. Just then, my view was blocked as my Master straddled my face.

“Open your hole, slut!” he said as he slapped my face hard with his stiff cock.

No sooner had I opened my mouth than Master forced his cock in, thrusting hard into my face and throat. I gagged and writhed at his starting tempo and depth down my throat, but he held my flailing legs and body down and continued his torrent pace. I gagged and spit but relaxed my throat, allowing my Master to use it at his full length.

“Good, that’s it, slave. Take it all in.”

I felt his hands between my thighs, spreading my legs and bringing my feet up and forward. I could feel him grabbing my right ankle and the sudden feel of my toes in his mouth. He ran his wet tongue between my sensitive toes and tickled them with his slurps. It startled me, causing me to gag as Master’s cock continued to pleasure itself against my tongue and throat. I adjusted again only to have Master start to open-hand slap my crotch repeatedly, making me squirm and cringe and eventually gag on his cock again. He slowed his pace, withdrew from my mouth, and pulled me upright to the floor in front of him. He brushed my hair from my face and positioned me on my knees in front of him. I looked up at him, panting for breath, teary-eyed, and with my spit and his precum all over my face.

“You’ve got the panting down,” he said sarcastically. “Now, bring your hands up like paws and beg for your breakfast like a good little dog slut.”

I lifted off my knees slightly, brought my hands up in front like dog paws, and began to whine and beg like a puppy. Master continued to stroke his cock just inches above my upward-gazing face.

“Bark for me, bitch!” he commanded as I complied with my best woofing sounds. “Open your slut mouth, slave, and stick out your tongue. You are to hold my cum in your mouth but do not swallow until I allow you to do so. Do you understand, slut?”

I nodded in affirmation and opened wide with my tongue out just below his beating cock. I felt him place the head of his cock on my tongue and just inside my open mouth as he continued to stroke his shaft. Within a few minutes, I heard my Master begin to groan, and his face contort as he prepared to feed me his seed. I tasted the first drops on my tongue and then felt the wet spurts as they sprayed the roof of my mouth and the back of my throat. Master groaned and slowly squeezed his cock as he milked every drop into my hungry mouth. He wiped the tip of his cock on my outstretched tongue and examined his hungry bitch with a mouthful of seed in front of him. A small spurt had missed its marked and had made a line of cum on my cheek just below my left eye. He gently wiped it up with his finger and then onto my tongue.

“Proper cleaning and hygiene is essential for pets in my kennel, especially in the mornings.” Master reached over to the coffee table and grabbed what appeared to be a toothbrush. “Now, use this brush and your special toothpaste to clean your teeth.”

I dipped the brush into my mouthful of cum and began brushing my teeth as Master watched.

“This toothpaste, you don’t spit, my pet,” he added. “But it doubles as mouthwash. So gargle and swish with it.”

I placed the brush down and began to gargle with his cum, much to Master’s delight. I rinsed and swished with his salty seed, which had now become a watery mix of spit and semen.

“Now you may swallow your breakfast, slut,” Master told me.

I swallowed his load in one gulp and looked up at my Master. He leaned in so he was looking down at me from mere inches away.

“Are you forgetting something, slave?” he quipped.

“Thank you, Master,” I blurted out in a rushed apologetic tone.

But it was too late. Master stood back up and slapped me hard across my stunned face as my wide open eyes and mouth betrayed my surprise at his stinging rebuke.

“Don’t forget again, slave,” he scolded as I favored my stinging cheek.

“Yes, Master,” I humbly replied.

“Stay in that position,” he said as he walked over to the kennel cage to grab the water dish.

He brought it back and placed it on the floor in front of me. “It’s time for you to take your vitamins and birth control pill, slut. We have to keep your strength up, and we can’t have you making puppies,” he said with a chuckle. He fed me the pills off the palm of his hand like a dog treat and made me lap up some water from the dish to wash them down.

“Time for you to go relieve yourself outside, my pet, and time to get you clean,” he said as he tugged on my leash and began to walk me on all fours towards the door.

As I passed the still-playing television, I glanced at the screen just in time to see my contorted face look straight into the camera and right back at me. ‘I look in my rightful place,’ I thought.


The Playroom

Once outside, Master made the most of humiliating me as he allowed me to relieve myself by the tree again by lifting my leg like a dog. I had my enemas repeated like the previous day and stayed on all fours as Master lathered me with soap and hosed me down with the frigid garden hose water. As I remained on all fours, Master towel-dried me while I shivered in the morning sun. Grabbing my leash, he lifted me onto my feet.

“You may walk on your feet, slave, since we are going downstairs,” he said as he tugged me towards the door again.

Once inside, he led me down the flight of stairs into the basement. The basement was partially finished and cold. The walls were without drywall, and the floor was concrete. Scattered throughout the basement were what appeared to be various restraints and BDSM equipment.

“Welcome to my playroom, my bitch. Please have a look around.”

I gazed around in nervous excitement, somehow unable to move my feet to approach anything. I marveled at the numerous chains and cuffs hanging from ceiling and wall studs alike and the two St. Andrew’s crosses in the corners of the room. There was also an old sofa couch against the far wall and a large mattress on the floor. There was a large screen television in another corner, along with the Master’s video camcorder mounted on a tripod. I swallowed hard, knowing that I would be doing unimaginable things in Master’s playroom over the next two days and having it all immortalized on video. Towards the center of the basement was an old bed of sorts on a rusted metal frame. Looking closer, I realized it was a makeshift bondage bed. My facial expression must have betrayed my nervousness as my Master looked at me and smiled.

“That particular bed is perfect for you, my pet. It has been readjusted to your every measurement.”

It didn’t look particularly impressive, although I wasn’t quite sure how it was designed to work.

“Let’s see how it fits,” he said.

He led me over to the device, which consisted of a padded bed mattress sitting on a metal frame about three feet high off the ground with a two-foot-high metal railed footboard and headboard. On the left side of the bed ran a metal rail from the headboard to the footboard about a foot above the mattress.

“Sit,” Master commanded. I sat on the bed nervously as he walked over to grab a box beneath the bed. I watched nervously as he slowly began to remove several restraints and chains from the bag. “These belted restraints go onto your ankles and wrists. Strap them firmly in place.” He tossed them to me as I began to put them on. “Good,” Master said upon seeing me suited in his restraints. “Now, sit on the edge of the mattress in the middle of the bed and then lie back so your head is towards the side rail.”

I did so as Master came over and helped position me. He lifted my one leg and brought it towards my head. “Bring your legs up towards your head.”

I did the best I could as Master hooked a chain to each ankle restraint. I heard the clicks as Master locked the chains of my ankle restraints to the side rail. Fortunately, it was not terribly uncomfortable as my feet were only about three feet apart, and I was still able to bend somewhat at my knees. Master then grabbed my wrists and moved my arms on top of my restrained legs so that my elbows helped pin my legs down. I heard the click as he locked each wrist restraint chain to hooks on the headboard and footboard. Unlike the restraints holding my legs in place, the chains on my wrist restraints were pulled tight and did not allow any give to bend my arms at all. My arms were locked in the extended position and kept my open legs pinned and splayed apart.

“Perfect access to these holes, don’t you think?” he asked sarcastically as he brushed his finger over the exposed crotch.

I looked at Master very nervously from that vulnerable position – flat on my back, arms and legs immobilized from the wrists and ankles, spread eagle legs pinned down by my restrained arms and fully exposed just at the bed’s edge.

“Try to move now,” he said as he suddenly inserted his thumb into my pussy and two fingers into my ass. I gasped in shock and instinctively flailed my hips. I was able to squirm somewhat, but I was secure in the bed. A wry smile of satisfaction grew across Master’s face.

“But this toy is for another time, my pet,” he said. “Right now, I need you to listen to me carefully. This weekend is about pushing your limits. So, while I will respect them, you will also be open to my interpretations of your limits. It would be best if you trusted me as your Master. For example, you and I agreed to sex without protection this weekend on the basis we both had our medical STD papers. Know that this weekend, you will be engaging in unprotected sex with more than just me but whomever I wish. You must trust that I have secured the medical papers of all those who will use you this weekend and that I will share yours with them. Do you understand slut?”

“Y-y-yes, Master,” I said nervously. “I didn’t plan on involving more people, Master…”

Master smiled and began moving his fingers in and out of my ass, making me squirm in discomfort. “No, you did not, pet. However, you did not include it as a limit so that you will capitulate. You need to learn your place as a slut and a whore, and I will be most pleased to train you as a worthy addition to my kennel. Now, I will unlock you from the bed, and you will go upstairs to the bathroom and fix your hair and apply some makeup and perfume – nothing too fancy or slutty – do it as if you were going to work. I want you to be comfortable – I have a surprise for you. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied as he unlocked me from the bed. He removed the restraints, leaving me naked save for my collar. “Once finished, wait for me to bring you some clothes,” he said.

I went upstairs into the bathroom and found my makeup bag there waiting for me. I closed the door and began putting on my face. It was nothing overly done for work – just some moderate foundation, blush, eye shadow, mascara, and a spritz of perfume. As I finished and began combing the knots out of my hair, I heard Master approach the door. I opened the door, and Master looked at me approvingly with a bag in hand.

“Don’t you look lovely and natural? Hard to believe such an angelic face belongs to such a dirty slut. Here you are, my pet – I hope you like it,” he said as he handed me the bag.

“Thank you, Master,” I said, opening the bag to find a skimpy red lace bra, a matching red G-string, and a pair of red fence net stockings. A perfect mix of sexy and slutty, I thought to myself as I slipped into the lingerie in front of my Master he smiled in approval.

“You look delicious, my pet,” he said as I finished rolling the top of one stocking up my thigh.

“Thank you, Master,” I replied. “May I get my heels from my suitcase, Master?”

“No, my pet,” he answered. “I want you to get your work uniform and wear it on top. This lingerie underneath is like your true self – a sexy and uninhibited slut, while your work clothes represent everything the world sees – a regular girl fitting into society.”

“Yes, Sir,” I said. It was quite a contrast in clothes. I worked for a grocery chain as a floral department operator, and the uniforms were decidedly unsexy. A dark green, somewhat fitted tunic emblazoned with the company name and logo, black slacks, and black running shoes. Master had asked that I pack my work uniform and go to the next room to retrieve it from my suitcase. As I unceremoniously began to get dressed over my lingerie, Master mused out loud from the doorway.

“Almost like you’re hiding that inner slut with your everyday work uniform, isn’t it?” As I slipped on my running shoes, I covered the red fence net stockings over my feet – hiding the last of my lingerie.

“Look at you, all ready for work,” Master retorted. “Except for that collar, of course – the only piece showing what you truly are underneath.” Master took the leash out from his pocket and attached it to my collar. “Now, like a dog, slut!” he bellowed as I quickly got on all fours. “Even with your work clothes on, Jane, you are still just a slut with that collar on, isn’t that right?”

“Yes, Master – I am a slut,” I replied.

“Good. Now we’re going to go back downstairs. You will walk down carefully on all fours – it will be difficult, but you will do so with me leading the way with your leash. Once we get down there, we will make our way to the couch – me leading you on all fours, of course. On that couch are three men, or guests, shall we say, that entered when you were in the bathroom putting on your makeup. You will be their entertainment this afternoon, and you will please them with all of your holes. When instructed, you will satisfy them with enthusiasm like the true slut you are. You will take their cocks without condoms, and you will accept their seed anywhere on or in you – is that understood?”

“Y-y-yes, Master,” I stuttered nervously.

“First, once we get down there, I will walk you up to about 10 feet from the men on the couch. You will be more nervous than you know, but you will stay on all fours until I remove the leash. At that point, you will stand, say nothing, and wait until I start the music. I will play three songs – you are to dance for your guests – tease them for what is to come, but do not touch them. When a song ends, you are to stand at attention facing them. Despite your unsexy work attire, you will make it a seductive performance. During each song, you will slowly remove one part of your uniform. First song – your running shoes, then your jacket, and finally your pants – slowly shedding the good working girl clothes until the slutty real you are exposed in your lingerie. Then the real fun begins, Jane. We’ll discuss that once we get there.” Master reached down, grabbed my chin, and locked my gaze into his eyes. “You will make me a proud Master, won’t you Jane?”

“Yes, Master,” I instinctively replied.

“Good, then let’s go,” he said as he led me on all fours by my leash towards the stairs.

My heart raced again, knowing I was about to be taken by three strangers. Then, the humiliating thought of dancing and stripping for them filled my mind. My thoughts got distracted as Master led me slowly down the stairs. It was difficult crawling on all fours, but eventually, I got to the last step with just some sore knees. I kept my head down, but I could see the men’s silhouettes in my peripheral vision as I slowly was led to them on my hands and knees. As Master stopped in front of the couch, I looked up at the three men seated on the couch. I gasped, and my stomach dropped.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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